if ($install) { // installation of DB went OK, set configuration values to user supplied ones $pass = $_POST['admin_password']; // install configuration $_POST['admin_password'] = md5($_POST['admin_password']); PommoAPI::configUpdate($_POST); // generate key to uniquely identify this installation $key = PommoHelper::makeCode(6); PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('key' => $key), TRUE); $pommo->reloadConfig(); // load configuration [depricated?], set message defaults, load templates Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . 'inc/helpers/messages.php'); PommoHelperMessages::resetDefault('all'); // install templates $file = $pommo->_baseDir . "install/sql.templates.php"; if (!PommoInstall::parseSQL(false, $file)) { $logger->addErr('Error Loading Default Mailing Templates.'); } // serialize the latest updates $GLOBALS['pommoFakeUpgrade'] = true; Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . 'install/helper.upgrade.php'); PommoUpgrade(); $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Installation Complete! You may now login and setup poMMo.')); $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Login Username: '******'admin'); $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Login Password: '******'installed', TRUE); } else { // INSTALL FAILED $dbo->debug(FALSE); // drop existing poMMo tables foreach (array_keys($dbo->table) as $key) {
function PommoRevUpgrade($rev) { global $pommo; $logger =& $pommo->_logger; $dbo =& $pommo->_dbo; switch ($rev) { case 26: // Aardvark PR14 // manually add the serial column $query = "ALTER TABLE " . $dbo->table['updates'] . " ADD `serial` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL"; if (!$dbo->query($query)) { Pommo::kill('Could not add serial column'); } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(1, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['updates']} DROP `update_id` , DROP `update_serial`", "Dropping old Update columns")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(2, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['updates']} ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `serial` )", "Adding Key to Updates Table")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(3, "CREATE TABLE {$dbo->table['mailing_notices']} (\n\t\t\t\t`mailing_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t`notice` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t`touched` timestamp NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tKEY `mailing_id` (`mailing_id`)\n\t\t\t)", "Adding Mailing Notice Table")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(4, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['mailing_current']} DROP `notices`", "Dropping old Notice column")) { return false; } // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 27), true)) { return false; } case 27: // Aardvark PR14.1 if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(5, "CREATE TABLE {$dbo->table['subscriber_update']} (\n\t\t\t\t`email` varchar(60) NOT NULL,\n \t\t\t\t`code` char(32) NOT NULL ,\n \t\t\t\t`activated` datetime NULL default NULL ,\n \t\t\t\t`touched` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY ( `email` )\n\t\t\t)", "Adding Update Activation Table")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(6, "INSERT INTO {$dbo->table['config']} VALUES ('public_history', 'off', 'Public Mailing History', 'off', 'on')", "Adding configuration of Public Mailings")) { return false; } Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . 'inc/helpers/messages.php'); PommoHelperMessages::resetDefault(); // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 28, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR14.2'), true)) { return false; } case 28: // Aardvark PR14.2 // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 29, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR14.3'), true)) { return false; } case 29: // Aardvark PR14.3 // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 30, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR14.3.1'), true)) { return false; } case 30: // Aardvark PR14.3.1 // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 31, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR14.4'), true)) { return false; } break; case 31: // Aardvark PR14.4 // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 32, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR14.4.1'), true)) { return false; } case 32: // Aardvark PR14.4.1 if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(7, "RENAME TABLE {$dbo->table['group_criteria']} TO {$dbo->table['group_rules']}", "Renaming Group Rules Table")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(8, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['group_rules']} CHANGE `criteria_id` `rule_id` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT", "Renaming key column")) { return false; } if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 33, 'version' => 'Aardvark SVN'), true)) { return false; } case 33: // (svn development) -> Aardvark PR15 if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(9, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['group_rules']} ADD `type` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'", "Adding OR support to Group Rules")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(10, "INSERT INTO {$dbo->table['config']} (`config_name`, `config_value`, `config_description`, `autoload`, `user_change`) VALUES ('notices', '', '', 'off', 'off')", "Enabling Notification of Subscriber List Changes")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(11, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['fields']} CHANGE `field_type` `field_type` ENUM( 'checkbox', 'multiple', 'text', 'date', 'number', 'comment' ) DEFAULT NULL", "Adding 'comments' field type")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(12, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['mailing_notices']} ADD `id` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NULL", "Adding id to mailing notices")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(13, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['mailing_current']} CHANGE `command` `command` ENUM( 'none', 'restart', 'stop', 'cancel' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'", "Adding cancel type to mailing commands")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(14, "INSERT INTO {$dbo->table['config']} (`config_name`, `config_value`, `config_description`, `autoload`, `user_change`) VALUES ('maxRuntime', '80', '', 'off', 'on')", "Enabling Mailing Runtime to be set in Config")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(15, "INSERT INTO {$dbo->table['config']} (`config_name`, `config_value`, `config_description`, `autoload`, `user_change`) VALUES ('list_wysiwyg', 'on', '', 'off', 'off')", "Persisting State of WYSIWYG Editor Toggle")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(16, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['subscriber_data']} CHANGE `value` `value` CHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL", "Tuning Subscriber Data Table")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(17, "ALTER TABLE {$dbo->table['subscribers']} CHANGE `email` `email` CHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL", "Tuning Subscribers Table")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(18, "DROP TABLE {$dbo->table['subscriber_update']}", "Dropping previous activate routines")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(19, "CREATE TABLE {$dbo->table['templates']} (`template_id` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'name',`description` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL ,`body` MEDIUMTEXT NULL ,`altbody` MEDIUMTEXT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`template_id`))", "Adding mailing template support")) { return false; } // custom update 20, install default template $query = "\n\t\t\tSELECT serial FROM " . $dbo->table['updates'] . " \n\t\t\tWHERE serial=%i"; $query = $dbo->prepare($query, array('20')); if (!$dbo->records($query)) { $file = $pommo->_baseDir . "install/sql.templates.php"; if (PommoInstall::parseSQL(false, $file)) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $dbo->table['updates'] . "(serial) VALUES(%i)"; $query = $dbo->prepare($query, array('20')); $dbo->query($query); } } // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 34, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR15'), true)) { return false; } case 34: // Changes >= Aardvark PR15 $file = $pommo->_baseDir . "install/sql.templates.php"; if (!PommoInstall::parseSQL(false, $file)) { $logger->addErr('Error Loading Default Mailing Templates.'); } // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 35, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR15.1'), true)) { return false; } case 35: // Aardvark PR15.1 // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 36, 'version' => 'Aardvark SVN'), true)) { return false; } case 36: // SVN revision (applied to PR15.1, for next revision) if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(21, "UPDATE {$dbo->table['config']} SET autoload='on' WHERE config_name='revision'", "Flagging Revision Autoloading")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(22, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$dbo->table['subscriber_update']}", "Dropping previous activate routines")) { return false; } if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(23, "CREATE TABLE {$dbo->table['scratch']} (\n\t\t\t\t`scratch_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n\t\t\t\t`time` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t`type` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'Used to identify row type. 0 = undifined, 1 = ',\n\t\t\t\t`int` BIGINT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t`str` TEXT NULL,\n\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`scratch_id`),\n\t\t\t\tKEY `type`(`type`)\n\t\t\t\t) COMMENT = 'General Purpose Table for caches, counts, etc.'", "Adding Scratch Table")) { return false; } // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 37, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR16rc1'), true)) { return false; } case 37: // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 38, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR16rc2'), true)) { return false; } case 38: // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 39, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR16rc3'), true)) { return false; } case 39: // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 40, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR16rc4'), true)) { return false; } case 40: // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 41, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR16'), true)) { return false; } case 41: $sql = 'Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . \'inc/helpers/messages.php\');PommoHelperMessages::resetDefault();'; if (!PommoInstall::incUpdate(24, $sql, "Resetting all Messages to Default", true)) { return false; } // bump revision if (!PommoAPI::configUpdate(array('revision' => 42, 'version' => 'Aardvark PR16.1'), true)) { return false; } case 42: // end of upgrade (break), no revision bump. break; default: return false; } return true; }
/** * init -> called by page to load page state, populate config, and track authentication. * valid args [ passed as Pommo::init(array('arg' => val, 'arg2' => val)) ] -> * authLevel : check that authenticated permission level is at least authLevel (non authenticated == 0). exit if not high enough. [default: 1] * keep : keep data stored in session. [default: false] * session : explicity set session name. [default: null] * install : bypass loading of config/version checking [default: false] */ function init($args = array()) { $defaults = array('authLevel' => 1, 'keep' => FALSE, 'noSession' => FALSE, 'sessionID' => NULL, 'install' => FALSE); // merge submitted parameters $p = PommoAPI::getParams($defaults, $args); // Bypass Reading of Config, SESSION creation, and authentication checks and return // if 'install' passed if ($p['install']) { return; } // load configuration data // note; cannot save in session, as session needs unique key -- this is simplest method. $this->_config = PommoAPI::configGetBase(); // check current ("file") revision against database ("last") revision $revision = isset($this->_config['revision']) ? $this->_config['revision'] : false; if (!defined('_poMMo_support')) { if (!$revision) { $this->kill(sprintf(Pommo::_T('Error loading configuration. Has poMMo been installed? %sClick Here%s to install.'), '<a href="' . $this->_baseUrl . 'install/install.php">', '</a>')); } elseif ($this->_revision != $revision) { $this->kill(sprintf(Pommo::_T('Version Mismatch. %sClick Here%s to upgrade.'), '<a href="' . $this->_baseUrl . 'install/upgrade.php">', '</a>')); } } // toggle DB debugging if ($this->_debug) { $this->_dbo->debug(TRUE); } // Bypass SESSION creation, reading of config, authentication checks and return // if 'noSession' passed if ($p['noSession']) { return; } // start the session if (!empty($p['sessionID'])) { session_id($p['sessionID']); } $this->startSession(); // check for "session" language -- user defined language on the fly. if ($this->_slanguage) { $this->_session['slanguage'] = $this->_slanguage; } if (isset($this->_session['slanguage'])) { if ($this->_session['slanguage'] == 'en') { $this->_l10n = FALSE; } else { $this->_l10n = TRUE; Pommo::requireOnce($this->_baseDir . 'inc/helpers/l10n.php'); PommoHelperL10n::init($this->_session['slanguage'], $this->_baseDir); } $this->_slanguage = $this->_session['slanguage']; } // if authLevel == '*' || _poMMo_support (0 if poMMo not installed, 1 if installed) if (defined('_poMMo_support')) { Pommo::requireOnce($this->_baseDir . 'inc/classes/install.php'); $p['authLevel'] = PommoInstall::verify() ? 1 : 0; } // check authentication levels $this->_auth = new PommoAuth(array('requiredLevel' => $p['authLevel'])); // clear SESSION 'data' unless keep is passed. // TODO --> phase this out in favor of page state system? // -- add "persistent" flag & complicate state initilization... if (!$p['keep']) { $this->_session['data'] = array(); } }
*********************************/ require '../bootstrap.php'; Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . 'inc/classes/install.php'); $pommo->init(array('authLevel' => 0, 'install' => TRUE)); $pommo->reloadConfig(); $logger =& $pommo->_logger; $dbo =& $pommo->_dbo; $dbo->dieOnQuery(FALSE); /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ Pommo::requireOnce($pommo->_baseDir . 'inc/classes/template.php'); $smarty = new PommoTemplate(); $smarty->prepareForForm(); // Check to make sure poMMo is installed if (!PommoInstall::verify()) { $logger->addErr(sprintf(Pommo::_T('poMMo does not appear to be installed! Please %s INSTALL %s before attempting an upgrade.'), '<a href="' . $pommo->_baseUrl . 'install/install.php">', '</a>')); $smarty->display('upgrade.tpl'); Pommo::kill(); } // Check to make sure poMMo is PR14 or higher. if ($pommo->_config['revision'] < 26) { $logger->addErr('Upgrade path unavailable. Cannot upgrade from Aardvark PR13.2 or below!'); $smarty->display('upgrade.tpl'); Pommo::kill(); } // Check to make sure poMMo is not already up to date. if ($pommo->_config['revision'] == $pommo->_revision && !isset($_REQUEST['forceUpgrade']) && !isset($_REQUEST['continue'])) { $logger->addErr(sprintf(Pommo::_T('poMMo appears to be up to date. If you want to force an upgrade, %s click here %s'), '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?forceUpgrade=TRUE">', '</a>')); $smarty->display('upgrade.tpl'); Pommo::kill();