Beispiel #1
    <td class="tagtd maxwidthonsmartphone" style="overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;"> <!-- If you remove max-width, the jmobile overflow does not work -->
	<select name="hidedetails"><option>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaafd sf sf gfd gfds fsd  gfd fhfg hf dhfg hg fhfgdhfgdh gh gfdhdgf h gfdh dfhg dfgh dfgh fdgh gfd hfd hfd gs fgdf gaaaa</option><option>gdfs gdf g sdfg dfg fdsg dsfg dfs gdfs gds fgs  gdfdf gd</option></select>

<br><hr><br>Example 1 : Standard table/thead/tbody/tr/th-td (no class pair/impair on td) => Use this if you need the drag and drop for lines or for long result tables<br>

include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/product/class/product.class.php';
$productspecimen = new Product($db);
$sortfield = 'aaa';
$sortorder = 'ASC';
$tasksarray = array(1, 2, 3);
// To force having several lines
$tagidfortablednd = 'tablelines3';
if (!empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
    include DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/tpl/ajaxrow.tpl.php';
$nav = '';
$nav .= '<form name="dateselect" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '?action=show_peruser' . $param . '">';
if ($actioncode || isset($_GET['actioncode']) || isset($_POST['actioncode'])) {
    $nav .= '<input type="hidden" name="actioncode" value="' . $actioncode . '">';
if ($status || isset($_GET['status']) || isset($_POST['status'])) {
    $nav .= '<input type="hidden" name="status" value="' . $status . '">';
  * testMouvementCreate
  * @return	int
 public function testMouvementCreate()
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     $conf = $this->savconf;
     $user = $this->savuser;
     $langs = $this->savlangs;
     $db = $this->savdb;
     // We create a product for tests
     $product1 = new Product($db);
     $product1->ref .= ' 1';
     $product1->label .= ' 1';
     $product1id = $product1->create($user);
     $product2 = new Product($db);
     $product2->ref .= ' 2';
     $product2->label .= ' 2';
     $product2id = $product2->create($user);
     // We create a product for tests
     $warehouse1 = new Entrepot($db);
     $warehouse1->libelle .= ' 1';
     $warehouse1->description .= ' 1';
     $warehouse1id = $warehouse1->create($user);
     $warehouse2 = new Entrepot($db);
     $warehouse2->libelle .= ' 2';
     $warehouse2->description .= ' 2';
     $warehouse2id = $warehouse2->create($user);
     $localobject = new MouvementStock($this->savdb);
     // Do a list of movement into warehouse 1
     // Create an input movement (type = 3) of price 9.9 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse1id, 10, 3, 9.9, 'Movement for unit test 1', 'Inventory Code Test');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an input movement (type = 3) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse1id, 10, 3, 9.699999999999999, 'Movement for unit test 2', 'Inventory Code Test');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an output movement (type = 2) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse1id, -5, 2, 999, 'Movement for unit test 3', 'Inventory Code Test');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an output movement (type = 1) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse1id, 1, 0, 0, 'Input from transfer', 'Transfert X');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an output movement (type = 1) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse1id, -2, 1, 0, 'Output from transfer', 'Transfert Y');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Do same but into warehouse 2
     // Create an input movement (type = 3) of price 9.9 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse2id, 10, 3, 9.9, 'Movement for unit test 1 wh 2', 'Inventory Code Test 2');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an input movement (type = 3) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse2id, 10, 3, 9.699999999999999, 'Movement for unit test 2 wh 2', 'Inventory Code Test 2');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an output movement (type = 2) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse2id, -5, 2, 999, 'Movement for unit test 3 wh 2', 'Inventory Code Test 2');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an output movement (type = 1) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse2id, 1, 0, 0, 'Input from transfer wh 2', 'Transfert X 2');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     // Create an output movement (type = 1) of price 9.7 -> shoul dupdate PMP to 9.9/9.7 = 9.8
     $result = $localobject->_create($user, $product1id, $warehouse2id, -2, 1, 0, 'Output from transfer wh 2', 'Transfert Y 2');
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThan($result, 0);
     return $localobject;
Beispiel #3
  * testCategorieProduct
  * @param   int $id     Id of category
  * @return  int
  * @depends testCategorieCreate
  * The depends says test is run only if previous is ok
 public function testCategorieProduct($id)
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     $conf = $this->savconf;
     $user = $this->savuser;
     $langs = $this->savlangs;
     $db = $this->savdb;
     $localobjecttmp = new Categorie($this->savdb);
     $localobjecttmp->label = 'Specimen Category for product';
     $localobjecttmp->type = 0;
     // product category
     $catid = $localobjecttmp->create($user);
     print __METHOD__ . " catid=" . $catid . "\n";
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $catid);
     // Try to create product linked to category
     $localobject2 = new Product($this->savdb);
     $localobject2->ref .= '-CATEG';
     $localobject2->tva_npr = 1;
     $result = $localobject2->create($user);
     $cat = new Categorie($this->savdb);
     $cat->id = $catid;
     $result = $cat->add_type($localobject2, "product");
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $result);
     // Get list of categories for product
     $localcateg = new Categorie($this->savdb);
     $listofcateg = $localcateg->containing($localobject2->id, 'product', 'label');
     $this->assertTrue(in_array('Specimen Category for product', $listofcateg), 'Categ not found linked to product when it should');
     return $id;
Beispiel #4
  * testProductCreate
  * @return  void
 public function testProductCreate()
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     $conf = $this->savconf;
     $user = $this->savuser;
     $langs = $this->savlangs;
     $db = $this->savdb;
     $localobject = new Product($this->savdb);
     $result = $localobject->create($user);
     print __METHOD__ . " result=" . $result . "\n";
     $this->assertLessThanOrEqual($result, 0);
     return $result;
Beispiel #5
     * testCategorieProduct
     * @param	int		$id		Id of category
     * @return	int
     * @depends	testCategorieCreate
     * The depends says test is run only if previous is ok
    public function testCategorieProduct($id)
    	global $conf,$user,$langs,$db;

		$localobjecttmp=new Categorie($this->savdb);
    	$localobjecttmp->label='Specimen Category for product';
    	$localobjecttmp->type=0;    // product category

        print __METHOD__." catid=".$catid."\n";
        $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $catid);

        // Category
		$localobject2=new Product($this->savdb);

        print __METHOD__." result=".$result."\n";
    	$this->assertGreaterThan(0, $result);

    	return $id;