Beispiel #1
  * query 對 db 下 SQL query
  * @param mixed $sql 
  * @access protected
  * @return Mysqli result
 public function query($sql, $table = null)
     if (Pix_Table::$_log_groups[Pix_Table::LOG_QUERY]) {
         Pix_Table::debug(sprintf("[%s]\t%40s", $this->_link->host_info, $sql));
     // TODO 需要 log SQL Query 功能
     if ($comment = Pix_Table::getQueryComment()) {
         $sql = trim($sql, '; ') . ' #' . $comment;
     $starttime = microtime(true);
     $res = $this->_link->query($sql);
     if ($t = Pix_Table::getLongQueryTime() and ($delta = microtime(true) - $starttime) > $t) {
         Pix_Table::debug(sprintf("[%s]\t%s\t%40s", $this->_link->host_info, $delta, $sql));
     if ($res === false) {
         if ($errno = $this->_link->errno) {
             switch ($errno) {
                 case 1062:
                     throw new Pix_Table_DuplicateException($this->_link->error, $errno);
                 case 1406:
                     throw new Pix_Table_DataTooLongException($this->_link->error, $errno);
                     throw new Exception("SQL Error: {$this->_link->error} SQL: {$sql}");
     return $res;
Beispiel #2
 public function testCreateRelationHasOne()
     $db = $this->getMock('Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_Abstract', array('insertOne'));
     $db->expects($this->once())->method('insertOne')->with($this->isInstanceOf('Pix_Table_TableRelationTest_Table2'), array('t2_id' => 1002, 'value' => 't2_value'))->will($this->returnValue(null));
     $row = new Pix_Table_Row(array('tableClass' => 'Pix_Table_TableRelationTest_Table', 'data' => array('t1_id' => 1002, 'value' => 'test_create_relation')));
     $row2 = $row->create_table2(array('value' => 't2_value', 'no_this_column' => 'value'));
     $this->assertTrue(Pix_Table::is_a($row2, 'Pix_Table_TableRelationTest_Table2'));
     $this->assertEquals($row2->t2_id, $row->t1_id);
     $this->assertEquals($row2->value, 't2_value');
     // has_many
     $db = $this->getMock('Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_Abstract', array('insertOne'));
     $db->expects($this->once())->method('insertOne')->with($this->isInstanceOf('Pix_Table_TableRelationTest_Table3', array('t3_t1id' => '1002', 'value' => 'on')))->will($this->returnValue(5566));
     $row3 = $row->create_table3s(array('value' => 'on', 'no_this_column' => 'value'));
     $this->assertEquals($row3->t3_id, 5566);
     $this->assertEquals($row3->t3_t1id, 1002);
     $this->assertEquals($row3->value, 'on');
     // has_many empty
     $db = $this->getMock('Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_Abstract', array('insertOne'));
     $db->expects($this->once())->method('insertOne')->with($this->isInstanceOf('Pix_Table_TableRelationTest_Table3'), array('t3_t1id' => '1002'))->will($this->returnValue(5567));
     $row3 = $row->create_table3s();
     $this->assertEquals($row3->t3_id, 5567);
     $this->assertEquals($row3->t3_t1id, 1002);
     $this->assertEquals($row3->value, null);
Beispiel #3
 public static function addDbFromURI($uri)
     if (strpos($uri, 'mysql://') === 0) {
         if (!preg_match('#mysql://([^:]*):([^@]*)@([^/]*)/(.*)#', strval($uri), $matches)) {
             throw new Exception("wrong mysql URI format, must be mysql://{user}:{password}@{host}/{db}");
         $db = new StdClass();
         $db->host = $matches[3];
         $db->username = $matches[1];
         $db->password = $matches[2];
         $db->dbname = $matches[4];
         $config = new StdClass();
         $config->master = $config->slave = $db;
         Pix_Table::setDefaultDb(new Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_MysqlConf(array($config)));
     } elseif (strpos($uri, 'pgsql://') === 0) {
         if (!preg_match('#pgsql://([^:]*):([^@]*)@([^/:]*):?([0-9]*)?/(.*)#', strval($uri), $matches)) {
             throw new Exception("wrong pgsql URI format, must be pgsql://{user}:{password}@{host}/{db}");
         $options = array('host' => $matches[3], 'user' => $matches[1], 'password' => $matches[2], 'dbname' => $matches[5]);
         if ($matches[4]) {
             $options['port'] = $matches[4];
         Pix_Table::setDefaultDb(new Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_PgSQL($options));
     } elseif (strpos($uri, 'sqlite://') === 0) {
         $file = substr($uri, strlen('sqlite://'));
         Pix_Table::setDefaultDb(new Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_Sqlite($file));
     } else {
         throw new Exception("add DB failed, unknown uri {$uri}");
Beispiel #4
 public function main($argv)
     Pix_Table::$_save_memory = true;
     list(, $type, $year, $month) = $argv;
     if (!in_array($type, array('company', 'bussiness', 'company-continue', 'bussiness-continue'))) {
         return $this->wrong_argv();
     if (in_array($type, array('company', 'bussiness'))) {
         $year = intval($year);
         $month = intval($month);
         if (!intval($year) or !intval($month)) {
             return $this->wrong_argv();
     if ('company' == $type) {
         $ids = Crawler::crawlerMonth($year, $month);
         $ids = array_unique($ids);
         file_put_contents('ids', implode("\n", $ids));
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $u = Updater::update($id);
             if ($u) {
     } elseif ('company-continue' == $type) {
         $ids = explode("\n", file_get_contents('ids'));
         $pos = array_search($year, $ids);
         if (false === $pos) {
             return $this->wrong_argv();
         foreach (array_slice($ids, $pos - 1) as $id) {
             $u = Updater::update($id);
             if ($u) {
     } else {
         $ids = Crawler::crawlerBussiness($year, $month);
         $ids = array_unique($ids);
         file_put_contents('ids', implode("\n", $ids));
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $u = Updater::updateBussiness($id);
             if ($u) {
Beispiel #5
  * insertOne 從 db 上增加一筆資料
  * @param Pix_Table $table 
  * @param array|string $keys_values 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function insertOne($table, $keys_values)
     if (!is_array($keys_values)) {
         $keys_values = array();
     $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->column_quote($table->getTableName());
     $keys = $values = array();
     foreach ($keys_values as $key => $value) {
         if (is_null($value)) {
         $keys[] = $this->column_quote($key);
         $values[] = $this->quoteWithColumn($table, $value, $key);
     if ($keys) {
         $sql .= '(' . implode(', ', $keys) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
     } else {
         $sql .= ' DEFAULT VALUES ';
     return $this->getLastInsertId($table);
Beispiel #6
  * declare a new empty Pix Table
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return Pix_Table
 public static function newEmptyTable($table_name = null)
     if (is_null($table_name)) {
         while (true) {
             $table_name = 'Pix_Table_EmptyTable_' . crc32(uniqid());
             if (!class_exists($table_name, false)) {
     if (class_exists($table_name, false)) {
         throw new Pix_Table_Exception("newEmptyTable failed, {$table_name} is existed.");
     // XXX: In Pix Table, a Table is mapping to a PHP class. If you want dynamically new a table,
     // you must declare a new Pix_Table class.
     // class_alias doesn't worked here.
     eval("class {$table_name} extends Pix_Table {}");
     return Pix_Table::getTable($table_name);
Beispiel #7
 public function testNullOrFalse()
     Pix_Table::$_save_memory = false;
     $cache = new Pix_Table_TableCacheTest_Cache();
     $table = Pix_Table::getTable('Pix_Table_TableCacheTest_User');
     // 什麼都沒有是 false
     $this->assertTrue($table->getRowFromCache(6) === false);
     // cacheRow null 後是 null (表示被刪除)
     $table->cacheRow(7, null);
     $this->assertTrue($table->getRowFromCache(7) === null);
     // cacheRow false 後是 false
     $table->cacheRow(8, false);
     $this->assertTrue($table->getRowFromCache(8) === false);
Beispiel #8
 public function autocomplete($name, $args2, $args3)
     $res = array();
     if (preg_match('#^(.*)::(.*)$#', $name, $matches)) {
         $methods = get_class_methods($matches[1]);
         foreach ($methods as $m) {
             if ($matches[2] === '' or strpos($m, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                 $res[] = $matches[1] . '::' . $m . '()';
     } elseif (preg_match('#\\$([^$]*)->([^>]*)$#', readline_info('line_buffer'), $matches)) {
         $obj = self::$_vars[$matches[1]];
         if (!is_object($obj) or ($class = get_class($obj)) === false) {
             return null;
         if (is_a($obj, 'Pix_Table_Row')) {
             // columns
             foreach (array_keys($obj->getTable()->_columns) as $m) {
                 if ($matches[2] === '' or strpos($m, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                     $res[] = $m;
             // relations
             foreach (array_keys($obj->getTable()->_relations) as $m) {
                 if ($matches[2] === '' or strpos($m, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                     $res[] = $m;
             // aliases
             if ($obj->getTable()->_aliases) {
                 foreach (array_keys($obj->getTable()->_aliases) as $m) {
                     if ($matches[2] === '' or strpos($m, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                         $res[] = $m;
             // hook
             if ($obj->getTable()->_hooks) {
                 foreach (array_keys($obj->getTable()->_hooks) as $name) {
                     if ($matches[2] === '' or stripos($name, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                         $res[] = $name;
             // Table Row Helper
             foreach (array_keys($obj->getTable()->getHelperManager('row')->getMethods()) as $name) {
                 if ($matches[2] === '' or stripos($name, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                     $res[] = $name . '()';
             // Table Static Helper
             foreach (array_keys(Pix_Table::getStaticHelperManager('row')->getMethods()) as $name) {
                 if ($matches[2] === '' or stripos($name, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                     $res[] = $name . '()';
         $methods = get_class_methods($class);
         foreach ($methods as $m) {
             if ($matches[2] === '' or strpos($m, $matches[2]) === 0) {
                 $res[] = $m . '()';
     } else {
         foreach (self::findMatch($name) as $o) {
             $res[] = $o;
     if (count($res) == 0) {
         return null;
     return $res;
Beispiel #9
  * createTable 將 $table 建立進資料庫內
  * @param Pix_Table $table 
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function createTable($table)
     $sql = "CREATE TABLE \"" . $table->getTableName() . '"';
     $types = array('bigint', 'tinyint', 'int', 'varchar', 'char', 'text', 'float', 'double', 'binary');
     $primarys = is_array($table->_primary) ? $table->_primary : array($table->_primary);
     $pk_isseted = false;
     foreach ($table->_columns as $name => $column) {
         $s = $this->column_quote($name) . ' ';
         $db_type = in_array($column['type'], $types) ? $column['type'] : 'text';
         if ($column['unsigned'] and !$column['auto_increment']) {
             $s .= 'UNSIGNED ';
         if ($column['auto_increment']) {
             $s .= 'SERIAL';
         } elseif ('int' == $db_type) {
             $s .= 'INTEGER';
         } elseif ('binary' == $db_type) {
             $s .= 'BYTEA';
         } else {
             $s .= strtoupper($db_type);
         if (in_array($db_type, array('varchar', 'char'))) {
             if (!$column['size']) {
                 throw new Exception('you should set the option `size`');
             $s .= '(' . $column['size'] . ')';
         $s .= ' ';
         if ($column['auto_increment']) {
             if ($primarys[0] != $name or count($primarys) > 1) {
                 throw new Exception('SQLITE 的 AUTOINCREMENT 一定要是唯一的 Primary Key');
             $s .= ' PRIMARY KEY ';
             $pk_isseted = true;
         if (isset($column['default'])) {
             $s .= 'DEFAULT ' . $this->quoteWithColumn($table, $column['default'], $name) . ' ';
         $column_sql[] = $s;
     if (!$pk_isseted) {
         $s = 'PRIMARY KEY ';
         $index_columns = array();
         foreach (is_array($table->_primary) ? $table->_primary : array($table->_primary) as $pk) {
             $index_columns[] = $this->column_quote($pk);
         $s .= '(' . implode(', ', $index_columns) . ")\n";
         $column_sql[] = $s;
     $sql .= " (\n" . implode(", \n", $column_sql) . ") \n";
     foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $name => $options) {
         if ('unique' == $options['type']) {
             $s = 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ';
         } else {
             $s = 'CREATE INDEX ';
         $columns = $options['columns'];
         $s .= $this->column_quote($table->getTableName() . '_' . $name) . ' ON ' . $this->column_quote($table->getTableName());
         $index_columns = array();
         foreach ($columns as $column_name) {
             $index_columns[] = $this->column_quote($column_name);
         $s .= '(' . implode(', ', $index_columns) . ') ';
  * 如果在 __construct 呼叫 $this->xxx() 會 failed 的測試
  * @expectedException Pix_Table_Exception
 public function testGetTableConstructFailed()
Beispiel #11

ini_set('memory_limit', '256m');
include __DIR__ . '/../';
Pix_Table::$_save_memory = true;
class Dumper
    protected $unit_types = array();
    public function getType($id)
        if (!array_key_exists($id, $this->unit_types)) {
            $start = floor($id / 10000) * 10000;
            $end = $start + 10000;
            $this->unit_types = Unit::search("`id` >= {$start} AND `id` < {$end}")->toArray('type');
        return $this->unit_types[$id];
    public function dump()
        $columns = array();
        foreach (ColumnGroup::search(1) as $columngroup) {
            $columns[$columngroup->id] = $columngroup->name;
        $delta = 10000000;
        for ($i = 0; $i * $delta < 99999999; $i++) {
            $start = $i * $delta;
            $end = $start + $delta - 1;
            $tmpname1 = tempnam('', '');
            $tmpname2 = tempnam('', '');
            $file_name1 = 'files/' . str_pad($i * $delta, 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '.json.gz';
  * fetch 取得符合 $search 條件的資料
  * @param Pix_Table $table
  * @param Pix_Table_Search $search
  * @param string|array $select_columns
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function fetch($table, $search, $select_columns = '*')
     $db = $this->_getDb();
     $condictions = $search->getSearchCondictions();
     if (count($condictions) == 0) {
         // 完全沒有條件就是 scan table
         $options = array();
         $options['TableName'] = $table->getTableName();
         // 加上指定 column
         if ('*' != $select_columns) {
             $options['AttributesToGet'] = $select_columns;
         $response = $db->scan($options);
     } elseif (count($condictions) == 1) {
         // 只給一個條件的話只能是 HashKey
         $primary_keys = $table->getPrimaryColumns();
         // 只能是 map
         if ('map' != $condictions[0][0]) {
             throw new Pix_Table_Exception("不支援的 search 條件");
         // 只能是 Primary Key 的第一個
         if ($primary_keys[0] != $condictions[0][1]) {
             throw new Pix_Table_Exception("不支援的 search 條件");
         $options = array();
         $options['TableName'] = $table->getTableName();
         $options['HashKeyValue'] = array($this->_getColumnType($table, $primary_keys[0]) => $condictions[0][2]);
         // 加上 Limit
         if (!is_null($limit = $search->limit())) {
             $options['Limit'] = $limit;
         // 加上 after or before
         if ($row = $search->after()) {
             $options['RangeKeyCondition'] = array('ComparisonOperator' => AmazonDynamoDB::CONDITION_GREATER_THAN, 'AttributeValueList' => array(array($this->_getColumnType($table, $primary_keys[1]) => $row->{$primary_keys[1]})));
         } elseif ($row = $search->before()) {
             $options['RangeKeyCondition'] = array('ComparisonOperator' => AmazonDynamoDB::CONDITION_LESS_THAN, 'AttributeValueList' => array(array($this->_getColumnType($table, $primary_keys[1]) => $row->{$primary_keys[1]})));
             $options['ScanIndexForward'] = false;
         // 加上指定 column
         if ('*' != $select_columns) {
             $options['AttributesToGet'] = $select_columns;
         $response = $db->query($options);
     } else {
         throw new Pix_Table_Exception("不支援的 search 條件");
     if (200 != $response->status) {
         throw new Pix_Table_Exception("AmazonDynamoDB: " . $get_response->body->Message);
     $ret = array();
     foreach ($response->body->Items[0] as $item) {
         $row = array();
         foreach ($table->_columns as $name => $col) {
             if ($item->{$name}) {
                 $row[$name] = strval($item->{$name}->S);
         $ret[] = $row;
     return $ret;
Beispiel #13
 public function testUpdate()
     $db = $this->getMock('Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_Abstract', array('updateOne'));
     $table = Pix_Table::getTable('Pix_Table_TableRowTest_Table');
     $row = new Pix_Table_Row(array('tableClass' => 'Pix_Table_TableRowTest_Table', 'data' => array('t1_id' => 1005, 'value' => 'abc')));
     // array
     $db->expects($this->once())->method('updateOne')->with($this->isInstanceOf(get_class($row)), array('value' => '9'))->will($this->returnValue(null));
     $row->update(array('value' => '9'));
     $this->assertEquals($row->value, '9');
     // string
     $db = $this->getMock('Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_Abstract', array('updateOne', 'fetchOne', 'support'));
     $db->expects($this->any())->method('support')->with($this->logicalOr('immediate_consistency', 'force_master'))->will($this->returnValue(true));
     $db->expects($this->once())->method('updateOne')->with($this->isInstanceOf(get_class($row)), 'value = value + 1')->will($this->returnValue(null));
     $db->expects($this->once())->method('fetchOne')->with($this->isInstanceOf('Pix_Table_TableRowTest_Table', array(1005)))->will($this->returnValue(array('t1_id' => 1005, 'value' => '10')));
     $row->update("value = value + 1");
     $this->assertEquals($row->value, 10);
  * getRelationForeignTable 取得 relation 對應的 table
  * @param string $relation relation 名稱
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @return Pix_Table 對應的 table
 public static function getRelationForeignTable($relation)
     $table = self::getTable();
     if (!array_key_exists($relation, $table->_relations)) {
         throw new Pix_Table_Exception("{$table->getClass()} 找不到 {$relation} 這個 relation");
     $relation_data = $table->_relations[$relation];
     if (!array_key_exists('type', $relation_data)) {
         throw new Pix_Table_Exception("{$table->getClass()}->{$relation} 沒有指定 Table Type");
     $table_name = $relation_data['type'];
     return Pix_Table::getTable($table_name);
Beispiel #15
  * get Pix_Table object from db schema
  * @param string $db_table_name
  * @param string $pix_table_name
  * @access public
  * @return Pix_Table
 public function getTableFromDb($db_table_name, $pix_table_name = null)
     $table = Pix_Table::newEmptyTable($pix_table_name);
     $table->_name = $db_table_name;
     $res = $this->query("SP_PKEYS " . $this->column_quote($db_table_name));
     $table->_primary = array();
     while ($row = $res->fetch_object()) {
         $table->_primary[] = $row->COLUMN_NAME;
     $res = $this->query("SP_COLUMNS " . $this->column_quote($db_table_name));
     $data_types = array(1 => 'char', 3 => 'int', 8 => 'double', 6 => 'float', 4 => 'int', 2 => 'int', 7 => 'double', 5 => 'smallint', 12 => 'varchar', -5 => 'bigint', -2 => 'binary', 9 => 'string', -1 => 'text', -4 => 'blob');
     while ($row = $res->fetch_object()) {
         $field = $row->COLUMN_NAME;
         $table->_columns[$field] = array();
         if (!array_key_exists($row->DATA_TYPE, $data_types)) {
             throw new Pix_Table_Exception("Unknown DATA_TYPE: " . $row->DATA_TYPE);
         $table->_columns[$field]['type'] = $data_types[$row->DATA_TYPE];
         if ($row->TYPE_NAME == 'int identity') {
             $table->_columns[$field]['auto_increment'] = 1;
         // check default
         if (!is_null($row->COLUMN_DEFAULT)) {
             $table->_columns[$field]['default'] = $row->COLUMN_DEFAULT;
     return $table;
Beispiel #16
  * testStaticTableHelper test add Table Helper to all Pix_Table
 public function testStaticTableHelper()
     Pix_Table::addStaticTableHelper('Pix_Table_TableHelperTest_Helper', array('static_table_test'));
     $uniqid = uniqid();
     $this->assertEquals(Pix_Table_TableHelperTest_Table::static_table_test($uniqid), 'StaticTableHelper-' . Pix_Table_TableHelperTest_Table::getData() . '-' . $uniqid);
Beispiel #17

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT ^ E_NOTICE);
include __DIR__ . '/stdlibs/pixframework/Pix/Loader.php';
set_include_path(__DIR__ . '/stdlibs/pixframework/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __DIR__ . '/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __DIR__ . '/Dropbox-master');
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/config.php')) {
    include __DIR__ . '/config.php';
// TODO: 之後要搭配 geoip
if (!getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_URL')) {
    die('need MYSQL_DATABASE_URL');
if (!preg_match('#mysql://([^:]*):([^@]*)@([^/]*)/(.*)#', strval(getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE_URL')), $matches)) {
    die('mysql only');
$db = new StdClass();
$db->host = $matches[3];
$db->username = $matches[1];
$db->password = $matches[2];
$db->dbname = $matches[4];
$config = new StdClass();
$config->master = $config->slave = $db;
Pix_Table::setDefaultDb(new Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_MysqlConf(array($config)));

include __DIR__ . '/libs/pixframework/Pix/Loader.php';
set_include_path(__DIR__ . '/libs/pixframework' . PATH_SEPARATOR . __DIR__ . '/models');
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/config.php')) {
    include __DIR__ . '/config.php';
} else {
    if (getenv('DATABASE_URL')) {
        if (preg_match('#postgres://([^:]*):([^@]*)@([^/]*)/(.*)#', strval(getenv('DATABASE_URL')), $matches)) {
            $user = $matches[1];
            $pass = $matches[2];
            $host = $matches[3];
            $dbname = $matches[4];
            Pix_Table::setDefaultDb(new Pix_Table_Db_Adapter_PgSQL(array('user' => $user, 'password' => $pass, 'host' => $host, 'dbname' => $dbname)));
Beispiel #19

include __DIR__ . '/init.php';
Pix_Table::$_save_memory = true;
$last_time = intval(KeyValue::get('snapshot_at'));
// dump count
while (true) {
    $min_time = RankData::search("`time` > {$last_time}")->min('time')->time;
    if (!$min_time) {
    $month_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $min_time), 1, date('Y', $min_time));
    $month_end = strtotime('+1 month', $month_start);
    $filename = 'ptthot-' . date('Ym', $month_start) . '.csv.gz';
    $temp = tmpfile();
    $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($temp);
    $tmp_filename = $meta_data['uri'];
    $stream = gzopen($tmp_filename, 'w');
    fwrite($stream, "#board,timestamp,count\n");
    foreach (RankData::search("`time` >= {$month_start} AND `time` < {$month_end}")->order(array('board', 'time'))->volumemode(10000) as $rankdata) {
        $last_time = max($last_time, $rankdata->time);
        fwrite($stream, "{$rankdata->board},{$rankdata->time},{$rankdata->count}\n");
    DropboxLib::putFile($tmp_filename, $filename);
    KeyValue::set('snapshot_at', $last_time);
//dump titlehistory
$filename = 'ptthot-title.csv.gz';
$temp = tmpfile();
Beispiel #20
 public function __call($func, $args)
     if ($this->getTable()->getHelperManager('resultset')->hasMethod($func)) {
         array_unshift($args, $this);
         return $this->getTable()->getHelperManager('resultset')->callHelper($func, $args);
     } elseif (Pix_Table::getStaticHelperManager('resultset')->hasMethod($func)) {
         array_unshift($args, $this);
         return Pix_Table::getStaticHelperManager('resultset')->callHelper($func, $args);
     throw new Pix_Table_Exception("找不到 function {$func}");
Beispiel #21
  * dropTable 從資料庫內移除 $table 這個 Table
  * @param Pix_Table $table
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function dropTable($table)
     if (!Pix_Setting::get('Table:DropTableEnable')) {
         throw new Pix_Table_Exception("要 DROP TABLE 前請加上 Pix_Setting::set('Table:DropTableEnable', true);");
     $sql = "DROP TABLE " . $this->column_quote($table->getTableName());
     return $this->query($sql, $table);
Beispiel #22
  * refreshRowData 去資料庫更新這一個 row 的資料
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function refreshRowData()
     $db = $this->getRowDb();
     $this->_relation_data = array();
     // 若 db 不支援 immediate_consistency ,就不需要去 db 更新資料了
     if (!$db->support('immediate_consistency')) {
     // XXX: 保險起見這邊強制從 master 抓
     if ($db->support('force_master')) {
         $old_force_master = Pix_Table::$_force_master;
         Pix_Table::$_force_master = true;
     if ($row = $db->fetchOne($this->getTable(), $this->getPrimaryValues())) {
         $this->_data = $this->_orig_data = $row;
     if ($db->support('force_master')) {
         Pix_Table::$_force_master = $old_force_master;
Beispiel #23
 public function query($sql, $table = null)
     // 判斷要用 Master 還是 Slave
     $type = 'master';
     if (!Pix_Table::$_force_master and preg_match('#^SELECT #', strtoupper($sql))) {
         $type = 'slave';
     if (Pix_Setting::get('Table:ExplainFileSortEnable')) {
         if (preg_match('#^SELECT #', strtoupper($sql))) {
             $res = $this->_getLink($type)->query("EXPLAIN {$sql}");
             $row = $res->fetch_assoc();
             if (preg_match('#Using filesort#', $row['Extra'])) {
                 trigger_error("Using Filesort Query {$sql}", E_USER_WARNING);
     if (Pix_Setting::get('Table:SQLNoCache')) {
         if (preg_match('#^SELECT #', strtoupper($sql))) {
             $sql = 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE ' . substr($sql, 7);
     // 加上 Query Comment
     if ($comment = Pix_Table::getQueryComment()) {
         $sql = trim($sql, '; ') . ' #' . $comment;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
         if (!($link = $this->_getLink($type))) {
             throw new Exception('找不到 Link');
         $starttime = microtime(true);
         $res = $link->query($sql);
         $this->insert_id = $link->insert_id;
         $delta = microtime(true) - $starttime;
         if (array_key_exists(Pix_Table::LOG_QUERY, Pix_Table::$_log_groups) and Pix_Table::$_log_groups[Pix_Table::LOG_QUERY]) {
             Pix_Table::debug(sprintf("[%s-%s](%f)%s", strval($link->host_info), $type, $delta, $sql));
         } elseif ($t = Pix_Table::getLongQueryTime() and $delta > $t) {
             Pix_Table::debug(sprintf("[%s-%s](%f)%s", strval($link->host_info), $type, $delta, $sql));
         if ($res === false) {
             if ($errno = $link->errno) {
                 $message = (is_null($table) ? '' : "Table: {$table->getClass()}") . "SQL Error: ({$errno}){$link->error} " . substr($sql, 0, 128);
                 switch ($errno) {
                     case 1146:
                         throw new Pix_Table_TableNotFoundException($message);
                     case 1062:
                         throw new Pix_Table_DuplicateException((is_null($table) ? '' : "(Table: {$table->getClass()})") . $link->error, $errno);
                     case 1406:
                         throw new Pix_Table_DataTooLongException($message);
                     case 2006:
                         // MySQL server gone away
                     // MySQL server gone away
                     case 2013:
                         // Lost connection to MySQL server during query
                         trigger_error("Pix_Table " . $message, E_USER_WARNING);
                         continue 2;
             throw new Pix_Table_Exception($message);
         if ($link->warning_count) {
             $e = $link->get_warnings();
             do {
                 if (1592 == $e->errno) {
                 if (Pix_Table::$_throw_incorrect_string_exception and 1366 == $e->errno) {
                     throw new Pix_Table_IncorrectStringException($e->message);
                 trigger_error("Pix_Table " . (is_null($table) ? '' : "Table: {$table->getClass()}") . "SQL Warning: ({$e->errno}){$e->message} " . substr($sql, 0, 128), E_USER_WARNING);
             } while ($e->next());
         return $res;
     throw new Pix_Table_Exception("query 三次失敗");
Beispiel #24

include __DIR__ . '/';
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == '-d') {