function init() { parent::init(); $this->esoTalk->addToHead("<style type='text/css'>.emoticon {width:16px; height:16px; background:url({$this->emoticonDir}emoticons.png); background-repeat:no-repeat}</style>"); // Add the formatter $this->esoTalk->formatter->addFormatter("emoticons", "Formatter_Emoticons"); }
function init() { parent::init(); // Add the hooks if ($this->esoTalk->action == "conversation") { $this->esoTalk->controller->addHook("formatForDisplay", array($this, "formatWordfilterForDisplay")); } }
function init() { parent::init(); // Add the hooks if ($this->esoTalk->action == "join") { $this->esoTalk->controller->addHook("beforeAddMember", array($this, "addAccountField")); $this->esoTalk->controller->addHook("afterAddMember", array($this, "logInUser")); } }
/** * Tests current_snapshot_uuid(). * * @see current_snapshot_uuid() */ public function test_current_snapshot_uuid() { global $customize_snapshots_plugin; $this->assertNull(current_snapshot_uuid()); $uuid = '65aee1ff-af47-47df-9e14-9c69b3017cd3'; $_REQUEST['customize_snapshot_uuid'] = $uuid; $customize_snapshots_plugin = new Plugin(); $customize_snapshots_plugin->init(); $this->assertEquals($uuid, current_snapshot_uuid()); }
public function __construct() { global $config; session_start(); $config['PLUGIN_PATH'] = __ROOTDIR__ . '/plugins/'; $this->config = $config; $this->model = self::initModel($this->config); $this->cache = self::initCache($this->config); $this->init(); Plugin::init('Admin', $config); $langCon = Lang::langCon(); $this->config = array_merge((array) $config, (array) $langCon); }
function init() { parent::init(); $this->esoTalk->addHook("beforeDatabaseQuery", array($this, "addQuery")); if ($this->esoTalk->ajax) { $this->esoTalk->addHook("ajaxFinish", array($this, "addInformationToAjaxResult")); return; } // Language definitions $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Debug information", "Debug information"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Page loaded in", "Page loaded in just over"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("MySQL queries", "MySQL queries"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("POST + GET + FILES information", "POST + GET + FILES information"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("SESSION + COOKIE information", "SESSION + COOKIE information"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("seconds", "seconds"); $this->esoTalk->addScript("plugins/Debug/debug.js", 1000); $this->esoTalk->addHook("footer", array($this, "renderDebug")); }
/** * Test updating a snapshot when the user does not have the customize_publish capability. * * @covers \CustomizeSnapshots\Customize_Snapshot_Manager::handle_update_snapshot_request() */ function test_ajax_update_snapshot_ok_for_draft_and_pending_but_not_future() { unset($GLOBALS['wp_customize']); remove_all_actions('wp_ajax_' . Customize_Snapshot_Manager::AJAX_ACTION); $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object(Post_Type::SLUG); $setting_key = 'anyonecanedit'; add_filter('user_has_cap', function ($allcaps, $caps, $args) { $allcaps['customize'] = true; if (!empty($allcaps['edit_posts']) && !empty($args) && 'customize' === $args[0]) { $allcaps = array_merge($allcaps, array_fill_keys($caps, true)); } return $allcaps; }, 10, 3); $tomorrow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 86400); $this->set_current_user('contributor'); $this->assertFalse(current_user_can($post_type_obj->cap->publish_posts)); $post_vars = array('action' => Customize_Snapshot_Manager::AJAX_ACTION, 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce(Customize_Snapshot_Manager::AJAX_ACTION), 'customize_snapshot_uuid' => self::UUID, 'customized' => wp_json_encode(array($setting_key => 'Hello')), 'publish_date' => $tomorrow); $this->plugin = new Plugin(); $this->plugin->init(); $this->add_setting(); // Draft pass. $post_vars['status'] = 'draft'; $this->set_input_vars($post_vars); $this->make_ajax_call(Customize_Snapshot_Manager::AJAX_ACTION); $response = json_decode($this->_last_response, true); $this->_last_response = ''; $this->assertTrue($response['success']); // Pending pass. $post_vars['status'] = 'pending'; $this->set_input_vars($post_vars); $this->make_ajax_call(Customize_Snapshot_Manager::AJAX_ACTION); $response = json_decode($this->_last_response, true); $this->_last_response = ''; $this->assertTrue($response['success']); // Future fail. $post_vars['status'] = 'future'; $this->set_input_vars($post_vars); $this->make_ajax_call(Customize_Snapshot_Manager::AJAX_ACTION); $response = json_decode($this->_last_response, true); $expected_results = array('success' => false, 'data' => 'customize_not_allowed'); $this->assertSame($expected_results, $response); }
public function __construct() { global $config; @session_start(); if (!file_exists('data/install.lock')) { $this->redirect(__ROOT__ . '/install/'); } $config['PLUGIN_PATH'] = __ROOTDIR__ . '/plugins/'; $this->config = $config; $this->model = self::initModel($this->config); $this->init(); Plugin::init(); $langCon = Lang::langCon(); $this->config = array_merge((array) $config, (array) $langCon); if ($config['LANG_OPEN']) { define('__INDEX__', __APP__ . '/' . __LANG__); } else { define('__INDEX__', __APP__); } }
function init() { parent::init(); // Language definitions. $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Shouts", "Shouts"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Shout it", "Shout it!"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("Type a shout here", "Type a shout here..."); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("View more shouts", "View more shouts"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage("emailOnNewShout", "Email me when someone adds a shout to my profile"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage(array("emails", "newShout", "subject"), "%s, someone shouted on your profile"); $this->esoTalk->addLanguage(array("emails", "newShout", "body"), "%s, %s has added a shout to your profile!\n\nTo view the new activity, check out the following link:\n%s"); // If we're on the profile view, initiate all the shout stuff. if ($this->esoTalk->action == "profile") { $this->esoTalk->controller->addHook("init", array($this, "addShoutsSection")); $this->esoTalk->controller->addHook("ajax", array($this, "ajax")); $this->esoTalk->addScript("plugins/Shouts/shouts.js"); $this->esoTalk->addCSS("plugins/Shouts/shouts.css"); } if ($this->esoTalk->action == "settings") { $this->esoTalk->controller->addHook("init", array($this, "addShoutsSettings")); } }
public function __construct() { global $config; $session_name = session_name(); if (!isset($_COOKIE[$session_name])) { foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $val) { $key = strtoupper($key); if (strpos($key, $session_name)) { session_id($_COOKIE[$key]); } } } @session_start(); $config['PLUGIN_PATH'] = __ROOTDIR__ . '/plugins/'; $this->config = $config; $this->model = self::initModel($this->config); $this->init(); $this->check_login(); Plugin::init('Admin', $config); $langCon = Lang::langCon(); $this->config = array_merge((array) $config, (array) $langCon); }
/** * Protected Construct */ protected function __construct() { /** * Load core defines */ Monstra::loadDefines(); /** * Compress HTML with gzip */ if (MONSTRA_GZIP) { if (!ob_start("ob_gzhandler")) { ob_start(); } } else { ob_start(); } /** * Send default header and set internal encoding */ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); function_exists('mb_language') and mb_language('uni'); function_exists('mb_regex_encoding') and mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8'); function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') and mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); /** * Gets the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc * and kill magic quotes */ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { function stripslashesGPC(&$value) { $value = stripslashes($value); } array_walk_recursive($_GET, 'stripslashesGPC'); array_walk_recursive($_POST, 'stripslashesGPC'); array_walk_recursive($_COOKIE, 'stripslashesGPC'); array_walk_recursive($_REQUEST, 'stripslashesGPC'); } /** * Set Gelato Display Errors to False for Production environment. */ if (Monstra::$environment == Monstra::PRODUCTION) { define('GELATO_DEVELOPMENT', false); } /** * Define Monstra Folder for Gelato Logs */ define('GELATO_LOGS_PATH', LOGS); /** * Include Gelato Library */ include ROOT . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'Gelato' . DS . 'Gelato.php'; /** * Map Monstra Engine Directory */ ClassLoader::directory(ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS); /** * Map all Monstra Classes */ ClassLoader::mapClasses(array('Security' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Security.php', 'Uri' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Uri.php', 'Site' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Site.php', 'Alert' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Alert.php', 'XML' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Xmldb' . DS . 'XML.php', 'DB' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Xmldb' . DS . 'DB.php', 'Table' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Xmldb' . DS . 'Table.php', 'Plugin' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Plugin.php', 'Frontend' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Frontend.php', 'Backend' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Backend.php', 'Action' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Action.php', 'Filter' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Filter.php', 'View' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'View.php', 'I18n' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'I18n.php', 'Stylesheet' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Stylesheet.php', 'Javascript' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Javascript.php', 'Navigation' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Plugin' . DS . 'Navigation.php', 'Option' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Option.php', 'Shortcode' => ROOT . DS . 'engine' . DS . 'Shortcode.php', 'ORM' => ROOT . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'Idiorm' . DS . 'ORM.php', 'PHPMailer' => ROOT . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'PHPMailer' . DS . 'PHPMailer.php')); /** * Start session */ Session::start(); /** * Init Idiorm */ if (defined('MONSTRA_DB_DSN')) { ORM::configure(MONSTRA_DB_DSN); ORM::configure('username', MONSTRA_DB_USER); ORM::configure('password', MONSTRA_DB_PASSWORD); ORM::configure('driver_options', array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8')); } /** * Auto cleanup if DEVELOPMENT environment */ if (Monstra::$environment == Monstra::DEVELOPMENT) { Monstra::cleanTmp(); } /** * Set Cache dir */ Cache::configure('cache_dir', CACHE); /** * Init Options API module */ Option::init(); /** * Set default timezone */ @ini_set('date.timezone', Option::get('timezone')); if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { date_default_timezone_set(Option::get('timezone')); } else { putenv('TZ=' . Option::get('timezone')); } /** * Sanitize URL to prevent XSS - Cross-site scripting */ Security::runSanitizeURL(); /** * Load default */ Monstra::loadPluggable(); /** * Init I18n */ I18n::init(Option::get('language')); /** * Init Plugins API */ Plugin::init(); /** * Init Notification service */ Notification::init(); /** * Init site module */ if (!BACKEND) { Site::init(); } }
function plugin() { if ($this->method !== 'post') { $this->error('403', 'Forbidden'); return; } $local = $this->input->post('local_path'); $guid = $this->input->post('guid'); $install_id = $this->input->post('uuid'); $purchase = $this->input->post('purchase'); $is_new = $this->input->post('new'); $plugin_id = $this->input->post('id'); $base = FCPATH . 'storage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $tmp_path = $base . 'tmp'; $remote = KOKEN_STORE_URL . '/plugins/download/' . $guid . '/for/' . $install_id . ($purchase ? '/' . $purchase : ''); $local_zip = $tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ''; $updated_theme = $tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $guid; $current_path = $base . $local; if (is_dir("{$current_path}.off")) { delete_files("{$current_path}.off", true, 1); } if (is_dir("{$current_path}/.git")) { delete_files("{$current_path}/.git", true, 1); } make_child_dir($tmp_path); $success = false; $old_mask = umask(0); if (ENVIRONMENT === 'development' && !$is_new) { $success = true; sleep(3); } else { if ($this->_download($remote, $local_zip)) { $this->load->library('unzip'); $this->unzip->extract($local_zip); if (file_exists($updated_theme . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'info.json') || file_exists($updated_theme . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pulse.json') || file_exists($updated_theme . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugin.json')) { if ($is_new || rename($current_path, "{$current_path}.off")) { if (rename($updated_theme, $current_path)) { // Hack for watermark update issue. Can removed this eventually (0.15.1 was when this was implemented) if (file_exists("{$current_path}.off/image.png")) { copy("{$current_path}.off/image.png", "{$current_path}/storage/image.png"); } // /Hack // Copy storage folder to ensure userland files survive update if (is_dir("{$current_path}.off/storage")) { delete_files("{$current_path}/storage", true, 1); rename("{$current_path}.off/storage", "{$current_path}/storage"); } delete_files("{$current_path}.off", true, 1); $success = true; if (file_exists($current_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'info.json')) { $json = $current_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'info.json'; } else { if (file_exists($current_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pulse.json')) { $json = $current_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pulse.json'; } else { $json = $current_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugin.json'; } } $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($json, true)); } else { $json = 'Could not rename folder.'; } } else { $json = 'Could not rename old version before upgrading'; } } else { $json = 'Could not download plugin ZIP.'; } unlink($local_zip); delete_files($updated_theme, true, 1); } } umask($old_mask); if ($plugin_id) { $p = new Plugin(); $p->where('id', $plugin_id)->get(); if ($p->exists()) { $plugins = $this->parse_plugins(); $plugin = $p->init($plugins); if ($plugin->database_fields) { $db_config = Shutter::get_db_configuration(); $this->load->dbforge(); foreach ($plugin->database_fields as $table => $fields) { $table = $db_config['prefix'] . $table; foreach ($fields as $column => $info) { if (in_array(strtolower($info['type']), array('text', 'varchar', 'longtext'))) { $info['null'] = true; } $this->dbforge->add_column($table, array($column => $info)); } } $this->_clear_datamapper_cache(); } $p->run_plugin_method('after_upgrade', $plugins); } } $this->_compile_plugins(); die(json_encode(array('done' => $success, 'info' => isset($json) ? $json : array()))); }
public function testInit() { $this->object->init(); $this->assertSame(['aliases' => ['@dns' => '/dns/', '@more' => '/more'], 'modules' => ['dns' => 'dns config here'], 'components' => ['i18n' => 'i18n config here']], $this->object->getItems()); }
/** * Test that all required actions and filters are added as expected */ function test_init() { Plugin::init(); $this->do_action_validation('widgets_init', [__NAMESPACE__ . '\\Plugin', 'register_widgets']); }
function index() { if (!$this->auth) { $this->error('401', 'Not authorized to perform this action.'); return; } list($params, $id) = $this->parse_params(func_get_args()); $plugins = $this->parse_plugins(); $db_config = Shutter::get_db_configuration(); switch ($this->method) { case 'delete': $p = new Plugin(); $p->where('id', $id)->get(); if ($p->exists()) { $p->run_plugin_method('after_uninstall', $plugins); $plugin = $p->init($plugins); if ($plugin->database_fields) { $this->load->dbforge(); foreach ($plugin->database_fields as $table => $fields) { $table = $db_config['prefix'] . $table; foreach ($fields as $column => $info) { $this->dbforge->drop_column($table, $column); } } $this->_clear_datamapper_cache(); } $p->delete(); } $this->_compile_plugins(); exit; break; case 'post': $p = new Plugin(); $p->path = $_POST['path']; $p->setup = $p->run_plugin_method('require_setup', $plugins) === false; if ($p->save()) { $plugin = $p->init($plugins); if ($plugin->database_fields) { $this->load->dbforge(); foreach ($plugin->database_fields as $table => $fields) { $table = $db_config['prefix'] . $table; foreach ($fields as $column => $info) { $this->dbforge->add_column($table, array($column => $info)); } } $this->_clear_datamapper_cache(); } $p->run_plugin_method('after_install', $plugins); } $this->_compile_plugins(); $this->redirect('/plugins'); break; case 'put': unset($_POST['_method']); $data = serialize($_POST); $p = new Plugin(); $p->where('id', $id)->get(); $p->save_data($plugins, $_POST); $validate = $p->run_plugin_method('confirm_setup', $plugins, $data); if ($validate === true) { $p->setup = 1; $p->save(); $this->_compile_plugins(); exit; } else { $this->error(400, $validate); return; } break; default: $data = array('plugins' => $plugins); function sortByName($a, $b) { return $a['name'] > $b['name']; } usort($data['plugins'], 'sortByName'); $data['plugins'] = Shutter::filter('api.plugins', array($data['plugins'])); $data['custom_sources'] = Shutter::$custom_sources; $this->set_response_data($data); break; } }
$_FILES = array_map(array('Toolbox', 'clean_cross_side_scripting_deep'), $_FILES); } // Mark if Header is loaded or not : $HEADER_LOADED = false; $FOOTER_LOADED = false; if (isset($AJAX_INCLUDE)) { $HEADER_LOADED = true; } /* On startup, register all plugins configured for use. */ if (!isset($AJAX_INCLUDE) && !isset($PLUGINS_INCLUDED)) { // PLugin already included $PLUGINS_INCLUDED = 1; $LOADED_PLUGINS = array(); $plugin = new Plugin(); if (!isset($_SESSION["glpi_plugins"])) { $plugin->init(); } if (isset($_SESSION["glpi_plugins"]) && is_array($_SESSION["glpi_plugins"])) { //Plugin::doHook("config"); if (count($_SESSION["glpi_plugins"])) { foreach ($_SESSION["glpi_plugins"] as $name) { Plugin::load($name); } } // For plugins which require action after all plugin init Plugin::doHook("post_init"); } } if (!isset($_SESSION["MESSAGE_AFTER_REDIRECT"])) { $_SESSION["MESSAGE_AFTER_REDIRECT"] = ""; }
/** * @see Plugin::init() */ function test_init() { $this->plugin->init(); $this->assertInstanceOf('WP_Widget_Factory', $this->plugin->widget_factory); $this->assertNotFalse(has_action('wp_default_scripts', array($this->plugin, 'register_scripts'))); }
// DEFINED ONLY FOR BACKWARDS SUPPORT - to be taken out before 0.9.0 $__FROG_CONN__ = $__CMS_CONN__; Record::connection($__CMS_CONN__); Record::getConnection()->exec("set names 'utf8'"); Setting::init(); use_helper('I18n'); AuthUser::load(); if (AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) { I18n::setLocale(AuthUser::getRecord()->language); } else { I18n::setLocale(Setting::get('language')); } // Only add the cron web bug when necessary if (defined('USE_POORMANSCRON') && USE_POORMANSCRON && defined('POORMANSCRON_INTERVAL')) { Observer::observe('page_before_execute_layout', 'run_cron'); function run_cron() { $cron = Cron::findByIdFrom('Cron', '1'); $now = time(); $last = $cron->getLastRunTime(); if ($now - $last > POORMANSCRON_INTERVAL) { echo $cron->generateWebBug(); } } } Plugin::init(); // Setup admin routes $admin_routes = array('/' . ADMIN_DIR => Setting::get('default_tab'), '/' . ADMIN_DIR . '/' => Setting::get('default_tab'), '/' . ADMIN_DIR . '/:any' => '$1'); Dispatcher::addRoute($admin_routes); // run everything! require APP_PATH . '/main.php';
if ($response === false) { handle(ERROR_SYSTEM . '00'); } handle('0000{"pid":' . $response . '}'); break; case 'renew': if (!checkAuthority(9)) { handle(ERROR_PERMISSION . '00'); } $currentPlugin = new Plugin(); $currentPlugin->pid = getRequest('pid'); $response = json_decode($currentPlugin->getData(), true); $gitStatus = (int) getRequest('gitStatus'); if (!($gitStatus >= 0 && $gitStatus <= 2)) { $gitStatus = $response['gitStatus']; } $currentPlugin->init($response['uid'], $response['folder'], getRequest('cover'), getRequest('name'), getRequest('author'), getRequest('git'), $gitStatus, (int) getRequest('available')); if (!$currentPlugin->checkVariables()) { handle(ERROR_INPUT . '01'); } $response = $currentPlugin->modify(); if ($response === false) { handle(ERROR_SYSTEM . '00' . '目录名冲突!'); } else { handle('0000'); } break; default: ERROR(ERROR_INPUT . '02', 'Request Error.'); break; }