function post_queue_u_update($job) { global $globals; // If the u_update job was an unsuspend request, re-adds the redirection // to the Google Apps delivery address, provided the account is active (it might // have been deleted between the unsuspension and the post-queue processing). $parameters = json_decode($job['j_parameters'], true); $username = isset($parameters['username']) ? $parameters['username'] : null; if (!($user = User::getSilent($username))) { return; } if (isset($parameters['suspended']) && $parameters['suspended'] == false) { require_once ''; $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user); if ($account->active()) { // Re-adds the email redirection (if the user did request it). if ($account->activate_mail_redirection) { Email::activate_storage($user, 'googleapps'); } // Sends an email to the account owner. $mailer = new PlMailer('googleapps/unsuspend.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('account', $account); $mailer->assign('email', $user->bestEmail()); $mailer->assign('prenom', $user->displayName()); $mailer->assign('sexe', $user->isFemale()); $mailer->send(); } } }
public function handler_admin_nl_enable($page) { global $globals; $nl = $this->getNl(); if ($nl) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } if (Post::has('title')) { if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } XDB::execute('INSERT INTO newsletters SET group_id = {?}, name = {?}', $globals->asso('id'), Post::s('title')); $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->assign('group', $globals->asso('nom')); $mailer->assign('user', S::user()); $mailer->send(); $page->trigSuccessRedirect("La lettre d'informations du groupe " . $globals->asso('nom') . " a bien été créée", $globals->asso('shortname') . '/admin/nl'); } $page->setTitle('Activation de la newsletter'); $page->changeTpl('newsletter/enable.tpl'); }
function send_robot_homonym(PlUser $user, $email) { $cc = "validation+homonyme@" . Platal::globals()->mail->domain; $from = "\"Support\" <{$cc}>"; $body = Post::has('mailbody') ? Post::t('mailbody') : get_robot_mail_text($user, $email); $user = User::getSilentWithUID($user->id()); $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setFrom($from); $mymail->setSubject("Mise en place du robot {$email}@" . $user->mainEmailDomain()); $mymail->addCc($cc); $mymail->setTxtBody($body); $mymail->sendTo($user); }
function handler_broken_addr($page) { require_once ''; $page->changeTpl('emails/broken_addr.tpl'); if (Env::has('sort_broken')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $list = trim(Env::v('list')); if ($list == '') { $page->trigError('La liste est vide.'); } else { $valid_emails = array(); $invalid_emails = array(); $broken_list = explode("\n", $list); sort($broken_list); foreach ($broken_list as $orig_email) { $orig_email = trim($orig_email); if ($orig_email != '') { $email = valide_email($orig_email); if (empty($email) || $email == '@') { $invalid_emails[] = trim($orig_email) . ': invalid email'; } elseif (!in_array($email, $valid_emails)) { $nb = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?}', $email); if ($nb > 0) { $valid_emails[] = $email; } else { $invalid_emails[] = $orig_email . ': no such redirection'; } } } } $page->assign('valid_emails', $valid_emails); $page->assign('invalid_emails', $invalid_emails); } } if (Env::has('process_broken')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $list = trim(Env::v('list')); if ($list == '') { $page->trigError('La liste est vide.'); } else { require_once ''; $broken_user_list = array(); $broken_user_email_count = array(); $broken_user_profiles = array(); $broken_list = explode("\n", $list); sort($broken_list); foreach ($broken_list as $email) { $email = trim($email); $userobj = null; if ($user = mark_broken_email($email, true)) { $userobj = User::getSilentWithUID($user['uid']); } if (is_null($userobj)) { continue; } $profile = $userobj->profile(); if (is_null($profile)) { continue; } if ($user['nb_mails'] > 0 && $user['notify']) { $mail = new PlMailer('emails/broken.mail.tpl'); $mail->setTo($userobj); $mail->assign('user', $user); $mail->assign('email', $email); $mail->send(); } else { WatchProfileUpdate::register($profile, 'broken'); } $pid = $profile->id(); if (!isset($broken_user_list[$pid])) { $broken_user_list[$pid] = array($email); } else { $broken_user_list[$pid][] = $email; } $broken_user_email_count[$pid] = $user['nb_mails']; $broken_user_profiles[$pid] = $profile; } XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET broken_level = broken_level - 1 WHERE flags = \'active\' AND broken_level > 1 AND DATE_ADD(last, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) < CURDATE()'); XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET broken_level = 0 WHERE flags = \'active\' AND broken_level = 1 AND DATE_ADD(last, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) < CURDATE()'); // Sort $broken_user_list with (promo, sortname, pid) $sortable_array = array(); foreach ($broken_user_list as $pid => $mails) { $profile = $broken_user_profiles[$pid]; $sortable_array[$pid] = array($profile->promo(), $profile->sortName(), $pid); } asort($sortable_array); // Output the list of users with recently broken addresses, // along with the count of valid redirections. pl_cached_content_headers('text/x-csv', null, 1, 'broken.csv'); $csv = fopen('php://output', 'w'); fputcsv($csv, array('nom', 'promo', 'bounces', 'nbmails', 'url', 'corps', 'job', 'networking'), ';'); $corpsList = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::CURRENTCORPS); foreach (array_keys($sortable_array) as $pid) { $mails = $broken_user_list[$pid]; $profile = $broken_user_profiles[$pid]; $current_corps = $profile->getCorpsName(); $jobs = $profile->getJobs(); $companies = array(); foreach ($jobs as $job) { $companies[] = $job->company->name; } $networkings = $profile->getNetworking(Profile::NETWORKING_ALL); $networking_list = array(); foreach ($networkings as $networking) { $networking_list[] = $networking['address']; } fputcsv($csv, array($profile->fullName(), $profile->promo(), join(',', $mails), $broken_user_email_count[$pid], '' . $profile->hrid(), $current_corps, implode(',', $companies), implode(',', $networking_list)), ';'); } fclose($csv); exit; } } }
/** Schedule a mailing of this NL * If the 'send_before' field was NULL, it is set to the current time. * @return Boolean Whether the date could be set (false if trying to schedule an already sent NL) */ public function scheduleMailing() { if ($this->state == self::STATE_NEW) { $success = XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter_issues SET state = \'pending\', send_before = IFNULL(send_before, NOW()) WHERE id = {?}', $this->id); if ($success) { global $globals; $mailer = new PlMailer('newsletter/notify_scheduled.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('issue', $this); $mailer->assign('base', $globals->baseurl); $mailer->send(); $this->refresh(); } return $success; } else { return false; } }
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ require_once ''; require_once 'plmailer.php'; require_once ''; ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); $uids = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM watch WHERE FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', flags) ORDER BY uid'); $iterator = User::iterOverUIDs($uids->fetchColumn()); while ($user = $iterator->next()) { $watch = new Watch($user); if ($watch->count() > 0) { $notifs = $watch->events(); $mailer = new PlMailer('carnet/notif.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('sex', $user->isFemale()); $mailer->assign('yourself', $user->display_name); $mailer->assign('week', date('W - Y')); $mailer->assign('notifs', $notifs); $mailer->sendTo($user); unset($mailer); unset($notifs); } unset($watch); unset($user); } XDB::execute("UPDATE watch_profile\n SET ts = NOW()\n WHERE field = 'broken'"); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_profile WHERE ts < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 15 DAY)'); // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ require_once ''; require_once 'plmailer.php'; $limit = 60; $users = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT a.uid, a.hruid, r.hash, r.group_name, r.sender_name, FROM register_pending_xnet AS r INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (r.uid = a.uid) WHERE a.state = \'disabled\' ORDER BY, a.uid'); $mailer = new PlMailer('xnet/account.mail.tpl'); $mailer->addCc('*****@*****.**'); $i = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $mailer->setTo($user['email']); $mailer->assign('hash', $user['hash']); $mailer->assign('email', $user['email']); $mailer->assign('group', $user['group_name']); $mailer->assign('sender_name', $user['sender_name']); $mailer->assign('again', false); $mailer->assign('baseurl', Platal::globals()->baseurl); $mailer->send(); XDB::execute('UPDATE accounts SET state = \'pending\' WHERE uid = {?}', $user['uid']); if ($i == $limit) {
function handler_recovery_ext($page) { $page->changeTpl('xnet/recovery.tpl'); if (!Post::has('login')) { return; } $user = User::getSilent(Post::t('login')); if (is_null($user)) { $page->trigError('Le compte n\'existe pas.'); return; } if ($user->state != 'active') { $page->trigError('Ton compte n\'est pas activé.'); return; } $page->assign('ok', true); $hash = rand_url_id(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO account_lost_passwords (uid, created, certificat) VALUES ({?}, NOW(), {?})', $user->id(), $hash); $mymail = new PlMailer('platal/password_recovery_xnet.mail.tpl'); $mymail->setTo($user); $mymail->assign('hash', $hash); $mymail->assign('email', Post::t('login')); $mymail->send(); S::logger($user->id())->log('recovery', $user->bestEmail()); }
function finishRegistration($subState) { global $globals; $hash = rand_url_id(12); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO register_pending (uid, forlife, bestalias, mailorg2, password, email, date, relance, naissance, hash, services) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), 0, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password=VALUES(password), email=VALUES(email), date=VALUES(date), naissance=VALUES(naissance), hash=VALUES(hash), services=VALUES(services)', $subState->i('uid'), $subState->s('forlife'), $subState->s('bestalias'), $subState->s('emailXorg2'), $subState->s('password'), $subState->s('email'), $subState->s('birthdate'), $hash, implode(',', $subState->v('services'))); $mymail = new PlMailer('register/end.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('emailXorg', $subState->s('bestalias')); $mymail->assign('to', $subState->s('email')); $mymail->assign('baseurl', $globals->baseurl); $mymail->assign('hash', $hash); $mymail->assign('subject', ucfirst($globals->mail->domain) . ' : ' . $subState->s('bestalias')); $mymail->send(); }
function handler_user($page, $login = false) { global $globals; $page->changeTpl('admin/user.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Compte'); if (S::suid()) { $page->kill("Déjà en SUID !!!"); } // Loads the user identity using the environment. if ($login) { $user = User::get($login); } if (empty($user)) { pl_redirect('admin/accounts'); } $listClient = new MMList(S::user()); $login = $user->login(); $registered = $user->state != 'pending'; // Form processing if (!empty($_POST)) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (Post::has('uid') && Post::i('uid') != $user->id()) { $page->kill('Une erreur s\'est produite'); } } // Handles specific requests (AX sync, su, ...). if (Post::has('log_account')) { pl_redirect("admin/logger?loguser={$login}&year=" . date('Y') . "&month=" . date('m')); } if (Post::has('su_account') && $registered) { if (!Platal::session()->startSUID($user)) { $page->trigError('Impossible d\'effectuer un SUID sur ' . $user->login()); } else { pl_redirect(""); } } // Handles account deletion. if (Post::has('account_deletion_confirmation')) { $uid = $user->id(); $name = $user->fullName(); $profile = $user->profile(); if ($profile && Post::b('clear_profile')) { $user->profile()->clear(); } $user->clear(true); $page->trigSuccess("L'utilisateur {$name} ({$uid}) a bien été désinscrit."); if (Post::b('erase_account')) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', $uid); $page->trigSuccess("L'utilisateur {$name} ({$uid}) a été supprimé de la base de données"); } } // Account Form {{{ require_once ''; $to_update = array(); if (Post::has('disable_weak_access')) { $to_update['weak_password'] = null; } else { if (Post::has('update_account')) { if (!$user->hasProfile()) { require_once ''; $name_update = false; $lastname = capitalize_name(Post::t('lastname')); $firstname = capitalize_name(Post::t('firstname')); if ($lastname != $user->lastname) { $to_update['lastname'] = $lastname; $name_update = true; } if (Post::s('type') != 'virtual' && $firstname != $user->firstname) { $to_update['firstname'] = $firstname; $name_update = true; } if ($name_update) { if (Post::s('type') == 'virtual') { $firstname = ''; } $to_update['full_name'] = build_full_name($firstname, $lastname); $to_update['directory_name'] = build_directory_name($firstname, $lastname); $to_update['sort_name'] = build_sort_name($firstname, $lastname); } if (Post::s('display_name') != $user->displayName()) { $to_update['display_name'] = Post::s('display_name'); } } if (Post::s('sex') != ($user->isFemale() ? 'female' : 'male')) { $to_update['sex'] = Post::s('sex'); if ($user->hasProfile()) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles SET sex = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', Post::s('sex'), $user->profile()->id()); } } if (!Post::blank('pwhash')) { $to_update['password'] = Post::s('pwhash'); require_once ''; $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user); if ($account->active() && $account->sync_password) { $account->set_password(Post::s('pwhash')); } } if (!Post::blank('weak_password')) { $to_update['weak_password'] = Post::s('weak_password'); } if (Post::i('token_access', 0) != ($user->token_access ? 1 : 0)) { $to_update['token'] = Post::i('token_access') ? rand_url_id(16) : null; } if (Post::i('skin') != $user->skin) { $to_update['skin'] = Post::i('skin'); if ($to_update['skin'] == 0) { $to_update['skin'] = null; } } if (Post::s('state') != $user->state) { $to_update['state'] = Post::s('state'); } if (Post::i('is_admin', 0) != ($user->is_admin ? 1 : 0)) { $to_update['is_admin'] = Post::b('is_admin'); } if (Post::s('type') != $user->type) { $to_update['type'] = Post::s('type'); } if (Post::i('watch', 0) != ($user->watch ? 1 : 0)) { $to_update['flags'] = new PlFlagset(); $to_update['flags']->addFlag('watch', Post::i('watch')); } if (Post::t('comment') != $user->comment) { $to_update['comment'] = Post::blank('comment') ? null : Post::t('comment'); } $new_email = strtolower(Post::t('email')); if (require_email_update($user, $new_email)) { $to_update['email'] = $new_email; $listClient->change_user_email($user->forlifeEmail(), $new_email); update_alias_user($user->forlifeEmail(), $new_email); } } } if (!empty($to_update)) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', $user->id()); $oldValues = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); $oldValues = $oldValues[0]; $set = array(); $diff = array(); foreach ($to_update as $k => $value) { $value = XDB::format('{?}', $value); $set[] = $k . ' = ' . $value; $diff[$k] = array($oldValues[$k], trim($value, "'")); unset($oldValues[$k]); } XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE accounts SET ' . implode(', ', $set) . ' WHERE uid = ' . XDB::format('{?}', $user->id())); $page->trigSuccess('Données du compte mise à jour avec succès'); $user = User::getWithUID($user->id()); /* Formats the $diff and send it to the site administrators. The rules are the folowing: * -formats: password, token, weak_password */ foreach (array('password', 'token', 'weak_password') as $key) { if (isset($diff[$key])) { $diff[$key] = array('old value', 'new value'); } else { $oldValues[$key] = 'old value'; } } $mail = new PlMailer('admin/useredit.mail.tpl'); $mail->assign('admin', S::user()->hruid); $mail->assign('hruid', $user->hruid); $mail->assign('diff', $diff); $mail->assign('oldValues', $oldValues); $mail->send(); } // }}} // Profile form {{{ if (Post::has('add_profile') || Post::has('del_profile') || Post::has('owner')) { if (Post::i('del_profile', 0) != 0) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM account_profiles WHERE uid = {?} AND pid = {?}', $user->id(), Post::i('del_profile')); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profiles WHERE pid = {?}', Post::i('del_profile')); } else { if (!Post::blank('new_profile')) { $profile = Profile::get(Post::t('new_profile')); if (!$profile) { $page->trigError('Le profil ' . Post::t('new_profile') . ' n\'existe pas'); } else { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO account_profiles (uid, pid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $user->id(), $profile->id()); } } } XDB::execute('UPDATE account_profiles SET perms = IF(pid = {?}, CONCAT(perms, \',owner\'), REPLACE(perms, \'owner\', \'\')) WHERE uid = {?}', Post::i('owner'), $user->id()); } // }}} // Email forwards form {{{ $redirect = $registered ? new Redirect($user) : null; if (Post::has('add_fwd')) { $email = Post::t('email'); if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email, $user)) { $page->trigError("Email non valide: {$email}"); } else { $redirect->add_email($email); $page->trigSuccess("Ajout de {$email} effectué"); } } else { if (!Post::blank('del_fwd')) { $redirect->delete_email(Post::t('del_fwd')); } else { if (!Post::blank('activate_fwd')) { $redirect->modify_one_email(Post::t('activate_fwd'), true); } else { if (!Post::blank('deactivate_fwd')) { $redirect->modify_one_email(Post::t('deactivate_fwd'), false); } else { if (Post::has('disable_fwd')) { $redirect->disable(); } else { if (Post::has('enable_fwd')) { $redirect->enable(); } else { if (!Post::blank('clean_fwd')) { $redirect->clean_errors(Post::t('clean_fwd')); } } } } } } } // }}} // Email alias form {{{ if (Post::has('add_alias')) { // Splits new alias in user and fqdn. $alias = Env::t('email'); if (strpos($alias, '@') !== false) { list($alias, $domain) = explode('@', $alias); } else { $domain = $user->mainEmailDomain(); } // Checks for alias' user validity. if (!preg_match('/[-a-z0-9\\.]+/s', $alias)) { $page->trigError("'{$alias}' n'est pas un alias valide"); } // Eventually adds the alias to the right domain. if ($domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom || $domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom2) { $req = new AliasReq($user, $alias, 'Admin request', false); if ($req->commit()) { $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '{$alias}@{$domain}' attribué."); } else { $page->trigError("Impossible d'ajouter l'alias '{$alias}@{$domain}', il est probablement déjà attribué."); } } elseif ($domain == $user->mainEmailDomain()) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, domain, type, flags) SELECT {?}, {?}, id, \'alias\', \'\' FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $alias, $user->id(), $domain); $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '{$alias}' ajouté"); } else { $page->trigError("Le domaine '{$domain}' n'est pas valide pour cet utilisateur."); } } else { if (!Post::blank('del_alias')) { $delete_alias = Post::t('del_alias'); list($email, $domain) = explode('@', $delete_alias); XDB::execute('DELETE s FROM email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (s.domain = INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.aliasing = WHERE = {?} AND s.uid = {?} AND = {?} AND type != \'forlife\'', $email, $user->id(), $domain); XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account AS r INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON ( = {?}) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.aliasing = SET r.rewrite = \'\' WHERE r.uid = {?} AND r.rewrite = CONCAT({?}, \'@\',', $domain, $user->id(), $email); fix_bestalias($user); $page->trigSuccess("L'alias '{$delete_alias}' a été supprimé"); } else { if (!Post::blank('best')) { $best_alias = Post::t('best'); // First delete the bestalias flag from all this user's emails. XDB::execute("UPDATE email_source_account\n SET flags = TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', flags, ','), ',bestalias,', ','))\n WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); // Then gives the bestalias flag to the given email. list($email, $domain) = explode('@', $best_alias); XDB::execute("UPDATE email_source_account\n SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',', IF(flags = '', NULL, flags), 'bestalias')\n WHERE uid = {?} AND email = {?}", $user->id(), $email); // As having a non-null bestalias value is critical in // plat/al's code, we do an a posteriori check on the // validity of the bestalias. fix_bestalias($user); } } } // }}} // OpenId form {{{ if (Post::has('del_openid')) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM account_auth_openid WHERE id = {?}', Post::i('del_openid')); } // }}} // Forum form {{{ if (Post::has('b_edit')) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM forum_innd\n WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); if (Env::v('write_perm') != "" || Env::v('read_perm') != "" || Env::v('commentaire') != "") { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forum_innd\n SET ipmin = '0', ipmax = '4294967295',\n write_perm = {?}, read_perm = {?},\n comment = {?}, priority = '200', uid = {?}", Env::v('write_perm'), Env::v('read_perm'), Env::v('comment'), $user->id()); } } // }}} $page->addJsLink('jquery.ui.xorg.js'); // Displays last login and last host information. $res = XDB::query("SELECT start, host\n FROM log_sessions\n WHERE uid = {?} AND suid IS NULL\n ORDER BY start DESC\n LIMIT 1", $user->id()); list($lastlogin, $host) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('lastlogin', $lastlogin); $page->assign('host', $host); // Display mailing lists $page->assign('mlists', $listClient->get_all_user_lists($user->forlifeEmail())); // Display active aliases. $page->assign('virtuals', $user->emailGroupAliases()); $aliases = XDB::iterator("SELECT CONCAT(, '@', AS email, (s.type = 'forlife') AS forlife,\n ( REGEXP '\\\\.[0-9]{2}\$') AS hundred_year,\n FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', s.flags) AS bestalias, s.expire,\n (s.type = 'alias_aux') AS alias\n FROM email_source_account AS s\n INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (s.domain =\n WHERE s.uid = {?}\n ORDER BY !alias,", $user->id()); $page->assign('aliases', $aliases); $page->assign('account_types', XDB::iterator('SELECT * FROM account_types ORDER BY type')); $page->assign('skins', XDB::iterator('SELECT id, name FROM skins ORDER BY name')); $page->assign('profiles', XDB::iterator('SELECT, p.hrpid, FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms) AS owner, p.ax_id FROM account_profiles AS ap INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON ( = WHERE ap.uid = {?}', $user->id())); $page->assign('openid', XDB::iterator('SELECT id, url FROM account_auth_openid WHERE uid = {?}', $user->id())); // Displays email redirection and the general profile. if ($registered && $redirect) { $page->assign('emails', $redirect->emails); } $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('hasProfile', $user->hasProfile()); // Displays forum bans. $res = XDB::query("SELECT write_perm, read_perm, comment\n FROM forum_innd\n WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); $bans = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $page->assign('bans', $bans); }
function send_warning_mail($title, $body = '') { global $globals; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain); $mailer->addTo($globals->core->admin_email); $mailer->setSubject("[Plat/al Security Alert] {$title}"); // Note: we can't do $session = var_export($_SESSION, true) as var_export // doesn't handle circular dependency correctly. ob_start(); var_dump($_SESSION); $session = ob_get_clean(); $mailer->setTxtBody($body . "Identifiants de session :\n" . $session . "\n\n" . "Identifiants de connexion :\n" . var_export($_SERVER, true)); $mailer->send(); }
function unsubscribe(PlUser $user, $remember = false) { global $globals; Group::unsubscribe($globals->asso('id'), $user->id(), $remember); if ($globals->asso('notif_unsub')) { $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetgrp/unsubscription-notif.mail.tpl'); $admins = $globals->asso()->iterToNotify(); while ($admin = $admins->next()) { $mailer->addTo($admin); } $mailer->assign('group', $globals->asso('nom')); $mailer->assign('user', $user); $mailer->assign('selfdone', $user->id() == S::i('uid')); $mailer->send(); } $nl = Newsletter::forGroup($globals->asso('shortname')); if (!is_null($nl)) { $nl->unsubscribe(null, S::i('uid')); } $domain = $globals->asso('mail_domain'); if (!$domain) { return true; } $mmlist = new MMList(S::user(), $domain); $listes = $mmlist->get_lists($user->forlifeEmail()); $may_update = may_update(); $warning = false; if (is_array($listes)) { foreach ($listes as $liste) { if ($liste['sub'] == 2) { if ($may_update) { $mmlist->mass_unsubscribe($liste['list'], array($user->forlifeEmail())); } else { $mmlist->unsubscribe($liste['list']); } } elseif ($liste['sub']) { Platal::page()->trigWarning($user->fullName() . " a une" . " demande d'inscription en cours sur la" . " liste {$liste['list']}@ !"); $warning = true; } } } XDB::execute('DELETE v FROM email_virtual AS v INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (v.domain = WHERE v.redirect = {?} AND = {?}', $user->forlifeEmail(), $domain); return !$warning; }
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ***************************************************************************/ require ''; $message = ''; $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT DATE(a.registration_date), a.hruid, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT r.redirect SEPARATOR ', ')\n FROM accounts AS a\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( =\n LEFT JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (a.uid = s.uid)\n LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON (a.uid = r.uid)\n WHERE a.registration_date > {?}\n GROUP BY a.hruid\n ORDER BY", date("Ymd000000", strtotime('last Monday'))); if ($count = $res->total()) { $message .= "{$count} INSCRIPTIONS CONFIRMÉES CETTE SEMAINE :\n"; while (list($date, $hruid, $email, $redirect) = $res->next()) { $message .= "{$date}, {$hruid}, {$email}, {$redirect}\n"; } } $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT, a.hruid,\n FROM register_pending AS r\n INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = r.uid)\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( =\n WHERE r.hash != 'INSCRIT'\n GROUP BY a.hruid\n ORDER BY"); if ($count = $res->total()) { $message .= "\n{$count} INSCRIPTIONS NON CONFIRMÉES :\n"; while (list($date, $hruid, $email) = $res->next()) { $message .= "{$date}, {$hruid}, {$email}\n"; } } $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid), COUNT(*) FROM register_marketing'); list($a, $b) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $message .= "\nINSCRIPTIONS SOLLICITÉES :\n"; $message .= " {$a} utilisateurs\n {$b} adresses email\n"; $message .= "\n\n"; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setSubject('Rapport des inscriptions de la semaine'); $mailer->setFrom($globals->register->notif); $mailer->addTo($globals->register->notif); $mailer->setTxtBody($message); $mailer->send(); // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
function handler_paypal_return($page, $uid = null) { $page->changeTpl('payment/retour_paypal.tpl'); /* reference banque (numero de transaction) */ $no_transaction = Env::s('tx'); /* token a renvoyer pour avoir plus d'information */ $clef = Env::s('sig'); /* code retour */ $status = Env::s('st'); /* raison */ $reason = $status == 'Pending' ? Env::s('pending_reason') : Env::s('reason_code'); /* reference complete de la commande */ $fullref = str_replace('%2d', '-', Env::s('cm')); /* montant de la transaction */ $montant = Env::s('amt'); /* devise */ if (Env::s('cc') != 'EUR') { cb_erreur("monnaie autre que l'euro"); } /* on extrait le code de retour */ if ($status != "Completed") { if ($status) { paypal_erreur("erreur lors du paiement : {$status} - {$reason}"); } else { paypal_erreur("Paiement annulé", false); } } /* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */ $user = User::get($uid); if (!$user) { paypal_erreur("uid invalide"); } /* on extrait la reference de la commande */ if (!preg_match('/-xorg-([0-9]+)$/', $fullref, $matches)) { paypal_erreur("référence de commande invalide"); } $ref = $matches[1]; $res = XDB::query('SELECT mail, text, confirmation FROM payments WHERE id = {?}', $ref); if (!(list($conf_mail, $conf_title, $conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow())) { paypal_erreur('référence de commande inconnue'); } /* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO payment_transactions (id, method_id, uid, ref, fullref, ts_confirmed, amount, pkey, comment, status, display)\n VALUES ({?}, 1, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, 'confirmed', {?})", $no_transaction, $user->id(), $ref, $fullref, $montant, $clef, Env::v('comment'), Get::i('display')); // We check if it is an Xnet payment and then update the related ML. $res = XDB::query('SELECT eid, asso_id FROM group_events WHERE paiement_id = {?}', $ref); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { list($eid, $asso_id) = $res->fetchOneRow(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/xnetevents/'; $evt = get_event_detail($eid, false, $asso_id); subscribe_lists_event($user->id(), $evt['short_name'], 1, $montant, true); } /* on genere le mail de confirmation */ $conf_text = str_replace(array('<prenom>', '<nom>', '<promo>', '<montant>', '<salutation>', '<cher>', '<comment>'), array($user->firstName(), $user->lastName(), $user->promo(), $montant, $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', Env::v('comment')), $conf_text); global $globals; $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setFrom($conf_mail); $mymail->addCc($conf_mail); $mymail->setSubject($conf_title); $mymail->setWikiBody($conf_text); $mymail->sendTo($user); /* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */ $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain); $mymail->addTo($globals->money->email); $mymail->setSubject($conf_title); $msg = 'utilisateur : ' . $user->login() . ' (' . $user->id() . ')' . "\n" . 'mail : ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . "\n\n" . "paiement : {$conf_title} ({$conf_mail})\n" . "reference : {$champ200}\n" . "montant : {$montant}\n\n" . "dump de REQUEST:\n" . var_export($_REQUEST, true); $mymail->setTxtBody($msg); $mymail->send(); $page->assign('texte', $conf_text); $page->assign('erreur', $erreur); }
public function commit() { $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM payments"); $id = $res->fetchOneCell() + 1; $ret = XDB::execute('INSERT INTO payments (id, text, url, amount_def, amount_min, amount_max, mail, confirmation, asso_id, flags, rib_id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $id, $this->titre, $this->site, $this->montant, $this->montant_min, $this->montant_max, $this->user->bestEmail(), $this->msg_reponse, $this->asso_id, $this->public ? 'public' : '', $this->rib_id); if ($this->asso_id && $this->evt) { XDB::execute("UPDATE group_events\n SET paiement_id = {?}\n WHERE asso_id = {?} AND eid = {?}", $id, $this->asso_id, $this->evt); $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.nom, a.diminutif, e.intitule\n FROM groups AS a\n INNER JOIN group_events AS e ON ( = e.asso_id)\n WHERE e.eid = {?}", $this->evt); list($nom, $diminutif, $evt) = $res->fetchOneRow(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../modules/xnetevents/'; $participants = get_event_participants(get_event_detail($this->evt, false, $this->asso_id), null); foreach ($participants as $u) { if (!$u['notify_payment']) { continue; } $topay = $u['montant'] - $u['paid']; if ($topay > 0) { $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetevents/newpayment.mail.tpl'); $mailer->addTo($u['user']); $mailer->assign('asso', $nom); $mailer->assign('diminutif', $diminutif); $mailer->assign('evt', $evt); $mailer->assign('eid', $this->evt); $mailer->assign('prenom', $u['user']->firstName()); $mailer->send(); } } } return $ret; }
function handler_sub($page, $eid = null) { $this->load(''); $page->changeTpl('xnetevents/subscribe.tpl'); $evt = get_event($eid); if (is_null($evt)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } global $globals; if (!$evt['inscr_open']) { $page->kill('Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont closes'); } if (!$evt['accept_nonmembre'] && !is_member() && !may_update()) { $url = $globals->asso('sub_url'); if (empty($url)) { $url = $platal->ns . $globals->asso('diminutif') . "/" . 'subscribe'; } $page->kill('Cet événement est réservé aux membres du groupe ' . $globals->asso('nom') . '. Pour devenir membre, rends-toi sur la page de <a href="' . $url . '">demande d\'inscripton</a>.'); } $res = XDB::query("SELECT stamp\n FROM requests\n WHERE type = 'paiements' AND data LIKE {?}", PayReq::same_event($eid, $globals->asso('id'))); $page->assign('validation', $res->numRows()); $page->assign('eid', $eid); $page->assign('event', $evt); $items = get_event_items($eid); $subs = get_event_subscription($eid, S::v('uid')); if (Post::has('submit')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $moments = Post::v('moment', array()); $pers = Post::v('personnes', array()); $old_subs = $subs; $subs = array(); foreach ($moments as $j => $v) { $subs[$j] = intval($v); // retrieve other field when more than one person if ($subs[$j] == 2) { if (!isset($pers[$j]) || !is_numeric($pers[$j]) || $pers[$j] < 0) { $page->trigError("Tu dois choisir un nombre d'invités correct !"); return; } $subs[$j] = $pers[$j]; } } // count what the user must pay, and what he manually paid $manual_paid = 0; foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) { if (array_key_exists($item_id, $old_subs)) { $manual_paid += $old_subs[$item_id]['paid']; } } // impossible to unsubscribe if you already paid sthing if (!array_sum($subs) && $manual_paid != 0) { $page->trigError("Impossible de te désinscrire complètement " . "parce que tu as fait un paiement par " . "chèque ou par liquide. Contacte un " . "administrateur du groupe si tu es sûr de " . "ne pas venir."); $updated = false; } else { // update actual inscriptions $updated = subscribe(S::v('uid'), $eid, $subs); } if ($updated) { $evt = get_event_detail($eid); if ($evt['topay'] > 0) { $page->trigSuccess('Ton inscription à l\'événement a été mise à jour avec succès, tu peux payer ta participation en cliquant ci-dessous'); } else { $page->trigSuccess('Ton inscription à l\'événement a été mise à jour avec succès.'); } if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'nobody') { $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetevents/subscription-notif.mail.tpl'); if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'creator') { $admins = $globals->asso()->iterAdmins(); while ($admin = $admins->next()) { $mailer->addTo($admin); } } if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'animator') { $mailer->addTo($evt['organizer']); } $mailer->assign('group', $globals->asso('nom')); $mailer->assign('event', $evt['intitule']); $mailer->assign('subs', $subs); $mailer->assign('moments', $evt['moments']); $mailer->assign('name', S::user()->fullName('promo')); $mailer->send(); } } } $subs = get_event_subscription($eid, S::v('uid')); // count what the user must pay $topay = 0; $manually_paid = 0; foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) { if (array_key_exists($item_id, $subs)) { $topay += $item['montant'] * $subs[$item_id]['nb']; $manually_paid += $subs[$item_id]['paid']; } } $paid = $manually_paid + get_event_telepaid($eid, S::v('uid')); $page->assign('moments', $items); $page->assign('subs', $subs); $page->assign('topay', $topay); $page->assign('paid', $paid); }
public function save($notify_ungeocoded = true) { if (!$this->isEmpty()) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_addresses (pid, jobid, groupid, type, id, flags, text, postalText, pub, comment, types, formatted_address, location_type, partial_match, latitude, longitude, southwest_latitude, southwest_longitude, northeast_latitude, northeast_longitude, geocoding_date, geocoding_calls, postal_code_fr) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?})', $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id, $this->flags, $this->text, $this->postalText, $this->pub, $this->comment, $this->types, $this->formatted_address, $this->location_type, $this->partial_match, $this->latitude, $this->longitude, $this->southwest_latitude, $this->southwest_longitude, $this->northeast_latitude, $this->northeast_longitude, $this->geocoding_calls, $this->postal_code_fr); // In an ideal world there would not be any components to clean up before insertion. // In real world, it happens that some addresses are badly removed and this query removes the leaked trash. XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_addresses_components WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?}', $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id); if ($this->componentsIds) { foreach (explode(',', $this->componentsIds) as $component_id) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_addresses_components (pid, jobid, groupid, type, id, component_id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id, $component_id); } } elseif ($notify_ungeocoded) { // If the address was not geocoded, notifies it to the appropriate ML. $mailer = new PlMailer('profile/no_geocoding.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('text', $this->text); $mailer->assign('primary_key', $this->pid . '-' . $this->jobid . '-' . $this->groupid . '-' . $this->type . '-' . $this->id); $mailer->send(); } if ($this->type == self::LINK_PROFILE) { Phone::savePhones($this->phones, $this->pid, Phone::LINK_ADDRESS, $this->id); } if ($this->request) { $req = new AddressReq(S::user(), $this->toFormArray(), $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id); $req->submit(); } if ($this->pid != 0) { self::updateBestMail($this->pid); } } }
public function commit() { global $globals; $email = $this->m_user->bestEmail(); XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET flags = \'active\', broken_level = 2 WHERE uid = {?} AND redirect = {?}', $this->m_user->id(), $this->m_email); if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) { $this->m_reactive = true; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setFrom('"Association" <register@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>'); $mailer->addTo($email); $mailer->setSubject("Mise à jour de ton adresse {$email}"); $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap("Cher Camarade,\n\n" . "Ton adresse {$email} étant en panne et ayant été informés que ta redirection {$this->m_email}, jusqu'à présent inactive, " . "est fonctionnelle, nous venons de réactiver cette adresse.\n\n" . "N'hésite pas à aller gérer toi-même tes redirections en te rendant à la page :\n" . "\n" . "Si tu as perdu ton mot de passe d'accès au site, tu peux également effectuer la procédure de récupération à l'adresse :\n" . "\n\n" . "-- \nTrès Cordialement,\nL'Équipe de\n")); $mailer->send(); return true; } if ($this->m_user->email) { $subject = "Ton adresse {$email} semble ne plus fonctionner"; $reason = "Nous avons été informés que ton adresse {$email} ne fonctionne plus correctement par un camarade"; } else { $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT redirect FROM email_redirect_account WHERE uid = {?} AND flags = \'broken\'', $this->m_user->id()); $redirect = array(); while (list($red) = $res->next()) { list(, $redirect[]) = explode('@', $red); } $subject = "Ton adresse {$email} ne fonctionne plus"; $reason = "Ton adresse {$email} ne fonctionne plus"; if (!count($redirect)) { $reason .= '.'; } elseif (count($redirect) == 1) { $reason .= ' car sa redirection vers ' . $redirect[0] . ' est hors-service depuis plusieurs mois.'; } else { $reason .= ' car ses redirections vers ' . implode(', ', $redirect) . ' sont hors-services depuis plusieurs mois.'; } } $body = ($this->m_user->isFemale() ? 'Chère ' : 'Cher ') . $this->m_user->displayName() . ",\n\n" . $reason . "\n\n" . "L'adresse {$this->m_email} nous a été communiquée, veux-tu que cette adresse devienne ta nouvelle " . "adresse de redirection ? Si oui, envoie nous des informations qui " . "nous permettront de nous assurer de ton identité (par exemple ta date de naissance et ta promotion).\n\n" . "-- \nTrès Cordialement,\nL'Équipe de\n"; $body = wordwrap($body, 78); $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setFrom('"Association" <register@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>'); $mailer->addTo($this->m_email); $mailer->setSubject($subject); $mailer->setTxtBody($body); return $mailer->send(); }
} if ($profile->mainEducation() == 'X' && $data['cat'] == Group::CAT_PROMOTIONS) { $promoGroup = $promoGroup || $data['diminutif'] == $profile->yearpromo(); } } $group = ''; if (count($groupx)) { $group = $groupx[array_rand($groupx)]; } elseif (count($binets)) { $group = $binets[array_rand($binets)]; } $mailer->assign('group', $group); $mailer->assign('promoGroup', $promoGroup); //In testing phase, only send to members if ($user->inGroup(Group::get('')->id)) { $mailer->sendTo($user); // We want to keep trace of the emails sent $liste .= $user->fullName(true) . "\n"; $count_mail += 1; } unset($mailer); unset($user); } $texte = "L'email anniversaire a bien été envoyé à {$count_mail} destinataires.\n\n" . "La liste des destinataires pour le " . date("d/m/Y") . " est la suivante :\n" . $liste; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->addTo("*****@*****.**"); $mailer->setFrom('"Webmaster" <*****@*****.**>'); $mailer->setSubject("Envoi de l'email anniversaire"); $mailer->setTxtBody($texte); $mailer->send(); // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
private function getPlacemarkFromJson(array $data, $url) { // Check for geocoding status. $status = $data['status']; // If no result, return null. if ($status == 'ZERO_RESULTS') { return null; } // If there are results return the first one. if ($status == 'OK') { return $data['results'][0]; } // Report the error. $mailer = new PlMailer('profile/geocoding.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('status', $status); $mailer->assign('url', $url); $mailer->send(); return null; }
public static function relance(PlUser $user, $nbx = -1) { global $globals; if ($nbx < 0) { $nbx = $globals->core->NbIns; } $res = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT,, r.bestalias FROM register_pending WHERE r.hash = \'INSCRIT\' AND uid = {?}', $user->id()); if (!$res) { return false; } else { list($date, $email, $alias) = $res; } $hash = rand_url_id(12); $pass = rand_pass(); $pass_encrypted = sha1($pass); $fdate = strftime('%d %B %Y', strtotime($date)); $mymail = new PlMailer('marketing/relance.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('nbdix', $nbx); $mymail->assign('fdate', $fdate); $mymail->assign('lusername', $alias); $mymail->assign('nveau_pass', $pass); $mymail->assign('baseurl', $globals->baseurl); $mymail->assign('lins_id', $hash); $mymail->assign('lemail', $email); $mymail->assign('subj', ucfirst($globals->mail->domain) . ' : ' . $alias); $mymail->send(); XDB::execute('UPDATE register_pending SET hash={?}, password={?}, relance=NOW() WHERE uid={?}', $hash, $pass_encrypted, $user->id()); return $user->fullName(); }
function handler_end($page, $hash = null) { global $globals; $_SESSION['subState'] = array('step' => 5); // Reject registration requests from unsafe IP addresses (and remove the // registration information from the database, to prevent IP changes). if (check_ip('unsafe')) { send_warning_mail('Une IP surveillée a tenté de finaliser son inscription.'); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM register_pending\n WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != 'INSCRIT'", $hash); return PL_FORBIDDEN; } // Retrieve the pre-registration information using the url-provided // authentication token. $res = XDB::query("SELECT r.uid,, r.forlife, r.bestalias, r.mailorg2,\n r.password,,, r.naissance,\n ppn.lastname_initial, ppn.firstname_initial, pe.promo_year,\n,, p.birthdate_ref, a.type, AS old_account_email\n FROM register_pending AS r\n INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (r.uid = a.uid)\n INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms))\n INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_public_names AS ppn ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( =\n INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags))\n WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != 'INSCRIT' AND a.state = 'pending'", $hash); if (!$hash || $res->numRows() == 0) { $page->kill("<p>Cette adresse n'existe pas, ou plus, sur le serveur.</p>\n <p>Causes probables :</p>\n <ol>\n <li>Vérifie que tu visites l'adresse du dernier\n email reçu s'il y en a eu plusieurs.</li>\n <li>Tu as peut-être mal copié l'adresse reçue par\n email, vérifie-la à la main.</li>\n <li>Tu as peut-être attendu trop longtemps pour\n confirmer. Les pré-inscriptions sont annulées\n tous les 30 jours.</li>\n <li>Tu es en fait déjà inscrit.</li>\n </ol>"); } list($uid, $pid, $forlife, $bestalias, $emailXorg2, $password, $email, $services, $birthdate, $lastname, $firstname, $yearpromo, $promo, $sex, $birthdate_ref, $type, $old_account_email) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $isX = $type == 'x'; $mail_domain = User::$sub_mail_domains[$type] . $globals->mail->domain; // Prepare the template for display. $page->changeTpl('register/end.tpl'); $page->assign('forlife', $forlife); $page->assign('firstname', $firstname); // Check if the user did enter a valid password; if not (or if none is found), // get her an information page. if (Post::has('response')) { $expected_response = sha1("{$forlife}:{$password}:" . S::v('challenge')); if (Post::v('response') != $expected_response) { $page->trigError("Mot de passe invalide."); S::logger($uid)->log('auth_fail', 'bad password (register/end)'); return; } } else { return; } // // Create the user account. // XDB::startTransaction(); XDB::execute("UPDATE accounts\n SET password = {?}, state = 'active',\n registration_date = NOW(), email = NULL\n WHERE uid = {?}", $password, $uid); XDB::execute("UPDATE profiles\n SET birthdate = {?}, last_change = NOW()\n WHERE pid = {?}", $birthdate, $pid); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, type, flags, domain) SELECT {?}, {?}, \'forlife\', \'\', id FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $forlife, $uid, $mail_domain); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, type, flags, domain) SELECT {?}, {?}, \'alias\', \'bestalias\', id FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $bestalias, $uid, $mail_domain); if ($emailXorg2) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_source_account (email, uid, type, flags, domain) SELECT {?}, {?}, \'alias\', \'\', id FROM email_virtual_domains WHERE name = {?}', $emailXorg2, $uid, $mail_domain); } XDB::commit(); // Try to start a session (so the user don't have to log in); we will use // the password available in Post:: to authenticate the user. Platal::session()->start(AUTH_PASSWD); // Add the registration email address as first and only redirection. require_once ''; $user = User::getSilentWithUID($uid); $redirect = new Redirect($user); $redirect->add_email($email); fix_bestalias($user); // If the user was registered to some aliases and MLs, we must change // the subscription to her forlife email. if ($old_account_email) { $listClient = new MMList($user); $listClient->change_user_email($old_account_email, $user->forlifeEmail()); update_alias_user($old_account_email, $user->forlifeEmail()); } // Subscribe the user to the services she did request at registration time. require_once ''; foreach (explode(',', $services) as $service) { switch ($service) { case 'ax_letter': /* This option is deprecated by 'com_letters' */ NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_AX)->subscribe($user); break; case 'com_letters': NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_AX)->subscribe($user); NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_EP)->subscribe($user); NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_FX)->subscribe($user); break; case 'nl': NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_XORG)->subscribe($user); break; case 'imap': Email::activate_storage($user, 'imap', Bogo::IMAP_DEFAULT); break; case 'ml_promo': if ($isX) { $r = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM groups WHERE diminutif = {?}', $yearpromo); if ($r->numRows()) { $asso_id = $r->fetchOneCell(); XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO group_members (uid, asso_id) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $uid, $asso_id); try { MailingList::subscribePromo($yearpromo, $user); } catch (Exception $e) { PlErrorReport::report($e); $page->trigError("L'inscription à la liste promo" . $yearpromo . " a échouée."); } } } break; } } // Log the registration in the user session. S::logger($uid)->log('inscription', $email); XDB::execute("UPDATE register_pending\n SET hash = 'INSCRIT'\n WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); // Congratulate our newly registered user by email. $mymail = new PlMailer('register/success.mail.tpl'); $mymail->addTo("\"{$user->fullName()}\" <{$user->forlifeEmail()}>"); if ($isX) { $mymail->setSubject('Bienvenue parmi les X sur le web !'); } else { $mymail->setSubject('Bienvenue sur !'); } $mymail->assign('forlife', $forlife); $mymail->assign('firstname', $firstname); $mymail->send(); // Index the user, to allow her to appear in searches. Profile::rebuildSearchTokens($pid); // Notify other users which were watching for her arrival. XDB::execute('INSERT INTO contacts (uid, contact) SELECT uid, {?} FROM watch_nonins WHERE ni_id = {?}', $pid, $uid); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins WHERE ni_id = {?}', $uid); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); // Forcibly register the new user on default forums. $registeredForums = array('xorg.general', '', ''); if ($isX) { $promoForum = '' . strtolower($promo); $exists = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forums WHERE name = {?}', $promoForum); if ($exists == 0) { // Notify the newsgroup admin of the promotion forum needs be created. $promoFull = new UserFilter(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo)); $promoRegistered = new UserFilter(new PFC_And(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo), new UFC_Registered(true), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()))); if ($promoRegistered->getTotalCount() > 0.2 * $promoFull->getTotalCount()) { $mymail = new PlMailer('admin/forums-promo.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->send(); } } else { $registeredForums[] = $promoForum; } } foreach ($registeredForums as $forum) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forum_subs (fid, uid)\n SELECT fid, {?}\n FROM forums\n WHERE name = {?}", $uid, $val); } // Update the global registration count stats. $globals->updateNbIns(); // // Update collateral data sources, and inform watchers by email. // // Email the referrer(s) of this new user. $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT sender, GROUP_CONCAT(email SEPARATOR ', ') AS mails, MAX(last) AS lastDate\n FROM register_marketing\n WHERE uid = {?}\n GROUP BY sender\n ORDER BY lastDate DESC", $uid); XDB::execute("UPDATE register_mstats\n SET success = NOW()\n WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); $market = array(); while (list($senderid, $maketingEmails, $lastDate) = $res->next()) { $sender = User::getWithUID($senderid); $market[] = " - par {$sender->fullName()} sur {$maketingEmails} (le plus récemment le {$lastDate})"; $mymail = new PlMailer('register/marketer.mail.tpl'); $mymail->setSubject("{$firstname} {$lastname} s'est inscrit à !"); $mymail->setTo($sender); $mymail->assign('sender', $sender); $mymail->assign('firstname', $firstname); $mymail->assign('lastname', $lastname); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->assign('sex', $sex); $mymail->setTxtBody(wordwrap($msg, 72)); $mymail->send(); } // Email the plat/al administrators about the registration. if ($globals->register->notif) { $mymail = new PlMailer('register/registration.mail.tpl'); $mymail->setSubject("Inscription de {$firstname} {$lastname} ({$promo})"); $mymail->assign('firstname', $firstname); $mymail->assign('lastname', $lastname); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->assign('sex', $sex); $mymail->assign('birthdate', $birthdate); $mymail->assign('birthdate_ref', $birthdate_ref); $mymail->assign('forlife', $forlife); $mymail->assign('email', $email); $mymail->assign('logger', S::logger()); if (count($market) > 0) { $mymail->assign('market', implode("\n", $market)); } $mymail->setTxtBody($msg); $mymail->send(); } // Remove old pending marketing requests for the new user. Marketing::clear($uid); pl_redirect('profile/edit'); }
/** * Clears a user. * *always deletes in: account_lost_passwords, register_marketing, * register_pending, register_subs, watch_nonins, watch, watch_promo, watch_group, * *always keeps in: account_types, accounts, email_virtual, carvas, * group_members, homonyms_list, newsletter_ins, register_mstats, email_source_account * *deletes if $clearAll: account_auth_openid, announce_read, contacts, * email_redirect_account, email_redirect_account, email_send_save, forum_innd, forum_profiles, * forum_subs, gapps_accounts, gapps_nicknames, group_announces_read, * group_member_sub_requests, reminder, requests, requests_hidden, * email_virtual, ML * *modifies if $clearAll: accounts * * Use cases: * *$clearAll == false: when a user dies, her family still needs to keep in * touch with the community. * *$clearAll == true: in every other case we want the account to be fully * deleted so that it can not be used anymore. */ public function clear($clearAll = true) { $tables = array('account_lost_passwords', 'register_marketing', 'register_pending', 'register_subs', 'watch_nonins', 'watch', 'watch_promo', 'watch_group'); foreach ($tables as $t) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $t . ' WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } if ($clearAll) { global $globals; $groupIds = XDB::iterator('SELECT asso_id FROM group_members WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); while ($groupId = $groupIds->next()) { $group = Group::get($groupId); if (!empty($group) && $group->notif_unsub) { $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetgrp/unsubscription-notif.mail.tpl'); $admins = $group->iterAdmins(); while ($admin = $admins->next()) { $mailer->addTo($admin); } $mailer->assign('group', $group->shortname); $mailer->assign('user', $this); $mailer->assign('selfdone', false); $mailer->send(); } } $tables = array('account_auth_openid', 'announce_read', 'contacts', 'email_send_save', 'forum_innd', 'forum_profiles', 'forum_subs', 'group_announces_read', 'group_members', 'group_member_sub_requests', 'reminder', 'requests', 'requests_hidden'); foreach ($tables as $t) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $t . ' WHERE uid = {?}', $this->id()); } XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_redirect_account WHERE uid = {?} AND type != \'homonym\'', $this->id()); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_virtual WHERE redirect = {?}', $this->forlifeEmail()); foreach (array('gapps_accounts', 'gapps_nicknames') as $t) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM ' . $t . ' WHERE l_userid = {?}', $this->id()); } XDB::execute("UPDATE accounts\n SET registration_date = 0, state = 'pending', password = NULL,\n weak_password = NULL, token = NULL, is_admin = 0\n WHERE uid = {?}", $this->id()); if ($globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain) { require_once ''; if (GoogleAppsAccount::account_status($this->id())) { $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($this); $account->suspend(); } } } $mmlist = new MMList(S::user()); $mmlist->kill($this->forlife, $this->promo(), $clearAll); }
} $x_spam_flag = ''; if (preg_match('/^X-Spam-Flag: ([a-zA-Z]+), tests=bogofilter/m', substr($raw_mail, 0, $end_of_headers + 1), $matches)) { $x_spam_flag = $matches[1]; } if ($x_spam_flag == 'Unsure') { $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->addTo($type . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mailer->setFrom('"' . $fullname . '" <web@' . $globals->mail->domain . '>'); $mailer->setTxtBody($type . ' soumis par ' . $fullname . ' via la modération de la liste ' . $list . '@' . $domain); $mailer->addAttachment($raw_mail, 'message/rfc822', $type . '.mail', false); $mailer->send(); } // send feedback to the mailing list owners if ($mlist->handleRequest($action, $mid, $reason)) { $sent_mails += $count; $texte = "Le message suivant :\n\n" . " Auteur: {$mail['sender']}\n" . " Sujet : « {$mail['subj']} »\n" . " Date : " . strftime("le %d %b %Y à %H:%M:%S", (int) $mail['stamp']) . "\n\n" . $append; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->addTo("{$list}-owner@{$domain}"); $mailer->setFrom("{$list}-bounces@{$domain}"); $mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', "{$list}-owner@{$domain}"); $mailer->setSubject($subject); $mailer->setTxtBody($texte); $mailer->send(); } // release the lock XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_list_moderate WHERE handler = {?}', $handler); sleep(60 * $count / $globals->lists->max_mail_per_min); } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
function handler_moderate($page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $mlist = $this->prepare_list($liste); if (!$this->is_group_admin($page)) { $this->verify_list_owner($page, $mlist); } $page->changeTpl('lists/moderate.tpl'); $page->register_modifier('hdc', 'list_header_decode'); if (Env::has('sadd') || Env::has('sdel')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (Env::has('sadd')) { // Ensure the moderated request is still active $sub = $mlist->getPendingSubscription(Env::v('sadd')); $mlist->handleRequest(MailingList::REQ_SUBSCRIBE, Env::v('sadd')); $info = "validée"; } if (Post::has('sdel')) { // Ensure the moderated request is still active $sub = $mlist->getPendingSubscription(Env::v('sdel')); $mlist->handleRequest(MailingList::REQ_REJECT, Post::v('sdel'), Post::v('reason')); $info = "refusée"; } if ($sub) { $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setFrom($mlist->getAddress(MailingList::KIND_BOUNCE)); $mailer->addTo($mlist->getAddress(MailingList::KIND_OWNER)); $mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', $mlist->getAddress(MailingList::KIND_OWNER)); $mailer->setSubject("L'inscription de {$sub['name']} a été {$info}"); $text = "L'inscription de {$sub['name']} à la liste " . $mlist->address . " a été {$info} par " . S::user()->fullName(true) . ".\n"; if (trim(Post::v('reason'))) { $text .= "\nLa raison invoquée est :\n" . Post::v('reason'); } $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap($text, 72)); $mailer->send(); } if (Env::has('sadd')) { pl_redirect('lists/moderate/' . $liste); } } if (Post::has('moderate_mails') && Post::has('select_mails')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $mails = array_keys(Post::v('select_mails')); foreach ($mails as $mail) { $this->moderate_mail($mlist, $mail); } } elseif (Env::has('mid')) { if (Get::has('mid') && !Env::has('mok') && !Env::has('mdel')) { require_once 'banana/'; $page->changeTpl('lists/moderate_mail.tpl'); $params = array('listname' => $mlist->mbox, 'domain' => $mlist->domain, 'artid' => Get::i('mid'), 'part' => Get::v('part'), 'action' => Get::v('action')); $params['client'] = $this->prepare_client(); run_banana($page, 'ModerationBanana', $params); $msg = file_get_contents('/etc/mailman/fr/refuse.txt'); $msg = str_replace("%(adminaddr)s", $mlist->getAddress(MailingList::KIND_OWNER), $msg); $msg = str_replace("%(request)s", "<< SUJET DU MAIL >>", $msg); $msg = str_replace("%(reason)s", "<< TON EXPLICATION >>", $msg); $msg = str_replace("%(listname)s", $liste, $msg); $page->assign('msg', $msg); return; } $this->moderate_mail($mlist, Env::i('mid')); } elseif (Env::has('sid')) { if (list($subs, $mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($mlist)) { foreach ($subs as $user) { if ($user['id'] == Env::v('sid')) { $page->changeTpl('lists/moderate_sub.tpl'); $page->assign('del_user', $user); return; } } } } if (list($subs, $mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($mlist)) { foreach ($mails as $key => $mail) { $mails[$key]['stamp'] = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $mail['stamp']); if ($mail['fromx']) { $page->assign('with_fromx', true); } else { $page->assign('with_nonfromx', true); } } $page->assign_by_ref('subs', $subs); $page->assign_by_ref('mails', $mails); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la modérer."); } }
public function set_rewrite($rewrite) { if ($this->type != 'smtp' || $this->rewrite == $rewrite) { return; } if (!$rewrite || !isvalid_email($rewrite)) { $rewrite = ''; } XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET rewrite = {?} WHERE uid = {?} AND redirect = {?} AND type = \'smtp\'', $rewrite, $this->user->id(), $this->email); $this->rewrite = $rewrite; if (!$this->allow_rewrite) { global $globals; if (empty($this->hash)) { $this->hash = rand_url_id(); XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET hash = {?} WHERE uid = {?} AND redirect = {?} AND type = \'smtp\'', $this->hash, $this->user->id(), $this->email); } $mail = new PlMailer('emails/rewrite-in.mail.tpl'); $mail->assign('mail', $this); $mail->assign('user', $this->user); $mail->assign('baseurl', $globals->baseurl); $mail->assign('sitename', $globals->core->sitename); $mail->assign('to', $this->email); $mail->send($this->user->isEmailFormatHtml()); } }
while ($values = $res->next()) { if ($values['pid'] != $pid) { $mailer = new PlMailer('profile/notification.mail.tpl'); $mailer->addTo($user); $mailer->assign('modifications', $modifications); $mailer->assign('yourself', $yourself); $mailer->assign('hrpid', $hrpid); $mailer->assign('sex', $sex); $mailer->assign('date', $date); $mailer->send(); $modifications = array(); } $pid = $values['pid']; $sex = $values['sex'] == 'female' ? 1 : 0; $yourself = $values['yourself']; $user = User::getSilentWithUID($values['uid']); $hrpid = $values['hrpid']; $modifications[] = array('full_name' => $values['full_name'], 'field' => $values['field'], 'oldText' => $values['oldText'], 'newText' => $values['newText']); } $mailer = new PlMailer('profile/notification.mail.tpl'); $mailer->addTo($user); $mailer->assign('modifications', $modifications); $mailer->assign('yourself', $yourself); $mailer->assign('hrpid', $hrpid); $mailer->assign('sex', $sex); $mailer->assign('date', $date); $mailer->send(); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_modifications WHERE type = \'third_party\''); } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
} elseif ($age > 7) { $head = "[Armageddon imminent] "; } elseif ($age > 5) { $head = "[Guerre nucléaire] "; } elseif ($age > 3) { $head = "[ET Téléphone maison] "; } elseif ($age > 1) { $head = "[Réveil !] "; } elseif (!empty($nbveryold)) { $head = "[Urgent] "; } if (empty($nb)) { exit; } $plural = $nb == 1 ? '' : 's'; $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setFrom('validation@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mymail->addTo('validation@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mymail->setSubject($head . "Il y a {$nb} validation{$plural} non effectuée{$plural}"); $message = "Il y a {$nb} validation{$plural} à effectuer\n" . (empty($nbold) ? '' : "dont {$nbold} depuis le dernier mail !!!\n") . (empty($nbveryold) ? '' : "et dont *{$nbveryold}* " . ($nbveryold == 1 ? 'est' : 'sont') . ' en retard de plus de 6h !!!') . "\n" . "\n\n" . "Par catégorie :\n"; $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT type, count(*) FROM requests GROUP BY type ORDER BY type'); while (list($type, $nb) = $res->next()) { $message .= "- {$type} : {$nb}\n"; } $message = wordwrap($message, 78); $mymail->setTxtBody($message); $mymail->send(); // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8:
protected function sendmail($isok) { // Only sends email if the profile's owner exists and is registered. if ($this->ownerIsRegistered) { global $globals; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setSubject($this->_mail_subj()); $mailer->setFrom("validation+{$this->type}@{$globals->mail->domain}"); $mailer->addTo("\"{$this->profile->fullName()}\" <{$this->profileOwner->bestEmail()}>"); $mailer->addCc("validation+{$this->type}@{$globals->mail->domain}"); $body = ($this->profile->isFemale() ? "Chère camarade,\n\n" : "Cher camarade,\n\n") . $this->_mail_body($isok) . (Env::has('comm') ? "\n\n" . Env::v('comm') : '') . "\n\nCordialement,\n-- \nL'équipe de\n" . $this->_mail_ps($isok); $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap($body)); $mailer->send(); } }
function send_xnet_mails($from, $sujet, $body, $wiki, $tos, $replyto = null, $upload = null, $name = null) { global $globals; $sent = array(); $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setSubject($sujet); $mailer->setFrom($from); if ($upload && $upload->exists()) { $mailer->addUploadAttachment($upload, $name); } foreach ($tos as $user) { if ($user instanceof User) { $email = $user->bestEmail(); } else { $email = $user; } if (!$email) { continue; } if (!isset($sent[$email])) { _send_xnet_mail($user, $body, $wiki, $mailer, $replyto); $sent[$email] = true; } } }