/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { if (\Auth::check() == false) { return redirect('/auth/login'); } // 一页多少文章 $pageNum = 8; $userInfo = \Auth::user(); $data = array(); $data['articles'] = \App\Article::latest()->get(); $data['userInfo'] = $userInfo; $dataArticles = array(); $cacheKey = 'laravel:articles:index'; $redis = new \Predis\Client(array('host' => '', 'port' => 6379)); $dataArticles = $redis->get($cacheKey); if (!$dataArticles || true) { //$dataArticles = \App\Article::latest()->take($pageNum)->with('content')->get()->toArray(); $dataArticles = \App\Article::latest()->with('content')->paginate($pageNum)->toArray(); // var_dump($dataArticles);exit(); $redis->setex($cacheKey, 3600 * 12, serialize($dataArticles)); } else { $dataArticles = unserialize($dataArticles); } $data['articles'] = $dataArticles; //var_dump($data);exit(); // $articleArr[0]['relations']['content']['content'] return view('articles.admin.articleList')->with('data', $data); }
/** * Get an object from the cache * @param $key string * @return object The result */ public function get($key) { if (!$this->isEnabled()) { return null; } if (!$this->attemptedConnection) { $this->connect(); } $result = $this->handle->get($key); return $result != null ? gzdecode($result) : null; }
function getDataJson() { if (isset($_GET['sfrom'])) { $jordanGUID = $_GET['jordanGUID']; $domain = $_GET['domain']; $protocol = $_GET['protocol']; $path = $_GET['path']; $location = $protocol . $domain . $path; $sfrom = $_GET['sfrom']; initConnection($db_config); //redis 使用 require '../Predis/Autoloader.php'; Predis\Autoloader::register(); $redis = new Predis\Client(array('database' => '0', 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379)); $datestr = date("Y_m_d_H"); $tableName = "request_" . $datestr; if ($redis->get("tableName") != $tableName) { create_request($tableName); $redis->set("tableName", $tableName); } $request_datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); writeLog('../logs/' . $tableName . '.log', "{$jordanGUID}\t{$domain}\t{$location}\t{$request_datetime}\n", "a"); insert_request_entry($jordanGUID, $domain, $location, $sfrom, $request_datetime, $tableName); insert_request_entry($jordanGUID, $domain, $location, $sfrom, $request_datetime, "request"); //echo "success"; } else { //echo "failure"; } }
function getUrlInfo($url) { $client = new \Predis\Client(); $u = $client->get($url); if ($u == null) { $info = (object) []; $page = file_get_contents('https:' . $url); $xml = simplexml_load_string($page); $nodes = $xml->xpath("//ul/li[contains(@class, 'interlanguage-link')]/a"); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $info->{$node['lang']} = (string) $node['href']; } /* Sometimes pages have not a self-reference in interlanguage links, here we enforce it to keep consistency */ preg_match('/^\\/\\/(?<locale>[a-z\\-]*)\\.wikipedia\\.org\\/wiki\\/.*$/', $url, $matches); if (isset($matches['locale'])) { $info->{$matches['locale']} = $url; } $enc_info = json_encode($info); foreach ($info as $lang => $url) { $client->set($url, $enc_info); } return $info; } else { return json_decode($u); } }
function get_endpoints_from_redis_for_blog($blog_id) { $key = 'site_id:' . $blog_id . ':webhooks'; $redis = new Predis\Client(['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => REDIS_HOST, 'port' => REDIS_PORT, 'password' => REDIS_PASSWORD]); $endpoints = json_decode($redis->get($key), true); if (!is_array($endpoints)) { return array(); } return $endpoints; }
/** * @param $query string A query * * @return mixed */ protected function _getFromCache($query) { if ($this->cacheTTL == 0) { return null; } $this->_cacheSetConnection(); $_existingResult = null; if (isset($this->cache_con) && !empty($this->cache_con)) { $_existingResult = unserialize($this->cache_con->get(md5($query))); } return $_existingResult; }
/** */ protected function _get($keys) { $keys = array_values($keys); $out = array(); try { $data = $this->_predis->mget($keys); } catch (Exception $e) { /* MGET doesn't work on clusters. */ $data = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $data[$key] = $this->_predis->get($key); } } foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $out[$keys[$key]] = is_null($val) ? false : $val; } return $out; }
<?php /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * Description of incr * * @author changdi */ //require __DIR__.'/shared.php'; require '../shared.php'; $predis = new Predis\Client($single_server); var_dump($predis->get('key')); var_dump($predis->incr('key')); //var_dump($predis->incr('key',15)); var_dump($predis->decr('key'));
switch ($mod) { case 'order': require_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/order.php'; if ($action == 'step1') { $order_list = MES_Order::get_order_list(); $smarty->assign('order_list', $order_list); $smarty->display('shoppingcar_new.dwt'); return; } else { if ($action == 'step2') { //每次结算要记录一个ip防止被刷 $current_ip = GET_IP(); $_key = 'checkout_times_' . $current_ip; $checkout_times = 0; if ($REDIS_CLIENT->exists($_key)) { $checkout_times = intval($REDIS_CLIENT->get($_key)); } $_token = GEN_MES_TOKEN(); $_SESSION['order_token'] = $_token; $smarty->assign('order_token', $_token); $smarty->assign('checkout_times', $checkout_times); date_default_timezone_set("Etc/GMT-8"); $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $smarty->assign('current_time', $time); unset($_SESSION['flow_order']['surplus']); unset($_SESSION['flow_order']['bonus']); unset($_SESSION['flow_order']['bonus_id']); unset($_SESSION['flow_order']['bonus_sn']); $smarty->display('order_new.dwt'); return; } else {
* * See https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/redis for more details on Redis integration. */ // Load the library. require 'predis/autoload.php'; Predis\Autoloader::register(); // Connect. try { $redis = new Predis\Client(array("host" => "localhost", "port" => 11211)); echo ">>> Successfully connected to Redis. \n"; // Put entry to cache. if ($redis->set('k1', '1')) { echo ">>> Successfully put entry in cache. \n"; } // Check entry value. echo ">>> Value for 'k1': " . $redis->get('k1') . "\n"; // Change entry's value. if ($redis->set('k1', 'new_value')) { echo ">>> Successfully put entry in cache. \n"; } // Check entry value. echo ">>> Value for 'k1': " . $redis->get('k1') . "\n"; // Put entry to cache. if ($redis->set('k2', '2')) { echo ">>> Successfully put entry in cache. \n"; } // Check entry value. echo ">>> Value for 'k2': " . $redis->get('k2') . "\n"; // Get two entries. $val = $redis->mget('k1', 'k2'); echo ">>> Value for 'k1' and 'k2': " . var_dump($val) . "\n";
function testResponseReader_EmptyBulkResponse() { $protocol = new Predis\Protocol\Text\ComposableTextProtocol(); $connection = new Predis\Network\ComposableStreamConnection(RC::getConnectionParameters(), $protocol); $client = new Predis\Client($connection); $this->assertTrue($client->set('foo', '')); $this->assertEquals('', $client->get('foo')); $this->assertEquals('', $client->get('foo')); }
$hash = $this->hash($value); $node = $this->getByHash($hash); return $node; } public function hash($value) { return crc32($value); } public function getHashGenerator() { return $this; } } $options = array('cluster' => function () { $distributor = new NaiveDistributor(); $strategy = new PredisStrategy($distributor); $cluster = new PredisCluster($strategy); return $cluster; }); $client = new Predis\Client($multiple_servers, $options); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $client->set("key:{$i}", str_pad($i, 4, '0', 0)); $client->get("key:{$i}"); } $server1 = $client->getClientFor('first')->info(); $server2 = $client->getClientFor('second')->info(); if (isset($server1['Keyspace'], $server2['Keyspace'])) { $server1 = $server1['Keyspace']; $server2 = $server2['Keyspace']; } printf("Server '%s' has %d keys while server '%s' has %d keys.\n", 'first', $server1['db15']['keys'], 'second', $server2['db15']['keys']);
//start Check session on memcached is working session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION[$key])) { print "<br/><br/>Username in the session is: {$_SESSION[$key]}"; } else { print "<br/><br/>Username is not found in the session. It will be added now."; $_SESSION[$key] = 'aamin(session)'; } //end Check session on memcached is working //start Test memcached is working $mem = new Memcached(); $mem->addServer("memcached", 11211); $result = $mem->get($key); if ($result) { echo "<br/><br/>Username in the memcached is: {$result}"; } else { print "<br/><br/>Username is not found in the memcached. It will be added now."; $mem->set($key, "aamin(memcached)") or die("Error: Couldn't save anything to memcached..."); } //end Test memcached is working //start Test redis is working require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $redis = new Predis\Client('tcp://redis:6379'); $result = $redis->get($key); if ($result) { echo "<br/><br/>Username in the redis is: {$result}"; } else { print "<br/><br/>Username is not found in the redis. It will be added now."; $redis->set($key, "aamin(redis)") or die("Error: Couldn't save anything to redis..."); } //end Test redis is working
public static function getTMProps($job_data) { try { $redisHandler = new Predis\Client(INIT::$REDIS_SERVERS); $redisHandler->get(1); //ping established connection } catch (Exception $e) { $redisHandler = null; Log::doLog($e->getMessage()); Log::doLog("No Redis server(s) available."); } if (isset($redisHandler) && !empty($redisHandler)) { $_existingResult = $redisHandler->get("project_data_for_job_id:" . $job_data['id']); if (!empty($_existingResult)) { return unserialize($_existingResult); } } $projectData = getProjectJobData($job_data['id_project']); $result = array('project_id' => $projectData[0]['pid'], 'project_name' => $projectData[0]['pname'], 'job_id' => $job_data['id']); if (isset($redisHandler) && !empty($redisHandler)) { $redisHandler->setex("project_data_for_job_id:" . $job_data['id'], 60 * 60 * 24 * 15, serialize($result)); } return $result; }
while (time() < $start_time + $time_limit) { /* ... perorm BLPOP command ... */ /* ... process jobs when received ... */ } /* ... will quit once the time limit has been reached ... */ /* * Assigning Worker IDs & Monitoring * * Usage: php worker.php 1 */ // Gets the worker ID from the command line argument $worker_id = $argv[1]; // Setting the Worker's Status $predis->hset('worker.status', $worker_id, 'Started'); // Set the last time this worker checked in, use this to // help determine when scripts die $predis->hset('worker.status.last_time', $worker_id, time()); /* * Using Versions to Check for Reloads */ $version = $predis->get('worker.version'); // i.e. number: 6 while (time() < $start_time + $time_limit) { /* ... check for jobs and process them ... */ /* ... then, at the very end of the while ... */ if ($predis->get('worker.version') != $version) { echo "New Version Detected... \n"; echo "Reloading... \n"; exit; } }
<?php set_include_path('.:/usr/local/lib/php'); error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require 'Predis/Autoloader.php'; Predis\Autoloader::register(); if (isset($_GET['cmd']) === true) { $host = 'redis-master'; if (getenv('GET_HOSTS_FROM') == 'env') { $host = getenv('REDIS_MASTER_SERVICE_HOST'); } header('Content-Type: application/json'); if ($_GET['cmd'] == 'set') { $client = new Predis\Client(['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => $host, 'port' => 6379]); $client->set($_GET['key'], $_GET['value']); print '{"message": "Updated"}'; } else { $host = 'redis-slave'; if (getenv('GET_HOSTS_FROM') == 'env') { $host = getenv('REDIS_SLAVE_SERVICE_HOST'); } $client = new Predis\Client(['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => $host, 'port' => 6379]); $value = $client->get($_GET['key']); print '{"data": "' . $value . '"}'; } } else { phpinfo(); }
<?php /* * This file is part of the Predis package. * * (c) Daniele Alessandri <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require 'SharedConfigurations.php'; // simple set and get scenario $redis = new Predis\Client($single_server); $redis->set('library', 'predis'); $retval = $redis->get('library'); var_dump($retval); /* OUTPUT string(6) "predis" */
$timestamp = $timestamp_eu; $timestamp_us = strtotime(str_replace('-', '/', $matches[1])); if ($timestamp_eu == 0 || $timestamp_eu > time()) { $timestamp = $timestamp_us; } else { if ($timestamp_us != 0 && $timestamp_us <= time() && $timestamp_us > $timestamp_eu) { $timestamp = $timestamp_us; } } } return $timestamp; } header("Content-type: application/rss+xml"); include 'config.php'; $redis = new Predis\Client(); $last_build_date = $redis->get("last_build_date"); $podcastFiles = scandir("./" . $podcast_directory); date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Berlin"); foreach ($podcastFiles as $podcast) { if (substr($podcast, 0, 1) == ".") { continue; } $current_track = new track(); if ($current_track->load($podcast)) { $tracks[] = $current_track; continue; } // not in database $last_build_date = time(); $timestamp = timestamp_from_preg('/(\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d\\d\\d)/', $podcast); if ($timestamp == 0) {
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php # N.B. : Predis is rediculously slow, but it's easier than installing binaries for the presentation: # http://alekseykorzun.com/post/53283070010/benchmarking-memcached-and-redis-clients require 'predis/lib/Predis/Autoloader.php'; Predis\Autoloader::register(); $redis = new Predis\Client(); // Really simple way to set a key/value pair $redis->set('foo', 'bar'); $value = $redis->get('foo'); echo $value . "\n"; // There's no UPDATE commands where we're going! Just set it again. $redis->set('foo', 'baz'); $value = $redis->get('foo'); echo $value . "\n"; // Here we go incrementing unset values. No need to run messy UPSERT stuff. echo "You've run this script " . $redis->incr('counter') . " times btw.\n"; // Tom is a simple associative array $tom = array('name' => 'Thomas Hunter', 'age' => 27, 'height' => 165); // The predis library makes setting hashes easy $redis->hmset('tom', $tom); // Now lets load that hash $tom = $redis->hgetall('tom'); // As you can see, the object is exactly the same var_dump($tom); echo "\n"; // We can get a single field from our hash if we want $tomsage = $redis->hget('tom', 'age'); echo "Tom is {$tomsage} years old.\n"; // We can increment a single field from the hash as well $redis->hincrby('tom', 'age', '10');
</div> <!-- end 預覽縮圖 div --> <!-- 上傳表單,選擇檔案後 onchange 會改變預覽圖案 --> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> <input class="but" id="theFile" name="theFile" type="file" onchange="ImagesProview(this)" /> <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="上傳"> </form> <!-- end 上傳表單 --> <br> <?php /* 用 foreach 把 S3 所有的圖讀出來顯示,若為資料夾就掉過 */ // Get the contents of our bucket $contents = $s3->getBucket('nccus3'); foreach ($contents as $file) { $fname = $file['name']; $value = $redis->get($fname); $num = strrpos($fname, "/"); // if $file is a directory path if ($num === false) { $furl = "http://nccus3.s3.amazonaws.com/" . $fname; echo "<a href=\"image_cache.php?fn={$fname}\" alt=\"{$fname}\"><img id=\"thumb\" src=\"{$furl}\" /></a>"; } } /* end 讀圖 */ ?> <!-- javascript 縮圖程式 --> <script type="text/javascript"> var isIE=function() { return (document.all) ? true : false; }
<?php /* * This file is part of the Predis package. * * (c) Daniele Alessandri <*****@*****.**> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ require __DIR__ . '/shared.php'; $client = new Predis\Client($single_server); // Plain old SET and GET example... $client->set('library', 'predis'); $response = $client->get('library'); var_export($response); echo PHP_EOL; /* OUTPUT: 'predis' */ // Redis has the MSET and MGET commands to set or get multiple keys in one go, // cases like this Predis accepts arguments for variadic commands both as a list // of arguments or an array containing all of the keys and/or values. $mkv = array('uid:0001' => '1st user', 'uid:0002' => '2nd user', 'uid:0003' => '3rd user'); $client->mset($mkv); $response = $client->mget(array_keys($mkv)); var_export($response); echo PHP_EOL; /* OUTPUT: array ( 0 => '1st user', 1 => '2nd user', 2 => '3rd user',
/** * @param string $key * @return string|false */ public function get($key) { $value = $this->_redis->get($key); return is_null($value) ? false : $value; }
// $redis->set("email_" . $hash, true); // } // return key return json_encode(array("type" => "success", "key" => $hash)); } catch (Exception $E) { return array("type" => "error", "message" => $E->getMessage()); } }); $app->get('/getInfo', function () { try { // spin up redis $redis = new Predis\Client(); // register the user $RedisData = $redis->keys("*"); $dataArray = []; // return key foreach ($RedisData as $key) { if (strlen($key) != 32) { continue; } $jsonData = $redis->get($key); if (!empty($jsonData)) { $dataArray[$key] = json_decode($jsonData); } } echo "<pre>" . print_r($dataArray, true) . "</pre>"; return; } catch (Exception $E) { return array("type" => "error", "message" => $E->getMessage()); } });
$this->_nodesCount++; } public function remove($node) { $this->_nodes = array_filter($this->_nodes, function ($n) use($node) { return $n !== $node; }); $this->_nodesCount = count($this->_nodes); } public function get($key) { $count = $this->_nodesCount; if ($count === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('No connections'); } return $this->_nodes[$count > 1 ? abs(crc32($key) % $count) : 0]; } public function generateKey($value) { return crc32($value); } } $options = array('key_distribution' => new NaiveDistributionStrategy()); $redis = new Predis\Client($multiple_servers, $options); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $redis->set("key:{$i}", str_pad($i, 4, '0', 0)); $redis->get("key:{$i}"); } $server1 = $redis->getClientFor('first')->info(); $server2 = $redis->getClientFor('second')->info(); printf("Server '%s' has %d keys while server '%s' has %d keys.\n", 'first', $server1['db15']['keys'], 'second', $server2['db15']['keys']);
/** * Decrement a Redis counter by the amount specified * * @param string $key * @param int $offset * @param string $group * @return bool */ public function decrement($key, $offset = 1, $group = 'default') { $derived_key = $this->build_key($key, $group); $offset = (int) $offset; // If group is a non-Redis group, save to internal cache, not Redis if (in_array($group, $this->no_redis_groups) || !$this->redis_status()) { $value = $this->get_from_internal_cache($derived_key, $group); $value -= $offset; $this->add_to_internal_cache($derived_key, $value); return true; } // Save to Redis $result = $this->parse_predis_response($this->redis->decrBy($derived_key, $offset)); $this->add_to_internal_cache($derived_key, (int) $this->redis->get($derived_key)); return $result; }
public function readResponse(Predis\ICommand $command) { $reply = parent::readResponse($command); $this->storeDebug($command, '<-'); return $reply; } public function getDebugBuffer() { return $this->_debugBuffer; } } $parameters = new Predis\ConnectionParameters($single_server); $connection = new SimpleDebuggableConnection($parameters); $redis = new Predis\Client($connection); $redis->set('foo', 'bar'); $redis->get('foo'); $redis->info(); print_r($connection->getDebugBuffer()); /* OUTPUT: Array ( [0] => SELECT 15 -> [0.0008s] [1] => SELECT 15 <- [0.0012s] [2] => SET foo -> [0.0014s] [3] => SET foo <- [0.0014s] [4] => GET foo -> [0.0016s] [5] => GET foo <- [0.0018s] [6] => INFO -> [0.002s] [7] => INFO <- [0.0025s] ) */
// scenarios. The only but relevant difference with a basic replication scenario // is that sentinel servers can manage the master server and its slaves based on // their state, which means that they are able to provide an authoritative and // updated configuration to clients thus avoiding static configurations for the // replication servers and their roles. // Instead of connection parameters pointing to redis nodes, we provide a list // of instances of redis-sentinel. Users should always provide a timeout value // low enough to not hinder operations just in case a sentinel is unreachable // but Predis uses a default value of 100 milliseconds for sentinel parameters // without an explicit timeout value. // // NOTE: in real-world scenarios sentinels should be running on different hosts! $sentinels = array('tcp://', 'tcp://', 'tcp://'); $client = new Predis\Client($sentinels, array('replication' => 'sentinel', 'service' => 'mymaster')); // Read operation. $exists = $client->exists('foo') ? 'yes' : 'no'; $current = $client->getConnection()->getCurrent()->getParameters(); echo "Does 'foo' exist on {$current->role}? {$exists}.", PHP_EOL; // Write operation. $client->set('foo', 'bar'); $current = $client->getConnection()->getCurrent()->getParameters(); echo "Now 'foo' has been set to 'bar' on {$current->role}!", PHP_EOL; // Read operation. $bar = $client->get('foo'); $current = $client->getConnection()->getCurrent()->getParameters(); echo "We fetched 'foo' from {$current->role} and its value is '{$bar}'.", PHP_EOL; /* OUTPUT: Does 'foo' exist on slave- yes. Now 'foo' has been set to 'bar' on master! We fetched 'foo' from master and its value is 'bar'. */
function S($name, $value = '', $time = '') { $client = new Predis\Client($GLOBALS['redisConfig']); if ('' === $value) { // 获取缓存 return json_decode($client->get($name), true); } elseif (is_null($value)) { // 删除缓存 return $client->set($name, null); } else { // 缓存数据 $value = json_encode($value); if (empty($time)) { return $client->set($name, $value); } else { return $client->setex($name, $time, $value); } } }
$this->storeDebug($command, '->'); } public function readResponse(CommandInterface $command) { $response = parent::readResponse($command); $this->storeDebug($command, '<-'); return $response; } public function getDebugBuffer() { return $this->debugBuffer; } } $options = array('connections' => array('tcp' => 'SimpleDebuggableConnection')); $client = new Predis\Client($single_server, $options); $client->set('foo', 'bar'); $client->get('foo'); $client->info(); var_export($client->getConnection()->getDebugBuffer()); /* OUTPUT: array ( 0 => 'SELECT 15 -> [0.0008s]', 1 => 'SELECT 15 <- [0.001s]', 2 => 'SET foo -> [0.001s]', 3 => 'SET foo <- [0.0011s]', 4 => 'GET foo -> [0.0013s]', 5 => 'GET foo <- [0.0015s]', 6 => 'INFO -> [0.0019s]', 7 => 'INFO <- [0.0022s]', ) */
$i_visits = 'nan'; try { $redis = new Predis\Client(array( 'scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => 'ack-monitor', //'host' => '', 'port' => 6379 )); } catch (Exception $e) { //die($e->getMessage()); } if(isset($url[1]) && $url[1] == 'visits') { $i_visits = $redis->get("visits"); echo json_encode(array('total_visits' => $i_visits));die(); } elseif($url[1] == 'reset.php') { if(isset($url[2]) && $url[2] > 0) $redis->set("visits", $url[2]); else $redis->set("visits", 0); } $redis->incr("visits"); $i_visits = $redis->get("visits"); // get zone $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/zone"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Metadata-Flavor: Google' ));