Beispiel #1
		  <div><label for="SNMPFailureCount">' . __("Consecutive SNMP Failures") . '*</label></div>
		  <div><input type="number" name="SNMPFailureCount" id="SNMPFailureCount" value="' . $dev->SNMPFailureCount . '"></div>
	<br><span>*' . __("Polling is disabled after three consecutive failures.") . '</span>
<fieldset id="cdu" class="hide">
	<legend>' . __("Power Specifications") . '</legend>
	<div class="table">
			<div><label for="PanelID">', __("Source Panel"), '</label></div>
				<select name="PanelID" id="PanelID" >
					<option value=0>', __("Select Panel"), '</option>';
$Panel = new PowerPanel();
$PanelList = $Panel->getPanelList();
foreach ($PanelList as $key => $value) {
    $selected = $value->PanelID == $pdu->PanelID ? ' selected' : "";
    print "\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value=\"{$value->PanelID}\"{$selected}>{$value->PanelLabel}</option>\n";
echo '
			<div><label for="voltage">', __("Voltages:"), '</label></div>
			<div id="voltage">';
if ($pdu->PanelID > 0) {
    $pnl = new PowerPanel();
    $pnl->PanelID = $pdu->PanelID;
Beispiel #2
    $dataMaxValue = sprintf("%.0{$decimalplaces}lf", $panelCap / 1000);
    $dataHighlights = sprintf("0 %d #eee, %d %d #fffacd, %d %d #eaa", $panelCap / 1000 * 0.6, $panelCap / 1000 * 0.6, $panelCap / 1000 * 0.8, $panelCap / 1000 * 0.8, $panelCap / 1000);
    $mtarray = implode(",", explode(" ", $dataMajorTicks));
    $hilights = sprintf("{from: 0, to: %.0{$decimalplaces}lf, color: '#eee'}, {from: %.0{$decimalplaces}lf, to: %.0{$decimalplaces}lf, color: '#fffacd'}, {from: %.0{$decimalplaces}lf, to: %.0{$decimalplaces}lf, color: '#eaa'}", $panelCap / 1000 * 0.6, $panelCap / 1000 * 0.6, $panelCap / 1000 * 0.8, $panelCap / 1000 * 0.8, $panelCap / 1000);
    // Generate JS for load display
    $script = "\n\tvar gauge=new Gauge({\n\t\trenderTo: 'power-gauge',\n\t\ttype: 'canv-gauge',\n\t\ttitle: 'Load',\n\t\tminValue: '0',\n\t\tmaxValue: '{$dataMaxValue}',\n\t\tmajorTicks: [ {$mtarray} ],\n\t\tminorTicks: '2',\n\t\tstrokeTicks: false,\n\t\tunits: 'kW',\n\t\tvalueFormat: { int : 3, dec : 2 },\n\t\tglow: false,\n\t\tanimation: {\n\t\t\tdelay: 10,\n\t\t\tduration: 200,\n\t\t\tfn: 'bounce'\n\t\t\t},\n\t\tcolors: {\n\t\t\tneedle: {start: '#f00', end: '#00f' },\n\t\t\ttitle: '#00f',\n\t\t\t},\n\t\thighlights: [ {$hilights} ],\n\t\t});\n\tgauge.draw().setValue({$panelLoad});\n";
      Example for updating the gauge later.  This will start an endless loop that will update
      the gauge once a second.
        setInterval( function() {
        }, 1000);
$panelList = $panel->getPanelList();
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