protected function doProcess($arguments = array(), $options = array())

    //$this->logBlock('DISABLED.', 'ERROR');
    // exit;

    if (!$options['go']) 
      $this->logBlock('Running in dry mode, no files will be uploaded.', 'ERROR');

    $consumerKey = sfConfig::get("app_dropbox_consumer_key");
    $consumerSecret = sfConfig::get("app_dropbox_consumer_secret");
    $token = sfConfig::get("app_dropbox_token");
    $token_secret = sfConfig::get("app_dropbox_token_secret");
    $dropboxRoot = sfConfig::get("app_dropbox_root");
    // If the PHP OAuth extension is not available, you can try
    // PEAR's HTTP_OAUTH instead.
    $oauth = new Dropbox_OAuth_PEAR($consumerKey, $consumerSecret);
    $dropbox = new Dropbox_API( $oauth );
    $tokens = array(
                "token"        => $token,
                "token_secret" => $token_secret

    // get DROPBOX directory listing
    $metadata = $dropbox->getMetaData($dropboxRoot, $list = true, $hash = null, $fileLimit = null, $root = null);
    $dropbox_list = array();
    $this->logBlock(sprintf("Connected dropbox in %s", $dropboxRoot), 'COMMENT');
    if (is_array( $metadata['contents'] )) {
      foreach( $metadata['contents'] as $info)
        if ($info["mime_type"] == "application/pdf") {
          $filename = strtolower( basename( $info["path"] ) );
          $filename = strtolower( basename( $info["path"] ) );

          $timestamp = strtotime($info["modified"]);
          $ftime = strptime($info["modified"], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z");
          $timestamp = mktime( 
                    1 , 
                    $ftime['tm_yday'] + 1, 
                   $ftime['tm_year'] + 1900 
          // time zone problem ?!?
          //$timestamp = strtotime("+2 hours", $timestamp);
          $dropbox_list["$filename"] = $timestamp;
        // }
    // compare DROPBOX contents to "live" files
    $push_files = array();
    $dir = sfConfig::get('sf_data_dir').sfConfig::get('app_rockstep_pdf_dir');
    $weeds = array('.', '..','.DS_Store'); 
    $directory = array_diff(scandir($dir), $weeds); 

    if (!$options['force']) {
      $this->logBlock(sprintf("Checking %d files in %s", count($directory), $dir), 'COMMENT');
    } else {
      $this->logBlock(sprintf("Pushing %d files from %s", count($directory), $dir), 'COMMENT');
    foreach( $directory as $id => $filename ) {
      if (is_file($dir.$filename)) {
        if (!$options['force']) {
          if (array_key_exists(strtolower($filename), $dropbox_list)) {

            $this->logSection('file', sprintf("%s %s %s", $filename, filemtime($dir.$filename), $dropbox_list[strtolower($filename)] ));

            //echo date('Y-m-d H:m:s u', strtotime( $dropbox_list[strtolower($filename)] ))."--".date('Y-m-d H:m:s u', filemtime($dir.$filename));

            if ( filemtime($dir.$filename) > $dropbox_list[strtolower($filename)] ) {

              //echo date('Y-m-d H:m:s', $dropbox_list[strtolower($filename)] )."--".date('Y-m-d H:m:s', filemtime($dir.$filename));

              $push_files[] = $filename;
          } else {
            $push_files[] = $filename;
        } else {
          $push_files[] = $filename;
    // PUSH to dropbox
    $error = 0; $success = 0;
    if (count($push_files) == 0) {
        $this->logBlock("Everything is up to date.", 'INFO');
    } else {
      if (!$options['force'])
        $this->logBlock(sprintf("%d files have been modified", count($push_files)), 'INFO');
      foreach ($push_files as $filename) {
        if ($options['go']) {
         // sync
          $this->logBlock(sprintf("try: %s => %s", $dir.$filename, $dropboxRoot.$filename), 'INFO');
         $result = $dropbox->putFile($dropboxRoot.$filename, $dir.$filename);
         if($result['httpStatus'] == 200 ) {
            // set datemodified to the dropbox-date
            $metadata = $dropbox->getMetaData($dropboxRoot.$filename, $list = true, $hash = null, $fileLimit = null, $root = null);
            touch($dir.$filename, strtotime($metadata['modified']) );

            //echo date('Y-m-d H:m:s u', strtotime($metadata['modified']))."--".date('Y-m-d H:m:s u', filemtime($dir.$filename));
            //echo strtotime($metadata['modified']);
            $this->logSection('file+', sprintf("%s", $filename));
            $success += 1;
          } else {
            $this->logSection('error', sprintf("%s", $filename));
            $error += 1;
        } else {
          // dry run
          $this->logSection('file+', sprintf("%s", $filename));
          $success += 1;
      if ($options['go']) {
        if ($error > 0) {
          $this->logBlock(sprintf('Error Uploading on %d out of %d Files', $error, $success, $dropboxRoot), 'ERROR');
        } else {
          $this->logBlock(sprintf('Uploaded %d Files to %s', $success, $dropboxRoot), 'INFO');
      } else {
        // dry run