Beispiel #1
require $init_file;
$insert_model = Model::factory('vulndb_insert');
$vulndb = Model::factory('vulndb_main');
$vdb_config = Config::load('vulndb');
Logger::msg('info', array('message' => 'Starting the asset data report updater'));
$accounts = $vulndb->getaccounts();
foreach ($accounts as $account) {
    $now = date('c');
    $account_name = $account['account'];
    $username = $account['username'];
    $password = CryptAES::decrypt($account['password']);
    $url1 = 'https://' . $account['api_url'] . '/msp/';
    $url2 = 'https://' . $account['api_url'] . '/api/2.0/fo/';
    $api1 = new QualysAPI_v1();
    Logger::msg("info", array("message" => "fetching report list", 'account' => $account_name, 'api_call' => 'report_template_list', 'api_version' => 1));
    $report_template_xml = $api1->report_template_list($url1, $username, $password);
    // Check that we got valid XML
    if (!$vulndb->is_xml($report_template_xml)) {
        Logger::msg("error", array('message' => 'what I got back from the API call was not XML'));
        Logger::msg("info", array('report_template_xml' => $report_template_xml));
    // Delete the current report templates in the table for this account
    $delete_templates = DB::query(Database::DELETE, "DELETE FROM " . REPORT_TEMPLATE_TABLE . " WHERE ACCOUNT = :account")->bind(":account", $account_name)->execute();
    Logger::msg("info", array("message" => "deleted report templates", "table" => REPORT_TEMPLATE_TABLE, "account" => $account_name, "rows_deleted" => $delete_templates));
    // Put the report template list in the DB
    $insert = $insert_model->report_templates($report_template_xml, $account_name);
    Logger::msg("info", array("message" => "report templates inserted for account", "table" => REPORT_TEMPLATE_TABLE, "account" => $account_name, "rows_inserted" => $insert));
    // Now lets download our reports defined in config/vulndb.php
    // Get the reports defined in config/vulndb.php
    $report_ids = $vdb_config['adr_reports'][$account_name];