include './resources/init.php';
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/document-pi-view.js"></script>
<div id="content" class="span-24 last">
if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
    echo "<div class=\"span-24 ui-state-error ui-corner-all\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"ui-icon ui-icon-alert\" style=\"float: left; margin-right: 30px;\"></span>\n\t\t\t\t\tYou arrived to this page in error</div>";
} else {
    try {
        $production = new Production_issue($_GET['id']);
        $production_details = Production_issue_detail::findDetail($_GET['id']);
	<h2>Production Issue Form</h2>
  <div align=left> <a href=report/pi-pdf.php?PInum=<?php 
        echo $_GET['id'];
><b>Download PDF</b></a></div><br>
	<div class="form-frame span-23 last">
		<h3>Production Issue Form</h3><br />
		<label for="doc_num">Document Number </label><span id="docNum"><?php 
        echo $production->prepareDocNumber();
</span><br />
		<label for="doc_date">Document Date </label><?php 
        echo $production->prepareDocDate("j F Y");
	<h3>List (Completed)</h3>
			<tr><th>Document Number</th><th>Document Date</th><th>Issuer and Receiver</th><th style="width: 100px;">Status</th></tr>
try {
    $productionEntries = Production_issue::findByStatus('completed', 10);
    foreach ($productionEntries as $productionEntry) {
        echo "<tr class=\"linkable\"><td class=\"docNumber\">" . $productionEntry->prepareDocNumber() . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $productionEntry->prepareDocDate("j F Y") . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $productionEntry->prepareIssuer() . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $productionEntry->prepareStatus() . "</td></tr>";
} catch (fExpectedException $e) {
    echo $e->printMessage();
         if ($_POST['issuer'] != "") {
         if ($_POST['receiver'] != "") {
     } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
         echo $e->printMessage();
 } else {
     if ($_POST['type'] == "cancel") {
         try {
             $production = new Production_issue($_POST['key']);
         } catch (fExpectedException $e) {
             echo $e->printMessage();
     } else {
         if ($_POST['type'] == "count") {
             //$records = Production_issue::findAll();
             $records = Production_issue::findByBranch(fRequest::get('branch', 'string'), fRequest::get('doctype', 'string'));
             echo sprintf("%03d", $records->count() + 1);
         } else {
             if ($_POST['type'] == "deleteDetail") {