public function districtbyparishAction() { if ($this->_getParam('term', false)) { $parishes = new Places(); $response = $parishes->getDistrictByParish($this->_getParam('term')); } else { $response = array('id' => NULL, 'term' => 'No parish specified'); } echo Zend_Json::encode($response); }
/** Index page for smrs */ public function indexAction() { $monumentName = $this->_getParam('monumentName'); $county = $this->_getParam('county'); $district = $this->_getParam('district'); $parish = $this->_getParam('parish'); $page = $this->_getParam('page'); $smrs = new ScheduledMonuments(); $this->view->smrs = $smrs->getSmrs($page, $county, $district, $parish, $monumentName); $form = new SAMFilterForm(); $this->view->form = $form; if (!is_null($county)) { $districts = new Places(); $district_list = $districts->getDistrictList($county); $form->district->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => NULL, 'Choose district' => $district_list)); if (!is_null($district)) { $parish_list = $districts->getParishList($district); $form->parish->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => NULL, 'Choose parish' => $parish_list)); } } $form->monumentName->setValue($monumentName); $form->district->setValue($district); $form->parish->setValue($parish); $form->county->setValue($county); if ($this->_request->isPost() && !is_null($this->_getParam('submit'))) { $formData = $this->_request->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($formData)) { $params = array_filter($formData); unset($params['submit']); unset($params['action']); unset($params['controller']); unset($params['module']); unset($params['page']); unset($params['csrf']); $where = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if (!is_null($value)) { $where[] = $key . '/' . urlencode(strip_tags($value)); } } $whereString = implode('/', $where); $query = $whereString; $this->_redirect(self::REDIRECT . 'index/' . $query . '/'); } else { $form->populate($formData); } } }
public function renderDefault() { // vyhledavani if ($this->q) { $this->places->where(" LIKE ? OR LIKE ?", "%" . $this->q . "%", "%" . $this->q . "%"); $this['search']['q']->setDefaultValue($this->q); $this->template->search = TRUE; } else { $this->template->search = FALSE; } switch ($this->what) { case self::UPDATED: $this->places->group('')->having('DATEDIFF(NOW(), subject.changed) < ' . self::TIME_UPDATED); $this->template->what = self::UPDATED; break; case self::RECENT: $this->places->group('')->having('DATEDIFF(NOW(), subject.created) < ' . self::TIME_RECENT); $this->template->what = self::RECENT; break; case self::TOREVIEW: $this->places->group('')->having('subject.reviewed = 0 && subject.deleted = 0 '); $this->template->what = self::TOREVIEW; break; case self::DELETED: $this->template->what = self::DELETED; $this->places->fetchDeleted(); break; default: $this->template->what = self::ALL; } if (!$this->what == self::DELETED) { $this->places->fetchUnDeleted(); } if ($this->orderBy == '' && $this->user->isInRole('administrator')) { $this->orderBy = self::MODIFICATION; } switch ($this->orderBy) { case self::MODIFICATION: $this->places->order('changed DESC, created DESC'); $this->template->orderBy = self::MODIFICATION; break; case self::ALPHABET: default: $this->places->order('name'); $this->template->orderBy = self::ALPHABET; break; } // strankovani $this->pagerPlaces->itemCount = $this->places->count(); $this->places->limit($this->pagerPlaces->getLimit(), $this->pagerPlaces->getOffset()); // vypis $this->template->places = $this->places; }
public function optionsAddClone() { $findspots = new Findspots(); $findspot = $findspots->getLastRecord($this->_getIdentity()); $data = $findspot[0]; $this->_view->form->populate($data); Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('FlashMessenger')->addMessage('Your last record data has been cloned'); if (!is_null($data['county'])) { $districts = new Places(); $district = $districts->getDistrictList($data['county']); if ($district) { $this->_view->form->district->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose district', 'Available districts' => $district)); } if (!is_null($data['district'])) { $parishes = $districts->getParishList($data['district']); $this->_view->form->parish->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose parish', 'Available parishes' => $parishes)); } if (!is_null($data['county'])) { $cnts = new Counties(); $region_list = $cnts->getRegionsList($data['county']); $this->_view->form->regionID->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose region', 'Available regions' => $region_list)); } } if (!is_null($data['landusevalue'])) { $landcodes = new Landuses(); $landusecode_options = $landcodes->getLandusesChildList($data['landusevalue']); $this->_view->form->landusecode->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose code', 'Available landuses' => $landusecode_options)); } if (!is_null($findspot['landowner'])) { $finders = new Peoples(); $finders = $finders->getName($findspot['landowner']); foreach ($finders as $finder) { $form->landownername->setValue($finder['term']); } } }
/** * This method will do main work. */ public function start($task) { /* Start task and set timeout */ $task->status = 'in-progress'; $task->dead_time = new \DateTime('now +' . $this->deadTime . ' seconds'); $task->save(); $task->refresh(); /* Do work */ $places = Places::find()->approved()->all(); foreach ($places as $place) { $place->importFromFacebook(); } /* Finish task */ $task->status = 'finished'; return true; }
public function actionDelete($id) { $place = Places::model()->findByPk($id); if (null === $place) { $this->_sendResponse(404, CJSON::encode(array('message' => 'Could not find place with id = ' . $id))); return; } if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('deletePlace', array('place' => $place))) { $this->_sendResponse(403); return; } if ($place->delete()) { $this->_sendResponse(200, CJSON::encode($place)); } else { $this->_sendResponse(500, CJSON::encode(array('message' => 'Could not delete place', 'errors' => $place->getErrors()))); } }
* @license LGPL * @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE## */ /** Error reporting */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE); define('EOL', PHP_SAPI == 'cli' ? PHP_EOL : '<br />'); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); /** PHPExcel_IOFactory */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/PHPExcel/Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php'; require_once 'libs/config.php'; //Archivo con configuraciones. $system = System::singleton(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/libs/apps/places/class.places.php'; $places = new Places(); echo date('H:i:s'), " Load from Excel5 template", EOL; $objReader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader('Excel5'); $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load("includes/template.xls"); echo date('H:i:s'), " Add new data to the template", EOL; $data = $places->previewReport(null, 0); echo "<pre>"; print_r($data['message'][0]); echo "</pre>"; /*$data = array(array('cpro_dgc' => 'Excel for dummies', 'price' => 17.99, 'quantity' => 2 ), array('title' => 'PHP for dummies', 'price' => 15.99, 'quantity' => 1
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/Places.php'; session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION['list_of_city_info'])) { $_SESSION['list_of_city_info'] = array(); } $app = new Silex\Application(); $app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array('twig.path' => __DIR__ . '/../views')); $app->get("/", function () use($app) { return $app['twig']->render('content.html.twig', array('content' => Places::getAll())); }); $app->post("/Place_Info", function () use($app) { $place = new Places($_POST['Place_Name'], $_POST['Stay_Time']); $place->save(); return $app['twig']->render('create_place.html.twig', array('newplace' => $place)); }); return $app;
/** Edit crime details * @todo messy rewrite */ public function editAction() { if ($this->_getParam('id', false)) { $form = new HeritageCrimeForm(); $form->submit->setLabel('Update crime'); $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $formData = $this->_request->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($formData)) { $ngr = $form->getValue('gridref'); if (!is_null($ngr) || $ngr != "") { $results = $this->GridCalc($ngr); $fourFigure = $this->FourFigure($ngr); $place = new Pas_Service_Geo_Geoplanet($this->_appid); $findelevation = $place->getElevation(NULL, $results['Latitude'], $results['Longitude']); $findwoeid = $place->reverseGeoCode($results['Latitude'], $results['Longitude']); $elevation = $findelevation['elevation']; $woeid = $findwoeid['woeid']; } else { $elevation = NULL; $woeid = NULL; } $updateData = array('subject' => $form->getValue('subject'), 'reporterID' => $form->getValue('reporterID'), 'incidentDate' => $form->getValue('incidentDate'), 'crimeType' => $form->getValue('crimeType'), 'gridref' => $form->getValue('gridref'), 'latitude' => $results['Latitude'], 'longitude' => $results['Longitude'], 'easting' => $results['Easting'], 'northing' => $results['Northing'], 'map10k' => $results['Tenk'], 'map25k' => $results['2pt5K'], 'fourFigure' => $fourFigure, 'description' => $form->getValue('description'), 'updated' => $this->getTimeForForms(), 'updatedBy' => $this->getIdentityForForms(), 'woeid' => $woeid, 'elevation' => $elevation, 'samID' => $form->getValue('samID'), 'evaluation' => $form->getValue('evaluation'), 'reliability' => $form->getValue('reliability'), 'county' => $form->getValue('county'), 'district' => $form->getValue('district'), 'parish' => $form->getValue('parish'), 'intellEvaluation' => $form->getValue('intellEvaluation'), 'reportSubject' => $form->getValue('reportSubject'), 'subjectDetails' => $form->getValue('subjectDetails'), 'reportingPerson' => $form->getValue('reportingPerson')); foreach ($updateData as $key => $value) { if (is_null($value) || $value == "") { $updateData[$key] = NULL; } } $where = array(); $where[] = $this->_crimes->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $this->_getParam('id')); $this->_crimes->update($updateData, $where); $returnID = $this->_getParam('id'); $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage('Crime details updated!'); $this->_redirect(self::REDIRECT . 'crime/id/' . $returnID); } else { $id = (int) $this->_request->getParam('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { $crime = $this->_crimes->getCrime($this->_getParam('id')); if (!is_null($crime['0']['county'])) { $districts = new Places(); $district_list = $districts->getDistrictList($crime['0']['county']); $form->district->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose district', 'Available districts' => $district_list)); if (!is_null($crime['0']['district'])) { $parish_list = $districts->getParishList($crime['0']['district']); $form->parish->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose parish', 'Available parishes' => $parish_list)); } } $form->populate($formData); } } } else { $id = (int) $this->_request->getParam('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { $crime = $this->_crimes->getCrime($this->_getParam('id')); if (!is_null($crime['0']['county'])) { $districts = new Places(); $district_list = $districts->getDistrictList($crime['0']['county']); $form->district->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose district', 'Available districts' => $district_list)); if (!is_null($crime['0']['district'])) { $parish_list = $districts->getParishList($crime['0']['district']); $form->parish->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => 'Choose parish', 'Available parishes' => $parish_list)); } } $form->populate($crime['0']); } } } else { throw new Exception($this->_missingParameter); } }
/** * Use this to calculate the distance of a zipcode's central point to some lat/long pair * @param {double} $lat * @param {double} $long */ function distanceToZipcode($zipcode) { return Places::distance($this->latitude, $this->longitude, $zipcode->latitude, $zipcode->longitude); }
/** * Fetch (and create, if necessary) stream on which messages are posted relating * to things happening a given number of $miles around the given location. * @method stream * @static * @param {double} $latitude The latitude of the coordinates to search around * @param {double} $longitude The longitude of the coordinates to search around * @param {double} $miles The radius, in miles, around this location. * Should be one of the array values in the Places/nearby/miles config. * @param {string} $publisherId The id of the publisher to publish this stream * Defaults to the app name in Q/app config. * @param {string} $streamName The name of the stream to create. * Defaults to Places_Nearby::streamName($latitude, $longitude, $miles). * @return {Streams_Stream} Returns the stream object that was created or fetched. */ static function stream($latitude, $longitude, $miles, $publisherId = null, $streamName = null) { list($latitude, $longGrid) = Places::quantize($latitude, $longitude, $miles); $zipcodes = Places_Zipcode::nearby($latitude, $longitude, $miles, 1); if (!isset($publisherId)) { $publisherId = Users::communityId(); } if (!isset($streamName)) { $streamName = self::streamName($latitude, $longitude, $miles); } if ($stream = Streams::fetchOne(null, $publisherId, $streamName)) { return $stream; } $zipcode = $zipcodes ? reset($zipcodes) : null; $attributes = compact('latitude', 'longitude'); if ($zipcode) { foreach (array('zipcode', 'placeName', 'state') as $attr) { $attributes[$attr] = $zipcode->{$attr}; } } $stream = Streams::create($publisherId, $publisherId, 'Places/nearby', array('name' => $streamName, 'title' => $zipcode ? "Nearby ({$latitude}, {$longitude}): {$zipcode->placeName}, zipcode {$zipcode->zipcode}" : "Nearby ({$latitude}, {$longitude})", 'attributes' => Q::json_encode($attributes))); return $stream; }
/** * Fetch a stream on which messages are posted relating to things happening * a given number of $miles around the given location. * If it doesn't exist, create it. * @method stream * @static * @param {double} $latitude The latitude of the coordinates to search around * @param {double} $longitude The longitude of the coordinates to search around * @param {double} $miles The radius, in miles, around this location. * Should be one of the array values in the Places/nearby/miles config. * @param {string} $publisherId The id of the publisher to publish this stream * Defaults to the app name in Q/app config. * @param {string} $streamName The name of the stream to create. * Defaults to Places_Nearby::streamName($latitude, $longitude, $miles). * @return {Streams_Stream} Returns the stream object that was created or fetched. */ static function stream($latitude, $longitude, $miles, $publisherId = null, $streamName = null) { list($latitude, $longGrid) = Places::quantize($latitude, $longitude, $miles); $zipcodes = Places_Zipcode::nearby($latitude, $longitude, $miles, 1); if (!isset($publisherId)) { $publisherId = Q_Config::expect('Q', 'app'); } if (!isset($streamName)) { $streamName = self::streamName($latitude, $longitude, $miles); } if ($stream = Streams::fetchOne(null, $publisherId, $streamName)) { return $stream; } $zipcode = $zipcodes ? reset($zipcodes) : null; $stream = new Streams_Stream(); $stream->publisherId = $publisherId; $stream->name = $streamName; $stream->type = "Places/nearby"; $stream->title = $zipcode ? "Nearby ({$latitude}, {$longitude}): {$zipcode->placeName}, zipcode {$zipcode->zipcode}" : "Nearby ({$latitude}, {$longitude})"; $stream->setAttribute('latitude', $latitude); $stream->setAttribute('longitude', $longitude); if ($zipcode) { $stream->setAttribute('zipcode', $zipcode->zipcode); $stream->setAttribute('placeName', $zipcode->placeName); $stream->setAttribute('state', $zipcode->state); } $stream->save(); return $stream; }
<?php $words = new MOD_words(); $thumbPathMember = MOD_layoutbits::PIC_30_30($_SESSION['Username'], '', $style = 'float_left framed'); //$imagePathMember = MOD_user::getImage(); $_newMessagesNumber = $this->model->getNewMessagesNumber($_SESSION['IdMember']); if ($_newMessagesNumber > 0) { $_mainPageNewMessagesMessage = $words->getFormatted('MainPageNewMessages', $_newMessagesNumber); } $LayoutBits = new MOD_layoutbits(); $ShowDonateBar = $LayoutBits->getParams('ToggleDonateBar'); $notify_widget = new NotifyMemberWidget(); $notify_widget->model = new NotifyModel(); $notify_widget->items_per_page = 4; $inbox_widget = new MailboxWidget_Personalstart(); $inbox_widget->model = new MessagesModel(); $inbox_widget->items_per_page = 4; $Trip = new Trip(); $TripcallbackId = $Trip->createProcess(); $editing = false; $Places = new Places(); $Countries = $Places->getAllCountries();
public function indexAction() { $this->view->headTitle('Welcome'); $placeFinder = new Places(); $this->view->places = $placeFinder->fetchLatest(); }
function __construct() { header('Content-Type: application/json'); require_once 'libs/config.php'; //Archivo con configuraciones. $this->_system = System::singleton(); //contiene objeto system $_POST = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); require_once 'libs/apps/places/class.places.php'; $places = new Places(); $what = empty($_POST['what']) ? null : $_POST['what']; $token = empty($_POST['token']) ? null : $_POST['token']; if ($token === session_id()) { if ($what === "LIST_PROVINCES") { $data = array(); $provinces = $places->listProvinces($data); echo json_encode($provinces); } else { if ($what === "LIST_TOWNS") { $id_province = empty($_POST['id']) ? 0 : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['id']); $towns = $places->listTowns($id_province); echo json_encode($towns); } else { if ($what === "LIST_TOWNS_FROM_NAME") { $town_name = empty($_POST['town_name']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_name']); $section = empty($_POST['section']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['section']); $towns = $places->listTownsFromName($town_name, $section); echo json_encode($towns); } else { if ($what === "TOWN_INFO") { $id_town = empty($_POST['id']) ? 0 : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['id']); $town_name = empty($_POST['town_name']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_name']); $town = $places->getTownInfo($id_town, $town_name); echo json_encode($town); } else { if ($what === "UPDATE_TOWN") { if ((int) $_SESSION['update'] === 1) { $id_town = empty($_POST['id_town']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['id_town']); $town_water_provider = empty($_POST['town_water_provider']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_water_provider']); $town_w_contract_init = empty($_POST['town_w_contract_init']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_w_contract_init']); $town_w_contract_end = empty($_POST['town_w_contract_end']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_w_contract_end']); $town_sanity_provider = empty($_POST['town_sanity_provider']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_sanity_provider']); $town_s_contract_init = empty($_POST['town_s_contract_init']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_s_contract_init']); $town_s_contract_end = empty($_POST['town_s_contract_end']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_s_contract_end']); $town_observations = empty($_POST['town_observations']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_observations']); $town_govern = empty($_POST['town_govern']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['town_govern']); $prox_prorroga = empty($_POST['prox_prorroga']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['prox_prorroga']); $prox_concurso = empty($_POST['prox_concurso']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['prox_concurso']); $fut_prorroga = empty($_POST['fut_prorroga']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['fut_prorroga']); $cartera = empty($_POST['cartera']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cartera']); $neg_2016 = empty($_POST['neg_2016']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_2016']); $neg_2017 = empty($_POST['neg_2017']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_2017']); $neg_2018 = empty($_POST['neg_2018']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_2018']); $inv_2016 = empty($_POST['inv_2016']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_2016']); $inv_2017 = empty($_POST['inv_2017']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_2017']); $inv_2018 = empty($_POST['inv_2018']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_2018']); $inv_resto = empty($_POST['inv_resto']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_resto']); $neg_resto = empty($_POST['neg_resto']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_resto']); $inv_total = empty($_POST['inv_total']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_total']); $cmun5_ine = empty($_POST['cmun5_ine']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cmun5_ine']); $data = array('sub_aqp' => $town_water_provider, 'sub_cla' => $town_sanity_provider, 'gobierno' => $town_govern, 'observaciones' => $town_observations); $dataConcesion = array('prox_prorroga' => $prox_prorroga, 'prox_concurso' => $prox_concurso, 'fut_prorroga' => $fut_prorroga, 'cartera' => $cartera, 'neg_2016' => $neg_2016, 'neg_2017' => $neg_2017, 'neg_2018' => $neg_2018, 'inv_2016' => $inv_2016, 'inv_2017' => $inv_2017, 'inv_2018' => $inv_2018, 'inv_resto' => $inv_resto, 'neg_resto' => $neg_resto, 'inv_total' => $inv_total); if ($town_w_contract_init) { $data['ap_data_ini'] = $town_w_contract_init; } if ($town_w_contract_end) { $data['ap_data_fi'] = $town_w_contract_end; } if ($town_s_contract_init) { $data['cla_data_ini'] = $town_s_contract_init; } if ($town_s_contract_end) { $data['cla_data_fi'] = $town_s_contract_end; } if ($id_town) { $town = $places->updateTown($data, $id_town); $concesion = $places->updateConcesion($dataConcesion, $cmun5_ine); echo json_encode($town); } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Failed", "message" => "id_town can't be null", "code" => 501)); } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Failed", "message" => "Permission denied. User can't update", "code" => 501)); } } else { if ($what === "PREVIEW_REPORT") { $cpro_dgc = empty($_POST['cpro_dgc']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cpro_dgc']); $area_km2 = empty($_POST['area_km2']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['area_km2']); $habitantes = empty($_POST['habitantes']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['habitantes']); $sub_aqp = empty($_POST['sub_aqp']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['sub_aqp']); $ap_data_ini = empty($_POST['ap_data_ini']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['ap_data_ini']); $ap_data_fi = empty($_POST['ap_data_fi']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['ap_data_fi']); $sub_cla = empty($_POST['sub_cla']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['sub_cla']); $cla_data_ini = empty($_POST['cla_data_ini']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cla_data_ini']); $cla_data_fi = empty($_POST['cla_data_fi']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cla_data_fi']); $prox_concurso = empty($_POST['prox_concurso']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['prox_concurso']); $fut_prorroga = empty($_POST['fut_prorroga']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['fut_prorroga']); $cartera = empty($_POST['cartera']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cartera']); $neg_2016 = empty($_POST['neg_2016']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_2016']); $neg_2017 = empty($_POST['neg_2017']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_2017']); $neg_2018 = empty($_POST['neg_2018']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_2018']); $neg_resto = empty($_POST['neg_resto']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['neg_resto']); $inv_2016 = empty($_POST['inv_2016']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_2016']); $inv_2017 = empty($_POST['inv_2017']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_2017']); $inv_2018 = empty($_POST['inv_2018']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_2018']); $inv_resto = empty($_POST['inv_resto']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_resto']); $inv_total = empty($_POST['inv_total']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['inv_total']); $createFile = empty($_POST['createFile']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['createFile']); $limit = empty($_POST['limit']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['limit']); $data = array('cpro_dgc' => $cpro_dgc, 'habitantes' => $habitantes, 'area_km2' => $area_km2, 'sub_aqp' => $sub_aqp, 'ap_data_ini' => $ap_data_ini, 'ap_data_fi' => $ap_data_fi, 'sub_cla' => $sub_cla, 'cla_data_ini' => $cla_data_ini, 'cla_data_fi' => $cla_data_fi, 'prox_concurso' => $prox_concurso, 'fut_prorroga' => $fut_prorroga, 'cartera' => $cartera, 'neg_2016' => $neg_2016, 'neg_2017' => $neg_2017, 'neg_2018' => $neg_2018, 'neg_resto' => $neg_resto, 'inv_2016' => $inv_2016, 'inv_2017' => $inv_2017, 'inv_2018' => $inv_2018, 'inv_resto' => $inv_resto, 'inv_total' => $inv_total); $report = $places->previewReport($data, $createFile, $limit); echo json_encode($report); } else { if ($what === "CREATE_REPORT") { // $id_province = (empty($_POST['province_id'])) ? 0 : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['province_id']); // $report = $places->createReport($id_province); // echo json_encode($report); } else { if ($what === "GET_TOWN_EXTRA_INFO") { $cmun5_ine = empty($_POST['cmun5_ine']) ? null : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['cmun5_ine']); $extra = $places->getExtraInfoFromTown($cmun5_ine); echo json_encode($extra); } else { if ($what === "ADD_NOTE") { $municipio_id = empty($_POST['municipio_id']) ? 0 : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['municipio_id']); $mensaje = empty($_POST['mensaje']) ? 0 : $this->_system->nohacker($_POST['mensaje']); $data = array("mensaje" => $mensaje, "municipio_id" => $municipio_id, "user_id" => $_SESSION['id']); $extra = $places->addNote($data); echo json_encode($extra); } } } } } } } } } } else { echo json_encode(array("status" => "Failed", "message" => "Cross site injection detected", "code" => 501)); } }
/** Edit individual rally details */ public function editAction() { if ($this->_getParam('id', false)) { $form = new RallyForm(); $form->submit->setLabel('Update details'); $this->view->form = $form; if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $formData = $this->_request->getPost(); if ($form->isValid($formData)) { $results = $this->GridCalc($form->getValue('gridref')); $fourFigure = $this->FourFigure($form->getValue('gridref')); $updateData = array('rally_name' => $form->getValue('rally_name'), 'organiser' => $form->getValue('organiser'), 'county' => $form->getValue('county'), 'district' => $form->getValue('district'), 'parish' => $form->getValue('parish'), 'gridref' => $form->getValue('gridref'), 'easting' => $results['Easting'], 'northing' => $results['Northing'], 'latitude' => $results['Latitude'], 'longitude' => $results['Longitude'], 'map10k' => $results['Tenk'], 'map25k' => $results['2pt5K'], 'fourFigure' => $fourFigure, 'comments' => $form->getValue('comments'), 'record_method' => $form->getValue('record_method'), 'date_from' => $form->getValue('date_from'), 'date_to' => $form->getValue('date_to'), 'updated' => $this->getTimeForForms(), 'updatedBy' => $this->getIdentityForForms()); $where = array(); $where[] = $this->_rallies->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $this->_getParam('id')); $update = $this->_rallies->update($updateData, $where); $this->_cache->remove('rallydd'); $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage('Rally information updated!'); $this->_redirect(self::URL . 'rally/id/' . $this->_getParam('id')); } else { if (!is_null($formData['district'])) { $districts = new Places(); $district_list = $districts->getDistrictList($formData['county']); $form->district->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => NULL, 'Choose district' => $district_list)); $parish_list = $districts->getParishList($formData['district']); $form->parish->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => NULL, 'Choose parish' => $parish_list)); } $form->populate($formData); } } else { // find id is expected in $params['id'] $id = (int) $this->_request->getParam('id', 0); if ($id > 0) { $rallies = new Rallies(); $rally = $rallies->fetchRow('id=' . $id); if (count($rally)) { $form->populate($rally->toArray()); } else { throw new Exception($this->_nothingFound); } if (!is_null($rally['district'])) { $districts = new Places(); $district_list = $districts->getDistrictList($rally['county']); $form->district->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => NULL, 'Choose district' => $district_list)); $parish_list = $districts->getParishList($rally['district']); $form->parish->addMultiOptions(array(NULL => NULL, 'Choose parish' => $parish_list)); } if (!is_null($rally['organiser'])) { $organisers = new Peoples(); $organisers = $organisers->getName($rally['organiser']); foreach ($organisers as $organiser) { $form->organisername->setValue($organiser['term']); } } } } } else { throw new Exception($this->_missingParameter); } }
function Places_autocomplete_response_results() { $r = Q::take($_REQUEST, array('input' => '', 'types' => null, 'latitude' => null, 'longitude' => null, 'miles' => 25)); return Places::autocomplete($r['input'], true, $r['types'], $r['latitude'], $r['longitude'], $r['miles']); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/../src/Places.php"; session_start(); if (empty($_SESSION['list_of_places'])) { $_SESSION['list_of_places'] = array(); } $app = new Silex\Application(); $app['debug'] = true; $app->register(new Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array('twig.path' => __DIR__ . '/../views')); $app->get("/", function () use($app) { return $app['twig']->render('places.html.twig', array('places' => Places::getAll())); }); $app->post("/places", function () use($app) { $places = new Places($_POST['place'], $_POST['duration']); $places->save(); return $app['twig']->render('create_place.html.twig', array('newplace' => $places)); }); $app->post("/delete_place", function () use($app) { Places::deleteAll(); return $app['twig']->render('delete_place.html.twig'); }); return $app;