function rcl_get_grouplist($atts) { include_once 'classes/rcl-groups.php'; $list = new Rcl_Groups($atts); $count = false; if (!$list->number) { $rqst = $list->search_request(); $search_string = $rqst ? '&' . implode('&', $rqst) : ''; $count = $list->count_groups(); $rclnavi = new RCL_navi($list->inpage, $count, $search_string, $list->paged); $list->offset = $rclnavi->offset; $list->number = $rclnavi->inpage; } $groupsdata = $list->get_groups(); $content = $list->get_filters($count); if (!$groupsdata) { $content .= '<p align="center">' . __('Groups not found', 'wp-recall') . '</p>'; return $content; } $content .= '<div class="rcl-grouplist">'; foreach ($groupsdata as $rcl_group) { $list->setup_groupdata($rcl_group); $content .= rcl_get_include_template('group-list.php', __FILE__); } $content .= '</div>'; if ($rclnavi->inpage) { $content .= $rclnavi->navi(); } $list->remove_data(); return $content; }
function rcl_get_userlist($atts, $content = null) { global $rcl_user, $rcl_users_set; require_once 'class-rcl-users.php'; $users = new Rcl_Users($atts); $count_users = false; if (!$users->number) { $rqst = $users->search_request(); $search_string = $rqst ? '&' . implode('&', $rqst) : ''; $count_users = $users->count_users(); $rclnavi = new RCL_navi($users->inpage, $count_users, $search_string, $users->paged); $users->offset = $rclnavi->offset; $users->number = $rclnavi->inpage; } $usersdata = $users->get_users(); $userlist = $users->get_filters($count_users); if (!$usersdata) { $userlist .= '<p align="center">' . __('Users not found', 'wp-recall') . '</p>'; $users->remove_data(); return $userlist; } $userlist .= '<div class="userlist ' . $users->template . '-list">'; $rcl_users_set = $users; foreach ($usersdata as $rcl_user) { $users->setup_userdata($rcl_user); $userlist .= rcl_get_include_template('user-' . $users->template . '.php'); } $userlist .= '</div>'; if (isset($rclnavi->inpage) && $rclnavi->inpage) { $userlist .= $rclnavi->navi(); } $users->remove_data(); return $userlist; }
function get_media() { global $user_ID, $wpdb; $page = 1; if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = intval($_POST['page']); } if ($user_ID) { $where = $wpdb->prepare("WHERE post_author='%d' AND post_type='attachment' AND post_mime_type LIKE '%s'", $user_ID, 'image%'); $cnt = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts {$where}"); $rclnavi = new RCL_navi(20, $cnt, false, $page); $limit_us = $rclnavi->limit(); $medias = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts {$where} ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT {$limit_us}"); $custom_url = '<div id="custom-image-url" style="padding: 10px;"> <h3>' . __('The URL to the image', 'wp-recall') . ':</h3> <input type="text" id="custom-url" name="custom-url" value=""> <input type="button" onclick="add_custom_image_url();return false;" class="recall-button" value="' . __('Insert image', 'wp-recall') . '"> <script type="text/javascript"> function add_custom_image_url(){ var url = jQuery("#custom-url").val(); var image = "<img class=alignleft src="+url+">"; var ifr = jQuery("#contentarea_ifr").contents().find("#tinymce").html(); jQuery("#contentarea").insertAtCaret(image+" "); jQuery("#contentarea_ifr").contents().find("#tinymce").focus().html(ifr+image+" "); return false; } </script> </div>'; if ($medias) { $fls .= '<div id="user-media-list">'; $fls = '<span class="close-popup"></span> ' . $custom_url . ' <div id="user-medias" style="padding: 10px;"> <h3>' . __('Media library user', 'wp-recall') . ':</h3> <ul class="media-list">'; foreach ($medias as $m) { $fls .= '<li>' . rcl_get_insert_image($m->ID) . '</li>'; } $fls .= '</ul>' . '</div>'; $fls .= $rclnavi->navi(); $fls .= '</div>'; $log['result'] = 100; $log['content'] = $fls; } else { $log['result'] = 100; $log['content'] = $custom_url . '<div class="clear"><h3 align="center">' . __('Images in the media library is not found!', 'wp-recall') . '</h3> <p class="aligncenter">' . __('Upload to your image and you will be able to use them in future from your media library.', 'wp-recall') . '</p></div>'; } } echo json_encode($log); exit; }
function rcl_feed_shortcode($atts) { global $wpdb, $user_ID, $rcl_feed; if (!$user_ID) { return '<p class="aligncenter">' . __('Login or register to view the latest publications and comments from users on which you will you subscribed.', 'wp-recall') . '</p>'; } include_once 'classes/class-rcl-feed.php'; $list = new Rcl_Feed($atts); $count = false; if (!$list->number) { $rqst = $list->search_request(); $search_string = $rqst ? '&' . implode('&', $rqst) : ''; $count = $list->count_feed_posts(); $rclnavi = new RCL_navi($list->inpage, $count, $search_string, $list->paged); $list->offset = $rclnavi->offset; $list->number = $rclnavi->inpage; } $feedsdata = $list->get_feed(); $content = $list->get_filters($count); if (!$feedsdata) { $content .= '<p align="center">' . __('News not found', 'wp-recall') . '</p>'; return $content; } $load = $rclnavi->inpage ? 'data-load="' . $list->load . '"' : ''; $content .= '<div id="rcl-feed" data-feed="' . $list->content . '" ' . $load . '>'; foreach ($feedsdata as $rcl_feed) { $list->setup_data($rcl_feed); $content .= '<div id="feed-' . $rcl_feed->feed_type . '-' . $rcl_feed->feed_ID . '" class="feed-box feed-user-' . $rcl_feed->feed_author . ' feed-' . $rcl_feed->feed_type . '">'; $content .= rcl_get_include_template('feed-post.php', __FILE__); $content .= '</div>'; } if ($list->load == 'ajax' && $rclnavi->inpage) { $content .= '<div id="feed-preloader"><div></div></div>' . '<div id="feed-bottom"></div>'; } $content .= '</div>'; if ($list->load == 'pagenavi' && $rclnavi->inpage) { $content .= $rclnavi->navi(); } $list->remove_data(); return $content; }
function rcl_shortcode_productlist($atts, $content = null) { global $post, $wpdb, $rmag_options, $desc; extract(shortcode_atts(array('num' => false, 'inpage' => 10, 'type' => 'list', 'inline' => 3, 'cat' => false, 'desc' => 200, 'tag' => false, 'include' => false, 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'author' => false), $atts)); if (!$num) { $count_prod = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "posts WHERE post_type='%s' AND post_status='%s'", 'products', 'publish')); } else { $count_prod = false; $inpage = $num; } $rclnavi = new RCL_navi($inpage, $count_prod, '&filter=' . $orderby); if ($cat) { $args = array('numberposts' => $inpage, 'offset' => $rclnavi->offset, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'author' => $author, 'post_type' => 'products', 'tag' => $tag, 'include' => $include, 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'prodcat', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => explode(',', $cat)))); } else { $args = array('numberposts' => $inpage, 'offset' => $rclnavi->offset, 'category' => '', 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'author' => $author, 'include' => $include, 'tag' => $tag, 'exclude' => '', 'meta_key' => '', 'meta_value' => '', 'post_type' => 'products', 'post_mime_type' => '', 'post_parent' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish'); } $products = get_posts($args); if (!$products) { return false; } $n = 0; $block = $type == 'rows' ? 'table' : 'div'; $prodlist .= '<' . $block . ' class="prodlist">'; foreach ($products as $post) { setup_postdata($post); $n++; $prodlist .= rcl_get_include_template('product-' . $type . '.php', __FILE__); if ($type == 'slab') { $cnt = $n % $inline; if ($cnt == 0) { $prodlist .= '<div class="clear"></div>'; } } } wp_reset_query(); $prodlist .= '</' . $block . '>'; if (!$num) { $prodlist .= $rclnavi->navi(); } return $prodlist; }