/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('gmaps_api_key')) { return false; } Preference::insert('gmaps_api_key', 'GoogleMaps api key', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This function installs the upnp localplay controller */ public function install() { $sql = "CREATE TABLE `localplay_upnp` (`id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , " . "`name` VARCHAR( 128 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`owner` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL, " . "`url` VARCHAR( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL " . ") ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $db_results = Dba::query($sql); // Add an internal preference for the users current active instance Preference::insert('upnp_active', 'UPnP Active Instance', '0', '25', 'integer', 'internal', 'upnp'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('flickr_api_key')) { return false; } Preference::insert('flickr_api_key', 'Flickr api key', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * upgrade * This is a recommended plugin function */ public function upgrade() { $from_version = Plugin::get_plugin_version($this->name); if ($from_version < 2) { Preference::insert('catalogfav_columns', 'Catalog favorites columns', '1', '25', 'integer', 'plugins'); } return true; }
/** * install * This function installs the VLC localplay controller */ public function install() { $sql = "CREATE TABLE `localplay_vlc` (`id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , " . "`name` VARCHAR( 128 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`owner` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL, " . "`host` VARCHAR( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`port` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL , " . "`password` VARCHAR( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`access` SMALLINT( 4 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'" . ") ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $db_results = Dba::query($sql); // Add an internal preference for the users current active instance Preference::insert('vlc_active', 'VLC Active Instance', '0', '25', 'integer', 'internal'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('tmdb_api_key')) { return false; } Preference::insert('tmdb_api_key', 'Tmdb api key', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('flattr_user_id')) { return false; } Preference::insert('flattr_user_id', 'Flattr User ID', '', 25, 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('ftl_max_items')) { return false; } Preference::insert('ftl_max_items', 'Friends timeline max items', '5', '25', 'integer', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('googleanalytics_tracking_id')) { return false; } Preference::insert('googleanalytics_tracking_id', 'Google Analytics Tracking ID', '', 100, 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('discogs_api_key')) { return false; } Preference::insert('discogs_api_key', 'Discogs consumer key', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); Preference::insert('discogs_secret_api_key', 'Discogs secret', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('stream_control_hits_max')) { return false; } Preference::insert('stream_control_hits_max', 'Stream control maximal hits', '-1', '50', 'integer', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('stream_control_hits_days', 'Stream control hits history (days)', '30', '50', 'integer', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('stream_control_bandwidth_max')) { return false; } Preference::insert('stream_control_bandwidth_max', 'Stream control maximal bandwidth (Mo)', '1024', '50', 'integer', 'plugins', $this->name); Preference::insert('stream_control_bandwidth_days', 'Stream control bandwidth history (days)', '30', '50', 'integer', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('shouthome_max_items')) { return false; } Preference::insert('shouthome_max_items', 'Shoutbox on homepage max items', '5', '25', 'integer', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('stream_control_time_max')) { return false; } Preference::insert('stream_control_time_max', 'Stream control maximal time (Minutes)', '-1', '50', 'integer', 'plugins', $this->name); Preference::insert('stream_control_time_days', 'Stream control time history (days)', '30', '50', 'integer', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('tadb_api_key')) { return false; } // API Key requested in TheAudioDB forum, see http://www.theaudiodb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8&start=140 Preference::insert('tadb_api_key', 'TheAudioDb api key', '41214789306c4690752dfb', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('7digital_api_key')) { return false; } Preference::insert('7digital_api_key', '7digital consumer key', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('7digital_secret_api_key', '7digital secret', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed (they've just hit refresh, those dorks) if (Preference::exists('headphones_api_url')) { return false; } Preference::insert('headphones_api_url', 'Headphones url', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('headphones_api_key', 'Headphones api key', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed (they've just hit refresh, those dorks) if (Preference::exists('bitly_username')) { return false; } Preference::insert('bitly_username', 'Bit.ly username', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('bitly_api_key', 'Bit.ly api key', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('piwik_site_id')) { return false; } Preference::insert('piwik_site_id', 'Piwik Site ID', '1', 100, 'string', 'plugins', 'piwik'); Preference::insert('piwik_url', 'Piwik URL', AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/piwik/', 100, 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('rssview_feed_url')) { return false; } Preference::insert('rssview_feed_url', 'RSS Feed url', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('rssview_max_items', 'RSS Feed max items', '5', '25', 'integer', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed if (Preference::exists('paypal_business')) { return false; } Preference::insert('paypal_business', 'Paypal ID', '', 25, 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); Preference::insert('paypal_currency_code', 'Paypal Currency Code', 'USD', 25, 'string', 'plugins', $this->name); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('growl_address')) { return false; } Preference::insert('growl_address', 'Growl server address', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('growl_pass', 'Growl password', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('growl_message', 'Growl notification message', '%user now listening %artist - %title', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('growl_registered_address', 'Growl registered address', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed (they've just hit refresh, those dorks) if (Preference::exists('yourls_domain')) { return false; } Preference::insert('yourls_domain', 'YOURLS domain name', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('yourls_use_idn', 'YOURLS use IDN', '0', '25', 'boolean', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('yourls_api', 'YOURLS api key', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
function google_maps_call_after_install() { $fields = array(); $fields["s_section"] = 'plugin-google_maps'; $fields["s_name"] = 'google_maps_key'; $fields["s_value"] = ''; $fields["e_type"] = 'STRING'; $dao_preference = new Preference(); $dao_preference->insert($fields); unset($dao_preference); }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function */ public function install() { if (Preference::exists('amazon_base_url')) { return false; } Preference::insert('amazon_base_url', 'Amazon base url', 'http://webservices.amazon.com', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('amazon_max_results_pages', 'Amazon max results pages', '1', '75', 'integer', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('amazon_developer_public_key', 'Amazon Access Key ID', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('amazon_developer_private_api_key', 'Amazon Secret Access Key', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('amazon_developer_associate_tag', 'Amazon associate tag', '', '75', 'string', 'plugins'); return true; }
/** * install * This is a required plugin function. It inserts our preferences * into Ampache */ public function install() { // Check and see if it's already installed (they've just hit refresh, those dorks) if (Preference::exists('librefm_user')) { return false; } Preference::insert('librefm_user', 'Libre.FM Username', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('librefm_md5_pass', 'Libre.FM Password', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); Preference::insert('librefm_port', 'Libre.FM Submit Port', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('librefm_host', 'Libre.FM Submit Host', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('librefm_url', 'Libre.FM Submit URL', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('librefm_challenge', 'Libre.FM Submit Challenge', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); return true; }
function init_db() { if (!Preference::exists('myplex_username')) { Preference::insert('myplex_username', 'myPlex Username', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('myplex_authtoken', 'myPlex Auth Token', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('myplex_published', 'Plex Server is published to myPlex', '0', '25', 'boolean', 'internal'); Preference::insert('plex_uniqid', 'Plex Server Unique Id', uniqid(), '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('plex_servername', 'Plex Server Name', 'Ampache', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('plex_public_address', 'Plex Public Address', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('plex_public_port', 'Plex Public Port', '32400', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('plex_local_auth', 'myPlex authentication required on local network', '0', '25', 'boolean', 'internal'); Preference::insert('plex_match_email', 'Link myPlex users to Ampache based on e-mail address', '1', '25', 'boolean', 'internal'); User::rebuild_all_preferences(); } }
/** * upgrade * This is a recommended plugin function */ public function upgrade() { $from_version = Plugin::get_plugin_version($this->name); if ($from_version < 4) { Preference::rename('lastfm_pass', 'lastfm_md5_pass'); } if ($from_version < 5) { Preference::delete('lastfm_md5_pass'); Preference::delete('lastfm_user'); Preference::delete('lastfm_url'); Preference::delete('lastfm_host'); Preference::delete('lastfm_port'); Preference::insert('lastfm_grant_link', 'Last.FM Grant URL', '', '25', 'string', 'plugins'); } return true; }
/** * update_360032 * * Add check update automatically option */ public static function update_360032() { $retval = true; $sql = "INSERT INTO `preference` (`name`,`value`,`description`,`level`,`type`,`catagory`) " . "VALUES ('autoupdate','1','Check for Ampache updates automatically',25,'boolean','system')"; $retval &= Dba::write($sql); $id = Dba::insert_id(); $sql = "INSERT INTO `user_preference` VALUES (-1,?,'1')"; $retval &= Dba::write($sql, array($id)); Preference::insert('autoupdate_lastcheck', 'AutoUpdate last check time', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('autoupdate_lastversion', 'AutoUpdate last version from last check', '', '25', 'string', 'internal'); Preference::insert('autoupdate_lastversion_new', 'AutoUpdate last version from last check is newer', '', '25', 'boolean', 'internal'); return $retval; }
/** * install * This function installs the MPD localplay controller */ public function install() { /* We need to create the MPD table */ $sql = "CREATE TABLE `localplay_mpd` ( `id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY , " . "`name` VARCHAR( 128 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`owner` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , " . "`host` VARCHAR( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`port` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '6600', " . "`password` VARCHAR( 255 ) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL , " . "`access` SMALLINT( 4 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'" . ") ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"; $db_results = Dba::write($sql); // Add an internal preference for the users current active instance Preference::insert('mpd_active', 'MPD Active Instance', '0', '25', 'integer', 'internal'); User::rebuild_all_preferences(); return true; }