function fill($parSess, $parScene = "", $parProd = "", $parBand = "", $parShift = 0, $parCor = "", $parOri = "", $parRes = "", $parDatum = "", $parProj = "", $parLong = 0, $parLat = 0, $parStd1 = 0, $parStd2 = 0, $parFormat = "", $parInter = "", $parMedia = "", $parRestoration = "") { // Parameters Values $this->sessKey = $parSess; $this->sceneId = $parScene; $this->productId = $parProd; if (trim($parBand) != "") { $this->bands = $parBand; } if ($parShift != 0) { $this->sceneShift = $parShift; } else { $this->sceneShift = 0; } if (trim($parCor) != "") { $this->corretion = $parCor; } if (trim($parOri) != "") { $this->orientation = $parOri; } if (trim($parRes) != "") { $this->resampling = $parRes; } if (trim($parDatum) != "") { $this->datum = $parDatum; } if (trim($parProj) != "") { $this->projection = $parProj; } if ($parLong != 0) { $this->longOrigin = $parLong; } else { $this->longOrigin = 0; } if ($parLat != 0) { $this->latOrigin = $parLat; } else { $this->latOrigin = 0; } if ($parStd1 != 0) { $this->stdLat1 = $parStd1; } else { $this->stdLat1 = 0; } if ($parStd2 != 0) { $this->stdLat2 = $parStd2; } else { $this->stdLat2 = 0; } if (trim($parFormat) != "") { $this->format = $parFormat; } if (trim($parInter) != "") { $this->inter = $parInter; } if (trim($parMedia) != "") { $this->media = $parMedia; } if (trim($parRestoration) != "") { $this->restoration = $parRestoration; } // Get Scene price - colocar scene class $sql = "SELECT * FROM Scene WHERE SceneId='" . $parScene . "'"; $this->bd->query($sql) or $this->bd->error($sql); $itens = $this->bd->numRows(); if ($itens == 0) { die("Erro nas Cenas"); } $row = $this->bd->fetchRow(); $this->bd->freeResult($results); $objPrice = new Price($this->bd); // $this->price = $objPrice->searchPrice_orig($row["Satellite"], $row["Sensor"], $row["Date"],$this->productId, $_SESSION['userLang']); $this->price = $objPrice->searchPrice($row["Satellite"], $row["Sensor"], $row["Date"], $this->productId, $_SESSION['userLang'], $this->corretion, $_SESSION['userType']); // echo "price = $this->price, Sat = $row[Satellite], Sens = $row[Sensor], Date = $row[Date], prod = $this->productId, Lang = $_SESSION[userLang], Corr = $this->corretion, UserType = $_SESSION[userType]"; }
} */ }; </script> </head> <body onload="window.resizeTo(550,450)"> <div><center class = azul> <form name="productForm" method="POST" action="prodForm.php"> <?php $corrflag = $_GET['corrflag']; // if ($corrflag) ---> Correction Level has been changed - changePrice has been called ! $puserType = $_SESSION['userType']; if ($corrflag) { $objPrice = new Price($dbcat); // echo " sat = ".$sat." sens =".$sens." dat =".$dat." corr =".$pcorLevel; $price = $objPrice->searchPrice($sat, $sens, $dat, $productId, $_SESSION['userLang'], $pcorLevel, $puserType); $action = "corrprice"; } ?> <table width="70%" border="0" cellspacing="1"> <th colspan="3"><?php echo $titFormProd; ?> </th> <?php // If product, diplay product Id if (trim($objCart->productId) != "") { ?> <tr><td align="right"><?php echo $strProduct;
} $hrc_path = $HRC_PATH; $action = $ACTION; if (isset($date)) { $drd_date_aux = "{$result['0']}_{$result['1']}_{$result['2']}"; } # # Let's find if mosaico's scenes are priced # if (isset($_SESSION['userId'])) { $usertype = $_SESSION['userType']; } else { $usertype = 2; } $objPrice = new Price($dbcat); $price = $objPrice->searchPrice($satellite, $sensor, $date, "0", $_SESSION['userLang'], "2", $usertype); # # # Let's see if user is able to purchasing and if we can show the shopping cart icon # $OK_to_purchase = 0; if ($_SESSION["userType"] == 1 or $_SESSION["userType"] == 3 or $_SESSION["userType"] == 4) { $OK_to_purchase = 1; } $dontshow = 0; if ($price > 0) { if (!$OK_to_purchase == 1) { $dontshow = 1; } else { } } else {
$sat = substr($row_array["Satellite"], 0, 2); $scene = $row_array["SceneId"]; # # Code Segment to evaluate purchase conditions for displaying of cart icons # $OK_to_purchase = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['userId'])) { $usertype = $_SESSION['userType']; } else { $usertype = 2; } if ($_SESSION["userType"] == 1 or $_SESSION["userType"] == 3 or $_SESSION["userType"] == 4) { $OK_to_purchase = 1; } $objPrice = new Price($dbcat); $priced = $objPrice->searchPrice($row_array[Satellite], $row_array[Sensor], $row_array[Date], "0", $_SESSION['userLang'], "2", $usertype); $dontshow = 0; if ($priced > 0) { if (!$OK_to_purchase == 1) { $dontshow = 1; } else { } } else { if (!$_SESSION['openArea']) { $dontshow = 1; } } // echo "<br>sat = $row_array[Satellite] usertype = $usertype priced = $priced OK = $OK_to_purchase dontshow = $dontshow<br>"; # # End Segment #