Beispiel #1
	public static function send_receipt( $transaction ) {
		global $psts, $wpdb;

		// used in all emails
		$search_replace = array(
			'LEVEL'       => $psts->get_level_setting( $psts->get_level( $transaction->blog_id ), 'name' ),
			'SITEURL'     => get_home_url( $transaction->blog_id ),
			'SITENAME'    => get_blog_option( $transaction->blog_id, 'blogname' ),
			'CHECKOUTURL' => $psts->checkout_url( $transaction->blog_id )
		// send emails as html (fixes some formatting issues with currencies)
		$mail_headers = array( 'Content-Type: text/html' );

		// Get the user
		if ( !empty( $transaction->username ) ) {
			$user = get_user_by( 'login', $transaction->username );
			$email = $user->user_email;
		} elseif ( !empty( $transaction->email ) ) {
			$user = get_user_by( 'email', $transaction->email );
			$email = $transaction->email;
		if ( ! $user ) {
			$email = get_blog_option( $transaction->blog_id, 'admin_email' );

		// Get current plan
		$level_list = get_site_option( 'psts_levels' );
		$level_name = $level_list[ $transaction->level ]['name'];
		$level_name = ! empty( $level_name ) ? $level_name : $level_list[ $psts->get_level( $transaction->blog_id ) ]['name'];
		$gateway    = ProSites_Helper_Gateway::get_nice_name_from_class( $transaction->gateway );
		$result     = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT term FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}pro_sites WHERE blog_ID = %d", $transaction->blog_id ) );
		$term       = $result->term;

		if ( $term == 1 || $term == 3 || $term == 12 ) {
			$term = sprintf( __( 'Every %s Month(s)', 'psts' ), $result->term );
		} else {
			$term = false;

		$payment_info = sprintf( __( 'Current Plan: %s', 'psts' ), $level_name ) . "\n";
		$payment_info .= sprintf( __( 'Payment Method: %s', 'psts' ), $gateway ) . "\n";
		if ( $term ) {
			$payment_info .= sprintf( __( 'Payment Term: %s', 'psts' ), $term ) . "\n<hr />";
		$payment_info .= sprintf( __( 'Transaction/Invoice #: %s', 'psts' ), $transaction->invoice_number) . "\n";
		$payment_info .= sprintf( __( 'Transaction/Invoice Date: %s', 'psts' ), $transaction->invoice_date) . "\n\n";
		$payment_info .= '<strong>' . __( 'Transaction Details:', 'psts' ) . "</strong>\n\n";

		foreach( $transaction->transaction_lines as $line ) {
			$payment_info .= esc_html( $line->description  ) . '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
			$payment_info .= esc_html( $psts->format_currency( $transaction->currency_code, $line->amount )  ) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;\n";

		$tax_rate = isset( $transaction->tax_percent ) ? $transaction->tax_percent : 0;
		$total = isset( $transaction->total ) ? $transaction->total : false;
		$subtotal = isset( $transaction->subtotal ) ? $transaction->subtotal : false;
		$tax = isset( $transaction->tax ) ? $transaction->tax : false;

		if( false === $total && $subtotal ) {
			$total = ( $subtotal * $tax_rate ) + $subtotal;
		if( false === $subtotal && $total ) {
			$subtotal = $total / ( $tax_rate + 1 );
		if( false === $tax && $total && $subtotal ) {
			$tax = $total - $subtotal;

		if ( empty( $tax_rate ) ) {
			$payment_info .= "\n<strong>" . sprintf( __( 'Total: %s', 'psts' ), $psts->format_currency( $transaction->currency_code, $total ) ) . "</strong>\n\n";
		} else {
			$payment_info .= "\n" . sprintf( __( 'Sub-Total: %s', 'psts' ), $psts->format_currency( $transaction->currency_code, $subtotal ) ) . "\n";
			$payment_info .= sprintf( __( 'Tax Rate: %s%%', 'psts' ), ($tax_rate * 100) ) . "\n";
			$payment_info .= sprintf( __( 'Tax Amount: %s', 'psts' ), $psts->format_currency( $transaction->currency_code, $tax ) ) . "\n";
			$payment_info .= '<strong>' . sprintf( __( 'Total: %s', 'psts' ), $psts->format_currency( $transaction->currency_code, $total ) ) . "</strong>\n\n";

		$payment_info .= '<hr />';

		$search_replace['PAYMENTINFO'] = apply_filters( 'psts_payment_info', $payment_info, $transaction->blog_id );

		$e = array(
			'msg'     => $psts->get_setting( 'receipt_msg' ),
			'subject' => $psts->get_setting( 'receipt_subject' )
		$e = str_replace( array_keys( $search_replace ), $search_replace, $e );

		wp_mail( $email, $e['subject'], nl2br( $e['msg'] ), implode( "\r\n", $mail_headers ), $psts->pdf_receipt( $e['msg'] ) );

		$psts->log_action( $transaction->blog_id, sprintf( __( 'Payment receipt email sent to %s', 'psts' ), $email ) );
