  * Returns a string representing the SQL query corresonding to the specified Query object.
  * @param object QueryInterface $query The object from which to generate the SQL string.
  * @return mixed Either a string (this would be the case, normally) or an array of strings. 
  * Each string is corresponding to an SQL query.
  * @static
  * @access public
 static function generateSQLQuery(Query $query)
     switch ($query->getType()) {
         case INSERT:
             return PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateInsertSQLQuery($query);
         case UPDATE:
             return PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateUpdateSQLQuery($query);
         case DELETE:
             return PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateDeleteSQLQuery($query);
         case SELECT:
             return PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSelectSQLQuery($query);
         case GENERIC:
             return MySQL_SQLGenerator::generateGenericSQLQuery($query);
             throw new DatabaseException("Unsupported query type.");
     // switch
  * Tests the reset() method and error conditions.
 function test_Reset()
     $table = "person";
     $condition = "user_uname = 'dradichk'";
     try {
         $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     if (isset($result)) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, "\$sqlFromObject should be null.");
  * Tests a SELECT with joins, and multiple columns and tables including WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses.
 function test_Many_Tables_And_Many_Columns_All_Clauses_All_Joins()
     $this->query->setColumns(array("user_id AS 1"));
     $this->query->addColumn("user_uname", "username", "db");
     $this->query->addColumn("COUNT(*)", "c");
     $this->query->addTable("user", NO_JOIN);
     $this->query->addTable("class", INNER_JOIN, "user.user_weight = class.class_id");
     $this->query->addTable("person", NO_JOIN, "", "PERSON");
     $this->query->addTable("tree", LEFT_JOIN, "person.person_id = tree.tree_height - 10");
     $this->query->addTable("bush", RIGHT_JOIN, "tree.tree_leaves = 3000", "BUSH");
     $this->query->addTable("sand", NO_JOIN);
     $this->query->addWhere("user_id = 5");
     $this->query->addWhere("user_id = 8", _AND);
     $this->query->addWhere("user_id = 10", _OR);
     $this->query->addWhere("user_id = 12", _OR);
     $this->query->setGroupBy(array("user_id", "user_sex"), "user_age = 38");
     $this->query->addOrderBy("user_lname", ASCENDING);
     $this->query->addOrderBy("user_fname", DESCENDING);
     $tables = "\n\tuser\n\t\tINNER JOIN\n\tclass\n\t\tON user.user_weight = class.class_id,\n\tperson AS PERSON\n\t\tLEFT JOIN\n\ttree\n\t\tON person.person_id = tree.tree_height - 10\n\t\tRIGHT JOIN\n\tbush AS BUSH\n\t\tON tree.tree_leaves = 3000,\n\tsand";
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT\n\tuser_id AS 1,\n\tdb.user_uname AS username,\n\tCOUNT(*) AS c\nFROM{$tables}\nWHERE\n\tuser_id = 5\n\t\tAND\n\tuser_id = 8\n\t\tOR\n\tuser_id = 10\n\t\tOR\n\tuser_id = 12\nGROUP BY\n\tuser_id,\n\tuser_sex\nHAVING\n\tuser_age = 38\nORDER BY\n\tuser_lname ASC,\n\tuser_fname DESC\nLIMIT 100\nOFFSET 9\n";
     $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     $this->assertEqual($sql, $sqlFromObject);
  * Tests the reset() method and error conditions.
 function test_Reset()
     $table = "person";
     $columns = array("user_uname", "user_fname", "user_id");
     $values = array("'dradichk'", "'Dobo'", "5");
     $condition = "user_id = 3";
     try {
         $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     if (isset($result)) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, "\$sqlFromObject should be null.");
     // ----- test exception when # fields does not match # columns
     $table = "person";
     $columns = array("user_uname", "user_fname", "user_id");
     $values = array("'dradichk'", "'Dobo'", "5", "6");
     $condition = "user_id = 3";
     try {
         $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     if (isset($result)) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, "\$sqlFromObject should be null.");
  * Answer the string SQL for the query
  * @param object $query
  * @return string
  * @access public
  * @since 11/14/06
 function generateSQL($query)
     return PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($query);
  * Tests the reset() method and error conditions.
 function test_Reset()
     $table = "user";
     $columns = array("user_id", "user_uname", "user_fname");
     $values = array("5", "'dradichk'", "'Dobromir'");
     try {
         $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     if (isset($result)) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, "\$sqlFromObject should be null.");
     // ------- now test reset with many insert rows
     $table = "user";
     $columns = array("user_id", "user_uname", "user_fname");
     $values = array("5", "'dradichk'", "'Dobromir'");
     $values = array("6", "'afranco'", "'Adam'");
     $values = array("7", "'movsjani'", "'Maks'");
     try {
         $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     if (isset($result)) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, "\$sqlFromObject should be null.");
     // ----- test exception when # fields does not match # columns
     $table = "user";
     $columns = array("user_id", "user_uname", "user_fname", "user_lname");
     $values = array("5", "'dradichk'", "'Dobromir'");
     try {
         $sqlFromObject = PostgreSQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($this->query);
     } catch (DatabaseException $e) {
     if (isset($result)) {
         $this->assertTrue(false, "\$sqlFromObject should be null.");