Beispiel #1
 function DumpLog($pElement = false)
     if (RWLogger::IsOn()) {
         echo "\n<!-- RATING-WIDGET LOG START\n\n";
         RWLogger::Output("    ");
         echo "\n RATING-WIDGET LOG END-->\n";
    function rw_attach_rating_js($pElement = false)
        if (RWLogger::IsOn()) {
            $params = func_get_args();
            RWLogger::LogEnterence("rw_attach_rating_js", $params);
        $rw_settings = array("blog-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__BLOG_POSTS_OPTIONS), "front-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__FRONT_POSTS_OPTIONS), "comment" => array("options" => WP_RW__COMMENTS_OPTIONS), "page" => array("options" => WP_RW__PAGES_OPTIONS), "activity-update" => array("options" => WP_RW__ACTIVITY_UPDATES_OPTIONS), "activity-comment" => array("options" => WP_RW__ACTIVITY_COMMENTS_OPTIONS), "new-forum-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__ACTIVITY_FORUM_POSTS_OPTIONS), "new-blog-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__ACTIVITY_BLOG_POSTS_OPTIONS), "new-blog-comment" => array("options" => WP_RW__ACTIVITY_BLOG_COMMENTS_OPTIONS), "forum-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__ACTIVITY_FORUM_POSTS_OPTIONS), "user" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_OPTIONS), "user-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_POSTS_OPTIONS), "user-page" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_PAGES_OPTIONS), "user-comment" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_COMMENTS_OPTIONS), "user-activity-update" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_ACTIVITY_UPDATES_OPTIONS), "user-activity-comment" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_ACTIVITY_COMMENTS_OPTIONS), "user-forum-post" => array("options" => WP_RW__USERS_FORUM_POSTS_OPTIONS));
        $attach_js = false;
        $is_logged = is_user_logged_in();
        if (is_array(self::$ratings) && count(self::$ratings) > 0) {
            foreach (self::$ratings as $urid => $data) {
                $rclass = $data["rclass"];
                if (isset($rw_settings[$rclass]) && !isset($rw_settings[$rclass]["enabled"])) {
                    $rw_settings[$rclass]["enabled"] = true;
                    // Get rating front posts settings.
                    $rw_settings[$rclass]["options"] = $this->_getOption($rw_settings[$rclass]["options"]);
                    if (WP_RW__AVAILABILITY_DISABLED === $this->rw_validate_availability($rclass)) {
                        // Disable ratings (set them to be readOnly).
                        $options_obj = json_decode($rw_settings[$rclass]["options"]);
                        $options_obj->readOnly = true;
                        $rw_settings[$rclass]["options"] = json_encode($options_obj);
                    $attach_js = true;
        if ($attach_js || self::$TOP_RATED_WIDGET_LOADED) {
        <div class="rw-js-container">
            <script type="text/javascript">
                // Initialize ratings.
                function RW_Async_Init(){
            // User key (uid).
            echo 'uid: "' . WP_RW__USER_KEY . '"';
            $user = wp_get_current_user();
            if ($user->id !== 0) {
                // User logged-in.
                $vid = $user->id;
                // Set voter id to logged user id.
                echo ", vid: {$vid}";
            if (false !== WP_RW__USER_SECRET) {
                // Secure connection.
                $timestamp = time();
                $token = self::GenerateToken($timestamp);
                echo ', token: {timestamp: ' . $timestamp . ', token: "' . $token . '"}';
            foreach ($rw_settings as $rclass => $options) {
                if (isset($rw_settings[$rclass]["enabled"]) && true === $rw_settings[$rclass]["enabled"]) {
                    if (!empty($rw_settings[$rclass]["options"])) {
                        echo 'RW.initClass("' . $rclass . '", ' . $rw_settings[$rclass]["options"] . ');';
            foreach (self::$ratings as $urid => $data) {
                echo 'RW.initRating("' . $urid . '", {title: "' . esc_js($data["title"]) . '", url: "' . esc_js($data["permalink"]) . '"});';
                    RW.render(null, <?php 
            echo !self::$TOP_RATED_WIDGET_LOADED ? "true" : "false";

                RW_Advanced_Options = {
                    blockFlash: !(<?php 
            echo $this->_getOption(WP_RW__FLASH_DEPENDENCY);
                // Append RW JS lib.
                if (typeof(RW) == "undefined"){ 
                        var rw = document.createElement("script"); rw.type = "text/javascript"; rw.async = true;
                        rw.src = "<?php 
            echo WP_RW__ADDRESS_JS;
            if (!defined("WP_RW__DEBUG")) {
                echo ".min";
                        var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(rw, s);
        if (RWLogger::IsOn()) {
            echo "\n<!-- RATING-WIDGET LOG START\n\n";
            RWLogger::Output("    ");
            echo "\n RATING-WIDGET LOG END-->\n";