protected function generateContent() { $_level = $this->subject->getField('level'); $_minLevel = $this->subject->getField('minLevel'); $_flags = $this->subject->getField('flags'); $_specialFlags = $this->subject->getField('specialFlags'); $_side = Util::sideByRaceMask($this->subject->getField('reqRaceMask')); /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); // event (todo: assign eventData) if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('eventId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_WORLDEVENT, $_); $infobox[] = Lang::game('eventShort') . Lang::main('colon') . '[event=' . $_ . ']'; } // level if ($_level > 0) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('level') . Lang::main('colon') . $_level; } // reqlevel if ($_minLevel) { $lvl = $_minLevel; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('maxLevel')) { $lvl .= ' - ' . $_; } $infobox[] = sprintf(Lang::game('reqLevel'), $lvl); } // loremaster (i dearly hope those flags cover every case...) if ($this->subject->getField('zoneOrSortBak') > 0 && !$this->subject->isRepeatable()) { $conditions = array(['ac.type', ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_QUESTS_IN_ZONE], ['ac.value1', $this->subject->getField('zoneOrSortBak')], ['a.faction', $_side, '&']); $loremaster = new AchievementList($conditions); $this->extendGlobalData($loremaster->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); switch ($loremaster->getMatches()) { case 0: break; case 1: $infobox[] = Lang::quest('loremaster') . Lang::main('colon') . '[achievement=' . $loremaster->id . ']'; break; default: $lm = Lang::quest('loremaster') . Lang::main('colon') . '[ul]'; foreach ($loremaster->iterate() as $id => $__) { $lm .= '[li][achievement=' . $id . '][/li]'; } $infobox[] = $lm . '[/ul]'; break; } } // type (maybe expand uppon?) $_ = []; if ($_flags & QUEST_FLAG_DAILY) { $_[] = Lang::quest('daily'); } else { if ($_flags & QUEST_FLAG_WEEKLY) { $_[] = Lang::quest('weekly'); } else { if ($_specialFlags & QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_MONTHLY) { $_[] = Lang::quest('monthly'); } } } if ($t = $this->subject->getField('type')) { $_[] = Lang::quest('questInfo', $t); } if ($_) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('type') . Lang::main('colon') . implode(' ', $_); } // side $_ = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon'); switch ($_side) { case 3: $infobox[] = $_ . Lang::game('si', 3); break; case 2: $infobox[] = $_ . '[span class=icon-horde]' . Lang::game('si', 2) . '[/span]'; break; case 1: $infobox[] = $_ . '[span class=icon-alliance]' . Lang::game('si', 1) . '[/span]'; break; } // races if ($_ = Lang::getRaceString($this->subject->getField('reqRaceMask'), $__, $jsg, $n, false)) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_RACE, $jsg); $t = $n == 1 ? Lang::game('race') : Lang::game('races'); $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst($t) . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } // classes if ($_ = Lang::getClassString($this->subject->getField('reqClassMask'), $jsg, $n, false)) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_CLASS, $jsg); $t = $n == 1 ? Lang::game('class') : Lang::game('classes'); $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst($t) . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } // profession / skill if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqSkillId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_SKILL, $_); $sk = '[skill=' . $_ . ']'; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqSkillPoints')) { $sk .= ' (' . $_ . ')'; } $infobox[] = Lang::quest('profession') . Lang::main('colon') . $sk; } // timer if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('timeLimit')) { $infobox[] = Lang::quest('timer') . Lang::main('colon') . Util::formatTime($_ * 1000); } $startEnd = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT * FROM ?_quests_startend WHERE questId = ?d', $this->typeId); // start $start = '[icon name=quest_start' . ($this->subject->isDaily() ? '_daily' : '') . ']' . Lang::event('start') . Lang::main('colon') . '[/icon]'; $s = []; foreach ($startEnd as $se) { if ($se['method'] & 0x1) { $this->extendGlobalIds($se['type'], $se['typeId']); $s[] = ($s ? '[span=invisible]' . $start . '[/span] ' : $start . ' ') . '[' . Util::$typeStrings[$se['type']] . '=' . $se['typeId'] . ']'; } } if ($s) { $infobox[] = implode('[br]', $s); } // end $end = '[icon name=quest_end' . ($this->subject->isDaily() ? '_daily' : '') . ']' . Lang::event('end') . Lang::main('colon') . '[/icon]'; $e = []; foreach ($startEnd as $se) { if ($se['method'] & 0x2) { $this->extendGlobalIds($se['type'], $se['typeId']); $e[] = ($e ? '[span=invisible]' . $end . '[/span] ' : $end . ' ') . '[' . Util::$typeStrings[$se['type']] . '=' . $se['typeId'] . ']'; } } if ($e) { $infobox[] = implode('[br]', $e); } // Repeatable if ($_flags & QUEST_FLAG_REPEATABLE || $_specialFlags & QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_REPEATABLE) { $infobox[] = Lang::quest('repeatable'); } // sharable | not sharable $infobox[] = $_flags & QUEST_FLAG_SHARABLE ? Lang::quest('sharable') : Lang::quest('notSharable'); // Keeps you PvP flagged if ($this->subject->isPvPEnabled()) { $infobox[] = Lang::quest('keepsPvpFlag'); } // difficulty (todo (low): formula unclear. seems to be [minLevel,] -4, -2, (level), +3, +(9 to 15)) if ($_level > 0) { $_ = []; // red if ($_minLevel && $_minLevel < $_level - 4) { $_[] = '[color=q10]' . $_minLevel . '[/color]'; } // orange if (!$_minLevel || $_minLevel < $_level - 2) { $_[] = '[color=r1]' . (!$_ && $_minLevel > $_level - 4 ? $_minLevel : $_level - 4) . '[/color]'; } // yellow $_[] = '[color=r2]' . (!$_ && $_minLevel > $_level - 2 ? $_minLevel : $_level - 2) . '[/color]'; // green $_[] = '[color=r3]' . ($_level + 3) . '[/color]'; // grey (is about +/-1 level off) $_[] = '[color=r4]' . ($_level + 3 + ceil(12 * $_level / MAX_LEVEL)) . '[/color]'; if ($_) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('difficulty') . Lang::main('colon') . implode('[small] [/small]', $_); } } $this->infobox = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]'; /**********/ /* Series */ /**********/ // Quest Chain (are there cases where quests go in parallel?) $chain = array(array(array('side' => $_side, 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $this->typeId, 'name' => $this->name, '_next' => $this->subject->getField('nextQuestIdChain')))); $_ = $chain[0][0]; while ($_) { if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT id AS typeId, name_loc0, name_loc2, name_loc3, name_loc6, name_loc8, reqRaceMask FROM ?_quests WHERE nextQuestIdChain = ?d', $_['typeId'])) { $n = Util::localizedString($_, 'name'); array_unshift($chain, array(array('side' => Util::sideByRaceMask($_['reqRaceMask']), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $_['typeId'], 'name' => strlen($n) > 40 ? substr($n, 0, 40) . '…' : $n))); } } $_ = end($chain)[0]; while ($_) { if ($_ = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT id AS typeId, name_loc0, name_loc2, name_loc3, name_loc6, name_loc8, reqRaceMask, nextQuestIdChain AS _next FROM ?_quests WHERE id = ?d', $_['_next'])) { $n = Util::localizedString($_, 'name'); array_push($chain, array(array('side' => Util::sideByRaceMask($_['reqRaceMask']), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $_['typeId'], 'name' => strlen($n) > 40 ? substr($n, 0, 40) . '…' : $n, '_next' => $_['_next']))); } } if (count($chain) > 1) { $this->series[] = [$chain, null]; } // todo (low): sensibly merge the following lists into 'series' $listGen = function ($cnd) { $chain = []; $list = new QuestList($cnd); if ($list->error) { return null; } foreach ($list->iterate() as $id => $__) { $n = $list->getField('name', true); $chain[] = array(array('side' => Util::sideByRaceMask($list->getField('reqRaceMask')), 'typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_QUEST], 'typeId' => $id, 'name' => strlen($n) > 40 ? substr($n, 0, 40) . '…' : $n)); } return $chain; }; $extraLists = array(['reqQ', array('OR', ['AND', ['nextQuestId', $this->typeId], ['exclusiveGroup', 0, '<']], ['AND', ['id', $this->subject->getField('prevQuestId')], ['nextQuestIdChain', $this->typeId, '!']])], ['reqOneQ', array(['exclusiveGroup', 0, '>'], ['nextQuestId', $this->typeId])], ['opensQ', array('OR', ['AND', ['prevQuestId', $this->typeId], ['id', $this->subject->getField('nextQuestIdChain'), '!']], ['id', $this->subject->getField('nextQuestId')])], ['closesQ', array(['exclusiveGroup', 0, '!'], ['exclusiveGroup', $this->subject->getField('exclusiveGroup')], ['id', $this->typeId, '!'])], ['enablesQ', array(['prevQuestId', -$this->typeId])], ['enabledByQ', array(['id', -$this->subject->getField('prevQuestId')])]); foreach ($extraLists as $el) { if ($_ = $listGen($el[1])) { $this->series[] = [$_, sprintf(Util::$dfnString, Lang::quest($el[0] . 'Desc'), Lang::quest($el[0]))]; } } /*******************/ /* Objectives List */ /*******************/ $this->objectiveList = []; $this->providedItem = []; // gather ids for lookup $olItems = $olNPCs = $olGOs = $olFactions = []; // items $olItems[0] = array($this->subject->getField('sourceItemId'), $this->subject->getField('sourceItemCount'), false); for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) { $id = $this->subject->getField('reqItemId' . $i); $qty = $this->subject->getField('reqItemCount' . $i); if (!$id || !$qty) { continue; } $olItems[$i] = [$id, $qty, $id == $olItems[0][0]]; } if ($ids = array_column($olItems, 0)) { $olItemData = new ItemList(array(['id', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olItemData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $providedRequired = false; foreach ($olItems as $i => list($itemId, $qty, $provided)) { if (!$i || !$itemId || !in_array($itemId, $olItemData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } if ($provided) { $providedRequired = true; } $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_ITEM], 'id' => $itemId, 'name' => $olItemData->json[$itemId]['name'], 'qty' => $qty > 1 ? $qty : 0, 'quality' => 7 - $olItemData->json[$itemId]['quality'], 'extraText' => $provided ? ' (' . Lang::quest('provided') . ')' : ''); } // if providd item is not required by quest, list it below other requirements if (!$providedRequired && $olItems[0][0] && in_array($olItems[0][0], $olItemData->getFoundIDs())) { $this->providedItem = array('id' => $olItems[0][0], 'name' => $olItemData->json[$olItems[0][0]]['name'], 'qty' => $olItems[0][1] > 1 ? $olItems[0][1] : 0, 'quality' => 7 - $olItemData->json[$olItems[0][0]]['quality']); } } // creature or GO... for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) { $id = $this->subject->getField('reqNpcOrGo' . $i); $qty = $this->subject->getField('reqNpcOrGoCount' . $i); $altTxt = $this->subject->getField('objectiveText' . $i, true); if ($id > 0 && $qty) { $olNPCs[$id] = [$qty, $altTxt, []]; } else { if ($id < 0 && $qty) { $olGOs[-$id] = [$qty, $altTxt]; } } } // .. creature kills if ($ids = array_keys($olNPCs)) { $olNPCData = new CreatureList(array('OR', ['id', $ids], ['killCredit1', $ids], ['killCredit2', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olNPCData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); // create proxy-references foreach ($olNPCData->iterate() as $id => $__) { if ($p = $olNPCData->getField('KillCredit1')) { if (isset($olNPCs[$p])) { $olNPCs[$p][2][$id] = $olNPCData->getField('name', true); } } if ($p = $olNPCData->getField('KillCredit2')) { if (isset($olNPCs[$p])) { $olNPCs[$p][2][$id] = $olNPCData->getField('name', true); } } } foreach ($olNPCs as $i => $pair) { if (!$i || !in_array($i, $olNPCData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } $ol = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_NPC], 'id' => $i, 'name' => $pair[1] ?: Util::localizedString($olNPCData->getEntry($i), 'name'), 'qty' => $pair[0] > 1 ? $pair[0] : 0, 'extraText' => $_specialFlags & QUEST_FLAG_SPECIAL_SPELLCAST || $pair[1] ? '' : ' ' . Lang::achievement('slain'), 'proxy' => $pair[2]); if ($pair[2]) { // has proxies assigned, add yourself as another proxy $ol['proxy'][$i] = Util::localizedString($olNPCData->getEntry($i), 'name'); } $this->objectiveList[] = $ol; } } // .. GO interactions if ($ids = array_keys($olGOs)) { $olGOData = new GameObjectList(array(['id', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olGOData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); foreach ($olNPCs as $i => $pair) { if (!$i || !in_array($i, $olGOData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_OBJECT], 'id' => $i, 'name' => $pair[1] ?: Util::localizedString($olGOData->getEntry($i), 'name'), 'qty' => $pair[0] > 1 ? $pair[0] : 0); } } // reputation required for ($i = 1; $i < 3; $i++) { $id = $this->subject->getField('reqFactionId' . $i); $val = $this->subject->getField('reqFactionValue' . $i); if (!$id) { continue; } $olFactions[$id] = $val; } if ($ids = array_keys($olFactions)) { $olFactionsData = new FactionList(array(['id', $ids])); $this->extendGlobalData($olFactionsData->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); foreach ($olFactions as $i => $val) { if (!$i || !in_array($i, $olFactionsData->getFoundIDs())) { continue; } $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_FACTION], 'id' => $i, 'name' => Util::localizedString($olFactionsData->getEntry($i), 'name'), 'qty' => sprintf(Util::$dfnString, $val . ' ' . Lang::achievement('points'), Lang::getReputationLevelForPoints($val)), 'extraText' => ''); } } // granted spell if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('sourceSpellId')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_SPELL, $_); $this->objectiveList[] = array('typeStr' => Util::$typeStrings[TYPE_SPELL], 'id' => $_, 'name' => SpellList::getName($_), 'qty' => 0, 'extraText' => ' (' . Lang::quest('provided') . ')'); } // required money if ($this->subject->getField('rewardOrReqMoney') < 0) { $this->objectiveList[] = ['text' => Lang::quest('reqMoney') . Lang::main('colon') . Util::formatMoney(abs($this->subject->getField('rewardOrReqMoney')))]; } // required pvp kills if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqPlayerKills')) { $this->objectiveList[] = ['text' => Lang::quest('playerSlain') . ' (' . $_ . ')']; } /**********/ /* Mapper */ /**********/ $this->addJS('?data=zones&locale=' . User::$localeId . '&t=' . $_SESSION['dataKey']); /* TODO (GODDAMNIT): jeez.. */ // $startend + reqNpcOrGo[1-4] $this->map = null; // array( // 'data' => ['zone' => $this->typeId], // 'som' => Util::toJSON($som) // ); /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $this->gains = $this->createGains(); $this->mail = $this->createMail($maTab, $startEnd); $this->rewards = $this->createRewards(); $this->objectives = $this->subject->parseText('objectives', false); $this->details = $this->subject->parseText('details', false); $this->offerReward = $this->subject->parseText('offerReward', false); $this->requestItems = $this->subject->parseText('requestItems', false); $this->completed = $this->subject->parseText('completed', false); $this->end = $this->subject->parseText('end', false); $this->suggestedPl = $this->subject->getField('suggestedPlayers'); $this->unavailable = $_flags & QUEST_FLAG_UNAVAILABLE || $this->subject->getField('cuFlags') & CUSTOM_EXCLUDE_FOR_LISTVIEW; $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_LINKS => ['color' => 'ffffff00', 'linkId' => 'quest:' . $this->typeId . ':' . $_level . ''], BUTTON_WOWHEAD => true); if ($maTab) { $this->lvTabs[] = $maTab; } // factionchange-equivalent if ($pendant = DB::World()->selectCell('SELECT IF(horde_id = ?d, alliance_id, -horde_id) FROM player_factionchange_quests WHERE alliance_id = ?d OR horde_id = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $altQuest = new QuestList(array(['id', abs($pendant)])); if (!$altQuest->error) { $this->transfer = sprintf(Lang::quest('_transfer'), $altQuest->id, $altQuest->getField('name', true), $pendant > 0 ? 'alliance' : 'horde', $pendant > 0 ? Lang::game('si', 1) : Lang::game('si', 2)); } } /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tab: see also $seeAlso = new QuestList(array(['name_loc' . User::$localeId, '%' . $this->name . '%'], ['id', $this->typeId, '!'])); if (!$seeAlso->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($seeAlso->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $seeAlso->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_seealso', 'id' => 'see-also')); } // tab: criteria of $criteriaOf = new AchievementList(array(['ac.type', ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_COMPLETE_QUEST], ['ac.value1', $this->typeId])); if (!$criteriaOf->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($criteriaOf->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $criteriaOf->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_criteriaof', 'id' => 'criteria-of')); } // tab: conditions $cnd = []; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqMinRepFaction')) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0][] = [CND_REPUTATION_RANK, $_, 1 << Util::getReputationLevelForPoints($this->subject->getField('reqMinRepValue'))]; $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_FACTION, $_); } if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqMaxRepFaction')) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0][] = [-CND_REPUTATION_RANK, $_, 1 << Util::getReputationLevelForPoints($this->subject->getField('reqMaxRepValue'))]; $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_FACTION, $_); } $_ = Util::getServerConditions([CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT, CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK], null, $this->typeId); if (!empty($_[0])) { // awkward merger if (isset($_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0])) { if (isset($cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0])) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0] = array_merge($cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0], $_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT][$this->typeId][0]); } else { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT] = $_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_ACCEPT]; } } if (isset($_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK])) { $cnd[CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK] = $_[0][CND_SRC_QUEST_SHOW_MARK]; } $this->extendGlobalData($_[1]); } if ($cnd) { $tab = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" . "var markup = ConditionList.createTab(" . Util::toJSON($cnd) . ");\n" . "Markup.printHtml(markup, 'tab-conditions', { allow: Markup.CLASS_STAFF })" . "</script>"; $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => null, 'data' => $tab, 'params' => array('id' => 'conditions', 'name' => '$LANG.requires')); } }
protected function generateContent() { $this->addJS('?data=zones&locale=' . User::$localeId . '&t=' . $_SESSION['dataKey']); /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); // Event (ignore events, where the object only gets removed) if ($_ = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT DISTINCT IF(,, -ge.eventEntry) FROM game_event ge, game_event_gameobject geg, gameobject g WHERE ge.eventEntry = geg.eventEntry AND g.guid = geg.guid AND = ?d', $this->typeId)) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_WORLDEVENT, $_); $ev = []; foreach ($_ as $i => $e) { $ev[] = ($i % 2 ? '[br]' : ' ') . '[event=' . $e . ']'; } $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::game('eventShort')) . Lang::main('colon') . implode(',', $ev); } // Reaction $_ = function ($r) { if ($r == 1) { return 2; } if ($r == -1) { return 10; } return; }; $infobox[] = Lang::npc('react') . Lang::main('colon') . '[color=q' . $_($this->subject->getField('A')) . ']A[/color] [color=q' . $_($this->subject->getField('H')) . ']H[/color]'; // reqSkill switch ($this->subject->getField('typeCat')) { case -3: // Herbalism $infobox[] = sprintf(Lang::game('requires'), Lang::spell('lockType', 2) . ' (' . $this->subject->getField('reqSkill') . ')'); break; case -4: // Mining $infobox[] = sprintf(Lang::game('requires'), Lang::spell('lockType', 3) . ' (' . $this->subject->getField('reqSkill') . ')'); break; case -5: // Lockpicking $infobox[] = sprintf(Lang::game('requires'), Lang::spell('lockType', 1) . ' (' . $this->subject->getField('reqSkill') . ')'); break; default: $locks = Lang::getLocks($this->subject->getField('lockId')); $l = ''; foreach ($locks as $idx => $_) { if ($idx < 0) { continue; } $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_ITEM, $idx); $l = Lang::gameObject('key') . Lang::main('colon') . '[item=' . $idx . ']'; } // if no propper item is found use a skill if ($locks) { $infobox[] = $l ? $l : array_pop($locks); } } // linked trap if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('linkedTrap')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_OBJECT, $_); $infobox[] = Lang::gameObject('trap') . Lang::main('colon') . '[object=' . $_ . ']'; } // trap for $trigger = new GameObjectList(array(['linkedTrap', $this->typeId])); if (!$trigger->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($trigger->getJSGlobals()); $infobox[] = Lang::gameObject('triggeredBy') . Lang::main('colon') . '[object=' . $trigger->id . ']'; } // SpellFocus if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('spellFocusId')) { if ($sfo = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT * FROM ?_spellfocusobject WHERE id = ?d', $_)) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip name=focus]' . Lang::gameObject('focusDesc') . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=focus]' . Lang::gameObject('focus') . Lang::main('colon') . Util::localizedString($sfo, 'name') . '[/span]'; } } // lootinfo: [min, max, restock] if (($_ = $this->subject->getField('lootStack')) && $_[0]) { $buff = Lang::item('charges') . Lang::main('colon') . $_[0]; if ($_[0] < $_[1]) { $buff .= Lang::game('valueDelim') . $_[1]; } // since Veins don't have charges anymore, the timer is questionable $infobox[] = $_[2] > 1 ? '[tooltip name=restock]' . sprintf(Lang::gameObject('restock'), Util::formatTime($_[2] * 1000)) . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=restock]' . $buff . '[/span]' : $buff; } // meeting stone [minLevel, maxLevel, zone] if ($this->subject->getField('type') == OBJECT_MEETINGSTONE) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('mStone')) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_ZONE, $_[2]); $m = Lang::game('meetingStone') . Lang::main('colon') . '[zone=' . $_[2] . ']'; $l = $_[0]; if ($_[0] > 1 && $_[1] > $_[0]) { $l .= Lang::game('valueDelim') . min($_[1], MAX_LEVEL); } $infobox[] = $l ? '[tooltip name=meetingstone]' . sprintf(Lang::game('reqLevel'), $l) . '[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=meetingstone]' . $m . '[/span]' : $m; } } // capture area [minPlayer, maxPlayer, minTime, maxTime, radius] if ($this->subject->getField('type') == OBJECT_CAPTURE_POINT) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('capture')) { $buff = Lang::gameObject('capturePoint'); if ($_[2] > 1 || $_[0]) { $buff .= Lang::main('colon') . '[ul]'; } if ($_[2] > 1) { $buff .= '[li]' . Lang::game('duration') . Lang::main('colon') . ($_[3] > $_[2] ? Util::FormatTime($_[3] * 1000, true) . ' - ' : null) . Util::FormatTime($_[2] * 1000, true) . '[/li]'; } if ($_[1]) { $buff .= '[li]' . Lang::main('players') . Lang::main('colon') . $_[0] . ($_[1] > $_[0] ? ' - ' . $_[1] : null) . '[/li]'; } if ($_[4]) { $buff .= '[li]' . sprintf(Lang::spell('range'), $_[4]) . '[/li]'; } if ($_[2] > 1 || $_[0]) { $buff .= '[/ul]'; } } $infobox[] = $buff; } // AI if (User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE)) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('ScriptName')) { $infobox[] = 'Script' . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } else { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('AIName')) { $infobox[] = 'AI' . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } } } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ // pageText $pageText = []; if ($next = $this->subject->getField('pageTextId')) { while ($next) { $row = DB::World()->selectRow('SELECT *, text as Text_loc0 FROM page_text pt LEFT JOIN locales_page_text lpt ON pt.entry = lpt.entry WHERE pt.entry = ?d', $next); $next = $row['next_page']; $pageText[] = Util::parseHtmlText(Util::localizedString($row, 'Text')); } } // add conditional js & css if ($pageText) { $this->addCSS(['path' => 'Book.css']); $this->addJS('Book.js'); } // get spawns and path $map = null; if ($spawns = $this->subject->getSpawns(SPAWNINFO_FULL)) { $map = ['data' => ['parent' => 'mapper-generic'], 'mapperData' => &$spawns]; foreach ($spawns as $areaId => &$areaData) { $map['extra'][$areaId] = ZoneList::getName($areaId); } } // consider pooled spawns $this->infobox = $infobox ? '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]' : null; $this->pageText = $pageText; $this->map = $map; $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_WOWHEAD => true, BUTTON_LINKS => true, BUTTON_VIEW3D => ['displayId' => $this->subject->getField('displayId'), 'type' => TYPE_OBJECT, 'typeId' => $this->typeId]); /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tab: summoned by $conditions = array('OR', ['AND', ['effect1Id', [50, 76, 104, 105, 106, 107]], ['effect1MiscValue', $this->typeId]], ['AND', ['effect2Id', [50, 76, 104, 105, 106, 107]], ['effect2MiscValue', $this->typeId]], ['AND', ['effect3Id', [50, 76, 104, 105, 106, 107]], ['effect3MiscValue', $this->typeId]]); $summons = new SpellList($conditions); if (!$summons->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($summons->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $summons->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('id' => 'summoned-by', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_summonedby')); } // tab: related spells if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('spells')) { $relSpells = new SpellList(array(['id', $_])); if (!$relSpells->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($relSpells->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $data = $relSpells->getListviewData(); foreach ($data as $relId => $d) { $data[$relId]['trigger'] = array_search($relId, $_); } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $data, 'params' => array('id' => 'spells', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_spells', 'hiddenCols' => "\$['skill']", 'extraCols' => "\$[Listview.funcBox.createSimpleCol('trigger', 'Condition', '10%', 'trigger')]")); } } // tab: criteria of $acvs = new AchievementList(array(['ac.type', [ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_USE_GAMEOBJECT, ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_FISH_IN_GAMEOBJECT]], ['ac.value1', $this->typeId])); if (!$acvs->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($acvs->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $acvs->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('id' => 'criteria-of', 'name' => '$LANG.tab_criteriaof')); } // tab: starts quest // tab: ends quest $startEnd = new QuestList(array(['qse.type', TYPE_OBJECT], ['qse.typeId', $this->typeId])); if (!$startEnd->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($startEnd->getJSGlobals()); $lvData = $startEnd->getListviewData(); $_ = [[], []]; foreach ($startEnd->iterate() as $id => $__) { $m = $startEnd->getField('method'); if ($m & 0x1) { $_[0][] = $lvData[$id]; } if ($m & 0x2) { $_[1][] = $lvData[$id]; } } if ($_[0]) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $_[0], 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_starts', 'id' => 'starts')); } if ($_[1]) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $_[1], 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_ends', 'id' => 'ends')); } } // tab: related quests if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('reqQuest')) { $relQuest = new QuestList(array(['id', $_])); if (!$relQuest->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($relQuest->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $relQuest->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_quests', 'id' => 'quests')); } } // tab: contains $reqQuest = []; if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('lootId')) { $goLoot = new Loot(); if ($goLoot->getByContainer(LOOT_GAMEOBJECT, $_)) { $extraCols = $goLoot->extraCols; $hiddenCols = ['source', 'side', 'slot', 'reqlevel']; $this->extendGlobalData($goLoot->jsGlobals); foreach ($goLoot->iterate() as &$lv) { if (!empty($hiddenCols)) { foreach ($hiddenCols as $k => $str) { if (!empty($lv[$str])) { unset($hiddenCols[$k]); } } } if (!$lv['quest']) { continue; } $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.condition'; $reqQuest[$lv['id']] = 0; $lv['condition'][0][$this->typeId][] = [[CND_QUESTTAKEN, &$reqQuest[$lv['id']]]]; } $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.percent'; $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $goLoot->getResult(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_contains', 'id' => 'contains', 'extraCols' => "\$[" . implode(', ', array_unique($extraCols)) . "]", 'hiddenCols' => $hiddenCols ? '$' . Util::toJSON(array_values($hiddenCols)) : null)); } } if ($reqIds = array_keys($reqQuest)) { $conditions = array('OR', ['reqSourceItemId1', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId2', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId3', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId4', $reqIds], ['reqItemId1', $reqIds], ['reqItemId2', $reqIds], ['reqItemId3', $reqIds], ['reqItemId4', $reqIds], ['reqItemId5', $reqIds], ['reqItemId6', $reqIds]); $reqQuests = new QuestList($conditions); $this->extendGlobalData($reqQuests->getJSGlobals()); foreach ($reqQuests->iterate() as $qId => $__) { if (empty($reqQuests->requires[$qId][TYPE_ITEM])) { continue; } foreach ($reqIds as $rId) { if (in_array($rId, $reqQuests->requires[$qId][TYPE_ITEM])) { $reqQuest[$rId] = $reqQuests->id; } } } } // tab: Same model as .. whats the f*****g point..? $sameModel = new GameObjectList(array(['displayId', $this->subject->getField('displayId')], ['id', $this->typeId, '!'])); if (!$sameModel->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($sameModel->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'object', 'data' => $sameModel->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_samemodelas', 'id' => 'same-model-as')); } }
public function getByItem($entry, $maxResults = CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT, $lootTableList = []) { $this->entry = intVal($entry); if (!$this->entry) { return false; } // [fileName, tabData, tabName, tabId, extraCols, hiddenCols, visibleCols] $tabsFinal = array(['item', [], '$LANG.tab_containedin', 'contained-in-item', [], [], []], ['item', [], '$LANG.tab_disenchantedfrom', 'disenchanted-from', [], [], []], ['item', [], '$LANG.tab_prospectedfrom', 'prospected-from', [], [], []], ['item', [], '$LANG.tab_milledfrom', 'milled-from', [], [], []], ['creature', [], '$LANG.tab_droppedby', 'dropped-by', [], [], []], ['creature', [], '$LANG.tab_pickpocketedfrom', 'pickpocketed-from', [], [], []], ['creature', [], '$LANG.tab_skinnedfrom', 'skinned-from', [], [], []], ['creature', [], '$LANG.tab_minedfromnpc', 'mined-from-npc', [], [], []], ['creature', [], '$LANG.tab_salvagedfrom', 'salvaged-from', [], [], []], ['creature', [], '$LANG.tab_gatheredfromnpc', 'gathered-from-npc', [], [], []], ['quest', [], '$LANG.tab_rewardfrom', 'reward-from-quest', [], [], []], ['zone', [], '$LANG.tab_fishedin', 'fished-in-zone', [], [], []], ['object', [], '$LANG.tab_containedin', 'contained-in-object', [], [], []], ['object', [], '$LANG.tab_minedfrom', 'mined-from-object', [], [], []], ['object', [], '$LANG.tab_gatheredfrom', 'gathered-from-object', [], [], []], ['object', [], '$LANG.tab_fishedin', 'fished-in-object', [], [], []], ['spell', [], '$LANG.tab_createdby', 'created-by', [], [], []], ['achievement', [], '$LANG.tab_rewardfrom', 'reward-from-achievement', [], [], []]); $refResults = []; $chanceMods = []; $query = 'SELECT lt1.entry AS ARRAY_KEY, IF(lt1.reference = 0, lt1.item, lt1.reference) AS item, lt1.chance, SUM(IF(lt2.chance = 0, 1, 0)) AS nZeroItems, SUM(lt2.chance) AS sumChance, IF(lt1.groupid > 0, 1, 0) AS isGrouped, IF(lt1.reference = 0, lt1.mincount, 1) AS min, IF(lt1.reference = 0, lt1.maxcount, 1) AS max, IF(lt1.reference > 0, lt1.maxcount, 1) AS multiplier FROM ?# lt1 LEFT JOIN ?# lt2 ON lt1.entry = lt2.entry AND lt1.groupid = lt2.groupid WHERE %s GROUP BY lt2.entry, lt2.groupid'; $calcChance = function ($refs, $parents = []) use(&$chanceMods) { $retData = []; $retKeys = []; foreach ($refs as $rId => $ref) { // check for possible database inconsistencies if (!$ref['chance'] && !$ref['isGrouped']) { Util::addNote(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE, 'Loot by Item: ungrouped Item/Ref ' . $ref['item'] . ' has 0% chance assigned!'); } if ($ref['isGrouped'] && $ref['sumChance'] > 100) { Util::addNote(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE, 'Loot by Item: group with Item/Ref ' . $ref['item'] . ' has ' . number_format($ref['sumChance'], 2) . '% total chance! Some items cannot drop!'); } if ($ref['isGrouped'] && $ref['sumChance'] >= 100 && !$ref['chance']) { Util::addNote(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE, 'Loot by Item: Item/Ref ' . $ref['item'] . ' with adaptive chance cannot drop. Group already at 100%!'); } $chance = abs($ref['chance'] ?: (100 - $ref['sumChance']) / $ref['nZeroItems']) / 100; // apply inherited chanceMods if (isset($chanceMods[$ref['item']])) { $chance *= $chanceMods[$ref['item']][0]; $chance = 1 - pow(1 - $chance, $chanceMods[$ref['item']][1]); } // save chance for parent-ref $chanceMods[$rId] = [$chance, $ref['multiplier']]; // refTemplate doesn't point to a new ref -> we are done if (!in_array($rId, $parents)) { $data = array('percent' => $chance, 'stack' => [$ref['min'], $ref['max']], 'count' => 1); if ($_ = self::createStack($ref)) { $data['pctstack'] = $_; } // sort highest chances first $i = 0; for (; $i < count($retData); $i++) { if ($retData[$i]['percent'] < $data['percent']) { break; } } array_splice($retData, $i, 0, [$data]); array_splice($retKeys, $i, 0, [$rId]); } } return array_combine($retKeys, $retData); }; /* get references containing the item */ $newRefs = DB::World()->select(sprintf($query, 'lt1.item = ?d AND lt1.reference = 0'), LOOT_REFERENCE, LOOT_REFERENCE, $this->entry); while ($newRefs) { $curRefs = $newRefs; $newRefs = DB::World()->select(sprintf($query, 'lt1.reference IN (?a)'), LOOT_REFERENCE, LOOT_REFERENCE, array_keys($curRefs)); $refResults += $calcChance($curRefs, array_column($newRefs, 'item')); } /* search the real loot-templates for the itemId and gathered refds */ for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->lootTemplates); $i++) { if ($lootTableList && !in_array($this->lootTemplates[$i], $lootTableList)) { continue; } $result = $calcChance(DB::World()->select(sprintf($query, '{lt1.reference IN (?a) OR }(lt1.reference = 0 AND lt1.item = ?d)'), $this->lootTemplates[$i], $this->lootTemplates[$i], $refResults ? array_keys($refResults) : DBSIMPLE_SKIP, $this->entry)); // do not skip here if $result is empty. Additional loot for spells and quest is added separately // format for actual use foreach ($result as $k => $v) { unset($result[$k]); $v['percent'] = round($v['percent'] * 100, 3); $result[abs($k)] = $v; } // cap fetched entries to the sql-limit to guarantee, that the highest chance items get selected first // screws with GO-loot and skinnig-loot as these templates are shared for several tabs (fish, herb, ore) (herb, ore, leather) $ids = array_slice(array_keys($result), 0, $maxResults); switch ($this->lootTemplates[$i]) { case LOOT_CREATURE: $field = 'lootId'; $tabId = 4; break; case LOOT_PICKPOCKET: $field = 'pickpocketLootId'; $tabId = 5; break; case LOOT_SKINNING: $field = 'skinLootId'; $tabId = -6; break; // assigned later // assigned later case LOOT_PROSPECTING: $field = 'id'; $tabId = 2; break; case LOOT_MILLING: $field = 'id'; $tabId = 3; break; case LOOT_ITEM: $field = 'id'; $tabId = 0; break; case LOOT_DISENCHANT: $field = 'disenchantId'; $tabId = 1; break; case LOOT_FISHING: $field = 'id'; $tabId = 11; break; // subAreas are currently ignored // subAreas are currently ignored case LOOT_GAMEOBJECT: if (!$ids) { continue 2; } $srcObj = new GameObjectList(array(['lootId', $ids])); if ($srcObj->error) { continue 2; } $srcData = $srcObj->getListviewData(); foreach ($srcObj->iterate() as $__id => $curTpl) { switch ($curTpl['typeCat']) { case 25: $tabId = 15; break; // fishing node // fishing node case -3: $tabId = 14; break; // herb // herb case -4: $tabId = 13; break; // vein // vein default: $tabId = 12; break; // general chest loot } $tabsFinal[$tabId][1][] = array_merge($srcData[$srcObj->id], $result[$srcObj->getField('lootId')]); $tabsFinal[$tabId][4][] = 'Listview.extraCols.percent'; if ($tabId != 15) { $tabsFinal[$tabId][6][] = 'skill'; } } continue 2; case LOOT_MAIL: // quest part $conditions = array(['rewardChoiceItemId1', $this->entry], ['rewardChoiceItemId2', $this->entry], ['rewardChoiceItemId3', $this->entry], ['rewardChoiceItemId4', $this->entry], ['rewardChoiceItemId5', $this->entry], ['rewardChoiceItemId6', $this->entry], ['rewardItemId1', $this->entry], ['rewardItemId2', $this->entry], ['rewardItemId3', $this->entry], ['rewardItemId4', $this->entry], 'OR'); if ($ids) { $conditions[] = ['rewardMailTemplateId', $ids]; } $srcObj = new QuestList($conditions); if (!$srcObj->error) { self::storeJSGlobals($srcObj->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $srcData = $srcObj->getListviewData(); foreach ($srcObj->iterate() as $_) { $tabsFinal[10][1][] = array_merge($srcData[$srcObj->id], empty($result[$srcObj->id]) ? ['percent' => -1] : $result[$srcObj->id]); } } // achievement part $conditions = array(['itemExtra', $this->entry]); if ($ar = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT entry FROM achievement_reward WHERE item = ?d{ OR mailTemplate IN (?a)}', $this->entry, $ids ?: DBSIMPLE_SKIP)) { array_push($conditions, ['id', $ar], 'OR'); } $srcObj = new AchievementList($conditions); if (!$srcObj->error) { self::storeJSGlobals($srcObj->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $srcData = $srcObj->getListviewData(); foreach ($srcObj->iterate() as $_) { $tabsFinal[17][1][] = array_merge($srcData[$srcObj->id], empty($result[$srcObj->id]) ? ['percent' => -1] : $result[$srcObj->id]); } $tabsFinal[17][5][] = 'rewards'; $tabsFinal[17][6][] = 'category'; } continue 2; case LOOT_SPELL: $conditions = array('OR', ['AND', ['effect1CreateItemId', $this->entry], ['OR', ['effect1Id', SpellList::$effects['itemCreate']], ['effect1AuraId', SpellList::$auras['itemCreate']]]], ['AND', ['effect2CreateItemId', $this->entry], ['OR', ['effect2Id', SpellList::$effects['itemCreate']], ['effect2AuraId', SpellList::$auras['itemCreate']]]], ['AND', ['effect3CreateItemId', $this->entry], ['OR', ['effect3Id', SpellList::$effects['itemCreate']], ['effect3AuraId', SpellList::$auras['itemCreate']]]]); if ($ids) { $conditions[] = ['id', $ids]; } $srcObj = new SpellList($conditions); if (!$srcObj->error) { self::storeJSGlobals($srcObj->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $srcData = $srcObj->getListviewData(); if (!empty($result)) { $tabsFinal[16][4][] = 'Listview.extraCols.percent'; } if ($srcObj->hasSetFields(['reagent1'])) { $tabsFinal[16][6][] = 'reagents'; } foreach ($srcObj->iterate() as $_) { $tabsFinal[16][1][] = array_merge($srcData[$srcObj->id], empty($result[$srcObj->id]) ? ['percent' => -1] : $result[$srcObj->id]); } } continue 2; } if (!$ids) { continue; } switch ($tabsFinal[abs($tabId)][0]) { case 'creature': // new CreatureList // new CreatureList case 'item': // new ItemList // new ItemList case 'zone': // new ZoneList $oName = ucFirst($tabsFinal[abs($tabId)][0]) . 'List'; $srcObj = new $oName(array([$field, $ids])); if (!$srcObj->error) { $srcData = $srcObj->getListviewData(); self::storeJSGlobals($srcObj->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); foreach ($srcObj->iterate() as $curTpl) { if ($tabId < 0 && $curTpl['typeFlags'] & NPC_TYPEFLAG_HERBLOOT) { $tabId = 9; } else { if ($tabId < 0 && $curTpl['typeFlags'] & NPC_TYPEFLAG_ENGINEERLOOT) { $tabId = 8; } else { if ($tabId < 0 && $curTpl['typeFlags'] & NPC_TYPEFLAG_MININGLOOT) { $tabId = 7; } else { if ($tabId < 0) { $tabId = abs($tabId); } } } } // general case (skinning) $tabsFinal[$tabId][1][] = array_merge($srcData[$srcObj->id], $result[$srcObj->getField($field)]); $tabsFinal[$tabId][4][] = 'Listview.extraCols.percent'; } } break; } } $this->results = $tabsFinal; return true; }
protected function generateContent() { $this->addJS('?data=zones&locale=' . User::$localeId . '&t=' . $_SESSION['dataKey']); $_typeFlags = $this->subject->getField('typeFlags'); $_altIds = []; $_altNPCs = null; $placeholder = null; $accessory = []; // difficulty entries of self if ($this->subject->getField('cuFlags') & NPC_CU_DIFFICULTY_DUMMY) { $placeholder = [$this->subject->getField('parentId'), $this->subject->getField('parent', true)]; } else { for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('difficultyEntry' . $i)) { $_altIds[$_] = $i; } } if ($_altIds) { $_altNPCs = new CreatureList(array(['id', array_keys($_altIds)])); } } if ($_ = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT DISTINCT entry FROM vehicle_template_accessory WHERE accessory_entry = ?d', $this->typeId)) { $vehicles = new CreatureList(array(['id', $_])); foreach ($vehicles->iterate() as $id => $__) { $accessory[] = [$id, $vehicles->getField('name', true)]; } } // try to determine, if it's spawned in a dungeon or raid (shaky at best, if spawned by script) $mapType = 0; if ($maps = DB::Aowow()->selectCol('SELECT DISTINCT areaId from ?_spawns WHERE type = ?d AND typeId = ?d', TYPE_NPC, $this->typeId)) { if (count($maps) == 1) { switch (DB::Aowow()->selectCell('SELECT `type` FROM ?_zones WHERE id = ?d', $maps[0])) { case 2: case 5: $mapType = 1; break; case 3: case 7: case 8: $mapType = 2; break; } } } else { if ($_altIds) { if (count($_altIds) > 1) { // 3 or more version -> definitly raid (10/25 + hc) $mapType = 2; } else { // 2 versions; may be Heroic (use this), but may also be 10/25-raid $mapType = 1; } } } /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); // Event (ignore events, where the object only gets removed) if ($_ = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT DISTINCT ge.eventEntry FROM game_event ge, game_event_creature gec, creature c WHERE ge.eventEntry = gec.eventEntry AND c.guid = gec.guid AND = ?d', $this->typeId)) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_WORLDEVENT, $_); $ev = []; foreach ($_ as $i => $e) { $ev[] = ($i % 2 ? '[br]' : ' ') . '[event=' . $e . ']'; } $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::game('eventShort')) . Lang::main('colon') . implode(',', $ev); } // Level if ($this->subject->getField('rank') != NPC_RANK_BOSS) { $level = $this->subject->getField('minLevel'); $maxLvl = $this->subject->getField('maxLevel'); if ($level < $maxLvl) { $level .= ' - ' . $maxLvl; } } else { // Boss Level $level = '??'; } $infobox[] = Lang::game('level') . Lang::main('colon') . $level; // Classification if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('rank')) { $str = $_typeFlags & 0x4 ? '[span class=icon-boss]' . Lang::npc('rank', $_) . '[/span]' : Lang::npc('rank', $_); $infobox[] = Lang::npc('classification') . Lang::main('colon') . $str; } // Reaction $_ = function ($r) { if ($r == 1) { return 2; } if ($r == -1) { return 10; } return; }; $infobox[] = Lang::npc('react') . Lang::main('colon') . '[color=q' . $_($this->subject->getField('A')) . ']A[/color] [color=q' . $_($this->subject->getField('H')) . ']H[/color]'; // Faction $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_FACTION, $this->subject->getField('factionId')); $infobox[] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::game('faction')) . Lang::main('colon') . '[faction=' . $this->subject->getField('factionId') . ']'; // Tameable if ($_typeFlags & 0x1) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('family')) { $infobox[] = sprintf(Lang::npc('tameable'), '[url=pet=' . $_ . ']' . Lang::game('fa', $_) . '[/url]'); } } // Wealth if ($_ = intVal(($this->subject->getField('minGold') + $this->subject->getField('maxGold')) / 2)) { $infobox[] = Lang::npc('worth') . Lang::main('colon') . '[tooltip=tooltip_avgmoneydropped][money=' . $_ . '][/tooltip]'; } // is Vehicle if ($this->subject->getField('vehicleId')) { $infobox[] = Lang::npc('vehicle'); } // AI if (User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE)) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('scriptName')) { $infobox[] = 'Script' . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } else { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('aiName')) { $infobox[] = 'AI' . Lang::main('colon') . $_; } } } if (User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_STAFF)) { // Mechanic immune if ($immuneMask = $this->subject->getField('mechanicImmuneMask')) { $buff = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 31; $i++) { if ($immuneMask & 1 << $i) { $buff[] = (!fMod(count($buff), 3) ? "\n" : null) . '[url=?spells&filter=me=' . ($i + 1) . ']' . Lang::game('me', $i + 1) . '[/url]'; } } $infobox[] = 'Not affected by mechanic' . Lang::main('colon') . implode(', ', $buff); } // extra flags if ($flagsExtra = $this->subject->getField('flagsExtra')) { $buff = []; if ($flagsExtra & 0x1) { $buff[] = 'Binds attacker to instance on death'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x2) { $buff[] = "[tooltip name=civilian]- does not aggro\n- death costs Honor[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=civilian]Civilian[/span]"; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x4) { $buff[] = 'Cannot parry'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x8) { $buff[] = 'Has no parry haste'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x10) { $buff[] = 'Cannot block'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x20) { $buff[] = 'Cannot deal Crushing Blows'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x40) { $buff[] = 'Rewards no experience'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x80) { $buff[] = 'Trigger-Creature'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x100) { $buff[] = 'Immune to Taunt'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x8000) { $buff[] = "[tooltip name=guard]- engages PvP-Attacker\n- ignores enemy stealth, invisibility and Feign Death[/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=guard]Guard[/span]"; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x20000) { $buff[] = 'Cannot deal Critical Hits'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x40000) { $buff[] = 'Attacker does not gain weapon skill'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x80000) { $buff[] = 'Taunt has diminishing returns'; } if ($flagsExtra & 0x100000) { $buff[] = 'Is subject to diminishing returns'; } if ($buff) { $infobox[] = 'Extra Flags' . Lang::main('colon') . '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $buff) . '[/li][/ul]'; } } } // > Stats $stats = []; $modes = []; // get difficulty versions if set $hint = '[tooltip name=%3$s][table cellspacing=10][tr]%1s[/tr][/table][/tooltip][span class=tip tooltip=%3$s]%2s[/span]'; $modeRow = '[tr][td]%s [/td][td]%s[/td][/tr]'; // Health $health = $this->subject->getBaseStats('health'); $stats['health'] = Util::ucFirst(Lang::spell('powerTypes', -2)) . Lang::main('colon') . ($health[0] < $health[1] ? Lang::nf($health[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($health[1]) : Lang::nf($health[0])); // Mana (may be 0) $mana = $this->subject->getBaseStats('power'); $stats['mana'] = $mana[0] ? Lang::spell('powerTypes', 0) . Lang::main('colon') . ($mana[0] < $mana[1] ? Lang::nf($mana[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($mana[1]) : Lang::nf($mana[0])) : null; // Armor $armor = $this->subject->getBaseStats('armor'); $stats['armor'] = Lang::npc('armor') . Lang::main('colon') . ($armor[0] < $armor[1] ? Lang::nf($armor[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($armor[1]) : Lang::nf($armor[0])); // Melee Damage $melee = $this->subject->getBaseStats('melee'); if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('dmgSchool')) { // magic damage $stats['melee'] = Lang::npc('melee') . Lang::main('colon') . Lang::nf($melee[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($melee[1]) . ' (' . Lang::game('sc', $_) . ')'; } else { // phys. damage $stats['melee'] = Lang::npc('melee') . Lang::main('colon') . Lang::nf($melee[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($melee[1]); } // Ranged Damage $ranged = $this->subject->getBaseStats('ranged'); $stats['ranged'] = Lang::npc('ranged') . Lang::main('colon') . Lang::nf($ranged[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($ranged[1]); if (in_array($mapType, [1, 2])) { foreach ($_altIds as $id => $mode) { foreach ($_altNPCs->iterate() as $dId => $__) { if ($dId != $id) { continue; } $m = Lang::npc('modes', $mapType, $mode); // Health $health = $_altNPCs->getBaseStats('health'); $modes['health'][] = sprintf($modeRow, $m, $health[0] < $health[1] ? Lang::nf($health[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($health[1]) : Lang::nf($health[0])); // Mana (may be 0) $mana = $_altNPCs->getBaseStats('power'); $modes['mana'][] = $mana[0] ? sprintf($modeRow, $m, $mana[0] < $mana[1] ? Lang::nf($mana[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($mana[1]) : Lang::nf($mana[0])) : null; // Armor $armor = $_altNPCs->getBaseStats('armor'); $modes['armor'][] = sprintf($modeRow, $m, $armor[0] < $armor[1] ? Lang::nf($armor[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($armor[1]) : Lang::nf($armor[0])); // Melee Damage $melee = $_altNPCs->getBaseStats('melee'); if ($_ = $_altNPCs->getField('dmgSchool')) { // magic damage $modes['melee'][] = sprintf($modeRow, $m, Lang::nf($melee[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($melee[1]) . ' (' . Lang::game('sc', $_) . ')'); } else { // phys. damage $modes['melee'][] = sprintf($modeRow, $m, Lang::nf($melee[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($melee[1])); } // Ranged Damage $ranged = $_altNPCs->getBaseStats('ranged'); $modes['ranged'][] = sprintf($modeRow, $m, Lang::nf($ranged[0]) . ' - ' . Lang::nf($ranged[1])); } } } if ($modes) { foreach ($stats as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $stats[$k] = sprintf($hint, implode('[/tr][tr]', $modes[$k]), $v, $k); } } } // < Stats if ($stats) { $infobox[] = Lang::npc('stats') . ($modes ? ' (' . Lang::npc('modes', $mapType, 0) . ')' : null) . Lang::main('colon') . '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $stats) . '[/li][/ul]'; } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ // get spawns and path $map = null; if ($spawns = $this->subject->getSpawns(SPAWNINFO_FULL)) { $map = ['data' => ['parent' => 'mapper-generic'], 'mapperData' => &$spawns]; foreach ($spawns as $areaId => &$areaData) { $map['extra'][$areaId] = ZoneList::getName($areaId); } } // consider pooled spawns $this->map = $map; $this->infobox = '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]'; $this->placeholder = $placeholder; $this->accessory = $accessory; $this->quotes = $this->getQuotes(); $this->reputation = $this->getOnKillRep($_altIds, $mapType); $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_WOWHEAD => true, BUTTON_LINKS => true, BUTTON_VIEW3D => ['type' => TYPE_NPC, 'typeId' => $this->typeId, 'displayId' => $this->subject->getRandomModelId()]); /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tab: SAI // hmm, how should this look like // tab: abilities / tab_controlledabilities (dep: VehicleId) // SMART_SCRIPT_TYPE_CREATURE = 0; SMART_ACTION_CAST = 11; SMART_ACTION_ADD_AURA = 75; SMART_ACTION_INVOKER_CAST = 85; SMART_ACTION_CROSS_CAST = 86 $smartSpells = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT action_param1 FROM smart_scripts WHERE source_type = 0 AND action_type IN (11, 75, 85, 86) AND entryOrGUID = ?d', $this->typeId); $tplSpells = []; $conditions = ['OR']; for ($i = 1; $i < 9; $i++) { if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('spell' . $i)) { $tplSpells[] = $_; } } if ($tplSpells) { $conditions[] = ['id', $tplSpells]; } if ($smartSpells) { $conditions[] = ['id', $smartSpells]; } // Pet-Abilities if ($_typeFlags & 0x1 && ($_ = $this->subject->getField('family'))) { $skill = 0; $mask = 0x0; foreach (Util::$skillLineMask[-1] as $idx => $pair) { if ($pair[0] != $_) { continue; } $skill = $pair[1]; $mask = 1 << $idx; break; } $conditions[] = ['AND', ['s.typeCat', -3], ['OR', ['skillLine1', $skill], ['AND', ['skillLine1', 0, '>'], ['skillLine2OrMask', $skill]], ['AND', ['skillLine1', -1], ['skillLine2OrMask', $mask, '&']]]]; } if (count($conditions) > 1) { $abilities = new SpellList($conditions); if (!$abilities->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($abilities->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $controled = $abilities->getListviewData(); $normal = []; foreach ($controled as $id => $values) { if (in_array($id, $smartSpells)) { $normal[$id] = $values; unset($controled[$id]); continue; } // not quite right. All seats should be checked for allowed-to-cast-flag-something if (!$this->subject->getField('vehicleId') && in_array($id, $tplSpells)) { $normal[$id] = $values; unset($controled[$id]); } } if ($normal) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $normal, 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_abilities', 'id' => 'abilities')); } if ($controled) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $controled, 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_controlledabilities', 'id' => 'controlled-abilities')); } } } // tab: summoned by $conditions = array('OR', ['AND', ['effect1Id', 28], ['effect1MiscValue', $this->typeId]], ['AND', ['effect2Id', 28], ['effect2MiscValue', $this->typeId]], ['AND', ['effect3Id', 28], ['effect3MiscValue', $this->typeId]]); $summoned = new SpellList($conditions); if (!$summoned->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($summoned->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $summoned->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_summonedby', 'id' => 'summoned-by')); } // tab: teaches if ($this->subject->getField('npcflag') & NPC_FLAG_TRAINER) { $teachQuery = ' SELECT IFNULL(t2.SpellID, t1.SpellID) AS ARRAY_KEY, IFNULL(t2.MoneyCost, t1.MoneyCost) AS cost, IFNULL(t2.ReqSkillLine, t1.ReqSkillLine) AS reqSkillId, IFNULL(t2.ReqSkillRank, t1.ReqSkillRank) AS reqSkillValue, IFNULL(t2.ReqLevel, t1.ReqLevel) AS reqLevel FROM npc_trainer t1 LEFT JOIN npc_trainer t2 ON t2.ID = IF(t1.SpellID < 0, -t1.SpellID, null) WHERE t1.ID = ?d '; if ($tSpells = DB::World()->select($teachQuery, $this->typeId)) { $teaches = new SpellList(array(['id', array_keys($tSpells)])); if (!$teaches->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($teaches->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $data = $teaches->getListviewData(); $extra = []; foreach ($tSpells as $sId => $train) { if (empty($data[$sId])) { continue; } if ($_ = $train['reqSkillId']) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_SKILL, $_); if (!isset($extra[0])) { $extra[0] = 'Listview.extraCols.condition'; } $data[$sId]['condition'][0][$this->typeId][] = [[CND_SKILL, $_, $train['reqSkillValue']]]; } if ($_ = $train['reqLevel']) { if (!isset($extra[1])) { $extra[1] = "Listview.funcBox.createSimpleCol('reqLevel', LANG.tooltip_reqlevel, '7%', 'reqLevel')"; } $data[$sId]['reqLevel'] = $_; } if ($_ = $train['cost']) { $data[$sId]['trainingcost'] = $_; } } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $data, 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_teaches', 'id' => 'teaches', 'visibleCols' => "\$['trainingcost']", 'extraCols' => $extra ? '$[' . implode(', ', $extra) . ']' : null)); } } else { trigger_error('NPC ' . $this->typeId . ' is flagged as trainer, but doesn\'t have any spells set', E_USER_WARNING); } } // tab: sells if ($sells = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT item FROM npc_vendor nv WHERE entry = ?d UNION SELECT item FROM game_event_npc_vendor genv JOIN creature c ON genv.guid = c.guid WHERE = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $soldItems = new ItemList(array(['id', $sells])); if (!$soldItems->error) { $extraCols = ["Listview.funcBox.createSimpleCol('stack', 'stack', '10%', 'stack')", 'Listview.extraCols.cost']; if ($soldItems->hasSetFields(['condition'])) { $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.condition'; } $lvData = $soldItems->getListviewData(ITEMINFO_VENDOR, [TYPE_NPC => [$this->typeId]]); $sc = Util::getServerConditions(CND_SRC_NPC_VENDOR, $this->typeId); if (!empty($sc[0])) { $this->extendGlobalData($sc[1]); if (!array_search('Listview.extraCols.condition', $extraCols)) { $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.condition'; } foreach ($lvData as $id => &$row) { foreach ($sc[0] as $srcType => $cndData) { if (!empty($cndData[$id . ':' . $this->typeId])) { $row['condition'][0][$id . ':' . $this->typeId] = $cndData[$id . ':' . $this->typeId]; } } } } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $lvData, 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_sells', 'id' => 'currency-for', 'extraCols' => '$[' . implode(', ', $extraCols) . ']')); $this->extendGlobalData($soldItems->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); } } // tabs: this creature contains.. $skinTab = ['tab_skinning', 'skinning']; if ($_typeFlags & NPC_TYPEFLAG_HERBLOOT) { $skinTab = ['tab_herbalism', 'herbalism']; } else { if ($_typeFlags & NPC_TYPEFLAG_MININGLOOT) { $skinTab = ['tab_mining', 'mining']; } else { if ($_typeFlags & NPC_TYPEFLAG_ENGINEERLOOT) { $skinTab = ['tab_engineering', 'engineering']; } } } /* extraCols: [Listview.extraCols.count, Listview.extraCols.percent, Listview.extraCols.mode], _totalCount: 22531, computeDataFunc: Listview.funcBox.initLootTable, onAfterCreate: Listview.funcBox.addModeIndicator, modes:{"mode":1,"1":{"count":4408,"outof":16013},"4":{"count":4408,"outof":22531}} */ $sourceFor = array([LOOT_CREATURE, $this->subject->getField('lootId'), '$LANG.tab_drops', 'drops', []], [LOOT_PICKPOCKET, $this->subject->getField('pickpocketLootId'), '$LANG.tab_pickpocketing', 'pickpocketing', ['side', 'slot', 'reqlevel']], [LOOT_SKINNING, $this->subject->getField('skinLootId'), '$LANG.' . $skinTab[0], $skinTab[1], ['side', 'slot', 'reqlevel']]); // temp: manually add loot for difficulty-versions $langref = array("-2" => '$LANG.tab_heroic', "-1" => '$LANG.tab_normal', 1 => '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.tab_normalX, 10)', 2 => '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.tab_normalX, 25)', 3 => '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.tab_heroicX, 10)', 4 => '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.tab_heroicX, 25)'); if ($_altIds) { $sourceFor[0][2] = $mapType == 1 ? $langref[-1] : $langref[1]; foreach ($_altNPCs->iterate() as $id => $__) { $mode = ($_altIds[$id] + 1) * ($mapType == 1 ? -1 : 1); if ($lootGO = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT, o.lootId, o.name_loc0, o.name_loc2, o.name_loc3, o.name_loc6, o.name_loc8 FROM ?_loot_link l JOIN ?_objects o ON = l.objectId WHERE l.npcId = ?d', $id)) { array_splice($sourceFor, 1, 0, [[LOOT_GAMEOBJECT, $lootGO['lootId'], $langref[$mode], 'drops-object-' . abs($mode), [], 'note' => '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_npcobjectsource, ' . $lootGO['id'] . ', \'' . Util::jsEscape(Util::localizedString($lootGO, 'name')) . '\')']]); } if ($lootId = $_altNPCs->getField('lootId')) { array_splice($sourceFor, 1, 0, [[LOOT_CREATURE, $lootId, $langref[$mode], 'drops-' . abs($mode), []]]); } } } if ($lootGOs = DB::Aowow()->select('SELECT, IF(npcId < 0, 1, 0) AS modeDummy, o.lootId, o.name_loc0, o.name_loc2, o.name_loc3, o.name_loc6, o.name_loc8 FROM ?_loot_link l JOIN ?_objects o ON = l.objectId WHERE ABS(l.npcId) = ?d', $this->typeId)) { foreach ($lootGOs as $idx => $lgo) { array_splice($sourceFor, 1, 0, [[LOOT_GAMEOBJECT, $lgo['lootId'], $mapType ? $langref[($mapType == 1 ? -1 : 1) + ($lgo['modeDummy'] ? 1 : 0)] : '$LANG.tab_drops', 'drops-object-' . $idx, [], 'note' => '$$WH.sprintf(LANG.lvnote_npcobjectsource, ' . $lgo['id'] . ', \'' . Util::jsEscape(Util::localizedString($lgo, 'name')) . '\')']]); } } $reqQuest = []; foreach ($sourceFor as $sf) { $creatureLoot = new Loot(); if ($creatureLoot->getByContainer($sf[0], $sf[1])) { $extraCols = $creatureLoot->extraCols; $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.percent'; $this->extendGlobalData($creatureLoot->jsGlobals); foreach ($creatureLoot->iterate() as &$lv) { if (!$lv['quest']) { continue; } $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.condition'; $reqQuest[$lv['id']] = 0; $lv['condition'][0][$this->typeId][] = [[CND_QUESTTAKEN, &$reqQuest[$lv['id']]]]; } $lootTab = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $creatureLoot->getResult(), 'params' => array('name' => $sf[2], 'id' => $sf[3], 'extraCols' => "\$[" . implode(', ', array_unique($extraCols)) . "]", 'hiddenCols' => $sf[4] ? "\$" . Util::toJSON($sf[4]) : null, 'sort' => "\$['-percent', 'name']")); if (!empty($sf['note'])) { $lootTab['params']['note'] = $sf['note']; } $this->lvTabs[] = $lootTab; } } if ($reqIds = array_keys($reqQuest)) { $conditions = array('OR', ['reqSourceItemId1', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId2', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId3', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId4', $reqIds], ['reqItemId1', $reqIds], ['reqItemId2', $reqIds], ['reqItemId3', $reqIds], ['reqItemId4', $reqIds], ['reqItemId5', $reqIds], ['reqItemId6', $reqIds]); $reqQuests = new QuestList($conditions); $this->extendGlobalData($reqQuests->getJSGlobals()); foreach ($reqQuests->iterate() as $qId => $__) { if (empty($reqQuests->requires[$qId][TYPE_ITEM])) { continue; } foreach ($reqIds as $rId) { if (in_array($rId, $reqQuests->requires[$qId][TYPE_ITEM])) { $reqQuest[$rId] = $reqQuests->id; } } } } // tab: starts quest // tab: ends quest $startEnd = new QuestList(array(['qse.type', TYPE_NPC], ['qse.typeId', $this->typeId])); if (!$startEnd->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($startEnd->getJSGlobals()); $lvData = $startEnd->getListviewData(); $_ = [[], []]; foreach ($startEnd->iterate() as $id => $__) { $m = $startEnd->getField('method'); if ($m & 0x1) { $_[0][] = $lvData[$id]; } if ($m & 0x2) { $_[1][] = $lvData[$id]; } } if ($_[0]) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $_[0], 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_starts', 'id' => 'starts')); } if ($_[1]) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $_[1], 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_ends', 'id' => 'ends')); } } // tab: objective of quest $conditions = array('OR', ['AND', ['reqNpcOrGo1', $this->typeId], ['reqNpcOrGoCount1', 0, '>']], ['AND', ['reqNpcOrGo2', $this->typeId], ['reqNpcOrGoCount2', 0, '>']], ['AND', ['reqNpcOrGo3', $this->typeId], ['reqNpcOrGoCount3', 0, '>']], ['AND', ['reqNpcOrGo4', $this->typeId], ['reqNpcOrGoCount4', 0, '>']]); $objectiveOf = new QuestList($conditions); if (!$objectiveOf->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($objectiveOf->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $objectiveOf->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_objectiveof', 'id' => 'objective-of')); } // tab: criteria of [ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_KILL_CREATURE_TYPE have no data set to check for] $conditions = array(['ac.type', [ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_KILL_CREATURE, ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_KILLED_BY_CREATURE]], ['ac.value1', $this->typeId]); $crtOf = new AchievementList($conditions); if (!$crtOf->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($crtOf->getJSGlobals()); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $crtOf->getListviewData(), 'params' => array('name' => '$LANG.tab_criteriaof', 'id' => 'criteria-of')); } // tab: passengers if ($_ = DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT accessory_entry AS ARRAY_KEY, GROUP_CONCAT(seat_id) FROM vehicle_template_accessory WHERE entry = ?d GROUP BY accessory_entry', $this->typeId)) { $passengers = new CreatureList(array(['id', array_keys($_)])); if (!$passengers->error) { $data = $passengers->getListviewData(); $xCols = null; if (User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_STAFF)) { foreach ($data as $id => &$d) { $d['seat'] = str_replace(',', ', ', $_[$id]); } $xCols = "\$[Listview.funcBox.createSimpleCol('seat', '" . Lang::npc('seat') . "', '10%', 'seat')]"; } $this->extendGlobalData($passengers->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'creature', 'data' => $data, 'params' => array('extraCols' => $xCols, 'name' => Lang::npc('accessory'), 'id' => 'accessory')); } } }
protected function generateContent() { $this->addJS('?data=weight-presets.zones&locale=' . User::$localeId . '&t=' . $_SESSION['dataKey']); $_flags = $this->subject->getField('flags'); $_slot = $this->subject->getField('slot'); $_class = $this->subject->getField('class'); $_subClass = $this->subject->getField('subClass'); $_bagFamily = $this->subject->getField('bagFamily'); $_model = $this->subject->getField('displayId'); $_visSlots = array(INVTYPE_HEAD, INVTYPE_SHOULDERS, INVTYPE_BODY, INVTYPE_CHEST, INVTYPE_WAIST, INVTYPE_LEGS, INVTYPE_FEET, INVTYPE_WRISTS, INVTYPE_HANDS, INVTYPE_WEAPON, INVTYPE_SHIELD, INVTYPE_RANGED, INVTYPE_CLOAK, INVTYPE_2HWEAPON, INVTYPE_TABARD, INVTYPE_ROBE, INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND, INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND, INVTYPE_HOLDABLE, INVTYPE_THROWN, INVTYPE_RANGEDRIGHT); /***********/ /* Infobox */ /***********/ $infobox = Lang::getInfoBoxForFlags($this->subject->getField('cuFlags')); // itemlevel if (in_array($_class, [ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR, ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON, ITEM_CLASS_AMMUNITION]) || $this->subject->getField('gemEnchantmentId')) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('level') . Lang::main('colon') . $this->subject->getField('itemLevel'); } // account-wide if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_ACCOUNTBOUND) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('accountWide'); } // side if ($si = $this->subject->json[$this->typeId]['side']) { if ($si != 3) { $infobox[] = Lang::main('side') . Lang::main('colon') . '[span class=icon-' . ($si == 1 ? 'alliance' : 'horde') . ']' . Lang::game('si', $si) . '[/span]'; } } // consumable / not consumable if (!$_slot) { $hasUse = false; for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { if ($this->subject->getField('spellId' . $i) <= 0 || in_array($this->subject->getField('spellTrigger' . $i), [1, 2])) { continue; } $hasUse = true; if ($this->subject->getField('spellCharges' . $i) >= 0) { continue; } $tt = '[tooltip=tooltip_consumedonuse]' . Lang::item('consumable') . '[/tooltip]'; break; } if ($hasUse) { $infobox[] = isset($tt) ? $tt : '[tooltip=tooltip_notconsumedonuse]' . Lang::item('nonConsumable') . '[/tooltip]'; } } // related holiday if ($hId = $this->subject->getField('holidayId')) { if ($hName = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT * FROM ?_holidays WHERE id = ?d', $hId)) { $infobox[] = Lang::game('eventShort') . Lang::main('colon') . '[url=?event=' . $hId . ']' . Util::localizedString($hName, 'name') . '[/url]'; } } // tool if ($tId = $this->subject->getField('totemCategory')) { if ($tName = DB::Aowow()->selectRow('SELECT * FROM ?_totemcategory WHERE id = ?d', $tId)) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('tool') . Lang::main('colon') . '[url=?items&filter=cr=91;crs=' . $tId . ';crv=0]' . Util::localizedString($tName, 'name') . '[/url]'; } } // extendedCost if (!empty($this->subject->getExtendedCost([], $_reqRating)[$this->subject->id])) { $vendors = $this->subject->getExtendedCost()[$this->subject->id]; $each = $this->subject->getField('stackable') > 1 ? '[color=q0] (' . Lang::item('each') . ')[/color]' : null; $handled = []; $costList = []; foreach ($vendors as $npcId => $data) { $tokens = []; $currency = []; if (!is_array($data)) { continue; } foreach ($data as $c => $qty) { if (is_string($c)) { unset($data[$c]); // unset miscData to prevent having two vendors /w the same cost being cached, because of different stock or rating-requirements continue; } if ($c < 0) { // currency items (and honor or arena) $currency[] = -$c . ',' . $qty; } else { if ($c > 0) { // plain items (item1,count1,item2,count2,...) $tokens[$c] = $c . ',' . $qty; } } } // display every cost-combination only once if (in_array(md5(serialize($data)), $handled)) { continue; } $handled[] = md5(serialize($data)); $cost = isset($data[0]) ? '[money=' . $data[0] : '[money'; if ($tokens) { $cost .= ' items=' . implode(',', $tokens); } if ($currency) { $cost .= ' currency=' . implode(',', $currency); } $cost .= ']'; $costList[] = $cost; } if (count($costList) == 1) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('cost') . Lang::main('colon') . $costList[0] . $each; } else { if (count($costList) > 1) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('cost') . $each . Lang::main('colon') . '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $costList) . '[/li][/ul]'; } } if ($_reqRating) { $res = []; $i = 0; $len = 0; $parts = explode(' ', str_replace('<br>', ' ', sprintf(Lang::item('reqRating', $_reqRating[1]), $_reqRating[0]))); foreach ($parts as $p) { $res[$i][] = $p; $len += mb_strlen($p) + 1; if ($len < 30) { continue; } $len = 0; $i++; } foreach ($res as &$r) { $r = implode(' ', $r); } $infobox[] = implode('[br]', $res); } } // repair cost if ($_ = $this->subject->getField('repairPrice')) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('repairCost') . Lang::main('colon') . '[money=' . $_ . ']'; } // avg auction buyout if (in_array($this->subject->getField('bonding'), [0, 2, 3])) { if ($_ = Util::getBuyoutForItem($this->typeId)) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_buyoutprice]' . Lang::item('buyout.') . '[/tooltip]' . Lang::main('colon') . '[money=' . $_ . ']' . $each; } } // avg money contained if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_OPENABLE) { if ($_ = intVal(($this->subject->getField('minMoneyLoot') + $this->subject->getField('maxMoneyLoot')) / 2)) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('worth') . Lang::main('colon') . '[tooltip=tooltip_avgmoneycontained][money=' . $_ . '][/tooltip]'; } } // if it goes into a slot it may be disenchanted if ($_slot && $_class != ITEM_CLASS_CONTAINER) { if ($this->subject->getField('disenchantId')) { $_ = $this->subject->getField('requiredDisenchantSkill'); if ($_ < 1) { // these are some items, that never went live .. extremely rough emulation here $_ = intVal($this->subject->getField('itemLevel') / 7.5) * 25; } $infobox[] = Lang::item('disenchantable') . ' ([tooltip=tooltip_reqenchanting]' . $_ . '[/tooltip])'; } else { $infobox[] = Lang::item('cantDisenchant'); } } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_MILLABLE && $this->subject->getField('requiredSkill') == 773) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('millable') . ' ([tooltip=tooltip_reqinscription]' . $this->subject->getField('requiredSkillRank') . '[/tooltip])'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_PROSPECTABLE && $this->subject->getField('requiredSkill') == 755) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('prospectable') . ' ([tooltip=tooltip_reqjewelcrafting]' . $this->subject->getField('requiredSkillRank') . '[/tooltip])'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_DEPRECATED) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_deprecated]' . Lang::item('deprecated') . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_NO_EQUIPCD) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_noequipcooldown]' . Lang::item('noEquipCD') . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_PARTYLOOT) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_partyloot]' . Lang::item('partyLoot') . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_REFUNDABLE) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_refundable]' . Lang::item('refundable') . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_SMARTLOOT) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_smartloot]' . Lang::item('smartLoot') . '[/tooltip]'; } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_INDESTRUCTIBLE) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('indestructible'); } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_USABLE_ARENA) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('useInArena'); } if ($_flags & ITEM_FLAG_USABLE_SHAPED) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('useInShape'); } // cant roll need if ($this->subject->getField('flagsExtra') & 0x100) { $infobox[] = '[tooltip=tooltip_cannotrollneed]' . Lang::item('noNeedRoll') . '[/tooltip]'; } // fits into keyring if ($_bagFamily & 0x100) { $infobox[] = Lang::item('atKeyring'); } /****************/ /* Main Content */ /****************/ $_cu = in_array($_class, [ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON, ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR]) || $this->subject->getField('gemEnchantmentId'); $this->headIcons = [$this->subject->getField('iconString'), $this->subject->getField('stackable')]; $this->infobox = $infobox ? '[ul][li]' . implode('[/li][li]', $infobox) . '[/li][/ul]' : null; $this->tooltip = $this->subject->renderTooltip(true); $this->redButtons = array(BUTTON_WOWHEAD => true, BUTTON_LINKS => ['color' => 'ff' . Util::$rarityColorStings[$this->subject->getField('quality')], 'linkId' => 'item:' . $this->typeId . ':0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'], BUTTON_VIEW3D => in_array($_slot, $_visSlots) && $_model ? ['displayId' => $this->subject->getField('displayId'), 'slot' => $_slot, 'type' => TYPE_ITEM, 'typeId' => $this->typeId] : false, BUTTON_COMPARE => $_cu, BUTTON_EQUIP => in_array($_class, [ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON, ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR]), BUTTON_UPGRADE => $_cu ? ['class' => $_class, 'slot' => $_slot] : false); // availablility $this->disabled = false; // todo (med): get itemSources (which are not yet in DB :x) or // pageText if ($next = $this->subject->getField('pageTextId')) { $this->addJS('Book.js'); $this->addCSS(['path' => 'Book.css']); while ($next) { $row = DB::World()->selectRow('SELECT *, text as Text_loc0 FROM page_text pt LEFT JOIN locales_page_text lpt ON pt.entry = lpt.entry WHERE pt.entry = ?d', $next); $next = $row['next_page']; $this->pageText[] = Util::parseHtmlText(Util::localizedString($row, 'Text')); } } // subItems $this->subject->initSubItems(); if (!empty($this->subject->subItems[$this->typeId])) { uaSort($this->subject->subItems[$this->typeId], function ($a, $b) { return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); }); $this->subItems = array('data' => array_values($this->subject->subItems[$this->typeId]), 'quality' => $this->subject->getField('quality')); // merge identical stats and names for normal users (e.g. spellPower of a specific school became generel spellPower with 3.0) if (!User::isInGroup(U_GROUP_EMPLOYEE)) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->subItems['data']); $i++) { $prev =& $this->subItems['data'][$i - 1]; $cur =& $this->subItems['data'][$i]; if ($prev['jsonequip'] == $cur['jsonequip'] && $prev['name'] == $cur['name']) { $prev['chance'] += $cur['chance']; array_splice($this->subItems['data'], $i, 1); $i = 1; } } } } // factionchange-equivalent if ($pendant = DB::World()->selectCell('SELECT IF(horde_id = ?d, alliance_id, -horde_id) FROM player_factionchange_items WHERE alliance_id = ?d OR horde_id = ?d', $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId)) { $altItem = new ItemList(array(['id', abs($pendant)])); if (!$altItem->error) { $this->transfer = sprintf(Lang::item('_transfer'), $altItem->id, $altItem->getField('quality'), $altItem->getField('iconString'), $altItem->getField('name', true), $pendant > 0 ? 'alliance' : 'horde', $pendant > 0 ? Lang::game('si', 1) : Lang::game('si', 2)); } } /**************/ /* Extra Tabs */ /**************/ // tabs: this item is contained in.. $lootTabs = new Loot(); $createdBy = []; if ($lootTabs->getByItem($this->typeId)) { $this->extendGlobalData($lootTabs->jsGlobals); foreach ($lootTabs->iterate() as $idx => $tab) { if (!$tab[1]) { continue; } if ($idx == 16) { $createdBy = array_column($tab[1], 'id'); } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => $tab[0], 'data' => $tab[1], 'params' => ['name' => $tab[2], 'id' => $tab[3], 'extraCols' => $tab[4] ? '$[' . implode(', ', array_unique($tab[4])) . ']' : null, 'hiddenCols' => $tab[5] ? '$ ' . Util::toJSON(array_unique($tab[5])) : null, 'visibleCols' => $tab[6] ? '$' . Util::toJSON(array_unique($tab[6])) : null]); } } // tabs: this item contains.. $sourceFor = array([LOOT_ITEM, $this->subject->id, '$LANG.tab_contains', 'contains', ['Listview.extraCols.percent'], [], []], [LOOT_PROSPECTING, $this->subject->id, '$LANG.tab_prospecting', 'prospecting', ['Listview.extraCols.percent'], ['side', 'slot', 'reqlevel'], []], [LOOT_MILLING, $this->subject->id, '$LANG.tab_milling', 'milling', ['Listview.extraCols.percent'], ['side', 'slot', 'reqlevel'], []], [LOOT_DISENCHANT, $this->subject->getField('disenchantId'), '$LANG.tab_disenchanting', 'disenchanting', ['Listview.extraCols.percent'], ['side', 'slot', 'reqlevel'], []]); $reqQuest = []; foreach ($sourceFor as $sf) { $lootTab = new Loot(); if ($lootTab->getByContainer($sf[0], $sf[1])) { $this->extendGlobalData($lootTab->jsGlobals); $sf[4] = array_merge($sf[4], $lootTab->extraCols); foreach ($lootTab->iterate() as $lv) { if (!$lv['quest']) { continue; } $sf[4] = array_merge($sf[4], ['Listview.extraCols.condition']); $reqQuest[$lv['id']] = 0; $lv['condition'][0][$this->typeId][] = [[CND_QUESTTAKEN, &$reqQuest[$lv['id']]]]; } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $lootTab->getResult(), 'params' => ['name' => $sf[2], 'id' => $sf[3], 'extraCols' => $sf[4] ? "\$[" . implode(', ', array_unique($sf[4])) . "]" : null, 'hiddenCols' => $sf[5] ? "\$" . Util::toJSON($sf[5]) : null, 'visibleCols' => $sf[6] ? '$' . Util::toJSON($sf[6]) : null]); } } if ($reqIds = array_keys($reqQuest)) { $conditions = array('OR', ['reqSourceItemId1', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId2', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId3', $reqIds], ['reqSourceItemId4', $reqIds], ['reqItemId1', $reqIds], ['reqItemId2', $reqIds], ['reqItemId3', $reqIds], ['reqItemId4', $reqIds], ['reqItemId5', $reqIds], ['reqItemId6', $reqIds]); $reqQuests = new QuestList($conditions); $reqQuests->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF); foreach ($reqQuests->iterate() as $qId => $__) { if (empty($reqQuests->requires[$qId][TYPE_ITEM])) { continue; } foreach ($reqIds as $rId) { if (in_array($rId, $reqQuests->requires[$qId][TYPE_ITEM])) { $reqQuest[$rId] = $reqQuests->id; } } } } // tab: container can contain if ($this->subject->getField('slots') > 0) { $contains = new ItemList(array(['bagFamily', $_bagFamily, '&'], ['slots', 1, '<'], CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE)); if (!$contains->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($contains->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $hCols = ['side']; if (!$contains->hasSetFields(['slot'])) { $hCols[] = 'slot'; } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $contains->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_cancontain', 'id' => 'can-contain', 'hiddenCols' => '$' . Util::toJSON($hCols)]); } } else { if ($_bagFamily != 0x100) { $contains = new ItemList(array(['bagFamily', $_bagFamily, '&'], ['slots', 0, '>'], CFG_SQL_LIMIT_NONE)); if (!$contains->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($contains->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $contains->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_canbeplacedin', 'id' => 'can-be-placed-in', 'hiddenCols' => "\$['side']"]); } } } // tab: criteria of $conditions = array(['ac.type', [ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_OWN_ITEM, ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_USE_ITEM, ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_LOOT_ITEM, ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_EQUIP_ITEM]], ['ac.value1', $this->typeId]); $criteriaOf = new AchievementList($conditions); if (!$criteriaOf->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($criteriaOf->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $hCols = []; if (!$criteriaOf->hasSetFields(['reward_loc0'])) { $hCols = ['rewards']; } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'achievement', 'data' => $criteriaOf->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_criteriaof', 'id' => 'criteria-of', 'visibleCols' => "\$['category']", 'hiddenCols' => '$' . Util::toJSON($hCols)]); } // tab: reagent for $conditions = array('OR', ['reagent1', $this->typeId], ['reagent2', $this->typeId], ['reagent3', $this->typeId], ['reagent4', $this->typeId], ['reagent5', $this->typeId], ['reagent6', $this->typeId], ['reagent7', $this->typeId], ['reagent8', $this->typeId]); $reagent = new SpellList($conditions); if (!$reagent->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($reagent->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $reagent->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_reagentfor', 'id' => 'reagent-for', 'visibleCols' => "\$['reagents']"]); } // tab: unlocks (object or item) $lockIds = DB::Aowow()->selectCol('SELECT id FROM ?_lock WHERE (type1 = 1 AND properties1 = ?d) OR (type2 = 1 AND properties2 = ?d) OR (type3 = 1 AND properties3 = ?d) OR (type4 = 1 AND properties4 = ?d) OR (type5 = 1 AND properties5 = ?d)', $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId, $this->typeId); if ($lockIds) { // objects $lockedObj = new GameObjectList(array(['lockId', $lockIds])); if (!$lockedObj->error) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'object', 'data' => $lockedObj->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_unlocks', 'id' => 'unlocks-object']); } // items (generally unused. It's the spell on the item, that unlocks stuff) $lockedItm = new ItemList(array(['lockId', $lockIds])); if (!$lockedItm->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($lockedItm->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $lockedItm->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_unlocks', 'id' => 'unlocks-item']); } } // tab: see also $conditions = array(['id', $this->typeId, '!'], ['OR', ['name_loc' . User::$localeId, $this->subject->getField('name', true)], ['AND', ['class', $_class], ['subClass', $_subClass], ['slot', $_slot], ['itemLevel', $this->subject->getField('itemLevel') - 15, '>'], ['itemLevel', $this->subject->getField('itemLevel') + 15, '<'], ['quality', $this->subject->getField('quality')], ['requiredClass', $this->subject->getField('requiredClass')]]]); $saItems = new ItemList($conditions); if (!$saItems->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($saItems->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $saItems->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_seealso', 'id' => 'see-also']); } // tab: starts (quest) if ($qId = $this->subject->getField('startQuest')) { $starts = new QuestList(array(['id', $qId])); if (!$starts->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($starts->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $starts->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_starts', 'id' => 'starts-quest']); } } // tab: objective of (quest) $conditions = array('OR', ['reqItemId1', $this->typeId], ['reqItemId2', $this->typeId], ['reqItemId3', $this->typeId], ['reqItemId4', $this->typeId], ['reqItemId5', $this->typeId], ['reqItemId6', $this->typeId]); $objective = new QuestList($conditions); if (!$objective->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($objective->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $objective->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_objectiveof', 'id' => 'objective-of-quest']); } // tab: provided for (quest) $conditions = array('OR', ['sourceItemId', $this->typeId], ['reqSourceItemId1', $this->typeId], ['reqSourceItemId2', $this->typeId], ['reqSourceItemId3', $this->typeId], ['reqSourceItemId4', $this->typeId]); $provided = new QuestList($conditions); if (!$provided->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($provided->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_REWARDS)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'quest', 'data' => $provided->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_providedfor', 'id' => 'provided-for-quest']); } // tab: same model as // todo (low): should also work for creatures summoned by item if (($model = $this->subject->getField('model')) && $_slot) { $sameModel = new ItemList(array(['model', $model], ['id', $this->typeId, '!'], ['slot', $_slot])); if (!$sameModel->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($sameModel->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'genericmodel', 'data' => $sameModel->getListviewData(ITEMINFO_MODEL), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_samemodelas', 'id' => 'same-model-as', 'genericlinktype' => 'item']); } } // tab: sold by if (!empty($this->subject->getExtendedCost()[$this->subject->id])) { $vendors = $this->subject->getExtendedCost()[$this->subject->id]; $soldBy = new CreatureList(array(['id', array_keys($vendors)])); if (!$soldBy->error) { $sbData = $soldBy->getListviewData(); $this->extendGlobalData($soldBy->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); $extraCols = ['Listview.extraCols.stock', "Listview.funcBox.createSimpleCol('stack', 'stack', '10%', 'stack')", 'Listview.extraCols.cost']; $holidays = []; foreach ($sbData as $k => &$row) { $currency = []; $tokens = []; foreach ($vendors[$k] as $id => $qty) { if (is_string($id)) { continue; } if ($id > 0) { $tokens[] = [$id, $qty]; } else { if ($id < 0) { $currency[] = [-$id, $qty]; } } } if ($currency) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_CURRENCY, array_column($currency, 0)); } if ($tokens) { $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_ITEM, array_column($tokens, 0)); } $row['stock'] = $vendors[$k]['stock']; $row['cost'] = [empty($vendors[$k][0]) ? 0 : $vendors[$k][0]]; if ($e = $vendors[$k]['event']) { if (count($extraCols) == 3) { $extraCols[] = 'Listview.extraCols.condition'; } $this->extendGlobalIds(TYPE_WORLDEVENT, $e); $row['condition'][0][$this->typeId][] = [[CND_ACTIVE_EVENT, $e]]; } if ($currency || $tokens) { // fill idx:3 if required $row['cost'][] = $currency; } if ($tokens) { $row['cost'][] = $tokens; } if ($x = $this->subject->getField('buyPrice')) { $row['buyprice'] = $x; } if ($x = $this->subject->getField('sellPrice')) { $row['sellprice'] = $x; } if ($x = $this->subject->getField('buyCount')) { $row['stack'] = $x; } } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'creature', 'data' => $sbData, 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_soldby', 'id' => 'sold-by-npc', 'extraCols' => '$[' . implode(', ', $extraCols) . ']', 'hiddenCols' => "\$['level', 'type']"]); } } // tab: currency for // some minor trickery: get arenaPoints(43307) and honorPoints(43308) directly if ($this->typeId == 43307) { $n = '?items&filter=cr=145;crs=1;crv=0'; $w = 'reqArenaPoints > 0'; } else { if ($this->typeId == 43308) { $n = '?items&filter=cr=144;crs=1;crv=0'; $w = 'reqHonorPoints > 0'; } else { $n = in_array($this->typeId, [42, 61, 81, 241, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 161, 201, 101, 102, 221, 301, 341]) ? '?items&filter=cr=158;crs=' . $this->typeId . ';crv=0' : null; $w = 'reqItemId1 = ' . $this->typeId . ' OR reqItemId2 = ' . $this->typeId . ' OR reqItemId3 = ' . $this->typeId . ' OR reqItemId4 = ' . $this->typeId . ' OR reqItemId5 = ' . $this->typeId; } } $xCosts = DB::Aowow()->selectCol('SELECT id FROM ?_itemextendedcost WHERE ' . $w); $boughtBy = $xCosts ? DB::World()->selectCol('SELECT item FROM npc_vendor WHERE extendedCost IN (?a) UNION SELECT item FROM game_event_npc_vendor WHERE extendedCost IN (?a)', $xCosts, $xCosts) : null; if ($boughtBy) { $boughtBy = new ItemList(array(['id', $boughtBy])); if (!$boughtBy->error) { if ($boughtBy->getMatches() <= CFG_SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT) { $n = null; } $iCur = new CurrencyList(array(['itemId', $this->typeId])); $filter = $iCur->error ? [TYPE_ITEM => $this->typeId] : [TYPE_CURRENCY => $iCur->id]; $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $boughtBy->getListviewData(ITEMINFO_VENDOR, $filter), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_currencyfor', 'id' => 'currency-for', 'extraCols' => "\$[Listview.funcBox.createSimpleCol('stack', 'stack', '10%', 'stack'), Listview.extraCols.cost]", 'note' => $n ? sprintf(Util::$filterResultString, $n) : null]); $this->extendGlobalData($boughtBy->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_ANY)); } } // tab: teaches $ids = $indirect = []; for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { if ($this->subject->getField('spellTrigger' . $i) == 6) { $ids[] = $this->subject->getField('spellId' . $i); } else { if ($this->subject->getField('spellTrigger' . $i) == 0 && $this->subject->getField('spellId' . $i) > 0) { $indirect[] = $this->subject->getField('spellId' . $i); } } } // taught indirectly if ($indirect) { $indirectSpells = new SpellList(array(['id', $indirect])); foreach ($indirectSpells->iterate() as $__) { if ($_ = $indirectSpells->canTeachSpell()) { foreach ($_ as $idx) { $ids[] = $indirectSpells->getField('effect' . $idx . 'TriggerSpell'); } } } $ids = array_merge($ids, Util::getTaughtSpells($indirect)); } if ($ids) { $taughtSpells = new SpellList(array(['id', $ids])); if (!$taughtSpells->error) { $this->extendGlobalData($taughtSpells->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF | GLOBALINFO_RELATED)); $visCols = ['level', 'schools']; if ($taughtSpells->hasSetFields(['reagent1'])) { $visCols[] = 'reagents'; } $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'spell', 'data' => $taughtSpells->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_teaches', 'id' => 'teaches', 'visibleCols' => '$' . Util::toJSON($visCols)]); } } // tab: Shared cooldown $cdCats = []; for ($i = 1; $i < 6; $i++) { if ($this->subject->getField('spellId' . $i) > 0 && $this->subject->getField('spellCategory' . $i) > 0) { $cdCats[] = $this->subject->getField('spellCategory' . $i); } } if ($cdCats) { $conditions = array('OR', ['spellCategory1', $cdCats], ['spellCategory2', $cdCats], ['spellCategory3', $cdCats], ['spellCategory4', $cdCats], ['spellCategory5', $cdCats]); $cdItems = new ItemList($conditions); if (!$cdItems->error) { $this->lvTabs[] = array('file' => 'item', 'data' => $cdItems->getListviewData(), 'params' => ['name' => '$LANG.tab_sharedcooldown', 'id' => 'shared-cooldown']); $this->extendGlobalData($cdItems->getJSGlobals(GLOBALINFO_SELF)); } } // // todo - tab: taught by // use var $createdBy to find source of this spell // id: 'taught-by-X', // name: LANG.tab_taughtby }