Beispiel #1

| Register The Auto Loader
| Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader for
| our application. We just need to utilize it! We'll simply require it
| into the script here so that we don't have to worry about manual
| loading any of our classes later on. It feels nice to relax.
use Pux\Executor;
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
| Run The Application
| Once we have the application, we can handle the incoming request
| and send the associated response back to
| the client's browser allowing them to enjoy the creative
| and wonderful application we have prepared for them.
$mux = new \Pux\Mux();
$mux->get('/', ['HubIT\\Controllers\\WelcomeController', 'index']);
$route = $mux->dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
echo Executor::execute($route);
 * Sets up Pux tests
function setupPux(Benchmark $benchmark, $routes, $args)
    $name = extension_loaded('pux') ? 'Pux ext' : 'Pux PHP';
    $argString = implode('/', array_map(function ($i) {
        return ':arg' . $i;
    }, range(1, $args)));
    $str = $firstStr = $lastStr = '';
    $router = new \Pux\Mux();
    for ($i = 0; $i < $routes; $i++) {
        list($pre, $post) = getRandomParts();
        $str = '/' . $pre . '/' . $argString . '/' . $post;
        if (0 === $i) {
            $firstStr = str_replace(':', '', $str);
        $lastStr = str_replace(':', '', $str);
        $router->add($str, 'handler' . $i);
    $benchmark->register(sprintf('%s - last route (%s routes)', $name, $routes), function () use($router, $lastStr) {
        $route = $router->match($lastStr);
    $benchmark->register(sprintf('%s - unknown route (%s routes)', $name, $routes), function () use($router) {
        $route = $router->match('/not-even-real');
Beispiel #3

 * @author  Rizart Dokollari <*****@*****.**>
 * @since   16/12/2015
require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$dotenv = new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/..');
$baseUrl = getenv('BASE_URL');
$mux = new \Pux\Mux();
$mux->get($baseUrl, ['App\\Controllers\\HomeController', 'home']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "vessels(?pg=:id)", ['App\\Controllers\\VesselsController', 'index']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "vessels/types", ['App\\Controllers\\VesselsController', 'types']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "vessels/users/:id", ['App\\Controllers\\VesselsController', 'user']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "companies(?pg=:id)", ['App\\Controllers\\CompaniesController', 'index']);
$mux->get($baseUrl . "users", ['App\\Controllers\\UsersController', 'index']);
$route = $mux->dispatch($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
echo \Pux\Executor::execute($route);

return Pux\Mux::__set_state(array('id' => NULL, 'routes' => array(0 => array(0 => true, 1 => '#^    /hello
$#xs', 2 => array(0 => 'HelloController', 1 => 'helloAction'), 3 => array('regex' => '    /hello
', 'compiled' => '#^    /hello
$#xs', 'pattern' => '/hello/:name'))), 'routesById' => array(), 'staticRoutes' => array(), 'submux' => array(), 'expand' => true));
/* version */
Beispiel #5

$mux = new \Pux\Mux();
$mux->any('/product', ['App\\Controller\\Product', 'listAction']);
$mux->get('/product/:id', ['App\\Controller\\Product', 'itemAction'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+'], 'default' => ['id' => '1']]);
$mux->post('/product/:id', ['App\\Controller\\Product', 'updateAction'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+'], 'default' => ['id' => '1']]);
$mux->delete('/product/:id', ['App\\Controller\\Product', 'deleteAction'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+'], 'default' => ['id' => '1']]);
return $mux;
Beispiel #6

return Pux\Mux::__set_state(array('routes' => array(0 => array(0 => false, 1 => '/hello', 2 => array(0 => 'HelloController', 1 => 'helloAction'), 3 => array())), 'staticRoutes' => array(), 'routesById' => array(), 'submux' => array(), 'id' => NULL, 'expand' => true));
/* version */
Beispiel #7

 * Routing functionality
 * @author awlad <*****@*****.**>
use Pux\RouteExecutor;
$mux = new Pux\Mux();
$mux = new Pux\Mux();
##################################Welcome Section ##############################
$mux->get('', ['Module\\controllers\\WelcomeController', 'home']);
$mux->get('\\404', ['Module\\controllers\\WelcomeController', 'not_found']);
##################################Employee Section ##############################
$mux->get('/employees', ['Module\\controllers\\EmployeesController', 'index']);
$mux->get('/employee/add', ['Module\\controllers\\EmployeesController', 'add']);
$mux->post('/employee/create', ['Module\\controllers\\EmployeesController', 'create']);
$mux->get('/employee/edit/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\EmployeesController', 'edit'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
$mux->post('/employee/update/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\EmployeesController', 'update'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
$mux->get('/employee/remove/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\EmployeesController', 'destroy'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
##################################End Employee Section ##############################
##################################SalaryController Section ##############################
$mux->get('/salaries', ['Module\\controllers\\SalaryController', 'index']);
$mux->get('/salary/add/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\SalaryController', 'add'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
$mux->post('/salary/create/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\SalaryController', 'create']);
$mux->get('/salary/edit/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\SalaryController', 'edit'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
$mux->post('/salary/update/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\SalaryController', 'update'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
$mux->get('/salary/remove/:id', ['Module\\controllers\\SalaryController', 'destroy'], ['require' => ['id' => '\\d+']]);
Beispiel #8

return Pux\Mux::__set_state(array('id' => NULL, 'routes' => array(0 => array(0 => false, 1 => '/', 2 => array(0 => '\\kingnetpay\\controllers\\HelloController', 1 => 'helloAction'), 3 => array('method' => 1))), 'routesById' => array(), 'staticRoutes' => array(), 'submux' => array(), 'expand' => true));
/* version */