  * 完善第三方登录用户信息
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function ologinPrefect()
     $post = I('post.');
     // 验证手机号
     $mobile = I('post.mobile');
     if (strlen($mobile) != 11) {
         $this->return['code'] = 1001;
         $this->return['message'] = L('mobile_error');
     if ($this->checkMobile($mobile)) {
         $this->return['code'] = 1002;
         $this->return['message'] = L('mobile_has');
     // 验证昵称
     if (!$post['uname']) {
         $this->return['code'] = 1003;
         $this->return['message'] = L('uname_null');
     // 验证性别
     if ($post['sex'] != 1 && $post['sex'] != 2) {
         $this->return['code'] = 1004;
         $this->return['message'] = L('sex_error');
     $post['first_letter'] = getFirstLetter($post['uname']);
     if (preg_match('/[\\x7f-\\xff]+/', $post['uname'])) {
         $pinyinClass = new \PinYin();
         $pinyin = $pinyinClass->Pinyin($post['uname']);
         $post['search_key'] = $post['uname'] . ' ' . $pinyin;
     } else {
         $post['search_key'] = $post['uname'];
     // 密码
     if (!$post['password']) {
         $this->return['code'] = 1004;
         $this->return['message'] = L('pwd_null');
     $post['login_salt'] = rand(11111, 99999);
     $post['password'] = md5(md5($post['password']) . $post['login_salt']);
     $post['ctime'] = time();
     $post['level'] = $post['self_level'];
     $post['cur_language'] = $post['lid'];
     D('userinfo')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->save($post);
     $language_info['uid'] = $this->mid;
     $language_info['lid'] = $post['lid'];
     $language_info['type'] = 4;
     $language_info['self_level'] = $post['self_level'];
     $this->redis->Sadd('User:sex' . $post['sex'], $this->mid);
     $this->redis->SADD('Userinfo:online', $this->mid);
     $this->createSubAccount('yujia' . $this->mid, $this->mid);
     $res = D('userinfo')->getUserInfo($this->mid);
     $this->redis->HMSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, $res);
     $res['token'] = I('post.token');
     $tmp['headimg'] = json_decode($this->redis->HGET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, 'headimg'), true);
     $tmp['headimg'] = $tmp['headimg'][0]['url'];
     $return = array('uid' => $this->mid, 'token' => $res['token'], 'voipaccount' => $res['voipaccount'], 'voippwd' => $res['voippwd'], 'subaccountid' => $res['subaccountid'], 'subtoken' => $res['subtoken'], 'uname' => $res['uname'], 'mobile' => $res['mobile'], 'sex' => $res['sex'], 'headimg' => $tmp['headimg']);
     $this->return['data'] = $return;
 public function pinyin()
     $name = I('name');
     $preg = '/^[\\x81-\\xfe][\\x40-\\xfe]+$/';
     if (preg_match($preg, $name)) {
         $pinyin = new \PinYin();
         $name = $pinyin->Pinyin($name, 1);
     echo $name;
Beispiel #3
 } else {
     $data = array();
     foreach ($user_list as &$value) {
         if (empty($value['email'])) {
             $value['email'] = 'ts_' . $value['uid'] . '@thinksns.com';
         $salt = rand(11111, 99999);
         $salt = mysql_escape_string($salt);
         $password = md5($value['password'] . $salt);
         $password = mysql_escape_string($password);
         $sex = $value['sex'] == 1 ? 1 : 2;
         $sex = mysql_escape_string($sex);
         $first_letter = getFirstLetter($value['uname']);
         $first_letter = mysql_escape_string($first_letter);
         $search_key = $value['uname'] . ' ' . $Py->Pinyin($value['uname']);
         $search_key = mysql_escape_string($search_key);
         $value = updateValue($value);
         $data[] = "('" . $value['uid'] . "','" . $value['email'] . "','" . $password . "','" . $salt . "','" . $value['uname'] . "','" . $value['email'] . "','" . $sex . "','" . $value['location'] . "','1','" . $value['is_active'] . "','" . $value['is_init'] . "','" . $value['ctime'] . "','1',null,'" . $value['domain'] . "','" . $value['province'] . "','" . $value['city'] . "','0', '', 'zh-cn', 'PRC', '0', '" . $first_letter . "', '', null, null, '0', '" . $search_key . "', null, 0, 0)";
         // 添加用户组信息 - todo
         $user_group_link_sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $old_db_conf['DB_PREFIX'] . 'user_group_link` WHERE `uid` = ' . $value['uid'] . ' LIMIT 1';
         $user_group_info = $old_db->query($user_group_link_sql);
         // 获取管理用户组
         $admin_group_sql = 'SELECT p.* FROM `' . $old_db_conf['DB_PREFIX'] . 'user_group_popedom` AS p LEFT JOIN `' . $old_db_conf['DB_PREFIX'] . 'node` AS n ON p.`node_id` = n.`node_id` WHERE n.`app_name` = \'admin\' AND n.`mod_name` = \'*\' AND n.`act_name` = \'*\'';
         $admin_group_info = $old_db->query($admin_group_sql);
         if (empty($user_group_info) || $user_group_info[0]['user_group_id'] != $admin_group_info[0]['user_group_id']) {
             $user_group_data[] = "(null, '" . $value['uid'] . "', '3')";
         } else {
             if ($user_group_info[0]['user_group_id'] == $admin_group_info[0]['user_group_id']) {
                 $user_group_data[] = "('" . $user_group_info[0]['id'] . "', '" . $user_group_info[0]['uid'] . "', '1')";
  * 保存用户信息
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function saveInfo()
     $post = I('post.');
     $o_info = $this->redis->HGETALL('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid);
     $info = array();
     $o_headimg = json_decode($o_info['headimg'], true) ? json_decode($o_info['headimg'], true) : array();
     $o_headimg_ids = getSubByKey($o_headimg, 'rid');
     $o_headimg_str = $o_headimg_ids ? implode(',', $o_headimg_ids) : '';
     if ($o_headimg_str != trim($post['headimg'], ',') && isset($post['headimg'])) {
         $info['headimg'] = trim($post['headimg'], ',');
         $headimg_arr = explode(',', $info['headimg']);
         foreach ($headimg_arr as $v) {
             $photo_res = array();
             $photo_res['rid'] = $v;
             $photo_res['url'] = C('WEBSITE_URL') . D('picture')->where('id=' . $v)->getField('path');
             $photo[] = $photo_res;
         $this->redis->HSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, 'headimg', json_encode($photo, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
         $new_photo = explode(',', trim($post['headimg'], ',')) ? explode(',', trim($post['headimg'], ',')) : array();
         $o_headimg_ids = $o_headimg_ids ? $o_headimg_ids : array();
         $add_photo = array_diff($new_photo, $o_headimg_ids);
         if ($add_photo) {
             $sj_log['uid'] = $this->mid;
             $sj_log['type'] = 1;
             foreach ($add_photo as $v) {
                 $sj_log['url'] = D('picture')->where('id=' . $v)->getField('path');
     if ($post['uname'] != $o_info['uname'] && isset($post['uname'])) {
         if ($post['uname'] == '') {
             $this->return['code'] == 1004;
             $this->return['message'] == L('uname_null');
         $info['uname'] = $post['uname'];
         $info['first_letter'] = getFirstLetter($post['uname']);
         if (preg_match('/[\\x7f-\\xff]+/', $post['uname'])) {
             $pinyinClass = new \PinYin();
             $pinyin = $pinyinClass->Pinyin($post['uname']);
             $info['search_key'] = $post['uname'] . ' ' . $pinyin;
         } else {
             $info['search_key'] = $post['uname'];
     // 性别
     if ($post['sex'] != $o_info['sex'] && isset($post['sex'])) {
         if ($post['sex'] != 1 && $post['sex'] != 2) {
             $this->return['code'] == 1003;
             $this->return['message'] == L('sex_error');
         $info['sex'] = $post['sex'];
         $sex_flag = $post['sex'] == 1 ? 2 : 1;
         $this->redis->sRem('User:sex' . $sex_flag, $this->mid);
         $this->redis->sAdd('User:sex' . $info['sex'], $this->mid);
     // 个性签名
     if ($post['intro'] != $o_info['intro'] && isset($post['intro'])) {
         $info['intro'] = $post['intro'];
     // 视频介绍
     $o_info['video_profile'] = json_decode($o_info['video_profile'], true) ? json_decode($o_info['video_profile'], true) : array();
     if ($post['video_profile'] != $o_info['video_profile']['rid'] && isset($post['video_profile'])) {
         $info['video_profile'] = $post['video_profile'];
         $video = D('file')->field('savepath, savename')->where('id=' . $post['video_profile'])->find();
         $video_profile['rid'] = $post['video_profile'];
         $video_profile['url'] = C('WEBSITE_URL') . '/Uploads/File/' . $video['savepath'] . $video['savename'];
         $this->redis->HSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, 'video_profile', json_encode($video_profile, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
         $video_profile_data['type'] = 2;
         $video_profile_data['url'] = '/Uploads/File/' . $video['savepath'] . $video['savename'];
         $video_profile_data['uid'] = $this->mid;
     // 音频介绍
     $o_info['audio_profile'] = json_decode($o_info['audio_profile'], true) ? json_decode($o_info['audio_profile'], true) : array();
     if ($post['audio_profile'] != $o_info['audio_profile']['rid'] && $post['audio_profile']) {
         $info['audio_profile'] = $post['audio_profile'];
         $audio = D('file')->field('savepath, savename')->where('id=' . $post['audio_profile'])->find();
         $audio_profile['rid'] = $post['audio_profile'];
         $audio_profile['url'] = C('WEBSITE_URL') . '/Uploads/File/' . $audio['savepath'] . $audio['savename'];
         $this->redis->HSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, 'audio_profile', json_encode($audio_profile, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     // 国家,省,城市信息
     if (isset($post['country']) && $post['country'] != 0) {
         if ($post['country'] != $o_info['country']) {
             $info['country'] = $post['country'];
             $info['province'] = $post['province'];
             $info['city'] = $post['city'];
             $info['location'] = $post['location'];
         } elseif ($post['province'] != $o_info['province'] && isset($post['province'])) {
             $info['province'] = $post['province'];
             $info['city'] = $post['city'];
             $info['location'] = $post['location'];
         } elseif ($post['city'] != $o_info['city'] && isset($post['city'])) {
             $info['city'] = $post['city'];
             $info['location'] = $post['location'];
     //语言 更改
     $o_language = json_decode($o_info['language'], true) ? json_decode($o_info['language'], true) : array();
     if ($post['language']['lid'] != $o_language['lid'] && isset($post['language']['lid'])) {
         $info['cur_language'] = $language['lid'] = $post['language']['lid'];
     if ($post['language']['self_level'] != $o_language['self_level'] && isset($post['language']['self_level'])) {
         $info['level'] = $language['self_level'] = $post['language']['self_level'];
     if (count($language)) {
         D('userLanguage')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->save($language);
         $language = D('userLanguage')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->field('lid, type, sys_level, self_level')->select();
         $allLanguage = D('language')->getAllLanguage();
         foreach ($language as $k => $v) {
             $language[$k]['language_name'] = $allLanguage[$v['lid']];
         $this->redis->HSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, 'language', json_encode($language, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     if (count($info)) {
         D('userinfo')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->save($info);
         unset($info['video_profile'], $info['headimg'], $info['audio_profile']);
         foreach ($info as $k => $v) {
             $this->redis->HSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, $k, $v);
     if (isset($post['tags'])) {
         $o_tags = json_decode($o_info['tags']) ? json_decode($o_info['tags'], true) : array();
         $o_tag_ids = getSubByKey($o_tags, 'tid');
         $tags_post = explode(',', $post['tags']);
         if (!count($tags_post)) {
             D('userTags')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->delete();
         } else {
             $tags['uid'] = $this->mid;
             $add_tags = array_diff($tags_post, $o_tag_ids);
             if (count($add_tags)) {
                 foreach ($add_tags as $v) {
                     $tags['tid'] = $v;
             $delete_tags = array_diff($o_tag_ids, $tags_post);
             if (count($delete_tags)) {
                 foreach ($delete_tags as $v) {
                     D('userTags')->where('uid=' . $this->mid . ' and tid=' . $v)->delete();
             if (count($delete_tags) || count($add_tags)) {
                 $allTags = D('tags')->getAllTags();
                 $tags_res = D('userTags')->field('tid')->where('uid=' . $this->mid)->select();
                 foreach ($tags_res as $k => $val) {
                     $tags_res[$k]['tag_name'] = $allTags[$val['tid']];
                 $this->redis->HSET('Userinfo:uid' . $this->mid, 'tags', json_encode($tags_res, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
     //$this->return['data'] = $this->getUserinfoData($this->mid);