Beispiel #1
 *** get_performance_info() pairs up with init_performance_info()
 *** loaded in setup.php. Returns an array with 'html' and 'txt'
 *** values ready for use, and each of the individual stats provided
 *** separately as well.
function get_performance_info()
    global $CFG, $PERF, $rcache;
    $info = array();
    $info['html'] = '';
    // holds userfriendly HTML representation
    $info['txt'] = me() . ' ';
    // holds log-friendly representation
    $info['realtime'] = microtime_diff($PERF->starttime, microtime());
    $info['html'] .= '<span class="timeused">' . $info['realtime'] . ' secs</span> ';
    $info['txt'] .= 'time: ' . $info['realtime'] . 's ';
    if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
        $info['memory_total'] = memory_get_usage();
        $info['memory_growth'] = memory_get_usage() - $PERF->startmemory;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="memoryused">RAM: ' . display_size($info['memory_total']) . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'memory_total: ' . $info['memory_total'] . 'B (' . display_size($info['memory_total']) . ') memory_growth: ' . $info['memory_growth'] . 'B (' . display_size($info['memory_growth']) . ') ';
    if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
        $info['memory_peak'] = memory_get_peak_usage();
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="memoryused">RAM peak: ' . display_size($info['memory_peak']) . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'memory_peak: ' . $info['memory_peak'] . 'B (' . display_size($info['memory_peak']) . ') ';
    $inc = get_included_files();
    $info['includecount'] = count($inc);
    $info['html'] .= '<span class="included">Included ' . $info['includecount'] . ' files</span> ';
    $info['txt'] .= 'includecount: ' . $info['includecount'] . ' ';
    if (!empty($PERF->dbqueries)) {
        $info['dbqueries'] = $PERF->dbqueries;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="dbqueries">DB queries ' . $info['dbqueries'] . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'dbqueries: ' . $info['dbqueries'] . ' ';
    if (!empty($PERF->logwrites)) {
        $info['logwrites'] = $PERF->logwrites;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="logwrites">Log writes ' . $info['logwrites'] . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'logwrites: ' . $info['logwrites'] . ' ';
    if (!empty($PERF->profiling) && $PERF->profiling) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/profilerlib.php';
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="profilinginfo">' . Profiler::get_profiling(array('-R')) . '</span>';
    if (function_exists('posix_times')) {
        $ptimes = posix_times();
        if (is_array($ptimes)) {
            foreach ($ptimes as $key => $val) {
                $info[$key] = $ptimes[$key] - $PERF->startposixtimes[$key];
            $info['html'] .= "<span class=\"posixtimes\">ticks: {$info['ticks']} user: {$info['utime']} sys: {$info['stime']} cuser: {$info['cutime']} csys: {$info['cstime']}</span> ";
            $info['txt'] .= "ticks: {$info['ticks']} user: {$info['utime']} sys: {$info['stime']} cuser: {$info['cutime']} csys: {$info['cstime']} ";
    // Grab the load average for the last minute
    // /proc will only work under some linux configurations
    // while uptime is there under MacOSX/Darwin and other unices
    if (is_readable('/proc/loadavg') && ($loadavg = @file('/proc/loadavg'))) {
        list($server_load) = explode(' ', $loadavg[0]);
    } else {
        if (function_exists('is_executable') && is_executable('/usr/bin/uptime') && ($loadavg = `/usr/bin/uptime`)) {
            if (preg_match('/load averages?: (\\d+[\\.,:]\\d+)/', $loadavg, $matches)) {
                $server_load = $matches[1];
            } else {
                trigger_error('Could not parse uptime output!');
    if (!empty($server_load)) {
        $info['serverload'] = $server_load;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="serverload">Load average: ' . $info['serverload'] . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= "serverload: {$info['serverload']} ";
    if (isset($rcache->hits) && isset($rcache->misses)) {
        $info['rcachehits'] = $rcache->hits;
        $info['rcachemisses'] = $rcache->misses;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="rcache">Record cache hit/miss ratio : ' . "{$rcache->hits}/{$rcache->misses}</span> ";
        $info['txt'] .= 'rcache: ' . "{$rcache->hits}/{$rcache->misses} ";
    $info['html'] = '<div class="performanceinfo">' . $info['html'] . '</div>';
    return $info;
Beispiel #2
 * get_performance_info() pairs up with init_performance_info()
 * loaded in setup.php. Returns an array with 'html' and 'txt'
 * values ready for use, and each of the individual stats provided
 * separately as well.
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @return array
function get_performance_info()
    global $CFG, $PERF, $DB, $PAGE;
    $info = array();
    $info['html'] = '';
    // holds userfriendly HTML representation
    $info['txt'] = me() . ' ';
    // holds log-friendly representation
    $info['realtime'] = microtime_diff($PERF->starttime, microtime());
    $info['html'] .= '<span class="timeused">' . $info['realtime'] . ' secs</span> ';
    $info['txt'] .= 'time: ' . $info['realtime'] . 's ';
    if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) {
        $info['memory_total'] = memory_get_usage();
        $info['memory_growth'] = memory_get_usage() - $PERF->startmemory;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="memoryused">RAM: ' . display_size($info['memory_total']) . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'memory_total: ' . $info['memory_total'] . 'B (' . display_size($info['memory_total']) . ') memory_growth: ' . $info['memory_growth'] . 'B (' . display_size($info['memory_growth']) . ') ';
    if (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) {
        $info['memory_peak'] = memory_get_peak_usage();
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="memoryused">RAM peak: ' . display_size($info['memory_peak']) . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'memory_peak: ' . $info['memory_peak'] . 'B (' . display_size($info['memory_peak']) . ') ';
    $inc = get_included_files();
    $info['includecount'] = count($inc);
    $info['html'] .= '<span class="included">Included ' . $info['includecount'] . ' files</span> ';
    $info['txt'] .= 'includecount: ' . $info['includecount'] . ' ';
    $filtermanager = filter_manager::instance();
    if (method_exists($filtermanager, 'get_performance_summary')) {
        list($filterinfo, $nicenames) = $filtermanager->get_performance_summary();
        $info = array_merge($filterinfo, $info);
        foreach ($filterinfo as $key => $value) {
            $info['html'] .= "<span class='{$key}'>{$nicenames[$key]}: {$value} </span> ";
            $info['txt'] .= "{$key}: {$value} ";
    $stringmanager = get_string_manager();
    if (method_exists($stringmanager, 'get_performance_summary')) {
        list($filterinfo, $nicenames) = $stringmanager->get_performance_summary();
        $info = array_merge($filterinfo, $info);
        foreach ($filterinfo as $key => $value) {
            $info['html'] .= "<span class='{$key}'>{$nicenames[$key]}: {$value} </span> ";
            $info['txt'] .= "{$key}: {$value} ";
    $jsmodules = $PAGE->requires->get_loaded_modules();
    if ($jsmodules) {
        $yuicount = 0;
        $othercount = 0;
        $details = '';
        foreach ($jsmodules as $module => $backtraces) {
            if (strpos($module, 'yui') === 0) {
                $yuicount += 1;
            } else {
                $othercount += 1;
            $details .= "<div class='yui-module'><p>{$module}</p>";
            foreach ($backtraces as $backtrace) {
                $details .= "<div class='backtrace'>{$backtrace}</div>";
            $details .= '</div>';
        $info['html'] .= "<span class='includedyuimodules'>Included YUI modules: {$yuicount}</span> ";
        $info['txt'] .= "includedyuimodules: {$yuicount} ";
        $info['html'] .= "<span class='includedjsmodules'>Other JavaScript modules: {$othercount}</span> ";
        $info['txt'] .= "includedjsmodules: {$othercount} ";
        // Slightly odd to output the details in a display: none div. The point
        // Is that it takes a lot of space, and if you care you can reveal it
        // using firebug.
        $info['html'] .= '<div id="yui-module-debug" class="notifytiny">' . $details . '</div>';
    if (!empty($PERF->logwrites)) {
        $info['logwrites'] = $PERF->logwrites;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="logwrites">Log DB writes ' . $info['logwrites'] . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= 'logwrites: ' . $info['logwrites'] . ' ';
    $info['dbqueries'] = $DB->perf_get_reads() . '/' . ($DB->perf_get_writes() - $PERF->logwrites);
    $info['html'] .= '<span class="dbqueries">DB reads/writes: ' . $info['dbqueries'] . '</span> ';
    $info['txt'] .= 'db reads/writes: ' . $info['dbqueries'] . ' ';
    if (!empty($PERF->profiling) && $PERF->profiling) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/lib/profilerlib.php';
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="profilinginfo">' . Profiler::get_profiling(array('-R')) . '</span>';
    if (function_exists('posix_times')) {
        $ptimes = posix_times();
        if (is_array($ptimes)) {
            foreach ($ptimes as $key => $val) {
                $info[$key] = $ptimes[$key] - $PERF->startposixtimes[$key];
            $info['html'] .= "<span class=\"posixtimes\">ticks: {$info['ticks']} user: {$info['utime']} sys: {$info['stime']} cuser: {$info['cutime']} csys: {$info['cstime']}</span> ";
            $info['txt'] .= "ticks: {$info['ticks']} user: {$info['utime']} sys: {$info['stime']} cuser: {$info['cutime']} csys: {$info['cstime']} ";
    // Grab the load average for the last minute
    // /proc will only work under some linux configurations
    // while uptime is there under MacOSX/Darwin and other unices
    if (is_readable('/proc/loadavg') && ($loadavg = @file('/proc/loadavg'))) {
        list($server_load) = explode(' ', $loadavg[0]);
    } else {
        if (function_exists('is_executable') && is_executable('/usr/bin/uptime') && ($loadavg = `/usr/bin/uptime`)) {
            if (preg_match('/load averages?: (\\d+[\\.,:]\\d+)/', $loadavg, $matches)) {
                $server_load = $matches[1];
            } else {
                trigger_error('Could not parse uptime output!');
    if (!empty($server_load)) {
        $info['serverload'] = $server_load;
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="serverload">Load average: ' . $info['serverload'] . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= "serverload: {$info['serverload']} ";
    // Display size of session if session started
    if (session_id()) {
        $info['sessionsize'] = display_size(strlen(session_encode()));
        $info['html'] .= '<span class="sessionsize">Session: ' . $info['sessionsize'] . '</span> ';
        $info['txt'] .= "Session: {$info['sessionsize']} ";
    /*    if (isset($rcache->hits) && isset($rcache->misses)) {
            $info['rcachehits'] = $rcache->hits;
            $info['rcachemisses'] = $rcache->misses;
            $info['html'] .= '<span class="rcache">Record cache hit/miss ratio : '.
                "{$rcache->hits}/{$rcache->misses}</span> ";
            $info['txt'] .= 'rcache: '.
                "{$rcache->hits}/{$rcache->misses} ";
    $info['html'] = '<div class="performanceinfo siteinfo">' . $info['html'] . '</div>';
    return $info;