<?php include 'config.php'; include PRJ_ROOT_PATH . 'lang/lg_en.php'; include PRJ_CLASS_PATH . 'tzn_generic.php'; include PRJ_CLASS_PATH . TZN_DB_CLASS; include PRJ_CLASS_PATH . 'pkg_aat.php'; $objItemList = new Queue(); // show today's Queue + Queue with no schedule and undone $objItemList->addWhere('status < 5'); // --- ordering statement --- $pSort = $_REQUEST['sort'] ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : (defined('AAT_SORT_COLUMN') ? AAT_SORT_COLUMN : 'finishDate'); $pDir = $_REQUEST['dir'] ? $_REQUEST['dir'] : (defined('AAT_SORT_ORDER') ? AAT_SORT_ORDER : 1); $objItemList->setOrder($pSort, $pDir); // number of items to load $rssSize = '0,' . defined('AAT_RSS_SIZE') ? AAT_RSS_SIZE : 8; // load $objItemList->loadList($rssSize); header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo '<' . '?xml version="1.0"?' . '>'; echo "\n"; ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>AAT Queue! Next queue</title> <link><?php echo PRJ_WWW_URL; ?> </link> <?php while ($objItem = $objItemList->rNext()) {
<?php include 'config.php'; include PRJ_ROOT_PATH . 'lang/lg_en.php'; include PRJ_CLASS_PATH . 'tzn_generic.php'; include PRJ_CLASS_PATH . TZN_DB_CLASS; include PRJ_CLASS_PATH . 'pkg_aat.php'; // --- LOAD QUEUES ----------------------------------------------- $objItemList = new Queue(); if ($_REQUEST['sType']) { $pType = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['sType']) : $_REQUEST['sType']; $objItemList->addWhere('type = \'' . addslashes($pType) . '\''); } if ($_REQUEST['sContext']) { $pContext = $_REQUEST['sContext']; $objItemList->addWhere('context = \'' . $pContext . '\''); } $sqlFilter = ''; $pShow = $_REQUEST['show'] ? $_REQUEST['show'] : 'today'; if (@constant('AAT_NO_SCHEDULE_TOO')) { $sqlToday = ' OR finishDate = \'9999-00-00\''; $sqlFuture = ' AND finishDate <> \'9999-00-00\''; } else { $sqlFuture = ' OR finishDate = \'9999-00-00\''; $sqlToday = ' AND finishDate <> \'9999-00-00\''; } switch ($pShow) { case 'all': break; case 'future': // show coming queues and late queues (undone only)
$_GET['build'] = $_POST['build'] ? $_POST['build'] : $_POST['build2']; $_GET['suite'] = "D"; $_GET['command'] = 1; $_GET['testbed'] = "autoqualys"; $_GET['dbResults'] = "on"; $_GET['userName'] = "******"; $_GET['tftpIP'] = 1; $simple->setAuto($_GET); $simple->setUid(''); $simple->load(); $simple->add(); } } // --- LOAD Queue ----------------------------------------------- $objItemList = new Queue(); $objItemList->addWhere('((status != 5 and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 3 DAY) <= creationDate) or ' . '(status = 5 and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 3 DAY) <= creationDate))'); if ($_REQUEST['sTestbed']) { $pUserName = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['sTestbed']) : $_REQUEST['sTestbed']; $objItemList->addWhere('testbed = \'' . addslashes($pUserName) . '\''); } if ($_REQUEST['sSuite']) { $pSuite = $_REQUEST['sSuite']; $objItemList->addWhere('suite = \'' . $pSuite . '\''); } $sqlFilter = ''; $pShow = $_REQUEST['show'] ? $_REQUEST['show'] : 'today'; $pKeepNoDead = intval(@constant('JOBQUEUE_NO_SCHEDULE_KEEP') - 1) * 86400; switch ($pShow) { case 'all': break; case 'future':