Beispiel #1
//Setting parameters to create a new invoice
//The unique identifier of the account that is used on your website - up to 200 characters
//The Visa QIWI Wallet user’s ID, to whom the invoice is issued
//The invoice amount - rounded up to 2 or 3 decimal places after the comma
//Invoice currency identifier (Alpha-3 ISO 4217 code)
$shop->setComment("Creating a test invoice by using the QIWI REST PHP library by EC Team");
//Comment to the invoice which is shown on the payment page
//Еime up to which the invoice is available for payment. Enter the number of seconds to count down from the current time or date+time in UNIX format
//Set the way to pay the invoice. QCONST::QIWI - to pay using QIWI website or QCONST::MOBILE to pay with mobile phone bills
//The URL to which the payer will be redirected in case of successful creation of Visa QIWI Wallet transaction.
//The URL to which the payer will be redirected when creation of Visa QIWI Wallet transaction is unsuccessful.
//Creating new invoice
//Checking the result callback
if ($shop->getResult() == QCONST::SUCCESS) {
    //If success - redirect to the QIWI website
    echo 'The invoice was created successfully!';
    header('Location: ' . $shop->getUrl());
} else {
    echo $shop->getError();
//Getting info about existing invoice