Beispiel #1

// Get arguments
$objParameters = new QCliParameterProcessor('populate', 'Populate Email List Script');
$objParameters->AddDefaultParameter('file', QCliParameterType::String, 'The csv file that contains the email addresses to import to the email list');
$objParameters->AddDefaultParameter('token', QCliParameterType::String, 'The token identifying the list to import the email addresses to');
$txtSrcFile = $objParameters->GetDefaultValue('file');
$groupList = $objParameters->GetDefaultValue('token');
// read file
if (is_file($txtSrcFile)) {
    $lineArray = file($txtSrcFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
    $isFirst = true;
    foreach ($lineArray as $line) {
        if ($isFirst) {
            $isFirst = false;
        } else {
            $strTokens = explode(',', trim($line));
            $firstName = $strTokens[0];
            $lastName = $strTokens[1];
            $email = $strTokens[2];
            $objCommunicationListEntry = CommunicationListEntry::LoadByEmail($email);
            if (!$objCommunicationListEntry) {
                // If not found then create new entry and add to the communications list
                $objCommunicationListEntry = new CommunicationListEntry();
                $objCommunicationListEntry->Email = $email;
                $objCommunicationListEntry->FirstName = $firstName;
                $objCommunicationListEntry->LastName = $lastName;
            $objList = CommunicationList::LoadByToken($groupList);