public function executeIndex() { $this->tab = 'home'; $this->pages = array(array('label' => 'Home')); $this->announcements = ProjectAnnouncementPeer::getRecent(5); $this->projects = ProjectPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()); }
public function executeSitemap() { $sitemap = new sfDefaultSitemap(); $projects = ProjectPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()); $priority = '0.3'; $freq = 'weekly'; foreach ($projects as $project) { $item = new sfSitemapItem(); $item->initialize(array('loc' => '@show_project?project=' . $project->getSlug(), 'lastmod' => $project->getUpdatedAt(), 'changeFreq' => $freq, 'piority' => $priority)); $sitemap->addItem($item); } $members = sfGuardUserProfilePeer::doSelect(new Criteria()); foreach ($members as $member) { $item = new sfSitemapItem(); $item->initialize(array('loc' => '@show_user?user='******'lastmod' => $member->getUpdatedAt(), 'changeFreq' => $freq, 'piority' => $priority)); $sitemap->addItem($item); } $features = SuggestedFeaturePeer::doSelect(new Criteria()); $freq = 'daily'; foreach ($features as $feature) { $item = new sfSitemapItem(); $item->initialize(array('loc' => '@show_feature?feature=' . $feature->getUuid(), 'lastmod' => $feature->getUpdatedAt(), 'changeFreq' => $freq, 'piority' => $priority)); $sitemap->addItem($item); } $this->sitemap = $sitemap; }
public function executeListDevelopers() { $this->tab = 'projects'; $this->project = ProjectPeer::retrieveByTag($this->getRequestParameter('id')); $this->pages = array(array('label' => 'Home', 'url' => '@homepage'), array('label' => 'Projects', 'url' => 'project/list'), array('label' => $this->project->getName(), 'url' => 'project/show?id=' . $this->project->getTag()), array('label' => 'Project Team')); $this->developers = $this->project->getDevelopers(); }
public function getProject() { if (strtolower($this->getModel()) == 'project') { $project = ProjectPeer::retrieveByPk($this->getModelId()); if ($project != null) { return $project; } } return false; }
public function executeAjaxCloneAndAcceptApplicant() { $project = ProjectPeer::retrieveByUuid($this->getRequestParameter('project')); $this->forward404Unless($project, 'Project not found, unable to accept applicant'); if ($project->clonePositionAcceptApplicant($this->getRequestParameter('position'), $this->getRequestParameter('user')) == false) { $this->forward404('Unable to add position, error.'); } $this->setTemplate('ajaxAddPosition'); $this->newPosition = new ProjectPosition(); $this->project = $project; }
public static function generate() { $urls = array(); $urls[] = new sitemapURL('projects', date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z'), 'weekly', 1.0); $projects = ProjectPeer::doSelect(new Criteria()); foreach ($projects as $project) { $urls[] = new sitemapURL('projects/' . $project->getTag(), date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z'), 'weekly', 0.8); $urls[] = new sitemapURL('project/listDevelopers?id=' . $project->getTag(), date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z'), 'weekly', 0.8); } return $urls; }
public static function getNamesForAutocomplete($q) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(ProjectPeer::NAME, $q . "%", Criteria::LIKE); $c->setLimit(10); $names = array(); $projects = ProjectPeer::doSelect($c); foreach ($projects as $p) { $names[] = array("id" => $p->getId(), "name" => $p->getName()); } return $names; }
public function preExecute() { $this->logMessage('Action: [' . $this->getContext()->getActionName() . ']'); //if ($this->getContext()->getActionName() != 'userLatestPosts') //{ $this->project = ProjectPeer::retrieveBySlug($this->getRequestParameter('project')); $this->forward404Unless($this->project, 'Project not found, unable to retrieve forums'); //} $this->anonymousPosting = sfConfig::get('app_nahoWikiPlugin_allow_anonymous_edit', false); $this->startPage = sfConfig::get('app_nahoWikiPlugin_start_page', 'index'); $this->credentialsPost = sfConfig::get('app_nahoWikiPlugin_credentials_edit', array()); $this->tab = sfConfig::get('app_tab_project_forums'); }
public static function getPager($page, $project_id = null) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(ProjectAnnouncementPeer::CREATED_AT); if ($project_id) { $c->add(ProjectAnnouncementPeer::PROJECT_ID, ProjectPeer::retrieveByTag($project_id)->getId()); } $pager = new sfPropelPager('ProjectAnnouncement', sfConfig::get('app_pager_max')); $pager->setCriteria($c); $pager->setPage($page); $pager->init(); return $pager; }
public function executeUpdate() { $jira = new sfJiraPlugin($this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraLogin(), $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraPassword()); $aProjects = $jira->getProjects(); foreach ($aProjects as $project) { #var_dump( $project ); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(ProjectPeer::USER_ID, $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getId()); $c->add(ProjectPeer::KEY, $project->key); $p = ProjectPeer::doSelectOne($c); $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(UserPeer::JIRA_LOGIN, $project->lead); $u = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (empty($p)) { $p = new Project(); $p->setKey($project->key); $p->setLeadId(!empty($u) ? $u->getId() : null); $p->setUserId($this->getUser()->getProfile()->getId()); $p->setName($project->name); $p->setUpdated(date('r')); $p->save(); } $issues = $jira->getIssuesForProject($p->getKey()); foreach ($issues as $issue) { #die($p->getKey()); if ($issue->assignee == $this->getUser()->getProfile()->getJiraLogin()) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(TaskPeer::KEY, $issue->key); $t = TaskPeer::doSelectOne($c); if (empty($t)) { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(UserPeer::JIRA_LOGIN, $issue->reporter); $u = UserPeer::doSelectOne($c); $t = new Task(); $t->setProjectId($p->getId()); $t->setTitle($issue->summary); $t->setDescription($issue->description); $t->setKey($issue->key); $t->setUpdated(date('r')); $t->setStatusId($issue->status); $t->setPriorityId($issue->priority); $t->setLeadId(!empty($u) ? $u->getId() : null); $t->save(); } } } } $this->redirect('@homepage'); return sfView::NONE; }
/** * Executes Sandbox2 action * */ public function executeSandbox2() { $this->forward404Unless($this->project = ProjectPeer::retrieveBySlug($this->getRequestParameter('project')), 'Project not found'); $this->forward404Unless($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated() && $this->project->isAdmin($this->getUser()->getId())); $form = $this->project->getForm($this->getRequestParameter('form')); if ($form == null) { $this->project->setDefaultForm($this->getRequestParameter('form')); } $area = $this->getRequestParameter('area'); $widget = $this->getRequestParameter('id'); $widget = explode('_', $widget); $widget = $widget[0]; $setting = $this->getRequestParameter('setting'); switch ($area) { case '1': $form->setWidget1($widget); if (isset($setting)) { $form->setWidget1Setting($this->getRequestParameter('setting')); } $form->save(); break; case '2': $form->setWidget2($widget); if (isset($setting)) { $form->setWidget2Setting($this->getRequestParameter('setting')); } $form->save(); break; case '3': $form->setWidget3($widget); if (isset($setting)) { $form->setWidget3Setting($this->getRequestParameter('setting')); } $form->save(); break; case '4': $form->setWidget4($widget); if (isset($setting)) { $form->setWidget4Setting($this->getRequestParameter('setting')); } $form->save(); break; } $this->area = $area; $this->widget = $widget; $this->form = $form; }
public static function setJobProjectIds($jobs, $projectId) { $c1 = new Criteria(); $c2 = new Criteria(); $c1->add(JobPeer::ID, $jobs, Criteria::IN); $c2->add(JobPeer::PROJECT_ID, $projectId); BasePeer::doUpdate($c1, $c2, Propel::getConnection()); $project = ProjectPeer::retrieveByPK($projectId); foreach ($jobs as $id) { $logEntry = new Log(); $logEntry->setWhen(time()); $logEntry->setPropelClass("Job"); $logEntry->setSfGuardUserProfileId(sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getUserId()); $logEntry->setMessage("Moved job to project" . $project->getName()); $logEntry->setLogMessageTypeId(sfConfig::get("app_log_type_move_to_project")); $logEntry->setPropelId($id); $logEntry->save(); } }
/** * Selects a collection of Build objects pre-filled with all related objects. * * @param Criteria $criteria * @param PropelPDO $con * @param String $join_behavior the type of joins to use, defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN * @return array Array of Build objects. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doSelectJoinAll(Criteria $criteria, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) { $criteria = clone $criteria; // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden if ($criteria->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) { $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME); } BuildPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria); $startcol2 = BuildPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - BuildPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS; ProjectPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria); $startcol3 = $startcol2 + (ProjectPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - ProjectPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS); $criteria->addJoin(BuildPeer::TASK_ID, ProjectPeer::ID, $join_behavior); $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con); $results = array(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $key1 = BuildPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0); if (null !== ($obj1 = BuildPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key1))) { // We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss. // See // $obj1->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate } else { $cls = BuildPeer::getOMClass(false); $obj1 = new $cls(); $obj1->hydrate($row); BuildPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj1, $key1); } // if obj1 already loaded // Add objects for joined Project rows $key2 = ProjectPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol2); if ($key2 !== null) { $obj2 = ProjectPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key2); if (!$obj2) { $cls = ProjectPeer::getOMClass(false); $obj2 = new $cls(); $obj2->hydrate($row, $startcol2); ProjectPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj2, $key2); } // if obj2 loaded // Add the $obj1 (Build) to the collection in $obj2 (Project) $obj2->addBuild($obj1); } // if joined row not null $results[] = $obj1; } $stmt->closeCursor(); return $results; }
/** * Executes handleErrorUpdateMilestone action * */ public function handleErrorUpdateMilestone() { $this->forward404Unless($this->project = ProjectPeer::retrieveBySlug($this->getRequestParameter('project')), 'Project does not exist, using slug [' . $this->getRequestParameter('project') . ']'); $this->tab = sfConfig::get('app_tab_project_team'); $this->position = ProjectPositionPeer::retrieveByUuid($this->getRequestParameter('position')); if ($this->position == null) { $this->position = new ProjectPosition(); } $this->setTemplate('updateMilestone'); return sfView::SUCCESS; }
/** * Get the associated Project object * * @param PropelPDO Optional Connection object. * @return Project The associated Project object. * @throws PropelException */ public function getProject(PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($this->aProject === null && $this->task_id !== null) { $this->aProject = ProjectPeer::retrieveByPk($this->task_id); /* The following can be used additionally to guarantee the related object contains a reference to this object. This level of coupling may, however, be undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection in the referenced object. $this->aProject->addBuilds($this); */ } return $this->aProject; }
public static function doSelectJoinAll(Criteria $c, $con = null) { foreach (sfMixer::getCallables('BaseUrlPeer:doSelectJoinAll:doSelectJoinAll') as $callable) { call_user_func($callable, 'BaseUrlPeer', $c, $con); } $c = clone $c; if ($c->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) { $c->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME); } UrlPeer::addSelectColumns($c); $startcol2 = UrlPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - UrlPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS + 1; ProjectPeer::addSelectColumns($c); $startcol3 = $startcol2 + ProjectPeer::NUM_COLUMNS; $c->addJoin(UrlPeer::PROJECT_ID, ProjectPeer::ID); $rs = BasePeer::doSelect($c, $con); $results = array(); while ($rs->next()) { $omClass = UrlPeer::getOMClass(); $cls = Propel::import($omClass); $obj1 = new $cls(); $obj1->hydrate($rs); $omClass = ProjectPeer::getOMClass(); $cls = Propel::import($omClass); $obj2 = new $cls(); $obj2->hydrate($rs, $startcol2); $newObject = true; for ($j = 0, $resCount = count($results); $j < $resCount; $j++) { $temp_obj1 = $results[$j]; $temp_obj2 = $temp_obj1->getProject(); if ($temp_obj2->getPrimaryKey() === $obj2->getPrimaryKey()) { $newObject = false; $temp_obj2->addUrl($obj1); break; } } if ($newObject) { $obj2->initUrls(); $obj2->addUrl($obj1); } $results[] = $obj1; } return $results; }
/** * Get the associated Project object * * @param PropelPDO Optional Connection object. * @return Project The associated Project object. * @throws PropelException */ public function getProject(PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($this->aProject === null && $this->project_id !== null) { $c = new Criteria(ProjectPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $c->add(ProjectPeer::ID, $this->project_id); $this->aProject = ProjectPeer::doSelectOne($c, $con); /* The following can be used additionally to guarantee the related object contains a reference to this object. This level of coupling may, however, be undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection in the referenced object. $this->aProject->addJobs($this); */ } return $this->aProject; }
public function executeAddProject(sfWebRequest $request) { $obj = json_decode($request->getParameter("obj"), true); $jobs = $obj["jobs"]; $addProjectId = $obj["addProjectId"]; $projectName = $obj["projectName"]; $createNew = $obj["createNew"]; $removeFromProject = $obj["removeFromProject"]; if (!$removeFromProject) { if ($createNew) { $project = new Project(); $project->setName($projectName); $project->save(); } else { $project = ProjectPeer::retrieveByPK($addProjectId); } $projectId = $project->getId(); } else { $projectId = null; } if ($removeFromProject || !is_null($projectId)) { JobPeer::setJobProjectIds($jobs, $projectId); } $this->setTemplate("reload"); if ($this->createCriteria() == sfView::NONE) { return sfView::NONE; } }
public function getProjectsRelatedByOwnerIdJoinCampus($criteria = null, $con = null) { include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseProjectPeer.php'; if ($criteria === null) { $criteria = new Criteria(); } elseif ($criteria instanceof Criteria) { $criteria = clone $criteria; } if ($this->collProjectsRelatedByOwnerId === null) { if ($this->isNew()) { $this->collProjectsRelatedByOwnerId = array(); } else { $criteria->add(ProjectPeer::OWNER_ID, $this->getId()); $this->collProjectsRelatedByOwnerId = ProjectPeer::doSelectJoinCampus($criteria, $con); } } else { $criteria->add(ProjectPeer::OWNER_ID, $this->getId()); if (!isset($this->lastProjectRelatedByOwnerIdCriteria) || !$this->lastProjectRelatedByOwnerIdCriteria->equals($criteria)) { $this->collProjectsRelatedByOwnerId = ProjectPeer::doSelectJoinCampus($criteria, $con); } } $this->lastProjectRelatedByOwnerIdCriteria = $criteria; return $this->collProjectsRelatedByOwnerId; }
/** * Populates the object using an array. * * This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the * request arrays (e.g. $_POST). This method goes through the column * names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated * array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column. * * You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one * of the class type constants BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME, * BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM. * The default key type is the column's phpname (e.g. 'AuthorId') * * @param array $arr An array to populate the object from. * @param string $keyType The type of keys the array uses. * @return void */ public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { $keys = ProjectPeer::getFieldNames($keyType); if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) { $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) { $this->setName($arr[$keys[1]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) { $this->setStatusId($arr[$keys[2]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) { $this->setSlug($arr[$keys[3]]); } }
/** * Populates the object using an array. * * This is particularly useful when populating an object from one of the * request arrays (e.g. $_POST). This method goes through the column * names, checking to see whether a matching key exists in populated * array. If so the setByName() method is called for that column. * * You can specify the key type of the array by additionally passing one * of the class type constants BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME, * BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME, BasePeer::TYPE_NUM. * The default key type is the column's phpname (e.g. 'AuthorId') * * @param array $arr An array to populate the object from. * @param string $keyType The type of keys the array uses. * @return void */ public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { $keys = ProjectPeer::getFieldNames($keyType); if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) { $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) { $this->setName($arr[$keys[1]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) { $this->setKey($arr[$keys[2]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) { $this->setLeadId($arr[$keys[3]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) { $this->setUserId($arr[$keys[4]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) { $this->setPriority($arr[$keys[5]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) { $this->setUpdated($arr[$keys[6]]); } }
public function executeProjects() { $this->ready(); $criteria = new Criteria(); $criteria->addJoin(ProjectPeer::ID, ProjectDeveloperPeer::PROJECT_ID); $criteria->addJoin(ProjectDeveloperPeer::DEVELOPER_ID, DeveloperPeer::ID); $criteria->add(DeveloperPeer::USER_ID, $this->getContext()->getUser()->getSubscriberId()); $this->projects = ProjectPeer::doSelect($criteria); return sfView::SUCCESS; }
public function executeAutocomplete(sfWebRequest $request) { $q = $request->getParameter("q"); $this->renderText(json_encode(ProjectPeer::getNamesForAutocomplete($q))); return sfView::NONE; }
/** * Selects a collection of Task objects pre-filled with all related objects except User. * * @param Criteria $criteria * @param PropelPDO $con * @param String $join_behavior the type of joins to use, defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN * @return array Array of Task objects. * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function doSelectJoinAllExceptUser(Criteria $criteria, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN) { $criteria = clone $criteria; // Set the correct dbName if it has not been overridden // $criteria->getDbName() will return the same object if not set to another value // so == check is okay and faster if ($criteria->getDbName() == Propel::getDefaultDB()) { $criteria->setDbName(self::DATABASE_NAME); } TaskPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria); $startcol2 = TaskPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - TaskPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS; ProjectPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria); $startcol3 = $startcol2 + (ProjectPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - ProjectPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS); StatusPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria); $startcol4 = $startcol3 + (StatusPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - StatusPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS); PriorityPeer::addSelectColumns($criteria); $startcol5 = $startcol4 + (PriorityPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - PriorityPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS); $criteria->addJoin(TaskPeer::PROJECT_ID, ProjectPeer::ID, $join_behavior); $criteria->addJoin(TaskPeer::STATUS_ID, StatusPeer::ID, $join_behavior); $criteria->addJoin(TaskPeer::PRIORITY_ID, PriorityPeer::ID, $join_behavior); $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con); $results = array(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $key1 = TaskPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, 0); if (null !== ($obj1 = TaskPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key1))) { // We no longer rehydrate the object, since this can cause data loss. // See // $obj1->hydrate($row, 0, true); // rehydrate } else { $cls = TaskPeer::getOMClass(false); $obj1 = new $cls(); $obj1->hydrate($row); TaskPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj1, $key1); } // if obj1 already loaded // Add objects for joined Project rows $key2 = ProjectPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol2); if ($key2 !== null) { $obj2 = ProjectPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key2); if (!$obj2) { $cls = ProjectPeer::getOMClass(false); $obj2 = new $cls(); $obj2->hydrate($row, $startcol2); ProjectPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj2, $key2); } // if $obj2 already loaded // Add the $obj1 (Task) to the collection in $obj2 (Project) $obj2->addTask($obj1); } // if joined row is not null // Add objects for joined Status rows $key3 = StatusPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol3); if ($key3 !== null) { $obj3 = StatusPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key3); if (!$obj3) { $cls = StatusPeer::getOMClass(false); $obj3 = new $cls(); $obj3->hydrate($row, $startcol3); StatusPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj3, $key3); } // if $obj3 already loaded // Add the $obj1 (Task) to the collection in $obj3 (Status) $obj3->addTask($obj1); } // if joined row is not null // Add objects for joined Priority rows $key4 = PriorityPeer::getPrimaryKeyHashFromRow($row, $startcol4); if ($key4 !== null) { $obj4 = PriorityPeer::getInstanceFromPool($key4); if (!$obj4) { $cls = PriorityPeer::getOMClass(false); $obj4 = new $cls(); $obj4->hydrate($row, $startcol4); PriorityPeer::addInstanceToPool($obj4, $key4); } // if $obj4 already loaded // Add the $obj1 (Task) to the collection in $obj4 (Priority) $obj4->addTask($obj1); } // if joined row is not null $results[] = $obj1; } $stmt->closeCursor(); return $results; }
/** * Retrieve multiple objects by pkey. * * @param array $pks List of primary keys * @param PropelPDO $con the connection to use * @throws PropelException Any exceptions caught during processing will be * rethrown wrapped into a PropelException. */ public static function retrieveByPKs($pks, PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($con === null) { $con = Propel::getConnection(ProjectPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_READ); } $objs = null; if (empty($pks)) { $objs = array(); } else { $criteria = new Criteria(ProjectPeer::DATABASE_NAME); $criteria->add(ProjectPeer::ID, $pks, Criteria::IN); $objs = ProjectPeer::doSelect($criteria, $con); } return $objs; }
public function fromArray($arr, $keyType = BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME) { $keys = ProjectPeer::getFieldNames($keyType); if (array_key_exists($keys[0], $arr)) { $this->setId($arr[$keys[0]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[1], $arr)) { $this->setUuid($arr[$keys[1]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[2], $arr)) { $this->setCreatedBy($arr[$keys[2]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[3], $arr)) { $this->setOwnerId($arr[$keys[3]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[4], $arr)) { $this->setDepartmentId($arr[$keys[4]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[5], $arr)) { $this->setCampusId($arr[$keys[5]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[6], $arr)) { $this->setTitle($arr[$keys[6]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[7], $arr)) { $this->setPicture($arr[$keys[7]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[8], $arr)) { $this->setSlug($arr[$keys[8]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[9], $arr)) { $this->setDescription($arr[$keys[9]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[10], $arr)) { $this->setNotes($arr[$keys[10]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[11], $arr)) { $this->setKeywords($arr[$keys[11]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[12], $arr)) { $this->setBegin($arr[$keys[12]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[13], $arr)) { $this->setFinish($arr[$keys[13]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[14], $arr)) { $this->setBudget($arr[$keys[14]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[15], $arr)) { $this->setStatus($arr[$keys[15]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[16], $arr)) { $this->setApplications($arr[$keys[16]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[17], $arr)) { $this->setSeason($arr[$keys[17]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[18], $arr)) { $this->setYear($arr[$keys[18]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[19], $arr)) { $this->setScale($arr[$keys[19]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[20], $arr)) { $this->setCommitment($arr[$keys[20]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[21], $arr)) { $this->setGoals($arr[$keys[21]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[22], $arr)) { $this->setGoalsComplete($arr[$keys[22]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[23], $arr)) { $this->setHoursWeekly($arr[$keys[23]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[24], $arr)) { $this->setHoursTotal($arr[$keys[24]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[25], $arr)) { $this->setPublished($arr[$keys[25]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[26], $arr)) { $this->setFlaggedAup($arr[$keys[26]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[27], $arr)) { $this->setFlaggedHelp($arr[$keys[27]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[28], $arr)) { $this->setMainForm($arr[$keys[28]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[29], $arr)) { $this->setIsApproved($arr[$keys[29]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[30], $arr)) { $this->setHits($arr[$keys[30]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[31], $arr)) { $this->setVersion($arr[$keys[31]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[32], $arr)) { $this->setUpdatedAt($arr[$keys[32]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[33], $arr)) { $this->setDeletedAt($arr[$keys[33]]); } if (array_key_exists($keys[34], $arr)) { $this->setCreatedAt($arr[$keys[34]]); } }
public function getProject($con = null) { if ($this->aProject === null && $this->project_id !== null) { include_once 'lib/model/om/BaseProjectPeer.php'; $this->aProject = ProjectPeer::retrieveByPK($this->project_id, $con); } return $this->aProject; }
/** * Returns the number of related Project objects. * * @param Criteria $criteria * @param boolean $distinct * @param PropelPDO $con * @return int Count of related Project objects. * @throws PropelException */ public function countProjects(Criteria $criteria = null, $distinct = false, PropelPDO $con = null) { if ($criteria === null) { $criteria = new Criteria(StatusPeer::DATABASE_NAME); } else { $criteria = clone $criteria; } if ($distinct) { $criteria->setDistinct(); } $count = null; if ($this->collProjects === null) { if ($this->isNew()) { $count = 0; } else { $criteria->add(ProjectPeer::STATUS_ID, $this->id); $count = ProjectPeer::doCount($criteria, $con); } } else { // criteria has no effect for a new object if (!$this->isNew()) { // the following code is to determine if a new query is // called for. If the criteria is the same as the last // one, just return count of the collection. $criteria->add(ProjectPeer::STATUS_ID, $this->id); if (!isset($this->lastProjectCriteria) || !$this->lastProjectCriteria->equals($criteria)) { $count = ProjectPeer::doCount($criteria, $con); } else { $count = count($this->collProjects); } } else { $count = count($this->collProjects); } } return $count; }
public function getProjects() { $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(ProjectPeer::USER_ID, $this->getId()); return ProjectPeer::doSelect($c); }
public function getProjects() { sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->info('Filtering user positions for projects...'); $positions = $this->getPositionsUser(); $projects = array(); foreach ($positions as $position) { $projects[] = $position->getProjectPosition()->getProject(); } foreach (ProjectPeer::retrieveByUserId($this->getUserId()) as $project) { $projects[] = $project; } foreach ($projects as $key => $value) { if ($projects[$key] == null) { unset($projects[$key]); } } return array_unique($projects); }