  * Uninstall
  * @return bool
 public function uninstall()
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance($this->Key);
     DB::getInstance()->deleteByID('plugin', $Plugin->id());
     return true;
  * Uninstall
  * @return bool
 public function uninstall()
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance($this->Key);
     DB::getInstance()->deleteByID('plugin', $Plugin->id());
     DB::getInstance()->query('DELETE FROM `' . PREFIX . 'plugin_conf` WHERE `pluginid`=' . $Plugin->id() . ' AND accountid = ' . SessionAccountHandler::getId());
     return true;
Beispiel #3
  * Init DatabaseScheme 
 protected function initDatabaseScheme()
     $this->DatabaseScheme = DatabaseSchemePool::get('training/schemes/scheme.UserData.php');
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     if ($Factory->isInstalled('RunalyzePluginPanel_Sportler')) {
         $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Sportler');
         if (!$Plugin->Configuration()->value('use_body_fat')) {
         if (!$Plugin->Configuration()->value('use_pulse')) {
  * Catch values
 public final function catchValuesFromDatabase()
     $ResultFromDB = Cache::get(self::CACHE_KEY);
     if (is_null($ResultFromDB)) {
         $ResultFromDB = DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT `pluginid`,`config`,`value` ' . 'FROM `' . PREFIX . 'plugin_conf` ' . 'WHERE `pluginid` IN (' . implode(',', PluginFactory::allIDs()) . ')')->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_GROUP | PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         Cache::set(self::CACHE_KEY, $ResultFromDB, '60');
Beispiel #5
function activatePlugin($name) {
    $plugin_factory = PluginFactory::instance();
    $plugin = $plugin_factory->getPluginByName($name);
    if (! $plugin) {
        echo "Install plugin\n";
        $plugin_manager = new PluginManager();
        $plugin = $plugin_manager->installPlugin($name);
    if (! $plugin_factory->isPluginAvailable($plugin)) {
        echo "Activate plugin\n";
 public function tearDown()
     $this->mysqli->query('DELETE FROM groups WHERE unix_group_name = "short-name"');
     $GLOBALS['sys_pluginsroot'] = $this->old_sys_pluginsroot;
     $GLOBALS['sys_custompluginsroot'] = $this->old_sys_custompluginsroot;
     $GLOBALS = $this->old_globals;
  * Clear cache
 public static function clearCache()
     self::$Plugins = NULL;

 * File for displaying the config-window for a plugin.
 * Call:   call.Plugin.config.php?id=
require_once '../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend(true);
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
    $Factory->uninstallPlugin(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'key'));
    echo Ajax::wrapJSforDocumentReady('Runalyze.Overlay.load("call/window.config.php");');
} elseif (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
    $Plugin = $Factory->newInstanceFor($_GET['id']);
} else {
    echo '<em>' . __('Something went wrong ...') . '</em>';
Beispiel #9
 protected function activatePlugin($name)
     $plugin_factory = PluginFactory::instance();
     $plugin = $plugin_factory->createPlugin($name);

 * File for displaying plugins.
 * Call:   call.Plugin.display.php?id= [&sport= &jahr= &dat= ]
require '../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
try {
    $Plugin = $Factory->newInstanceFor(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id'));
} catch (Exception $E) {
    $Plugin = null;
    echo HTML::error(__('The plugin could not be found.'));
if ($Plugin !== null) {
    if ($Plugin instanceof PluginPanel) {
Beispiel #11

 * Draw prognosis as function of time
 * Call:   include Plot.form.php
 * @package Runalyze\Plugins\Panels
use Runalyze\Calculation\JD;
use Runalyze\Calculation\Prognosis;
use Runalyze\Configuration;
use Runalyze\Activity\Distance;
if (is_dir(FRONTEND_PATH . '../plugin/RunalyzePluginStat_Wettkampf')) {
    $Factory = new PluginFactory();
    $WKplugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginStat_Wettkampf');
if (!isset($distance)) {
    $distance = 10;
$DataFailed = false;
$Prognosis = array();
$Results = array();
$Strategy = new Prognosis\Daniels();
$PrognosisObj = new Prognosis\Prognosis();
if (START_TIME != time()) {
    $Data = Cache::get('prognosePlotData');
    if (is_null($Data)) {
        $withElevation = Configuration::Vdot()->useElevationCorrection();
        $Data = DB::getInstance()->query('
Beispiel #12
 function _getPluginFactory()
     return PluginFactory::instance();
  * Set all fieldsets and fields
 public function setFieldsetsAndFields()
     $Data = AccountHandler::getDataForId(SessionAccountHandler::getId());
     $UsernameField = new FormularInput('name', __('Username'), $Data['username']);
     $MailField = new FormularInput('name', __('Email address'), $Data['mail']);
     $NameField = new FormularInput('name', __('Name'), $Data['name']);
     $LanguageField = new FormularSelectBox('language', __('Language'), $Data['language']);
     foreach (Language::availableLanguages() as $klang => $lang) {
         $LanguageField->addOption($klang, $lang[0]);
     $SinceField = new FormularInput('name', __('Registered since'), date('d.m.Y H:i', $Data['registerdate']));
     $LastLoginField = new FormularInput('name', __('Last Login'), date('d.m.Y H:i', $Data['lastlogin']));
     $Account = new FormularFieldset(__('Your account'));
     $AllowMailsField = new FormularSelectBox('allow_mails', __('Email me'), $Data['allow_mails']);
     $AllowMailsField->addOption('1', __('Yes'));
     $AllowMailsField->addOption('0', __('No'));
     $Notifications = new FormularFieldset(__('Notifications'));
     $Notifications->addInfo(__('At irregular intervals we are sending mails to you. We will never send you spam or advertisement.'));
     $Password = new FormularFieldset(__('Change your password'));
     if (empty($_POST['old_pw']) && empty($_POST['new_pw']) && empty($_POST['new_pw_repeat'])) {
     } else {
         // Don't show passwords as 'value="..."'
         $_POST['old_pw'] = '';
         $_POST['new_pw'] = '';
         $_POST['new_pw_repeat'] = '';
     $Password->addField(new FormularInputPassword('old_pw', __('Old password')));
     $Password->addField(new FormularInputPassword('new_pw', __('New password')));
     $Password->addField(new FormularInputPassword('new_pw_repeat', __('Repeat new password')));
     $Backup = new FormularFieldset(__('Backup your data'));
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     if ($Factory->isInstalled('RunalyzePluginTool_DbBackup')) {
         $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginTool_DbBackup');
         $Backup->addInfo(__('Please use the plugin') . ' \'<strong>' . $Plugin->getWindowLink() . '</strong>\'.');
     } else {
         $Backup->addInfo(__('The backup of all your data is not manually possible yet.<br>' . 'In important individual cases write us an e-mail to mail@runalyze.de and and we will take care of it right away!'));
     $DeleteLink = Ajax::window('<a href="call/window.delete.php"><strong>' . __('Delete your account') . ' &raquo;</strong></a>') . '<br><br>' . __('You\'ll receive an email with a link to confirm the deletion.<br>' . 'The deletion is permanent and cannot be reversed. ' . 'Therefore, you should backup your data.');
     $Delete = new FormularFieldset(__('Delete your account'));
Beispiel #14
  * Display panels
 public function displayPanels()
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     $Panels = $Factory->enabledPanels();
     foreach ($Panels as $key) {
         $Panel = $Factory->newInstance($key);
Beispiel #15
 * Window: explanations for calculations
 * @package Runalyze\Plugins\Panels
require '../../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
<div class="panel-heading">
_e('Explanation: How are these experimental values calculated?');

<div class="panel-content">
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
$Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Rechenspiele');
$Formular = new Formular();
$Formular->addFieldset($Plugin->getFieldsetTRIMP(), false);
$Formular->addFieldset($Plugin->getFieldsetVDOT(), false);
$Formular->addFieldset($Plugin->getFieldsetPaces(), false);
  * This method instantiate a plugin that should not be used outside
  * of installation use case. It bypass all caches and do not check availability
  * of the plugin.
  * @param string $name The name of the plugin (docman, tracker, …)
  * @return Plugin
 public function getPluginDuringInstall($name)
     return $this->plugin_factory->instantiatePlugin(0, $name);

 * File for uninstalling plugins.
 * Call:   call.Plugin.uninstall.php?key=
require '../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Pluginkey = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'key');
$Frontend = new Frontend();
$Installer = new PluginInstaller($Pluginkey);
echo '<h1>' . __('Uninstall') . ' ' . $Pluginkey . '</h1>';
if ($Installer->uninstall()) {
    echo HTML::okay(__('The plugin has been uninstalled.'));
    echo Ajax::getReloadCommand();
} else {
    echo HTML::error(__('There was a problem, the plugin could not be uninstalled.'));
echo '<ul class="blocklist">';
echo '<li>';
echo Ajax::window('<a href="' . ConfigTabPlugins::getExternalUrl() . '">' . Icon::$TABLE . ' ' . __('back to list') . '</a>');
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
Beispiel #18
  * Get the link for first various statistic
  * @return string
 public static function getLinkForVariousStats()
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     $array = $Factory->variousPlugins();
     return $Factory->newInstance($array[0])->getLink();
Beispiel #19
     * Display surrounding div and default content for all tools
    public static function displayToolsContent()
        echo '<div id="' . self::$TOOLS_DIV_ID . '">';
        echo '<div class="panel-heading">';
        echo '<h1>' . __('Tools') . '</h1>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '<div class="panel-content">';
        echo __('Complex tools can analyze or process the complete database and will open in an overlay.') . '<br><br>';
        echo '<table class="fullwidth zebra-style more-padding">';
        echo '<thead><tr><th colspan="3">' . __('Installed tools') . ':</th></tr></thead>';
        echo '<tbody class="top-and-bottom-border">';
        $Factory = new PluginFactory();
        $tools = $Factory->activePlugins(PluginType::Tool);
        if (empty($tools)) {
            echo '<tr><td colspan="3"><em>' . __('No tools installed.') . '.</em></td></tr>';
        foreach ($tools as $key) {
            $Factory = new PluginFactory();
            $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance($key);
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . $Plugin->getConfigLink() . '</td>
					<td class="b">' . self::getLinkFor($Plugin->id(), $Plugin->name()) . '</td>
					<td>' . $Plugin->description() . '</td>
        echo '</tbody>';
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</div>';
        echo '</div>';
  * Add tab for comparison of years
 protected function addTabForComparisonOfYears()
     $Content = '';
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     if ($Factory->isInstalled('RunalyzePluginStat_Statistiken')) {
         $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginStat_Statistiken');
         $Content .= $Plugin->getYearComparisonTable();
     if ($Factory->isInstalled('RunalyzePluginStat_Wettkampf')) {
         if ($Content != '') {
             $Content .= '<tbody><tr class="no-zebra no-border"><td colspan="' . (date("Y") - START_YEAR + 2) . '">&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody>';
         $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginStat_Wettkampf');
         $Content .= $Plugin->getYearComparisonTable();
     if ($Content != '') {
         $this->StatisticTabs->addTab(__('Year on year') . ' (' . __('Running') . ')', 'statistics-years', $Content);
Beispiel #21
  * Function to (in)activate the plugin
  * @param int $active
 public final function setActive($active = 1)
     DB::getInstance()->update('plugin', $this->id(), 'active', $active);
     $this->active = $active;
 public function __construct()
     $this->plugin_factory = PluginFactory::instance();
  * Set default values
 protected function setDefaultValues()
     $Strategy = new Prognosis\Bock();
     $TopResults = $Strategy->getTopResults(2);
     $CurrentShape = Configuration::Data()->vdotShape();
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         $Factory = new PluginFactory();
         $Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Prognose');
         $_POST['model'] = 'jack-daniels';
         $_POST['distances'] = implode(', ', $Plugin->getDistances());
         $_POST['vdot'] = $CurrentShape;
         $_POST['endurance'] = true;
         $_POST['endurance-value'] = BasicEndurance::getConst();
         $_POST['best-result-km'] = !empty($TopResults) ? $TopResults[0]['distance'] : '5.0';
         $_POST['best-result-time'] = !empty($TopResults) ? Duration::format($TopResults[0]['s']) : '0:26:00';
         $_POST['second-best-result-km'] = !empty($TopResults) ? $TopResults[1]['distance'] : '10.0';
         $_POST['second-best-result-time'] = !empty($TopResults) ? Duration::format($TopResults[1]['s']) : '1:00:00';
     $this->InfoLines['jack-daniels'] = __('Your current VDOT:') . ' ' . $CurrentShape . '. ';
     $this->InfoLines['jack-daniels'] .= __('Your current basic endurance:') . ' ' . BasicEndurance::getConst() . '.';
     $ResultLine = empty($TopResults) ? __('none') : sprintf(__('%s in %s <small>(%s)</small> and %s in %s <small>(%s)</small>'), Distance::format($TopResults[0]['distance']), Duration::format($TopResults[0]['s']), date('d.m.Y', $TopResults[0]['time']), Distance::format($TopResults[1]['distance']), Duration::format($TopResults[1]['s']), date('d.m.Y', $TopResults[1]['time']));
     $this->InfoLines['robert-bock'] = __('Your two best results:') . ' ' . $ResultLine;
  * Send results to Multi Editor
 protected function sendResultsToMultiEditor()
     $IDs = array();
     foreach ($this->Trainings as $data) {
         $IDs[] = $data['id'];
     $_POST['ids'] = implode(',', $IDs);
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     $MultiEditor = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginTool_MultiEditor');
     if ($MultiEditor) {
     } else {
         echo HTML::error(__('The multi editor could not be located.'));
     echo Ajax::wrapJS('$("#search").remove();$("#ajax").removeClass("big-window");');
Beispiel #25
    $Mode = StandardFormular::$SUBMIT_MODE_EDIT;
    $Shoe = new Shoe(Request::sendId());
$Formular = new StandardFormular($Shoe, $Mode);
if ($Formular->submitSucceeded()) {
    header('Location: window.schuhe.table.php');
if (Request::sendId() > 0) {
    $DeleteText = '<strong>' . __('Delete shoe') . ' &raquo;</strong>';
    $DeleteUrl = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?delete=true&id=' . $Shoe->id();
    $DeleteLink = Ajax::link($DeleteText, 'ajax', $DeleteUrl);
    if ($Shoe->getKm() != $Shoe->getAdditionalKm()) {
        $DeleteLink = __('The shoe cannot be deleted as long it is used for some activity.');
    $DeleteFieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('Delete shoe'));
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
$Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Schuhe');
echo '<div class="panel-heading">';
echo '<div class="panel-menu"><ul><li>' . $Plugin->tableLink() . '</li></ul></div>';
echo '<h1>' . $Header . '</h1>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="panel-content">';
echo '</div>';
  * Parse all post values 
 public function parsePostData()
     $Factory = new PluginFactory();
     foreach ($Factory->completeData() as $Plugin) {
         $id = $Plugin['id'];
         if (isset($_POST['plugin_modus_' . $id]) && isset($_POST['plugin_order_' . $id])) {
             DB::getInstance()->update('plugin', $id, array('active', 'order'), array((int) $_POST['plugin_modus_' . $id], (int) $_POST['plugin_order_' . $id]));

 * File for moving a panel-plugin.
 * Call:   call.PluginPanel.move.php?id=&mode=
require_once '../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
if (is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
    $Factory = new PluginFactory();
    $Panel = $Factory->newInstanceFor($_GET['id']);
    if ($Panel->type() == PluginType::Panel) {
        $Panel->move(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'mode'));
 public function restrict()
     $request = HTTPRequest::instance();
     $plugin_factory = PluginFactory::instance();
     $plugin_resource_restrictor = $this->getPluginResourceRestrictor();
     $plugin = $plugin_factory->getPluginById($request->get('plugin_id'));
     if ($plugin->getScope() !== Plugin::SCOPE_PROJECT) {
         $GLOBALS['Response']->addFeedback(Feedback::ERROR, 'This project cannot be restricted.');
     $presenter = new PluginsAdministration_ManageAllowedProjectsPresenter($plugin, $plugin_resource_restrictor->searchAllowedProjectsOnPlugin($plugin), $plugin_resource_restrictor->isPluginRestricted($plugin));
     $renderer = TemplateRendererFactory::build()->getRenderer(ForgeConfig::get('codendi_dir') . '/src/templates/resource_restrictor');
     $renderer->renderToPage(PluginsAdministration_ManageAllowedProjectsPresenter::TEMPLATE, $presenter);

 * Window: user table
 * @package Runalyze\Plugins\Panels
require '../../inc/class.Frontend.php';
use Runalyze\Activity\Duration;
use Runalyze\Activity\Weight;
$Frontend = new Frontend();
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
$Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Sportler');
$Fields = array('time' => 'date', 'weight' => '', 'sleep_duration' => ' <small>h</small>');
$FieldsPulse = array('pulse_rest' => ' <small>bpm</small>', 'pulse_max' => ' <small>bpm</small>');
$FieldsFat = array('fat' => ' &#37;', 'water' => ' &#37;', 'muscles' => ' &#37;');
$Data = array_reverse(UserData::getFullArray());
if (Request::param('reload') == 'true') {
    echo Ajax::getReloadCommand();
<div class="panel-heading">
	<div class="panel-menu"><ul><li><?php 
echo $Plugin->addLink();
_e('Body values');
Beispiel #30

require_once 'SocialPluginsHelper.php';
$socialPlugins = new SocialPluginsHelper(array(SocialPluginsHelper::HTML_AFTER_BUTTONS => '<div class="clear"></div>', SocialPluginsHelper::HTML_BEFORE_BUTTONS => '<div class="clear"></div>', SocialPluginsHelper::STYLE_OF_WRAPPER => 'margin-top:10px;', SocialPluginsHelper::CUSTOM_PLUGIN_STYLE => array("TwitterButton" => "width:69px;", "FacebookLike" => "width:146px;")));
