Beispiel #1
	 * Encode a Json while providing encoding functionnalities.
	 * Options may contain:
	 * -   *from_encoding*
	 *     /default to "UTF-8"/
	 *     Encoding of the source array
	 * -   *to_encoding*
	 *     /default to "UTF-8"/
	 *     Encoding of the returned string (JSON is serialize in UTF-8 and then encoded)
	 * -   *pretty*
	 *     /default to boolean "false"/
	 *     Format a JSON string with carriage returns and tabulations
	 * @param array $array Array to encode
	 * @param array $options[optional] Options used to alter the method behavior
	 * @return string Encoded JSON string
	public static function encode(array $array,array $options=array()){
		if(!isset($options['from_encoding'])) $options['from_encoding'] = 'UTF-8';
		if(!isset($options['to_encoding'])) $options['to_encoding'] = 'UTF-8';
			$array = PurArray::encode($array,'UTF-8',$options['from_encoding']);
		$array = json_encode($array);
			$array = PurJson::pretty($array);
			$array = mb_convert_encoding($array,$options['to_encoding'],'UTF-8');
		return $array;
Beispiel #2
	 * Serialize an array to a file. Unless provided, the serialization
	 * format is derived from the file path extension.
	 * Options include:
	 * - format Serialization method (js and json accepted);
	 * - from_encoding Encoding of the provided array
	 * - to_encoding Encoding of the destination file
	 * Javascript is meant to be understood as JSON surrounded by parenthesis, not
	 * as the full Javascript language. This form is usefull when text editors
	 * support the Javascript synthax and not the JSON one.
	 * JSON imposes the UTF-8 encoding. When converting to/from it, it is not the 
	 * PHP array which is encoded/decoded but the JSON string. Also, always 
	 * provide the source encoding when reading from a file written in a 
	 * different encoding than UTF-8.
	 * @return boolean True on success
	 * @param string $path Path to the destination file
	 * @param array $array Array to serialize
	 * @param array $options[optional]
	public static function write($path,array $array,array $options=array()){
		$options = self::sanitize($options);
			$dot = strrpos(basename($path),'.');
			if($dot===false) throw new Exception('Format Undertermined From Path: "'.basename($path).'"');
			$format = substr(basename($path),$dot+1);
			case 'json':
				$array = PurJson::encode($array,$options);
			case 'js':
				$array = PurJson::encode($array,$options);
				$array = '('.$array.')';
				throw new Exception('Unsupported Format: "'.$format.'"');
		return PurFile::write($path,$array,$options);