Beispiel #1
 * Add an entry to the modlog
 * @param string $entry Entry text
 * @param integer $category Category to file under. 0 - No category, 1 - Login, 2 - Cleanup/rebuild boards and html files, 3 - Board adding/deleting, 4 - Board updates, 5 - Locking/stickying, 6 - Staff changes, 7 - Thread deletion/post deletion, 8 - Bans, 9 - News, 10 - Global changes, 11 - Wordfilter
 * @param string $forceusername Username to force as the entry username
function management_addlogentry($entry, $category = 0, $forceusername = '')
    global $tc_db;
    $username = $forceusername == '' ? $_SESSION['manageusername'] : $forceusername;
    if ($entry != '') {
        $tc_db->Execute("INSERT INTO `" . KU_DBPREFIX . "modlog` ( `entry` , `user` , `category` , `timestamp` ) VALUES ( " . $tc_db->qstr($entry) . " , '" . $username . "' , " . $tc_db->qstr($category) . " , '" . time() . "' )");
    if (KU_RSS) {
        require_once KU_ROOTDIR . 'inc/classes/rss.class.php';
        $rss_class = new RSS();
        print_page(KU_BOARDSDIR . 'modlogrss.xml', $rss_class->GenerateModLogRSS($entry), '');