// kai me to katallhlo hidden pedio
echo "<form method='GET' action='backFromExercise.php'><input type='hidden' name='course' value='$course_code'>" .
 "<input type='hidden' name='op' value='finish'>";

$i = $totalScore = $totalWeighting = 0;

// for each question

foreach ($_SESSION['questionList'][$exerciseId] as $questionId) {
    // gets the student choice for this question
    $choice = @$_SESSION['exerciseResult'][$exerciseId][$questionId];
    // creates a temporary Question object
    $objQuestionTmp = new Question();

    $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
    $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
    $questionDescription_temp = nl2br(make_clickable($questionDescription));
    $questionDescription_temp = mathfilter($questionDescription_temp, 12, "$webDir/courses/mathimg/");
    $questionWeighting = $objQuestionTmp->selectWeighting();
    $answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType();

    // destruction of the Question object

    if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER || $answerType == TRUE_FALSE) {
        $colspan = 4;
    } elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) {
        $colspan = 2;
    } else {
        $colspan = 1;
     * Shows a question
     * @param Question $objQuestionTmp
     * @param bool $only_questions if true only show the questions, no exercise title
     * @param bool $origin origin i.e = learnpath
     * @param string $current_item current item from the list of questions
     * @param bool $show_title
     * @param bool $freeze
     * @param array $user_choice
     * @param bool $show_comment
     * @param null $exercise_feedback
     * @param bool $show_answers
     * @param null $modelType
     * @param bool $categoryMinusOne
     * @return bool|null|string
    public function showQuestion(Question $objQuestionTmp, $only_questions = false, $origin = false, $current_item = '', $show_title = true, $freeze = false, $user_choice = array(), $show_comment = false, $exercise_feedback = null, $show_answers = false, $modelType = null, $categoryMinusOne = true)
        // Text direction for the current language
        //$is_ltr_text_direction = api_get_text_direction() != 'rtl';
        // Change false to true in the following line to enable answer hinting
        $debug_mark_answer = $show_answers;
        //api_is_allowed_to_edit() && false;
        // Reads question information
        if (!$objQuestionTmp) {
            // Question not found
            return false;
        $html = null;
        $questionId = $objQuestionTmp->id;
        if ($exercise_feedback != EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_END) {
            $show_comment = false;
        $answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType();
        $pictureName = $objQuestionTmp->selectPicture();
        $s = null;
        $form = new FormValidator('question');
        $renderer = $form->defaultRenderer();
        $form_template = '{content}';
        if ($answerType != HOT_SPOT && $answerType != HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
            // Question is not a hotspot
            if (!$only_questions) {
                $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
                if ($show_title) {
                    $categoryName = TestCategory::getCategoryNamesForQuestion($objQuestionTmp->id, null, true, $categoryMinusOne);
                    $html .= $categoryName;
                    $html .= Display::div($current_item . '. ' . $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle(), array('class' => 'question_title'));
                    if (!empty($questionDescription)) {
                        $html .= Display::div($questionDescription, array('class' => 'question_description'));
                } else {
                    $html .= '<div class="media">';
                    $html .= '<div class="pull-left">';
                    $html .= '<div class="media-object">';
                    $html .= Display::div($current_item, array('class' => 'question_no_title'));
                    $html .= '</div>';
                    $html .= '</div>';
                    $html .= '<div class="media-body">';
                    if (!empty($questionDescription)) {
                        $html .= Display::div($questionDescription, array('class' => 'question_description'));
                    $html .= '</div>';
                    $html .= '</div>';
            if (in_array($answerType, array(FREE_ANSWER, ORAL_EXPRESSION)) && $freeze) {
                return null;
            $html .= '<div class="question_options">';
            // construction of the Answer object (also gets all answers details)
            $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId, null, $this);
            $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
            $course_id = api_get_course_int_id();
            $quiz_question_options = Question::readQuestionOption($questionId, $course_id);
            // For "matching" type here, we need something a little bit special
            // because the match between the suggestions and the answers cannot be
            // done easily (suggestions and answers are in the same table), so we
            // have to go through answers first (elems with "correct" value to 0).
            $select_items = array();
            //This will contain the number of answers on the left side. We call them
            // suggestions here, for the sake of comprehensions, while the ones
            // on the right side are called answers
            $num_suggestions = 0;
            if ($answerType == MATCHING || $answerType == DRAGGABLE) {
                if ($answerType == DRAGGABLE) {
                    $s .= '<div class="ui-widget ui-helper-clearfix">
                            <ul class="drag_question ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix">';
                } else {
                    $s .= '<div id="drag' . $questionId . '_question" class="drag_question">';
                    $s .= '<table class="data_table">';
                $j = 1;
                //iterate through answers
                $letter = 'A';
                //mark letters for each answer
                $answer_matching = array();
                $capital_letter = array();
                //for ($answerId=1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) {
                foreach ($objAnswerTmp->answer as $answerId => $answer_item) {
                    $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
                    $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
                    if ($answerCorrect == 0) {
                        // options (A, B, C, ...) that will be put into the list-box
                        // have the "correct" field set to 0 because they are answer
                        $capital_letter[$j] = $letter;
                        $answer_matching[$j] = array('id' => $answerId, 'answer' => $answer);
                $i = 1;
                $select_items[0]['id'] = 0;
                $select_items[0]['letter'] = '--';
                $select_items[0]['answer'] = '';
                foreach ($answer_matching as $id => $value) {
                    $select_items[$i]['id'] = $value['id'];
                    $select_items[$i]['letter'] = $capital_letter[$id];
                    $select_items[$i]['answer'] = $value['answer'];
                $num_suggestions = $nbrAnswers - $j + 1;
            } elseif ($answerType == FREE_ANSWER) {
                $content = isset($user_choice[0]) && !empty($user_choice[0]['answer']) ? $user_choice[0]['answer'] : null;
                $toolBar = 'TestFreeAnswer';
                if ($modelType == EXERCISE_MODEL_TYPE_COMMITTEE) {
                    $toolBar = 'TestFreeAnswerStrict';
                $form->addElement('html_editor', "choice[" . $questionId . "]", null, array('id' => "choice[" . $questionId . "]"), array('ToolbarSet' => $toolBar));
                $form->setDefaults(array("choice[" . $questionId . "]" => $content));
                $s .= $form->return_form();
            } elseif ($answerType == ORAL_EXPRESSION) {
                // Add nanogong
                if (api_get_setting('document.enable_nanogong') == 'true') {
                    //@todo pass this as a parameter
                    global $exercise_stat_info, $exerciseId;
                    if (!empty($exercise_stat_info)) {
                        $params = array('exercise_id' => $exercise_stat_info['exe_exo_id'], 'exe_id' => $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'], 'question_id' => $questionId);
                    } else {
                        $params = array('exercise_id' => $exerciseId, 'exe_id' => 'temp_exe', 'question_id' => $questionId);
                    $nano = new Nanogong($params);
                    $s .= $nano->show_button();
                $form->addElement('html_editor', "choice[" . $questionId . "]", null, array('id' => "choice[" . $questionId . "]"), array('ToolbarSet' => 'TestFreeAnswer'));
                //$form->setDefaults(array("choice[".$questionId."]" => $content));
                $s .= $form->return_form();
            // Now navigate through the possible answers, using the max number of
            // answers for the question as a limiter
            $lines_count = 1;
            // a counter for matching-type answers
                $header = Display::tag('th', get_lang('Options'));
                foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $item) {
                    $header .= Display::tag('th', $item);
                if ($show_comment) {
                    $header .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Feedback'));
                $s .= '<table class="data_table">';
                $s .= Display::tag('tr', $header, array('style' => 'text-align:left;'));
            if ($show_comment) {
                    $header = Display::tag('th', get_lang('Options'));
                    if ($exercise_feedback == EXERCISE_FEEDBACK_TYPE_END) {
                        $header .= Display::tag('th', get_lang('Feedback'));
                    $s .= '<table class="data_table">';
                    $s .= Display::tag('tr', $header, array('style' => 'text-align:left;'));
            $matching_correct_answer = 0;
            $user_choice_array = array();
            if (!empty($user_choice)) {
                foreach ($user_choice as $item) {
                    $user_choice_array[] = $item['answer'];
            foreach ($objAnswerTmp->answer as $answerId => $answer_item) {
                $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
                $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
                $comment = $objAnswerTmp->selectComment($answerId);
                //$numAnswer       = $objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId);
                $numAnswer = $answerId;
                $attributes = array();
                // Unique answer
                if (in_array($answerType, array(UNIQUE_ANSWER, UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE, UNIQUE_ANSWER_NO_OPTION))) {
                    $input_id = 'choice-' . $questionId . '-' . $answerId;
                    if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer']) && $user_choice[0]['answer'] == $numAnswer) {
                        $attributes = array('id' => $input_id, 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1);
                    } else {
                        $attributes = array('id' => $input_id);
                    if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                        if ($answerCorrect) {
                            $attributes['checked'] = 1;
                            $attributes['selected'] = 1;
                    $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer);
                    $s .= Display::input('hidden', 'choice2[' . $questionId . ']', '0');
                    $answer_input = null;
                    if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE) {
                        $attributes['style'] = 'display:none';
                        $answer_input .= '<div id="answer' . $questionId . $numAnswer . '" style="float:left" class="highlight_image_default highlight_image">';
                    $answer_input .= '<label class="radio">';
                    $answer_input .= Display::input('radio', 'choice[' . $questionId . ']', $numAnswer, $attributes);
                    $answer_input .= $answer;
                    $answer_input .= '</label>';
                    if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_IMAGE) {
                        $answer_input .= "</div>";
                    if ($show_comment) {
                        $s .= '<tr><td>';
                        $s .= $answer_input;
                        $s .= '</td>';
                        $s .= '<td>';
                        $s .= $comment;
                        $s .= '</td>';
                        $s .= '</tr>';
                    } else {
                        $s .= $answer_input;
                } elseif (in_array($answerType, array(MULTIPLE_ANSWER, MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE, GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER))) {
                    $input_id = 'choice-' . $questionId . '-' . $answerId;
                    $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer);
                    if (in_array($numAnswer, $user_choice_array)) {
                        $attributes = array('id' => $input_id, 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1);
                    } else {
                        $attributes = array('id' => $input_id);
                    if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                        if ($answerCorrect) {
                            $attributes['checked'] = 1;
                            $attributes['selected'] = 1;
                    if ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER || $answerType == GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER) {
                        $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="choice2[' . $questionId . ']" value="0" />';
                        $answer_input = '<label class="checkbox">';
                        $answer_input .= Display::input('checkbox', 'choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']', $numAnswer, $attributes);
                        $answer_input .= $answer;
                        $answer_input .= '</label>';
                        if ($show_comment) {
                            $s .= '<tr><td>';
                            $s .= $answer_input;
                            $s .= '</td>';
                            $s .= '<td>';
                            $s .= $comment;
                            $s .= '</td>';
                            $s .= '</tr>';
                        } else {
                            $s .= $answer_input;
                    } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE) {
                        $my_choice = array();
                        if (!empty($user_choice_array)) {
                            foreach ($user_choice_array as $item) {
                                $item = explode(':', $item);
                                $my_choice[$item[0]] = $item[1];
                        $s .= '<tr>';
                        $s .= Display::tag('td', $answer);
                        if (!empty($quiz_question_options)) {
                            foreach ($quiz_question_options as $id => $item) {
                                $id = $item['iid'];
                                if (isset($my_choice[$numAnswer]) && $id == $my_choice[$numAnswer]) {
                                    $attributes = array('checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1);
                                } else {
                                    $attributes = array();
                                if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                                    if ($id == $answerCorrect) {
                                        $attributes['checked'] = 1;
                                        $attributes['selected'] = 1;
                                $s .= Display::tag('td', Display::input('radio', 'choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']', $id, $attributes), array('style' => ''));
                        if ($show_comment) {
                            $s .= '<td>';
                            $s .= $comment;
                            $s .= '</td>';
                        $s .= '</tr>';
                } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION) {
                    // multiple answers
                    $input_id = 'choice-' . $questionId . '-' . $answerId;
                    if (in_array($numAnswer, $user_choice_array)) {
                        $attributes = array('id' => $input_id, 'checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1);
                    } else {
                        $attributes = array('id' => $input_id);
                    if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                        if ($answerCorrect) {
                            $attributes['checked'] = 1;
                            $attributes['selected'] = 1;
                    $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer);
                    $answer_input = '<input type="hidden" name="choice2[' . $questionId . ']" value="0" />';
                    $answer_input .= '<label class="checkbox">';
                    $answer_input .= Display::input('checkbox', 'choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']', 1, $attributes);
                    $answer_input .= $answer;
                    $answer_input .= '</label>';
                    if ($show_comment) {
                        $s .= '<tr>';
                        $s .= '<td>';
                        $s .= $answer_input;
                        $s .= '</td>';
                        $s .= '<td>';
                        $s .= $comment;
                        $s .= '</td>';
                        $s .= '</tr>';
                    } else {
                        $s .= $answer_input;
                } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION_TRUE_FALSE) {
                    $s .= '<input type="hidden" name="choice2[' . $questionId . ']" value="0" />';
                    $my_choice = array();
                    if (!empty($user_choice_array)) {
                        foreach ($user_choice_array as $item) {
                            $item = explode(':', $item);
                            $my_choice[$item[0]] = $item[1];
                    $answer = Security::remove_XSS($answer);
                    $s .= '<tr>';
                    $s .= Display::tag('td', $answer);
                    foreach ($objQuestionTmp->options as $key => $item) {
                        if (isset($my_choice[$numAnswer]) && $key == $my_choice[$numAnswer]) {
                            $attributes = array('checked' => 1, 'selected' => 1);
                        } else {
                            $attributes = array();
                        if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                            if ($key == $answerCorrect) {
                                $attributes['checked'] = 1;
                                $attributes['selected'] = 1;
                        $s .= Display::tag('td', Display::input('radio', 'choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']', $key, $attributes));
                    if ($show_comment) {
                        $s .= '<td>';
                        $s .= $comment;
                        $s .= '</td>';
                    $s .= '</tr>';
                } elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
                    list($answer) = explode('::', $answer);
                    //Correct answer
                    api_preg_match_all('/\\[[^]]+\\]/', $answer, $correct_answer_list);
                    //Student's answezr
                    if (isset($user_choice[0]['answer'])) {
                        api_preg_match_all('/\\[[^]]+\\]/', $user_choice[0]['answer'], $student_answer_list);
                        $student_answer_list = $student_answer_list[0];
                    //If debug
                    if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                        $student_answer_list = $correct_answer_list[0];
                    if (!empty($correct_answer_list) && !empty($student_answer_list)) {
                        $correct_answer_list = $correct_answer_list[0];
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($correct_answer_list as $correct_item) {
                            $value = null;
                            if (isset($student_answer_list[$i]) && !empty($student_answer_list[$i])) {
                                //Cleaning student answer list
                                $value = strip_tags($student_answer_list[$i]);
                                $value = api_substr($value, 1, api_strlen($value) - 2);
                                $value = explode('/', $value);
                                if (!empty($value[0])) {
                                    $value = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', trim($value[0]));
                                $correct_item = preg_quote($correct_item);
                                $correct_item = api_preg_replace('|/|', '\\/', $correct_item);
                                // to prevent error if there is a / in the text to find
                                $answer = api_preg_replace('/' . $correct_item . '/', Display::input('text', "choice[{$questionId}][]", $value), $answer, 1);
                    } else {
                        $answer = api_preg_replace('/\\[[^]]+\\]/', Display::input('text', "choice[{$questionId}][]", '', $attributes), $answer);
                    $s .= $answer;
                } elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) {
                    // matching type, showing suggestions and answers
                    // TODO: replace $answerId by $numAnswer
                    if ($lines_count == 1) {
                        $s .= $objAnswerTmp->getJs();
                    if ($answerCorrect != 0) {
                        // only show elements to be answered (not the contents of
                        // the select boxes, who are correct = 0)
                        $s .= '<tr><td width="45%">';
                        $parsed_answer = $answer;
                        $windowId = $questionId . '_' . $lines_count;
                        //left part questions
                        $s .= ' <div id="window_' . $windowId . '" class="window window_left_question window' . $questionId . '_question">
                                    <b>' . $lines_count . '</b>.&nbsp' . $parsed_answer . '
                        // middle part (matches selects)
                        $s .= '<td width="10%" align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                        $s .= '<div style="display:block">';
                        $s .= '<select id="window_' . $windowId . '_select" name="choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']">';
                        $selectedValue = 0;
                        // fills the list-box
                        $item = 0;
                        foreach ($select_items as $val) {
                            // set $debug_mark_answer to true at public static function start to
                            // show the correct answer with a suffix '-x'
                            $selected = '';
                            if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                                if ($val['id'] == $answerCorrect) {
                                    $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                    $selectedValue = $val['id'];
                            if (isset($user_choice[$matching_correct_answer]) && $val['id'] == $user_choice[$matching_correct_answer]['answer']) {
                                $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                $selectedValue = $val['id'];
                            //$s .= '<option value="'.$val['id'].'" '.$selected.'>'.$val['letter'].'</option>';
                            $s .= '<option value="' . $item . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $val['letter'] . '</option>';
                        if (!empty($answerCorrect) && !empty($selectedValue)) {
                            $s .= '<script>
                                jsPlumb.ready(function() {
                                        source: "window_' . $windowId . '",
                                        target: "window_' . $questionId . '_' . $selectedValue . '_answer",
                                        endpoint:["Blank", { radius:15 }],
                                        paintStyle:{ strokeStyle:"#8a8888" , lineWidth:8 },
                                        connector: [connectorType, { curviness: curvinessValue } ],
                        $s .= '</select></div></td>';
                        $s .= '<td width="45%" valign="top" >';
                        if (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) {
                            $s .= '<div id="window_' . $windowId . '_answer" class="window window_right_question">
                                    <b>' . $select_items[$lines_count]['letter'] . '.</b> ' . $select_items[$lines_count]['answer'] . '
                        } else {
                            $s .= '&nbsp;';
                        $s .= '</td>';
                        $s .= '</tr>';
                        //if the left side of the "matching" has been completely
                        // shown but the right side still has values to show...
                        if ($lines_count - 1 == $num_suggestions) {
                            // if it remains answers to shown at the right side
                            while (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) {
                                $s .= '<tr>
                                      <td colspan="2"></td>
                                      <td valign="top">';
                                $s .= '<b>' . $select_items[$lines_count]['letter'] . '.</b>';
                                $s .= $select_items[$lines_count]['answer'];
                                $s .= "</td>\n                                </tr>";
                            // end while()
                        // end if()
                } elseif ($answerType == DRAGGABLE) {
                    // matching type, showing suggestions and answers
                    // TODO: replace $answerId by $numAnswer
                    if ($answerCorrect != 0) {
                        // only show elements to be answered (not the contents of
                        // the select boxes, who are correct = 0)
                        $s .= '<td>';
                        $parsed_answer = $answer;
                        $windowId = $questionId . '_' . $numAnswer;
                        //67_293 - 67_294
                        //left part questions
                        $s .= '<li class="ui-state-default" id="' . $windowId . '">';
                        $s .= ' <div id="window_' . $windowId . '" class="window' . $questionId . '_question_draggable question_draggable">
                                   ' . $parsed_answer . '
                        $s .= '<div style="display:none">';
                        $s .= '<select id="window_' . $windowId . '_select" name="choice[' . $questionId . '][' . $numAnswer . ']" class="select_option">';
                        $selectedValue = 0;
                        // fills the list-box
                        $item = 0;
                        foreach ($select_items as $val) {
                            // set $debug_mark_answer to true at function start to
                            // show the correct answer with a suffix '-x'
                            $selected = '';
                            if ($debug_mark_answer) {
                                if ($val['id'] == $answerCorrect) {
                                    $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                    $selectedValue = $val['id'];
                            if (isset($user_choice[$matching_correct_answer]) && $val['id'] == $user_choice[$matching_correct_answer]['answer']) {
                                $selected = 'selected="selected"';
                                $selectedValue = $val['id'];
                            //$s .= '<option value="'.$val['id'].'" '.$selected.'>'.$val['letter'].'</option>';
                            $s .= '<option value="' . $item . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $val['letter'] . '</option>';
                        $s .= '</select>';
                        if (!empty($answerCorrect) && !empty($selectedValue)) {
                            $s .= '<script>
                                $(function() {
                                    deleteItem($("#' . $questionId . '_' . $selectedValue . '"), $("#drop_' . $windowId . '"));
                        if (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) {
                            $s .= '<div id="window_' . $windowId . '_answer" class="">
                                    <b>' . $select_items[$lines_count]['letter'] . '.</b> ' . $select_items[$lines_count]['answer'] . '
                        } else {
                            $s .= '&nbsp;';
                        //if the left side of the "matching" has been completely
                        // shown but the right side still has values to show...
                        if ($lines_count - 1 == $num_suggestions) {
                            // if it remains answers to shown at the right side
                            while (isset($select_items[$lines_count])) {
                                $s .= '<b>' . $select_items[$lines_count]['letter'] . '.</b>';
                                $s .= $select_items[$lines_count]['answer'];
                        $s .= '</div>';
                        $s .= '</li>';
            // end for()
            if ($show_comment) {
                $s .= '</table>';
            } else {
                if ($answerType == MATCHING || $answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER_NO_OPTION || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_TRUE_FALSE || $answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER_COMBINATION_TRUE_FALSE) {
                    $s .= '</table>';
            if ($answerType == DRAGGABLE) {
                $s .= '</ul><div class="clear"></div>';
                $counterAnswer = 1;
                foreach ($objAnswerTmp->answer as $answerId => $answer_item) {
                    $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
                    $windowId = $questionId . '_' . $counterAnswer;
                    if ($answerCorrect == 0) {
                        $s .= '<div id="drop_' . $windowId . '" class="droppable ui-state-default">' . $counterAnswer . '</div>';
            if ($answerType == MATCHING) {
                $s .= '</div>';
            $s .= '</div>';
            // destruction of the Answer object
            // destruction of the Question object
            $html .= $s;
            return $html;
        } elseif ($answerType == HOT_SPOT || $answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
            // Question is a HOT_SPOT
            //checking document/images visibility
            if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_course_admin()) {
                $course = api_get_course_info();
                $doc_id = DocumentManager::get_document_id($course, '/images/' . $pictureName);
                if (is_numeric($doc_id)) {
                    $images_folder_visibility = api_get_item_visibility($course, 'document', $doc_id, api_get_session_id());
                    if (!$images_folder_visibility) {
                        //This message is shown only to the course/platform admin if the image is set to visibility = false
            $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
            $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
            if ($freeze) {
                $s .= Display::img($objQuestionTmp->selectPicturePath());
                $html .= $s;
                return $html;
            // Get the answers, make a list
            $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId);
            // get answers of hotpost
            $answers_hotspot = array();
            foreach ($objAnswerTmp->answer as $answerId => $answer_item) {
                //$answers = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswerByAutoId($objAnswerTmp->selectAutoId($answerId));
                $answers_hotspot[$answerId] = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
            // display answers of hotpost order by id
            $answer_list = '<div style="padding: 10px; margin-left: 0px; border: 1px solid #A4A4A4; height: 408px; width: 200px;"><b>' . get_lang('HotspotZones') . '</b><dl>';
            if (!empty($answers_hotspot)) {
                foreach ($answers_hotspot as $key => $value) {
                    $answer_list .= '<dt>' . $key . '.- ' . $value . '</dt><br />';
            $answer_list .= '</dl></div>';
            if ($answerType == HOT_SPOT_DELINEATION) {
                $answer_list = '';
                $swf_file = 'hotspot_delineation_user';
                $swf_height = 405;
            } else {
                $swf_file = 'hotspot_user';
                $swf_height = 436;
            if (!$only_questions) {
                if ($show_title) {
                    $html .= TestCategory::getCategoryNamesForQuestion($objQuestionTmp->id);
                    $html .= '<div class="question_title">' . $current_item . '. ' . $questionName . '</div>';
                    $html .= $questionDescription;
                } else {
                    $html .= '<div class="media">';
                    $html .= '<div class="pull-left">';
                    $html .= '<div class="media-object">';
                    $html .= Display::div($current_item . '. ', array('class' => 'question_no_title'));
                    $html .= '</div>';
                    $html .= '</div>';
                    $html .= '<div class="media-body">';
                    if (!empty($questionDescription)) {
                        $html .= Display::div($questionDescription, array('class' => 'question_description'));
                    $html .= '</div>';
                    $html .= '</div>';
                //@todo I need to the get the feedback type
                $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="hidden_hotspot_id" value="' . $questionId . '" />';
                $html .= '<table class="exercise_questions">
                            <td valign="top" colspan="2">';
                $html .= '</td></tr>';
            $canClick = isset($_GET['editQuestion']) ? '0' : (isset($_GET['modifyAnswers']) ? '0' : '1');
            $s .= ' <script type="text/javascript" src="../plugin/hotspot/JavaScriptFlashGateway.js"></script>
                    <script src="../plugin/hotspot/hotspot.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
                    <script type="text/javascript">
                    // Globals
                    // Major version of Flash required
                    var requiredMajorVersion = 7;
                    // Minor version of Flash required
                    var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
                    // Minor version of Flash required
                    var requiredRevision = 0;
                    // the version of javascript supported
                    var jsVersion = 1.0;
                    // -->
                    <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
                    <!-- // Visual basic helper required to detect Flash Player ActiveX control version information
                    Function VBGetSwfVer(i)
                      on error resume next
                      Dim swControl, swVersion
                      swVersion = 0

                      set swControl = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + CStr(i))
                      if (IsObject(swControl)) then
                        swVersion = swControl.GetVariable("$version")
                      end if
                      VBGetSwfVer = swVersion
                    End Function
                    // -->

                    <script language="JavaScript1.1" type="text/javascript">
                    <!-- // Detect Client Browser type
                    var isIE  = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) ? true : false;
                    var isWin = (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("win") != -1) ? true : false;
                    var isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) ? true : false;
                    jsVersion = 1.1;
                    // JavaScript helper required to detect Flash Player PlugIn version information
                    function JSGetSwfVer(i) {
                        // NS/Opera version >= 3 check for Flash plugin in plugin array
                        if (navigator.plugins != null && navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
                            if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]) {
                                var swVer2 = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] ? " 2.0" : "";
                                var flashDescription = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash" + swVer2].description;
                                descArray = flashDescription.split(" ");
                                tempArrayMajor = descArray[2].split(".");
                                versionMajor = tempArrayMajor[0];
                                versionMinor = tempArrayMajor[1];
                                if ( descArray[3] != "" ) {
                                    tempArrayMinor = descArray[3].split("r");
                                } else {
                                    tempArrayMinor = descArray[4].split("r");
                                versionRevision = tempArrayMinor[1] > 0 ? tempArrayMinor[1] : 0;
                                flashVer = versionMajor + "." + versionMinor + "." + versionRevision;
                            } else {
                                flashVer = -1;
                        // MSN/WebTV 2.6 supports Flash 4
                        else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.6") != -1) flashVer = 4;
                        // WebTV 2.5 supports Flash 3
                        else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv/2.5") != -1) flashVer = 3;
                        // older WebTV supports Flash 2
                        else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("webtv") != -1) flashVer = 2;
                        // Can\'t detect in all other cases
                        else {
                            flashVer = -1;
                        return flashVer;
                    // When called with reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision returns true if that version or greater is available

                    function DetectFlashVer(reqMajorVer, reqMinorVer, reqRevision) {
                        reqVer = parseFloat(reqMajorVer + "." + reqRevision);
                        // loop backwards through the versions until we find the newest version
                        for (i=25;i>0;i--) {
                            if (isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
                                versionStr = VBGetSwfVer(i);
                            } else {
                                versionStr = JSGetSwfVer(i);
                            if (versionStr == -1 ) {
                                return false;
                            } else if (versionStr != 0) {
                                if(isIE && isWin && !isOpera) {
                                    tempArray         = versionStr.split(" ");
                                    tempString        = tempArray[1];
                                    versionArray      = tempString .split(",");
                                } else {
                                    versionArray      = versionStr.split(".");
                                versionMajor      = versionArray[0];
                                versionMinor      = versionArray[1];
                                versionRevision   = versionArray[2];

                                versionString     = versionMajor + "." + versionRevision;   // 7.0r24 == 7.24
                                versionNum        = parseFloat(versionString);
                                // is the major.revision >= requested major.revision AND the minor version >= requested minor
                                if ( (versionMajor > reqMajorVer) && (versionNum >= reqVer) ) {
                                    return true;
                                } else {
                                    return ((versionNum >= reqVer && versionMinor >= reqMinorVer) ? true : false );
                    // -->
            $s .= '<tr><td valign="top" colspan="2" width="520"><table><tr><td width="520">
                        // Version check based upon the values entered above in "Globals"
                        var hasReqestedVersion = DetectFlashVer(requiredMajorVersion, requiredMinorVersion, requiredRevision);

                        // Check to see if the version meets the requirements for playback
                        if (hasReqestedVersion) {  // if we\'ve detected an acceptable version
                            var oeTags = \'<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="../plugin/hotspot/' . $swf_file . '.swf?modifyAnswers=' . $questionId . '&amp;canClick:' . $canClick . '" width="600" height="' . $swf_height . '">\'
                                        + \'<param name="wmode" value="transparent">\'
                                        + \'<param name="movie" value="../plugin/hotspot/' . $swf_file . '.swf?modifyAnswers=' . $questionId . '&amp;canClick:' . $canClick . '" />\'
                                        + \'<\\/object>\';
                            document.write(oeTags);   // embed the Flash Content SWF when all tests are passed
                        } else {  // flash is too old or we can\'t detect the plugin
                            var alternateContent = "Error<br \\/>"
                                + "Hotspots requires Macromedia Flash 7.<br \\/>"
                                + "<a href=\\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflash/\\">Get Flash<\\/a>";
                            document.write(alternateContent);  // insert non-flash content
                    <td valign="top" align="left">' . $answer_list . '</td></tr>
            $html .= $s;
            $html .= '</table>';
            return $html;
        return $nbrAnswers;
Beispiel #3
         * Exports an exercise as a SCO.
         * This method is intended to be called from the prepare method.
         * @note There's a lot of nearly cut-and-paste from exercise.lib.php here
         *      because of some little differences...
         *      Perhaps something that could be refactorised ?
         * @see prepare
         * @param $quizId The quiz
         * @param $raw_to_pass The needed score to attain
         * @return False on error, True if everything went well.
         * @author Thanos Kyritsis <*****@*****.**>
         * @author  Amand Tihon <*****@*****.**>
        function prepareQuiz($quizId, $raw_to_pass = 50) {
            global $langQuestion, $langOk, $langScore, $claro_stylesheet, $clarolineRepositorySys;
            global $charset, $langExerciseDone;
            // those two variables are needed by display_attached_file()
            global $attachedFilePathWeb;
            global $attachedFilePathSys;
            $attachedFilePathWeb = 'Exercises';
            $attachedFilePathSys = $this->destDir . '/Exercises';

// Generate standard page header
            $pageHeader = '<html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $charset . '">
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Tue, 05 DEC 2000 07:00:00 GMT">
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap-custom.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $claro_stylesheet . '" media="screen, projection, tv" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="APIWrapper.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="scores.js"></script>
' . "\n";

            $pageBody = '<body onload="loadPage()">
    <div id="claroBody"><form id="quiz">
    <table class="table-default"><tr><td>' . "\n";

            // read the exercise
            $quiz = new Exercise();
            if (!$quiz->read($quizId)) {
                $this->error[] = $GLOBALS['langErrorLoadingExercise'];
                return false;

            // Get the question list
            $questionList = $quiz->selectQuestionList();
            $questionCount = $quiz->selectNbrQuestions();

            // Keep track of raw scores (ponderation) for each question
            $questionPonderationList = array();

            // Keep track of correct texts for fill-in type questions
            $fillAnswerList = array();

            // Counter used to generate the elements' id. Incremented after every <input> or <select>
            $idCounter = 0;

            // Display each question
            $questionCount = 0;
            foreach ($questionList as $questionId) {
                // Update question number

                // read the question, abort on error
                $question = new Question();
                if (!$question->read($questionId)) {
                    $this->error[] = $GLOBALS['langErrorLoadingQuestion'];
                    return false;
                $qtype = $question->selectType();
                $qtitle = $question->selectTitle();
                $qdescription = $question->selectDescription();
                $questionPonderationList[$questionId] = $question->selectWeighting();

                // Generic display, valid for all kind of question
                $pageBody .= '<table class="table-default">
                <tr><th valign="top" colspan="2">' . $langQuestion . ' ' . $questionCount . '</th></tr>
                        <tr><td valign="top" colspan="2">' . $qtitle . '</td></tr>
                        <tr><td valign="top" colspan="2"><i>' . parse_user_text($qdescription) . '</i></td></tr>' . "\n";

                // Attached file, if it exists.
                //$attachedFile = $question->selectAttachedFile();
                if (!empty($attachedFile)) {
                    // copy the attached file
                    if (!claro_copy_file($this->srcDirExercise . '/' . $attachedFile, $this->destDir . '/Exercises')) {
                        $this->error[] = $GLOBALS['langErrorCopyAttachedFile'] . $attachedFile;
                        return false;

                    // Ok, if it was an mp3, we need to copy the flash mp3-player too.
                    $extension = substr(strrchr($attachedFile, '.'), 1);
                    if ($extension == 'mp3') {
                        $this->mp3Found = true;

                    $pageBody .= '<tr><td colspan="2">' . display_attached_file($attachedFile) . '</td></tr>' . "\n";

                 * Display the possible answers

                $answer = new Answer($questionId);
                $answerCount = $answer->selectNbrAnswers();

                // Used for matching:
                $letterCounter = 'A';
                $choiceCounter = 1;
                $Select = array();

                for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $answerCount; $answerId++) {
                    $answerText = $answer->selectAnswer($answerId);
                    $answerCorrect = $answer->isCorrect($answerId);

                    // Unique answer
                    if ($qtype == UNIQUE_ANSWER || $qtype == TRUE_FALSE) {
                        // Construct the identifier
                        $htmlQuestionId = 'unique_' . $questionCount . '_x';

                        $pageBody .= '<tr><td width="5%" align="center">
                        <input type="radio" name="' . $htmlQuestionId . '"
                        id="scorm_' . $idCounter . '"
                        value="' . $answer->selectWeighting($answerId) . '"></td>
                    <td width="95%"><label for="scorm_' . $idCounter . '">' . $answerText . '</label>

                    // Multiple answers
                    elseif ($qtype == MULTIPLE_ANSWER) {
                        // Construct the identifier
                        $htmlQuestionId = 'multiple_' . $questionCount . '_' . $answerId;

                        // Compute the score modifier if this answer is checked
                        $raw = $answer->selectWeighting($answerId);

                        $pageBody .= '<tr><td width="5%" align="center">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="' . $htmlQuestionId . '"
                        id="scorm_' . $idCounter . '"
                        value="' . $raw . '"></td>
                    <td width="95%"><label for="scorm_' . $idCounter . '">' . $answerText . '</label>

                    // Fill in blanks
                    elseif ($qtype == FILL_IN_BLANKS || $qtype == FILL_IN_BLANKS_TOLERANT) {
                        $pageBody .= '<tr><td colspan="2">';

                        // We must split the text, to be able to treat each input independently
                        // separate the text and the scorings
                        $explodedAnswer = explode('::', $answerText);
                        $phrase = (isset($explodedAnswer[0])) ? $explodedAnswer[0] : '';
                        $weighting = (isset($explodedAnswer[1])) ? $explodedAnswer[1] : '';
                        $fillType = (!empty($explodedAnswer[2])) ? $explodedAnswer[2] : 1;
                        // default value if value is invalid
                        if ($fillType != TEXTFIELD_FILL && $fillType != LISTBOX_FILL) {
                            $fillType = TEXTFIELD_FILL;
                        $wrongAnswers = (!empty($explodedAnswer[3])) ? explode('[', $explodedAnswer[3]) : array();
                        // get the scorings as a list
                        $fillScoreList = explode(',', $weighting);
                        $fillScoreCounter = 0;
                        if ($fillType == LISTBOX_FILL) {
                            // get the list of propositions (good and wrong) to display in lists
                            // add wrongAnswers in the list
                            $answerList = $wrongAnswers;
                            // add good answers in the list
                            // we save the answer because it will be modified
                            $temp = $phrase;
                            while (1) {
                                // quits the loop if there are no more blanks
                                if (($pos = strpos($temp, '[')) === false) {
                                // removes characters till '['
                                $temp = substr($temp, $pos + 1);
                                // quits the loop if there are no more blanks
                                if (($pos = strpos($temp, ']')) === false) {
                                // stores the found blank into the array
                                $answerList[] = substr($temp, 0, $pos);
                                // removes the character ']'
                                $temp = substr($temp, $pos + 1);
                            // alphabetical sort of the array
                        // Split after each blank
                        $responsePart = explode(']', $phrase);
                        $acount = 0;
                        foreach ($responsePart as $part) {
                            // Split between text and (possible) blank
                            if (strpos($part, '[') !== false) {
                                list($rawtext, $blankText) = explode('[', $part);
                            } else {
                                $rawtext = $part;
                                $blankText = "";

                            $pageBody .= $rawtext;

                            // If there's a blank to fill-in after the text (this is usually not the case at the end)
                            if (!empty($blankText)) {
                                // Build the element's name
                                $name = 'fill_' . $questionCount . '_' . $acount;
                                // Keep track of the correspondance between element's name and correct value + scoring
                                $fillAnswerList[$name] = array($blankText, $fillScoreList[$fillScoreCounter]);
                                if ($fillType == LISTBOX_FILL) {// listbox
                                    $pageBody .= '<select name="' . $name . '" id="scorm_' . $idCounter . '">' . "\n"
                                            . '<option value="">&nbsp;</option>';

                                    foreach ($answerList as $answer) {
                                        $pageBody .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($answer) . '">' . $answer . '</option>' . "\n";

                                    $pageBody .= '</select>' . "\n";
                                } else {
                                    $pageBody .= '<input type="text" name="' . $name . '" size="10" id="scorm_' . $idCounter . '">';
                        $pageBody .= '</td></tr>' . "\n";
                    // Matching
                    elseif ($qtype == MATCHING) {
                        if (!$answer->isCorrect($answerId)) {
                            // Add the option as a possible answer.
                            $Select[$answerId] = $answerText;
                        } else {
                            $pageBody .= '<tr><td colspan="2">
                        <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="99%">
                            <td width="40%" valign="top"><b>' . $choiceCounter . '.</b> ' . $answerText . '</td>
                            <td width="20%" valign="center">&nbsp;<select name="matching_' . $questionCount . '_' .
                                    $answerId . '" id="scorm_' . $idCounter . '">
                            <option value="0">--</option>';


                            // fills the list-box
                            $letter = 'A';
                            foreach ($Select as $key => $val) {
                                $scoreModifier = ( $key == $answer->isCorrect($answerId) ) ? $answer->selectWeighting($answerId) : 0;
                                $pageBody .= '<option value="' . $scoreModifier . '">' . $letter++ .

                            $pageBody .= '</select></td><td width="40%" valign="top">';
                            if (isset($Select[$choiceCounter])) {
                                $pageBody .= '<b>' . $letterCounter . '.</b> ' . $Select[$choiceCounter];
                            $pageBody .= '&nbsp;</td></tr></table></td></tr>' . "\n";

                            // Done with this one

                            // If the left side has been completely displayed :
                            if ($answerId == $answerCount) {
                                // Add all possibly remaining answers to the right
                                while (isset($Select[$choiceCounter])) {
                                    $pageBody .= '<tr><td colspan="2">
                                <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="99%">
                                    <td width="40%">&nbsp;</td>
                                    <td width="20%">&nbsp;</td>
                                    <td width="40%"><b>' . $letterCounter . '.</b> ' . $Select[$choiceCounter] . '</td>
                                </td></tr>' . "\n";

                                } // end while
                            } // end if
                        } // else
                    } // end if (MATCHING)
                } // end for each answer
                // End of the question
                $pageBody .= '</tfoot></table>' . "\n\n";
            } // foreach($questionList as $questionId)
            // No more questions, add the button.
            $pageEnd = '</td></tr>
                <td align="center"><br><input class="btn btn-primary" type="button" value="' . $langOk . '" onClick="calcScore()"></td>
            </div></body></html>' . "\n";

            /* Generate the javascript that'll calculate the score
             * We have the following variables to help us :
             * $idCounter : number of elements to check. their id are "scorm_XY"
             * $raw_to_pass : score (on 100) needed to pass the quiz
             * $fillAnswerList : a list of arrays (text, score) indexed on <input>'s names
            $pageHeader .= '
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    var raw_to_pass = '******';
    var weighting = ' . array_sum($questionPonderationList) . ';
    var rawScore;
    var scoreCommited = false;
    var showScore = true;
    var fillAnswerList = new Array();' . "\n";

            // Add the data for fillAnswerList
            foreach ($fillAnswerList as $key => $val) {
                $pageHeader .= "    fillAnswerList['" . $key . "'] = new Array('" . $val[0] . "', '" . $val[1] . "');\n";

            // This is the actual code present in every exported exercise.
            $pageHeader .= '

    function calcScore()
		if( !scoreCommited )
	        rawScore = CalculateRawScore(document, ' . $idCounter . ', fillAnswerList);
	        var score = Math.max(Math.round(rawScore * 100 / weighting), 0);
	        var oldScore = doGetValue("cmi.score.raw");

	        doSetValue("cmi.score.max", weighting);
	        doSetValue("cmi.score.min", 0);


	        if (score > oldScore) // Update only if score is better than the previous time.
	            doSetValue("cmi.score.raw", rawScore);

			var oldStatus = doGetValue( "cmi.success_status" )
			if (score >= raw_to_pass)
				doSetValue("cmi.success_status", "passed");
			else if (oldStatus != "passed" ) // If passed once, never mark it as failed.
				doSetValue("cmi.success_status", "failed");

	        scoreCommited = true;
	        if(showScore) alert(\'' . clean_str_for_javascript($langScore) . ' :\n\' + rawScore + \'/\' + weighting + \'\n\' + \'' . clean_str_for_javascript($langExerciseDone) . '\');


            // Construct the HTML file and save it.
            $filename = "quiz_" . $quizId . ".html";

            $pageContent = $pageHeader
                    . $pageBody
                    . $pageEnd;

            if (!$f = fopen($this->destDir . '/' . $filename, 'w')) {
                $this->error[] = $GLOBALS['langErrorCreatingFile'] . $filename;
                return false;
            fwrite($f, $pageContent);

            // Went well.
            return True;
 * This function exports the given Chamilo test
 * @param    integer    Test ID
 * @return string     The test itself as an HTML string
function export_exercise($item_id)
    global $expdir, $_course, $_configuration, $_SESSION, $_SERVER, $language_interface, $langExerciseNotFound, $langQuestion, $langOk, $origin, $questionNum;
    $exerciseId = $item_id;
    require_once '../exercice/exercise.class.php';
    require_once '../exercice/question.class.php';
    require_once '../exercice/answer.class.php';
    $TBL_EXERCISES = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
    /* Clears the exercise session */
    if (isset($_SESSION['objExercise'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['objQuestion'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['objAnswer'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['questionList'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['exerciseResult'])) {
    // If the object is not in the session:
    if (!isset($_SESSION['objExercise'])) {
        // Construction of Exercise.
        $objExercise = new Exercise();
        $sql = "SELECT title,description,sound,type,random,active FROM {$TBL_EXERCISES} WHERE iid='{$exerciseId}'";
        // If the specified exercise doesn't exist or is disabled:
        if (!$objExercise->read($exerciseId) || !$objExercise->selectStatus() && !api_is_allowed_to_edit() && $origin != 'learnpath') {
        // Saves the object into the session.
        Session::write('objExercise', $objExercise);
    $exerciseTitle = $objExercise->selectTitle();
    $exerciseDescription = $objExercise->selectDescription();
    $exerciseSound = $objExercise->selectSound();
    $randomQuestions = $objExercise->isRandom();
    $exerciseType = $objExercise->selectType();
    if (!isset($_SESSION['questionList'])) {
        // Selects the list of question ID.
        $questionList = $randomQuestions ? $objExercise->selectRandomList() : $objExercise->selectQuestionList();
        // Saves the question list into the session.
        Session::write('questionList', $questionList);
    $nbrQuestions = sizeof($questionList);
    // If questionNum comes from POST and not from GET:
    if (!$questionNum || $_POST['questionNum']) {
        // Only used for sequential exercises (see $exerciseType).
        if (!$questionNum) {
            $questionNum = 1;
        } else {
    $test .= "<h3>" . $exerciseTitle . "</h3>";
    if (!empty($exerciseSound)) {
        $test .= "<a href=\"../document/download.php?doc_url=%2Faudio%2F" . $exerciseSound . "\"&SQMSESSID=36812c2dea7d8d6e708d5e6a2f09b0b9 target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"../img/sound.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=" . get_lang("Sound") . "\" /></a>";
    // Writing the .js file with to check the correct answers begin.
    $scriptfilename = "Exercice" . $item_id . ".js";
    $s = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src='../js/" . $scriptfilename . "'></script>";
    $test .= $s;
    $content = "function evaluate() {\n        alert('Test evaluated.');\n        }\n        ";
    if (!($handle = fopen($expdir . '/js/' . $scriptfilename, 'w'))) {
        echo "Cannot open file ({$scriptfilename})";
    if (fwrite($handle, $content) === false) {
        echo "Cannot write to file ({$filename})";
    // Writing the .js file with to check the correct answers end.
    $s = "\n        <p>{$exerciseDescription}</p>\n        <table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='0'>\n         <form method='post' action=''><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SQMSESSID\" value=\"36812c2dea7d8d6e708d5e6a2f09b0b9\" />\n         <input type='hidden' name='formSent' value='1' />\n         <input type='hidden' name='exerciseType' value='" . $exerciseType . "' />\n         <input type='hidden' name='questionNum' value='" . $questionNum . "' />\n         <input type='hidden' name='nbrQuestions' value='" . $nbrQuestions . "' />\n         <tr>\n          <td>\n          <table width='100%' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='2' border='0'>";
    $exerciseType = 1;
    // So to list all questions in one page.
    $test .= $s;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($questionList as $questionId) {
        // For sequential exercises.
        if ($exerciseType == 2) {
            // If it is not the right question, goes to the next loop iteration.
            if ($questionNum != $i) {
            } else {
                // if the user has already answered this question:
                if (isset($exerciseResult[$questionId])) {
                    // Construction of the Question object.
                    $objQuestionTmp = new Question();
                    // Reads question informations.
                    $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
                    // Destruction of the Question object.
                    $test .= '<tr><td>' . get_lang('AlreadyAnswered') . ' &quot;' . $questionName . '&quot;</td></tr>';
        echo $s = "<tr bgcolor='#e6e6e6'><td valign='top' colspan='2'>" . get_lang('Question') . " ";
        // Call the showQuestion(). This basically displays the question in a table.
        $question_obj = Question::read($questionId);
        $test .= $objExercise->showQuestion($question_obj, false, 'export', $i);
    // end foreach()
    $s = "</table></td></tr><tr><td><br/><input type='button' value='" . $langOk . "' onclick=\"javascript: evaluate(); alert('Evaluated.');\">";
    $s .= "</td></tr></form></table>";
    $s .= "<script type='text/javascript'> loadPage(); </script>";
    $b = 2;
    $test .= $s;
    return $test;
Beispiel #5
function showQuestion($questionId, $onlyAnswers = false)
    global $picturePath, $urlServer;
    global $langNoAnswer, $langColumnA, $langColumnB, $langMakeCorrespond;
    // construction of the Question object
    $objQuestionTmp = new Question();
    // reads question informations
    if (!$objQuestionTmp->read($questionId)) {
        // question not found
        return false;
    $answerType = $objQuestionTmp->selectType();
    if (!$onlyAnswers) {
        $questionName = $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle();
        $questionDescription = $objQuestionTmp->selectDescription();
        $questionDescription_temp = standard_text_escape($questionDescription);
        echo "<tr class='even'>\n                    <td colspan='2'><b>" . q($questionName) . "</b><br />\n                    {$questionDescription_temp}\n                    </td>\n                    </tr>";
        if (file_exists($picturePath . '/quiz-' . $questionId)) {
            echo "<tr class='even'>\n                        <td class='center' colspan='2'><img src='{$urlServer}/{$picturePath}/quiz-{$questionId}' /></td>\n                      </tr>";
    // end if(!$onlyAnswers)
    // construction of the Answer object
    $objAnswerTmp = new Answer($questionId);
    $nbrAnswers = $objAnswerTmp->selectNbrAnswers();
    // only used for the answer type "Matching"
    if ($answerType == MATCHING) {
        $cpt1 = 'A';
        $cpt2 = 1;
        $select = array();
        echo "\n              <tr class='even'>\n                <td colspan='2'>\n                  <table class='tbl_border' width='100%'>\n                  <tr>\n                    <th width='200'>{$langColumnA}</th>\n                    <th width='130'>{$langMakeCorrespond}</th>\n                    <th width='200'>{$langColumnB}</th>\n                  </tr>\n                  </table>\n                </td>\n              </tr>";
    for ($answerId = 1; $answerId <= $nbrAnswers; $answerId++) {
        $answer = $objAnswerTmp->selectAnswer($answerId);
        $answer = mathfilter($answer, 12, '../../courses/mathimg/');
        $answerCorrect = $objAnswerTmp->isCorrect($answerId);
        if ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
            // splits text and weightings that are joined with the character '::'
            list($answer) = explode('::', $answer);
            // replaces [blank] by an input field
            $answer = preg_replace('/\\[[^]]+\\]/', '<input type="text" name="choice[' . $questionId . '][]" size="10" />', standard_text_escape($answer));
        // unique answer
        if ($answerType == UNIQUE_ANSWER) {
            echo "\n                      <tr class='even'>\n                        <td class='center' width='1'>\n                          <input type='radio' name='choice[{$questionId}]' value='{$answerId}' />\n                        </td>\n                        <td>" . standard_text_escape($answer) . "</td>\n                      </tr>";
        } elseif ($answerType == MULTIPLE_ANSWER) {
            echo "\n                      <tr class='even'>\n                        <td width='1' align='center'>\n                          <input type='checkbox' name='choice[{$questionId}][{$answerId}]' value='1' />\n                        </td>\n                        <td>" . standard_text_escape($answer) . "</td>\n                      </tr>";
        } elseif ($answerType == FILL_IN_BLANKS) {
            echo "\n                      <tr class='even'>\n                        <td colspan='2'>" . $answer . "</td>\n                      </tr>";
        } elseif ($answerType == MATCHING) {
            if (!$answerCorrect) {
                // options (A, B, C, ...) that will be put into the list-box
                $select[$answerId]['Lettre'] = $cpt1++;
                // answers that will be shown at the right side
                $select[$answerId]['Reponse'] = standard_text_escape($answer);
            } else {
                echo "<tr class='even'>\n                                <td colspan='2'>\n                                  <table class='tbl'>\n                                  <tr>\n                                    <td width='200'><b>{$cpt2}.</b> " . standard_text_escape($answer) . "</td>\n                                    <td width='130'><div align='center'>\n                                     <select name='choice[{$questionId}][{$answerId}]'>\n                                       <option value='0'>--</option>";
                // fills the list-box
                foreach ($select as $key => $val) {
                    echo "<option value=\"{$key}\">{$val['Lettre']}</option>";
                echo "</select></div></td>\n                                    <td width='200'>";
                if (isset($select[$cpt2])) {
                    echo '<b>' . $select[$cpt2]['Lettre'] . '.</b> ' . $select[$cpt2]['Reponse'];
                } else {
                    echo '&nbsp;';
                echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
                // if the left side of the "matching" has been completely shown
                if ($answerId == $nbrAnswers) {
                    // if it remains answers to shown at the right side
                    while (isset($select[$cpt2])) {
                        echo "<tr class='even'>\n                                                <td colspan='2'>\n                                                  <table>\n                                                  <tr>\n                                                    <td width='60%' colspan='2'>&nbsp;</td>\n                                                    <td width='40%' align='right' valign='top'>" . "<b>" . $select[$cpt2]['Lettre'] . ".</b> " . $select[$cpt2]['Reponse'] . "</td>\n                                                  </tr>\n                                                  </table>\n                                                </td>\n                                              </tr>";
                    // end while()
                // end if()
        } elseif ($answerType == TRUE_FALSE) {
            echo "<tr class='even'>\n                                <td width='1' align='center'>\n                                <input type='radio' name='choice[{$questionId}]' value='{$answerId}' />\n                                </td><td>{$answer}</td>\n                                </tr>";
    // end for()
    if (!$nbrAnswers) {
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2'><div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langNoAnswer}</div></td></tr>";
    // destruction of the Answer object
    // destruction of the Question object
    return $nbrAnswers;
    $deleteQuestion = $_GET['deleteQuestion'];
    // construction of the Question object
    $objQuestionTmp = new Question();
    // if the question exists
    if ($objQuestionTmp->read($deleteQuestion)) {
        // if the question has been removed from the exercise
        if ($objExercise->removeFromList($deleteQuestion)) {
$tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langNewQu, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;exerciseId={$exerciseId}&amp;newQuestion=yes", 'icon' => 'fa-plus-circle', 'level' => 'primary-label', 'button-class' => 'btn-success'), array('title' => $langSelection . ' ' . $langWithCriteria, 'class' => 'randomSelection', 'url' => "#", 'icon' => 'fa-random', 'level' => 'primary-label'), array('title' => $langSelection . ' ' . $langFrom2 . ' ' . $langQuestionPool, 'url' => "question_pool.php?course={$course_code}&amp;fromExercise={$exerciseId}", 'icon' => 'fa-bank', 'level' => 'primary-label')));
if ($nbrQuestions) {
    $questionList = $objExercise->selectQuestionList();
    $i = 1;
    $tool_content .= "\n        <div class='table-responsive'>\n\t    <table class='table-default'>\n\t    <tr>\n\t      <th colspan='2' class='text-left'>{$langQuestionList}</th>\n\t      <th class='text-center'>" . icon('fa-gears', $langActions) . "</th>\n\t    </tr>";
    foreach ($questionList as $id) {
        $objQuestionTmp = new Question();
        $tool_content .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td align='right' width='1'>" . $i . ".</td>\n\t\t\t<td> " . q($objQuestionTmp->selectTitle()) . "<br />\n\t\t\t" . $aType[$objQuestionTmp->selectType() - 1] . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td class='option-btn-cell'>" . action_button(array(array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;exerciseId={$exerciseId}&amp;editQuestion={$id}", 'icon-class' => 'warnLink', 'icon-extra' => $objQuestionTmp->selectNbrExercises() > 1 ? "data-toggle='modal' data-target='#modalWarning' data-remote='false'" : "", 'icon' => 'fa-edit'), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => "?course={$course_code}&amp;exerciseId={$exerciseId}&amp;deleteQuestion={$id}", 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'class' => 'delete', 'confirm' => $langConfirmYourChoice, 'show' => !isset($fromExercise)), array('title' => $langUp, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;exerciseId={$exerciseId}&amp;moveUp={$id}", 'level' => 'primary', 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-up', 'disabled' => $i == 1), array('title' => $langDown, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&amp;exerciseId={$exerciseId}&amp;moveDown={$id}", 'level' => 'primary', 'icon' => 'fa-arrow-down', 'disabled' => $i == $nbrQuestions))) . "</td></tr>";
    $tool_content .= "</table></div>";
$tool_content .= "\n<!-- Modal -->\n<div class='modal fade' id='modalWarning' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='modalWarningLabel' aria-hidden='true'>\n  <div class='modal-dialog'>\n    <div class='modal-content'>\n      <div class='modal-header'>\n        <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal'><span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span><span class='sr-only'>Close</span></button>\n      </div>\n      <div class='modal-body'>\n        {$langUsedInSeveralExercises}\n      </div>\n      <div class='modal-footer'>\n        <a href='#' id='modifyAll' class='btn btn-primary'>{$langModifyInAllExercises}</a>\n        <a href='#' id='modifyOne' class='btn btn-success'>{$langModifyInThisExercise}</a>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n  </div>\n</div>    \n";
if ($nbrQuestions == 0) {
    $tool_content .= "<div class='alert alert-warning'>{$langNoQuestion}</div>";
include 'question.class.php';
$exerciseId = $_GET['exerciseId'];
$objExercise = new Exercise();
$pageName = $langExerciseStats;
$navigation[] = array("url" => "index.php?course={$course_code}", "name" => $langExercices);
$tool_content .= action_bar(array(array('title' => $langBack, 'level' => 'primary-label', 'icon' => 'fa-reply', 'url' => "index.php?course={$course_code}")));
$completedAttempts = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exercise_user_record WHERE eid = ?d AND attempt_status = ?d", $exerciseId, ATTEMPT_COMPLETED)->count;
$pausedAttempts = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exercise_user_record WHERE eid = ?d AND attempt_status = ?d", $exerciseId, ATTEMPT_PAUSED)->count;
$pendingAttempts = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exercise_user_record WHERE eid = ?d AND attempt_status = ?d", $exerciseId, ATTEMPT_PENDING)->count;
$cancelledAttempts = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exercise_user_record WHERE eid = ?d AND attempt_status = ?d", $exerciseId, ATTEMPT_CANCELED)->count;
$total_attempts = $completedAttempts + $pausedAttempts + $pendingAttempts + $cancelledAttempts;
$grade_stats = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) AS unique_users, AVG(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(record_end_date, record_start_date))) AS avg_time, AVG(total_score) AS avg_grade, MIN(total_score) AS min_grade, MAX(total_score) AS max_grade FROM exercise_user_record WHERE eid = ?d AND attempt_status = ?d", $exerciseId, ATTEMPT_COMPLETED);
$max_grade = $grade_stats->max_grade;
$min_grade = $grade_stats->min_grade;
$avg_grade = $grade_stats->avg_grade;
$avg_time = $grade_stats->avg_time;
$unique_users = $grade_stats->unique_users;
//average number of attempts
//avg completion time
$tool_content .= "\n    <div class='table-responsive'>\n        <table class='table-default'>\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th colspan='4' class='text-center'>{$langAttempts}</th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langAttemptsCompleted}</th>\n                    <td>{$completedAttempts}</td>\n                    <td>{$langAttemptsPaused}</th>\n                    <td>{$pausedAttempts}</td>                        \n                </tr>\n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langAttemptPending}</th>\n                    <td>{$pendingAttempts}</td>\n                    <td>{$langAttemptsCanceled}</th>\n                    <td>{$cancelledAttempts}</td>                        \n                </tr>\n            </tbody>\n            <tfoot>\n                <tr class='active'>\n                    <th colspan='3'>{$langTotal}:</th>\n                    <th colspan='1'>{$total_attempts}</th>\n                </tr>            \n            </tfoot>\n        </table>\n    </div>\n    <div class='table-responsive'>\n        <table class='table-default'>\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th colspan='2' class='text-center'>{$langScore}</th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langHighestGrade}</th>\n                    <td>{$max_grade}</td>\n                    \n                </tr>\n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langLowestGrade}</th>\n                    <td>{$min_grade}</td>                   \n                </tr>\n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langRatingAverage}</th>\n                    <td>{$avg_grade}</td>                   \n                </tr>              \n            </tbody>\n        </table>\n    </div>\n    <div class='table-responsive'>\n        <table class='table-default'>\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th colspan='2' class='text-center'>{$langStudents}</th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>\n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langStudentsExerciseCompleted}</th>\n                    <td>{$unique_users}</td>                   \n                </tr>              \n                <tr>\n                    <td>{$langAverage} {$langExerciseDuration}</th>\n                    <td>" . format_time_duration($avg_time) . "</td>                   \n                </tr>                \n            </tbody>\n        </table>\n    </div>";
//Questions Table
$questionList = $objExercise->selectQuestionList();
$tool_content .= "\n    <h3>{$langQuestions}</h3>\n    <div class='table-responsive'>\n        <table class='table-default'>\n            <thead>\n                <tr>\n                    <th>{$langTitle}</th>\n                    <th>Ποσοστό Επιτυχίας</th>\n                </tr>\n            </thead>\n            <tbody>";
foreach ($questionList as $id) {
    $objQuestionTmp = new Question();
    $tool_content .= "\n                <tr>\n                    <td>" . $objQuestionTmp->selectTitle() . "</th>\n                    <td>\n                        <div class='progress'>\n                            <div class='progress-bar progress-bar-success progress-bar-striped' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='" . $objQuestionTmp->successRate($exerciseId) . "' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width: " . $objQuestionTmp->successRate($exerciseId) . "%;'>\n                              " . $objQuestionTmp->successRate($exerciseId) . "%\n                            </div>\n                        </div></td>                   \n                </tr>";
$tool_content .= "\n            </tbody>\n        </table>\n    </div>";
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);
Beispiel #8
    <div class='table-responsive'>
        <table class='table-default'>
                    <th>Ποσοστό Επιτυχίας</th>
foreach($questionList as $id){
    $objQuestionTmp = new Question();
    $tool_content .= "
                        <div class='progress'>
                            <div class='progress-bar progress-bar-success progress-bar-striped' role='progressbar' aria-valuenow='".$objQuestionTmp->successRate($exerciseId)."' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100' style='width: ".$objQuestionTmp->successRate($exerciseId)."%;'>
$tool_content .= "
draw($tool_content, 2, null, $head_content);