Beispiel #1
 function output()
     global $_G;
     $variable = array('pmid' => $GLOBALS['return'], 'message' => $_POST['show_message']);
     if (isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']) && is_string($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'])) {
         $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']);
     if (!isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'])) {
         $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'] = 1;
     if ($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled']) {
         if ($GLOBALS['return'] > 0) {
             $sql = 'SELECT uid, username FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . ' WHERE uid IN (' . $_G['uid'] . ', ' . $_REQUEST['touid'] . ')';
             $query = DB::query($sql);
             $uid = null;
             $touid = null;
             $user = null;
             $touser = null;
             while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
                 if ($tmp['uid'] === $_G['uid']) {
                     $uid = $_G['uid'];
                     $user = $tmp['username'];
                 $touid = $tmp['uid'];
                 $touser = $tmp['username'];
             if (!is_null($uid) && !is_null($touid) && !is_null($user) && !is_null($touser) && $uid != $touid) {
                 if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                     $user = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $user);
                     $touser = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $touser);
                 } else {
                     $user = mb_convert_encoding($user, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                     $touser = mb_convert_encoding($touser, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                 $title = '您有新的消息,请注意查收';
                 $content = "用户 {$user} 向您发来新消息,详情点击查看";
                 $extra = array('user' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $user, 'touser' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $touser, 'uid' => $uid, 'touid' => $touid, 'pmid' => $GLOBALS['return'], 'message' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $_REQUEST['message']);
                 require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libs/';
                 $ret = PushMsg::sendMessage($touid, $title, $content, 1, $extra, 1);
                 $result = 'fail';
                 if (true === $ret) {
                     $result = 'succ';
                 runlog('bigapp', "[mobile]try to send message notice [ uid: {$uid}, touid: {$touid}, user: {$user}, touser: {$touser}, result: {$result} ].");
Beispiel #2
 public function Message($biz_content, $FuwuToken)
     $UserInfo = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'UserInfo');
     $FromUserId = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'FromUserId');
     $AppId = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'AppId');
     $CreateTime = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'CreateTime');
     $Content = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'Content');
     $MsgType = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'MsgType');
     $EventType = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'EventType');
     $AgreementId = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'AgreementId');
     $ActionParam = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'ActionParam');
     $AccountNo = $this->getNode($biz_content, 'AccountNo');
     $push = new PushMsg();
     if ($EventType) {
         switch ($EventType) {
             case 'click':
                 $et = '';
                 $Content = $ActionParam;
                 $etkey = '';
             case 'enter':
                 $ap = json_decode($ActionParam, true);
                 if ($ap['scene']['sceneId'] != '') {
                     $et = 'SCAN';
                     $ap = json_decode($ActionParam, true);
                     $etkey = $ap['scene']['sceneId'];
                 } else {
                 $et = 'subscribe';
                 $etkey = '';
     $ApiData = array('ali' => 1, 'token' => $FuwuToken, 'eventType' => $et, 'fromUserName' => $FromUserId, 'keyword' => $Content, 'EventKey' => $etkey);
     $weixin = new WeixinAction();
     $rt2 = $weixin->index($ApiData);
     if ($rt2[1] == 'text') {
         $text_msg = $push->mkTextMsg($rt2[0]);
         $biz_content = $push->mkTextBizContent($FromUserId, $text_msg);
         $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
     } else {
         if ($rt2[1] == 'news') {
             $image_text_msg = array();
             foreach ($rt2[0] as $news) {
                 $searchArr = array('微信');
                 $replaceArr = array('支付宝服务窗');
                 $news[0] = str_replace($searchArr, $replaceArr, $news[0]);
                 $news[1] = str_replace($searchArr, $replaceArr, $news[1]);
                 $linkUrl = $news[3];
                 $urlInfos = parse_url($linkUrl);
                 $p1 = explode('&', $urlInfos['query']);
                 $params = array();
                 foreach ($p1 as $p1item) {
                     $p2 = explode('=', $p1item);
                     if ($p2[0] != 'wecha_id') {
                         $params[$p2[0]] = $p2[1];
                 $parmsStr = '';
                 $andStr = '';
                 $params['wecha_id'] = 'z_' . md5($FromUserId);
                 $params['ali'] = 1;
                 foreach ($params as $pk => $pv) {
                     $parmsStr .= $andStr . $pk . '=' . $pv;
                     $andStr = '&';
                 $linkUrlArr = explode('?', $linkUrl);
                 $linkUrl = $linkUrlArr[0] . '?' . $parmsStr;
                 $a = $push->mkImageTextMsg($news[0], $news[1], $linkUrl, $news[2], 'loginAuth');
                 array_push($image_text_msg, $a);
             $biz_content = $push->mkImageTextBizContent($FromUserId, $image_text_msg);
             $return_msg = $push->sendMsgRequest($biz_content);
         } else {
             $text_msg = $push->mkTextMsg($rt2[0] . 'zz');
             $biz_content = $push->mkTextBizContent($FromUserId, $text_msg);
             $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
Beispiel #3
 public function do_process()
     global $_GP;
     $settings = globaSetting();
     $sign = $_REQUEST["sign"];
     $sign_type = $_REQUEST["sign_type"];
     $biz_content = stripslashes($_REQUEST["biz_content"]);
     $service = $_REQUEST["service"];
     $charset = $_REQUEST["charset"];
     if (empty($sign) || empty($sign_type) || empty($biz_content) || empty($service) || empty($charset)) {
         echo "some parameter is empty.";
     $as = new AlipaySign();
     $sign_verify = $as->rsaCheckV2($_REQUEST, $_GP['alipay_config']['alipay_public_key_file']);
     if (!$sign_verify) {
         if ($service == "alipay.service.check") {
             $EventType = $this->getNode2($biz_content, "EventType");
             if ($EventType == "verifygw") {
                 $as = new AlipaySign();
                 $response_xml = "<success>true</success><biz_content>" . $as->getPublicKeyStr($_GP['alipay_config']['merchant_public_key_file']) . "</biz_content>";
                 $return_xml = $as->sign_response($response_xml, $_GP['alipay_config']['charset'], $_GP['alipay_config']['merchant_private_key_file']);
                 echo $return_xml;
         } else {
             echo "sign verfiy fail.";
     if ($service == "alipay.service.check") {
         $EventType = $this->getNode2($biz_content, "EventType");
         if ($EventType == "verifygw") {
             $as = new AlipaySign();
             $response_xml = "<success>true</success><biz_content>" . $as->getPublicKeyStr($_GP['alipay_config']['merchant_public_key_file']) . "</biz_content>";
             $return_xml = $as->sign_response($response_xml, 'GBK', $_GP['alipay_config']['merchant_private_key_file']);
             file_put_contents(WEB_ROOT . "/cache/1.log", $return_xml, FILE_APPEND);
             echo $return_xml;
     if ($service == "") {
         $UserInfo = $this->getNode($biz_content, "UserInfo");
         $FromUserId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "FromUserId");
         $AppId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "AppId");
         $CreateTime = $this->getNode($biz_content, "CreateTime");
         $MsgType = $this->getNode($biz_content, "MsgType");
         $EventType = $this->getNode($biz_content, "EventType");
         $AgreementId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "AgreementId");
         $ActionParam = $this->getNode($biz_content, "ActionParam");
         $AccountNo = $this->getNode($biz_content, "AccountNo");
         $text = $this->getNode($biz_content, "Text");
         $push = new PushMsg();
         if ($MsgType == "text" || $MsgType == "text" || $EventType == 'click') {
             $key = $text;
             if ($EventType == 'click') {
                 $key = $ActionParam;
             if (!empty($key)) {
                 $reply = mysqld_select('SELECT * FROM ' . table('alipay_rule') . "   WHERE  keywords = :keywords", array(':keywords' => $key));
         if ($EventType == 'follow') {
             $reply = mysqld_select('SELECT * FROM ' . table('alipay_rule') . "   WHERE  keywords = :keywords", array(':keywords' => subscribe_key));
         if (empty($reply['id'])) {
             $reply = mysqld_select('SELECT * FROM ' . table('alipay_rule') . "   WHERE  keywords = :keywords", array(':keywords' => default_key));
         if ($reply['ruletype'] == 1) {
             $reply['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($reply['description']);
             $reply['content'] = str_replace(array('<br>', '&nbsp;'), array("\n", ' '), $reply['content']);
             $reply['content'] = strip_tags($reply['content'], '<a>');
             $text_msg = $push->mkTextMsg($reply['content']);
             $biz_content = $push->mkTextBizContent($FromUserId, $text_msg);
             $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
             file_put_contents(WEB_ROOT . "/cache/2.log", $biz_content . '|' . $return_msg, FILE_APPEND);
         if ($reply['ruletype'] == 2) {
             $reply['content'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($reply['description']);
             $reply['content'] = str_replace(array('<br>', '&nbsp;'), array("\n", ' '), $reply['content']);
             $reply['content'] = strip_tags($reply['content'], '<a>');
             $image_text_msg1 = $push->mkImageTextMsg($reply['title'], $reply['content'], $reply['url'], WEBSITE_ROOT . 'attachment/' . $reply['thumb'], "loginAuth");
             $image_text_msg = array($image_text_msg1);
             $biz_content = $push->mkImageTextBizContent($FromUserId, $image_text_msg);
             $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
             file_put_contents(WEB_ROOT . "/cache/1.log", $biz_content, FILE_APPEND);
         echo $this->mkAckMsg($FromUserId);
         //	file_put_contents ( WEB_ROOT . "/cache/1.log",$x , FILE_APPEND );
Beispiel #4
 function C10Pr($biz_content)
     require './Wxin_V10C_150513/Doc/fuwuchuang/PushMsg.php';
     header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=GBK");
     $UserInfo = $this->getNode($biz_content, "UserInfo");
     $FromUserId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "FromUserId");
     $AppId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "AppId");
     $CreateTime = $this->getNode($biz_content, "CreateTime");
     $MsgType = $this->getNode($biz_content, "MsgType");
     $EventType = $this->getNode($biz_content, "EventType");
     $AgreementId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "AgreementId");
     $ActionParam = $this->getNode($biz_content, "ActionParam");
     $AccountNo = $this->getNode($biz_content, "AccountNo");
     $push = new PushMsg();
     // 收到用户发送的对话消息
     if ($MsgType == "text") {
         $text = $this->getNode($biz_content, "Text");
         writeLog("收到的文本:" . $text);
         $text_msg = $push->mkTextMsg("你好,这是对话消息");
         // 发给这个关注的用户
         $biz_content = $push->mkTextBizContent($FromUserId, $text_msg);
         $biz_content = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $biz_content);
         writeLog(iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", "\r\n发送的biz_content:" . $biz_content));
         // $return_msg = $push->sendMsgRequest ( $biz_content );
         $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
         // 日志记录
         writeLog("发送对话消息返回:" . $return_msg);
     // 接收用户发送的 图片消息
     if ($MsgType == "image") {
         $mediaId = $this->getNode($biz_content, "MediaId");
         $format = $this->getNode($biz_content, "Format");
         $biz_content = "{\"mediaId\":\"" . $mediaId . "\"}";
         $fileName = realpath("img") . "/{$mediaId}.{$format}";
         // 下载保存图片
         $push->downMediaRequest($biz_content, $fileName);
         writeLog("收到的图片路径:" . $fileName);
         $text_msg = $push->mkTextMsg("你好,图片已接收。");
         // 发给这个关注的用户
         $biz_content = $push->mkTextBizContent($FromUserId, $text_msg);
         $biz_content = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $biz_content);
         writeLog(iconv("UTF-8", "GBK", "\r\n发送的biz_content:" . $biz_content));
         // $return_msg = $push->sendMsgRequest ( $biz_content );
         $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
         // 日志记录
         writeLog("发送对话消息返回:" . $return_msg);
     // 收到用户发送的关注消息
     if ($EventType == "follow") {
         // 处理关注消息
         // 一般情况下,可推送一条欢迎消息或使用指导的消息。
         // 如:
         $image_text_msg1 = $push->mkImageTextMsg("标题,感谢关注", "描述", "", "", "loginAuth");
         $image_text_msg2 = $push->mkImageTextMsg("标题", "描述", "", "", "loginAuth");
         // 组装多条图文信息
         $image_text_msg = array($image_text_msg1, $image_text_msg2);
         // 发给这个关注的用户
         $biz_content = $push->mkImageTextBizContent($FromUserId, $image_text_msg);
         $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
         // 日志记录
         file_put_contents("log.txt", $return_msg . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
     } elseif ($EventType == "unfollow") {
         // 处理取消关注消息
     } elseif ($EventType == "enter") {
         // 处理进入消息,扫描二维码进入,获取二维码扫描传过来的参数
         $arr = json_decode($ActionParam);
         if ($arr != null) {
             writeLog("二维码传来的参数:" . var_export($arr, true));
             $sceneId = $arr->scene->sceneId;
             writeLog("二维码传来的参数,场景ID:" . $sceneId);
             // 这里可以根据定义场景ID时指定的规则,来处理对应事件。
             // 如:跳转到某个页面,或记录从什么来源(哪种宣传方式)来关注的本服务窗
         // 处理关注消息
         // 一般情况下,可推送一条欢迎消息或使用指导的消息。
         // 如:
         $image_text_msg1 = $push->mkImageTextMsg("标题,进入服务窗", "描述:进入服务窗", "", "", "loginAuth");
         // $image_text_msg2 = $push->mkImageTextMsg ( "标题", "描述", "", "", "loginAuth" );
         // 组装多条图文信息
         $image_text_msg = array($image_text_msg1);
         // 发给这个关注的用户
         $biz_content = $push->mkImageTextBizContent($FromUserId, $image_text_msg);
         $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
         // 日志记录
         writeLog("发送消息返回:" . var_export($return_msg, true));
     } elseif ($EventType == "click") {
         // 处理菜单点击的消息
         // 在服务窗后台配置一个菜单,菜单类型为调用服务,菜单参数为sendmsg,用户点击次菜单后,就会调用到这里
         if ($ActionParam == "sendmsg") {
             $image_text_msg1 = $push->mkImageTextMsg("标题,发送消息测试", "描述:发送消息测试", "", "", "loginAuth");
             // 组装多条图文信息
             $image_text_msg = array($image_text_msg1);
             // 发给这个关注的用户
             $biz_content = $push->mkImageTextBizContent($FromUserId, $image_text_msg);
             $return_msg = $push->sendRequest($biz_content);
             // 日志记录
             writeLog("发送消息返回:" . var_export($return_msg, true));
     // 给支付宝返回ACK回应消息,不然支付宝会再次重试发送消息,再调用此方法之前,不要打印输出任何内容
     echo self::mkAckMsg($FromUserId);
 public function post_message($param)
     global $_G;
     $enablePush = $this->getPushEnableStatus();
     if ('post_reply_succeed' !== $param['param'][0] || !$enablePush) {
         runlog('bigapp', 'push condition invalid or push is disabled [ param: ' . json_encode($param) . ', enable pushed: ' . intval($enablePush) . ' ]');
     if (isset($param['param'][2]['fid']) && isset($param['param'][2]['pid']) && isset($param['param'][2]['tid'])) {
         $fid = $param['param'][2]['fid'];
         $tid = $param['param'][2]['tid'];
         $pid = $param['param'][2]['pid'];
         $reppid = null;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['reppid']) && intval($_REQUEST['reppid']) > 0) {
             $reppid = intval($_REQUEST['reppid']);
         $uid = null;
         $touid = null;
         $user = null;
         $touser = null;
         $subject = null;
         if (is_null($reppid)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT first, author, authorid, subject FROM ' . DB::table('forum_post') . ' where tid = ' . $tid . ' AND first = 1 OR pid = ' . $pid;
         } else {
             $sql = 'SELECT pid, author, authorid, subject FROM ' . DB::table('forum_post') . ' where pid = ' . $pid . ' OR pid = ' . $reppid;
         $query = DB::query($sql);
         while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
             if (isset($tmp['first']) && $tmp['first'] == 1 || !is_null($reppid) && $reppid == $tmp['pid']) {
                 $touid = $tmp['authorid'];
                 $touser = $tmp['author'];
                 $subject = $tmp['subject'];
             $uid = $tmp['authorid'];
             $user = $tmp['author'];
         if (!is_null($uid) && !is_null($user) && !is_null($touser) && !is_null($touid) && !is_null($subject) && $touid != $uid) {
             if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                 $user = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $user);
                 $touser = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $touser);
                 $subject = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $subject);
             } else {
                 $user = mb_convert_encoding($user, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                 $touser = mb_convert_encoding($touser, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                 $subject = mb_convert_encoding($subject, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
             $title = '您有新的回帖';
             if (is_null($reppid)) {
                 $content = "用户 {$user} 回复了您的主题 {$subject},详情点击查看";
             } else {
                 $content = "用户 {$user} 回复了您的回帖,详情点击查看";
             $extra = array('subject' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $subject, 'author' => $uid, 'pid' => $pid, 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'authorid' => $uid);
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/libs/';
             $ret = PushMsg::sendMessage($touid, $title, $content, 2, $extra, 1);
             $result = 'fail';
             if (true === $ret) {
                 $result = 'succ';
             runlog('bigapp', "[pcweb]try to send reply message [ subject: {$subject}, author: {$user}, ownerid: {$touid}, result: {$result} ].");
Beispiel #6
 private function addOutput()
     global $_G;
     $messageval = $_G['messageparam'][0];
     $variable = array("status" => 1, "messageval" => $messageval, "show_message" => preg_replace("'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", "", $GLOBALS['show_message']));
     if ($messageval == 'request_has_been_sent') {
         $variable["status"] = 0;
         if (isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']) && is_string($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'])) {
             $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']);
         if (!isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'])) {
             $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'] = 1;
         if ($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled']) {
             $sql = 'SELECT uid, username FROM ' . DB::table('common_member') . ' WHERE uid IN (' . $_G['uid'] . ', ' . $_GET['uid'] . ')';
             $query = DB::query($sql);
             $uid = null;
             $touid = null;
             $user = null;
             $touser = null;
             while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
                 if ($tmp['uid'] === $_G['uid']) {
                     $uid = $_G['uid'];
                     $user = $tmp['username'];
                 $touid = $tmp['uid'];
                 $touser = $tmp['username'];
             if (!is_null($uid) && !is_null($touid) && !is_null($user) && !is_null($touser) && $uid != $touid) {
                 if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                     $user = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $user);
                     $touser = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $touser);
                 } else {
                     $user = mb_convert_encoding($user, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                     $touser = mb_convert_encoding($touser, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                 $title = '您收到好友请求';
                 $content = "用户 {$user} 请求添加您为好友,详情点击查看";
                 $extra = array('user' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $user, 'touser' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $touser, 'uid' => $uid, 'touid' => $touid);
                 require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libs/';
                 $ret = PushMsg::sendMessage($touid, $title, $content, 3, $extra, 1);
                 $result = 'fail';
                 if (true === $ret) {
                     $result = 'succ';
                 runlog('bigapp', "[mobile]try to send friend request message [ uid: {$uid}, touid: {$touid}, user: {$user}, touser: {$touser}, result: {$result} ].");
Beispiel #7
 function output()
     global $_G;
     $variable = array('tid' => $_G['tid'], 'pid' => $GLOBALS['pid']);
     if (isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']) && is_string($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'])) {
         $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']);
     if (!isset($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'])) {
         $_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled'] = 1;
     if ($_G['setting']['bigapp_push_config']['push_enabled']) {
         $reppid = null;
         if (isset($_REQUEST['reppid']) && intval($_REQUEST['reppid']) > 0) {
             $reppid = intval($_REQUEST['reppid']);
         if (is_null($reppid)) {
             $sql = 'SELECT first, pid, fid, tid, author, authorid, subject FROM ' . DB::table('forum_post') . ' WHERE tid = ' . $_G['tid'] . ' AND first = 1 OR pid = ' . $GLOBALS['pid'];
         } else {
             $sql = 'SELECT first, pid, fid, tid, author, authorid, subject FROM ' . DB::table('forum_post') . ' where pid = ' . $GLOBALS['pid'] . ' OR pid = ' . $reppid;
         runlog('bigapp', $sql);
         $dbRet = array();
         $query = DB::query($sql);
         while ($tmp = DB::fetch($query)) {
             $dbRet[] = $tmp;
         if (count($dbRet) === 2) {
             $subject = null;
             $author = null;
             $pid = null;
             $fid = null;
             $tid = null;
             $authorid = null;
             $ownerid = null;
             foreach ($dbRet as $value) {
                 if (1 == $value['first'] || !is_null($reppid) && $reppid == $value['pid']) {
                     $subject = $value['subject'];
                     $ownerid = $value['authorid'];
                 $author = $value['author'];
                 $pid = $value['pid'];
                 $fid = $value['fid'];
                 $tid = $value['tid'];
                 $authorid = $value['authorid'];
             if (!is_null($subject) && !is_null($author) && $ownerid != $authorid) {
                 if (function_exists('iconv')) {
                     $subject = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $subject);
                     $author = iconv(CHARSET, 'UTF-8//ignore', $author);
                 } else {
                     $subject = mb_convert_encoding($subject, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                     $author = mb_convert_encoding($author, 'UTF-8', CHARSET);
                 $title = '您有新的回帖';
                 if (is_null($reppid)) {
                     $content = "用户 {$author} 回复了您的主题 {$subject},详情点击查看";
                 } else {
                     $content = "用户 {$author} 回复了您的回帖,详情点击查看";
                 $extra = array('subject' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $subject, 'author' => '__DONT_DICONV_TO_UTF8___' . $author, 'pid' => $pid, 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $tid, 'authorid' => $authorid);
                 require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/libs/';
                 $ret = PushMsg::sendMessage($ownerid, $title, $content, 2, $extra, 1);
                 $result = 'fail';
                 if (true === $ret) {
                     $result = 'succ';
                 runlog('bigapp', "[mobile]try to send reply message [ subject: {$subject}, author: {$author}, ownerid: {$ownerid}, result: {$result} ].");