function show(Pilot $pilot) { $active = Flight::with('departure', '', 'arrival', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereIn('state', array(0, 1, 3, 4))->first(); $flights = Flight::with('departure', '', 'arrival', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->orderBy('arrival_time', 'desc')->take(15)->get(); $flightCount = Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->count(); $stats = new FlightStat(Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)); if ($pilot->processing == 0) { Queue::push('LegacyUpdate', $pilot->vatsim_id, 'legacy'); $pilot->processing = 2; $pilot->save(); } if ($pilot->processing == 2) { Messages::success('The data for this pilot is currently being processed. In a couple of minutes, all statistics will be available.')->one(); } $distances = $stats->distances($pilot->distance); $citypair = $stats->citypair(); if ($flights->count() > 0) { $durations = $stats->durations($pilot->duration); extract($durations); } // Charts: popular airlines, airports and aircraft $airlines = $stats->topAirlines(); $airports = $stats->topAirports(); $aircraft = $stats->topAircraft(); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.min.js'); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.pie.min.js'); $this->autoRender(compact('pilot', 'flights', 'active', 'distances', 'airlines', 'aircraft', 'airports', 'longest', 'shortest', 'citypair', 'hours', 'minutes'), $pilot->name); }
function generate() { global $smarty; $this->toplist->generate(); $i = 1; $rows = array(); while ($row = $this->toplist->getRow()) { $pilot = Pilot::getByID($row['plt_id']); $uri = edkURI::build(array('a', 'kill_detail', true), array('kll_id', $row['kll_id'], true)); if ($row['plt_externalid']) { $img = imageURL::getURL('Pilot', $row['plt_externalid'], 32); } else { $img = $pilot->getPortraitURL(32); } $ship = Ship::getByID($row['ship']); $shipUri = edkURI::build(array('a', 'invtype', true), array('id', $row['ship'], true)); if ((int) number_format($row["isk"], 0, "", "") > 1000000000) { $isk = number_format($row["isk"] / 1000000000, 2, ".", "") . " b"; } elseif ((int) number_format($row["isk"], 0, "", "") > 1000000) { $isk = number_format($row["isk"] / 1000000, 2, ".", "") . " M"; } else { $isk = number_format($row["isk"], 0, ".", ","); } $rows[] = array('rank' => $i, 'name' => $pilot->getName(), 'uri' => $uri, 'portrait' => $img, 'shipImage' => $ship->getImage(32), 'shipName' => $ship->getName(), 'shipId' => $row['ship'], 'shipURI' => $shipUri, 'isk' => $isk); $i++; } $smarty->assign('tl_name', 'Pilot'); $smarty->assign('tl_type', $this->entity_); $smarty->assignByRef('tl_rows', $rows); return $smarty->fetch(getcwd() . '/mods/most_expensive_toplist/templates/toplisttable_expensive.tpl'); }
private function updateChars() { if (empty($this->chars)) { return $this->chars; } foreach ($this->chars as $char) { // check if chars eveid exists in kb $sql = 'select plts.plt_id, plts.plt_externalid from kb3_pilots plts where plts.plt_name = "' . $char['Name'] . '"'; $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(); $qry->execute($sql); if ($qry->recordCount() != 0) { // pilot is in kb db, check he has his char id $row = $qry->getRow(); $pilot_id = $row['plt_id']; $pilot_external_id = $row['plt_externalid']; if ($pilot_external_id == 0 && $pilot_id != 0) { // update DB with ID $qry->execute("UPDATE kb3_pilots SET plt_externalid = " . intval($char['charID']) . "\n WHERE plt_id = " . $pilot_id); } } else { // pilot is not in DB // Set Corp $pilotscorp = Corporation::lookup($char['corpName']); // Check Corp was set, if not, add the Corp if (!$pilotscorp->getID()) { $ialliance = Alliance::add('None'); $pilotscorp = Corporation::add($char['corpName'], $ialliance, gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s")); } Pilot::add($char['Name'], $pilotscorp, gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), intval($char['charID'])); } } return; }
function index() { $q = trim(Input::get('q')); if (empty($q) || !Input::has('q')) { return Redirect::home(); } if (!Input::has('guess') || Input::get('guess') != 'no') { $regex = array('pilot' => '[0-9]+', 'airport' => '[A-Z0-9]{4}', 'airline' => '[A-Z0-9]{3}', 'airportIata' => '[A-Z0-9]{3}', 'citypair' => '([A-Z0-9]{3,4})(?:(?:\\s*?[-|>]\\s*?)|\\s+to\\s+|\\s+)([A-Z0-9]{3,4})', 'callsign' => '.*'); $search = new Search($q); foreach ($regex as $type => $pattern) { if (preg_match('/^' . $pattern . '$/i', $q, $matches) && ($match = $search->quick($type, $matches))) { Messages::info('You were redirected here by a best guess of the search system. <a href="' . URL::route('search', array('q' => $q, 'guess' => 'no')) . '" class="alert-link">Return to search results.</a>'); return $match; } } } $pilots = Pilot::where(function ($search) use($q) { $search->where('vatsim_id', '=', $q); $search->orWhere(function ($name) use($q) { $name->where('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%'); $name->where('anonymous', '=', false); }); })->where('vatsim_id', '!=', 0)->get(); $flights = Flight::where('callsign', '=', $q)->orderBy('departure_time', 'desc')->get(); $airlines = Airline::where('icao', '=', $q)->orWhere('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%')->get(); $airports = Airport::where('icao', '=', $q)->orWhere('iata', '=', $q)->orWhere('name', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%')->orWhere('city', 'LIKE', '%' . $q . '%')->get(); $this->autoRender(compact('q', 'flights', 'pilots', 'airlines', 'airports'), 'Search'); }
function pilot() { $pilot = Pilot::find($this->query); if (!is_null($pilot)) { return Redirect::route('', $pilot->vatsim_id); } return false; }
/** * Generate the output html from the template file. */ function generate() { global $smarty; $rows = array(); $max = 0; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->length_; $i++) { $row = $this->toplist_->getRow(); if ($row) { $rows[] = $row; } if ($row['cnt'] > $max) { $max = $row['cnt']; } } if (empty($rows)) { return; } $pilot = new Pilot($rows[0]['plt_id']); $smarty->assign('title', $this->title_); $smarty->assign('pilot_portrait', $pilot->getPortraitURL(64)); $smarty->assign('award_img', config::get('cfg_img') . "/awards/" . $this->award_ . ".png"); $smarty->assign('url', edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_id', $rows[0]['plt_id'], true))); $smarty->assign('name', $pilot->getName()); $bar = new BarGraph($rows[0]['cnt'], $max); $smarty->assign('bar', $bar->generate()); $smarty->assign('cnt', $rows[0]['cnt']); for ($i = 2; $i < $this->length_ + 1; $i++) { if (!$rows[$i - 1]['plt_id']) { break; } else { if (!$rows[$i - 1]['plt_name']) { $pilot = new Pilot($rows[$i - 1]['plt_id']); $pilotname = $pilot->getName(); } else { $pilotname = $rows[$i - 1]['plt_name']; } } $bar = new BarGraph($rows[$i - 1]['cnt'], $max); $top[$i] = array('url' => edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_id', $rows[$i - 1]['plt_id'], true)), 'name' => $pilotname, 'bar' => $bar->generate(), 'cnt' => $rows[$i - 1]['cnt']); } $smarty->assign('top', $top); $smarty->assign('comment', $this->comment_); return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('award_box')); }
/** * Fetch the board owners. * @return array Array of id strings to add to URLS */ function getOwners() { $myids = array(); if (!defined('MASTER') || !MASTER) { foreach (config::get('cfg_pilotid') as $entity) { $pilot = new Pilot($entity); $myids[] = '&pilot=' . urlencode($pilot->getName()); } foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $entity) { $corp = new Corporation($entity); $myids[] = '&corp=' . urlencode($corp->getName()); } foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $entity) { $alli = new Alliance($entity); $myids[] = '&alli=' . urlencode($alli->getName()); } } return $myids; }
function show(Pilot $pilot) { $actives = ATC::with('airport', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereNull('end')->where('facility_id', '!=', 99)->get(); $duties = ATC::with('airport', '')->whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereNotNull('end')->where('facility_id', '!=', 99)->orderBy('end', 'desc')->take(15)->get(); if ($pilot->processing == 0) { Queue::push('LegacyUpdate', $pilot->vatsim_id, 'legacy'); $pilot->processing = 2; $pilot->save(); } if ($pilot->processing == 2) { Messages::success('The data for this controller is currently being processed. In a couple of minutes, all statistics will be available.')->one(); } $stat = new ControllerStat(ATC::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->where('facility_id', '!=', 99)); extract($stat->durations($pilot->duration_atc)); $airports = $stat->topAirports(); $facilities = $stat->topFacilities(); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.min.js'); $this->javascript('assets/javascript/jquery.flot.pie.min.js'); $this->autoRender(compact('pilot', 'duties', 'actives', 'airport', 'airports', 'longest', 'hours', 'minutes', 'facilities'), $pilot->name); }
function addScout($pilot_name) { $scoutship = "9999"; //get pilot order $pqry = new DBPreparedQuery(); $pqry->prepare("select max(ind_order), ind_timestamp from kb3_inv_detail where ind_kll_id = ? group by ind_timestamp"); $pqry->bind_param('i', $this->killID_); $pqry->bind_result($scoutorder, $timestamp); if (!$pqry->execute() || !$pqry->recordCount()) { return false; } else { $pqry->fetch(); } $scoutorder = $scoutorder + 1; //lookup pilot id by name $pilot = Pilot::lookup($pilot_name); if (!$pilot) { return false; } if (isset($pilot)) { $pilotid = $pilot->getID(); if ($pilotid == 0) { return false; } } else { return false; } $qry = new DBQuery(true); $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_scout (`inp_kll_id`,`inp_plt_id`) VALUES ('" . $this->killID_ . "','" . $pilotid . "')"); $this->scouts_[] = $this->getPilotData($pilotid, $qry->getInsertID()); if (!isset($this->scouts_)) { return false; } $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_inv_detail (`ind_kll_id`,`ind_timestamp`,`ind_plt_id`,`ind_all_id`,`ind_crp_id`,`ind_shp_id`,`ind_order`) VALUES ('" . $this->killID_ . "','" . $timestamp . "','" . $pilotid . "','" . $this->scouts_[0]['allianceid'] . "','" . $this->scouts_[0]['corpid'] . "','" . $scoutship . "','" . $scoutorder . "')"); //add to pilot's stats $qry->execute("SELECT 1 FROM kb3_sum_pilot WHERE psm_plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "'"); if ($qry->recordCount() > 0) { $this->kill = new Kill($this->killID_); $qry->execute("INSERT INTO kb3_sum_pilot \n (psm_plt_id, psm_shp_id, psm_kill_count, psm_kill_isk) \n VALUES ('" . $pilotid . "','" . $this->kill->getVictimShip()->getClass()->getID() . "', 1, '" . $this->kill->getISKLoss() . "') \n ON DUPLICATE KEY \n UPDATE psm_kill_count = psm_kill_count + 1, \n psm_kill_isk = psm_kill_isk + '" . $this->kill->getISKLoss() . "'"); //Jalon debugging - i had to run this query to fix the DB, it was missing a default value: //alter table kb3_inv_detail modify column ind_dmgdone int(11) not null default 0; //error_log("INSERT INTO kb3_sum_pilot (psm_plt_id, psm_shp_id, psm_kill_count, psm_kill_isk) VALUES ('".$pilotid."','".$this->kill->getVictimShip()->getClass()->getID()."', 1, '".$this->kill->getISKLoss()."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE psm_kill_count = psm_kill_count + 1, psm_kill_isk = psm_kill_isk + '".$this->kill->getISKLoss()."'"); $qry->execute("UPDATE kb3_pilots \n SET plt_kpoints = plt_kpoints + '" . $this->kill->getKillPoints() . "' WHERE plt_id = '" . $pilotid . "'"); } //make sure involved count is shown correctly (it's generated before this class is loaded) header("Location: ?a=kill_detail&kll_id=" . $this->killID_); exit; }
function display() { global $smarty; $alls = $corps = $pilots = false; if (config::get('cfg_allianceid')) { $alls = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_allianceid') as $entity) { $alliance = new Alliance($entity); if ($alliance->getExternalID()) { $url = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $alliance->getExternalID(), 'all_ext_id'); } else { $url = edkURI::page('alliance_detail', $alliance->getID(), 'all_id'); } $alls[] = array('id' => $alliance->getID(), 'extid' => $alliance->getExternalID(), 'name' => $alliance->getName(), 'portrait' => $alliance->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url); } } if (config::get('cfg_corpid')) { $corps = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_corpid') as $entity) { $corp = new Corporation($entity); if ($corp->getExternalID()) { $url = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $corp->getExternalID(), 'crp_ext_id'); } else { $url = edkURI::page('corp_detail', $corp->getID(), 'crp_id'); } $corps[] = array('id' => $corp->getID(), 'extid' => $corp->getExternalID(), 'name' => $corp->getName(), 'portrait' => $corp->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url); } } if (config::get('cfg_pilotid')) { $pilots = array(); foreach (config::get('cfg_pilotid') as $entity) { $pilot = new Pilot($entity); if ($pilot->getExternalID()) { $url = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $pilot->getExternalID(), 'plt_ext_id'); } else { $url = edkURI::page('pilot_detail', $pilot->getID(), 'plt_id'); } $pilots[] = array('id' => $pilot->getID(), 'extid' => $pilot->getExternalID(), 'name' => $pilot->getName(), 'portrait' => $pilot->getPortraitURL(128), 'url' => $url); } } $smarty->assignByRef('alliances', $alls); $smarty->assignByRef('corps', $corps); $smarty->assignByRef('pilots', $pilots); return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('self')); }
function generate() { global $smarty; $this->toplist->generate(); $i = 1; $rows = array(); while ($row = $this->toplist->getRow()) { $pilot = Pilot::getByID($row['plt_id']); if ($row['plt_externalid']) { $uri = edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_ext_id', $row['plt_externalid'], true)); $img = imageURL::getURL('Pilot', $row['plt_externalid'], 32); } else { $uri = edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_id', $row['plt_id'], true)); $img = $pilot->getPortraitURL(32); } $rows[] = array('rank' => $i, 'name' => $pilot->getName(), 'uri' => $uri, 'portrait' => $img, 'count' => $row['cnt']); $i++; } $smarty->assign('tl_name', 'Pilot'); $smarty->assign('tl_type', $this->entity_); $smarty->assignByRef('tl_rows', $rows); return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('toplisttable')); }
function fire($job, $vatsim_id) { $pilot = Pilot::whereVatsimId($vatsim_id)->first(); if ($pilot->processing == 1) { $job->delete(); return; } try { $it = new XmlIterator\XmlIterator('' . $vatsim_id, 'user'); $official = iterator_to_array($it)[0]; $pilot->name = $official['name_first'] . ' ' . $official['name_last']; $pilot->rating_id = $official['rating']; } catch (ErrorException $e) { } $newFlights = array(); $flights = Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->get(); $totalDistance = 0; $totalDuration = 0; $totalFlights = $flights->count(); foreach ($flights as $flight) { if ($flight->processed == 1) { $totalDistance += $flight->distance; $totalDuration += $flight->duration; } else { $callsign = str_replace('-', '', strtoupper($flight->callsign)); if (!is_null($airline = $this->getAirlines($callsign))) { // Airline $flight->isAirline($airline->icao); unset($airline); } elseif (!is_null($registration = $this->getRegistrations($callsign))) { $flight->isPrivate($registration->country_id); unset($registration); } if (!is_null($flight->departure_time) && !is_null($flight->arrival_time)) { $duration = $this->duration($flight->departure_time, $flight->arrival_time); $flight->duration = $duration; $totalDuration += $duration; unset($duration); } $distance = 0; foreach ($flight->positions as $key => $position) { if ($key > 0) { $distance += $this->distance($position->lat, $position->lon, $previous->lat, $previous->lon); } $previous = $position; } $flight->distance = $distance; // $flight->processed = true; // $flight->save(); if (!is_nan($distance)) { $totalDistance += $distance; } unset($distance, $previous); } $newFlights[] = array('id' => $flight->id, 'duration' => $flight->duration, 'distance' => $flight->distance, 'airline_id' => $flight->airline_id, 'callsign_type' => $flight->callsign_type); unset($flight); } unset($flights); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - processed flights'); DB::statement("create temporary table if not exists flights_temp (\n\t\t\t`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`callsign_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t`airline_id` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`duration` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t`distance` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t)"); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - created temp table flights'); $remaining = count($newFlights); $step = 0; do { Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted flights - ' . $remaining); DB::table('flights_temp')->insert(array_slice($newFlights, 100 * $step, 100)); $remaining -= 100; $step++; } while ($remaining > 0); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted flights - done'); DB::statement("update flights dest, flights_temp src set\n\t\t\tdest.callsign_type = src.callsign_type,\n\t\t\tdest.airline_id = src.airline_id,\n\t\t\tdest.duration = src.duration,\n\t\t\tdest.distance = src.distance,\n\t\t\tdest.processed = 1\n\t\twhere =\n\t\t"); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - updated flights'); $atcs = ATC::whereVatsimId($vatsim_id)->whereNotNull('end')->get(); $totalDurationAtc = 0; $totalAtc = $atcs->count(); $newAtc = array(); foreach ($atcs as $atc) { if ($atc->processed) { if ($atc->facility_id != 99) { $totalDurationAtc += $atc->duration; } else { $totalAtc--; } } else { $atc->facility_id = ends_with($atc->callsign, '_ATIS') ? 99 : $atc->facility_id; $duration = $this->duration($atc->start, $atc->end); $atc->duration = $duration; if ($atc->facility_id != 99) { $totalDurationAtc += $duration; } if ($atc->facility_id < 6) { $airport = Airport::select('icao')->whereIcao(explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->orWhere('iata', '=', explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->pluck('icao'); $atc->airport_id = is_null($airport) ? null : $airport; unset($airport); } elseif ($atc->facility_id == 6) { $sector = SectorAlias::select('sectors.code')->where('sector_aliases.code', '=', explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->join('sectors', 'sector_aliases.sector_id', '=', '')->pluck('code'); $atc->sector_id = is_null($sector) ? null : $sector; unset($sector); } else { $totalAtc--; } // $atc->processed = true; // $atc->save(); } $newAtc[] = array('id' => $atc->id, 'airport_id' => $atc->airport_id, 'sector_id' => $atc->sector_id, 'duration' => $atc->duration, 'facility_id' => $atc->facility_id); unset($atc); } unset($atcs); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - processed atc'); DB::statement("create temporary table if not exists atc_temp (\n\t\t\t`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`facility_id` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`airport_id` varchar(6) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`sector_id` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`duration` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t)"); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - created temp table atc'); $remaining = count($newAtc); $step = 0; do { Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted atc - ' . $remaining); DB::table('atc_temp')->insert(array_slice($newAtc, 100 * $step, 100)); $remaining -= 100; $step++; } while ($remaining > 0); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted atc - done'); DB::statement("update atc dest, atc_temp src set\n\t\t\tdest.duration = src.duration,\n\t\t\tdest.facility_id = src.facility_id,\n\t\t\tdest.airport_id = src.airport_id,\n\t\t\tdest.sector_id = src.sector_id,\n\t\t\tdest.processed = 1\n\t\twhere =\n\t\t"); Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - updated atc'); $pilot->processing = 1; $pilot->distance = $totalDistance; $pilot->duration = $totalDuration; $pilot->counter = $totalFlights; $pilot->counter_atc = $totalAtc; $pilot->duration_atc = $totalDurationAtc; $pilot->save(); $job->delete(); }
public static function nameToId($type, $set, $value) { if ($type == 'nametoid') { $api = new API_NametoID(); $api->setNames($value); } else { if ($type == 'idtoname') { $api = new API_IDtoName(); $api->setIDs($value); } } $api->fetchXML(); if ($type == 'nametoid') { $char_info = $api->getNameData(); } else { if ($type == 'idtoname') { $char_info = $api->getIDData(); } } if (isset($char_info[0]['characterID']) && strlen($char_info[0]['characterID']) > 0) { $timestamp = gmdate('%Y.%m.%d %H:%i:%s', time()); if ($set == 'p') { $all = Alliance::add('Unknown'); $crp = Corporation::add('Unknown', $all, $timestamp, 0, false); $plt = Pilot::add($char_info[0]['name'], $crp, $timestamp, $char_info[0]['characterID'], false); $_POST['option_cfg_pilotid'] = $value = $plt->getID(); $pilots = config::get('cfg_pilotid'); $pilots[] = intval($value); config::set('cfg_pilotid', $pilots); $html = '<input type="text" id="option_cfg_pilotid"' . ' name="option_cfg_pilotid" value="" size="40"' . ' maxlength="64" />'; } else { if ($set == 'c') { $all = Alliance::add('Unknown'); $crp = new Corporation(); $crp->add($char_info[0]['name'], $all, $timestamp, $char_info[0]['characterID'], false); $_POST['option_cfg_corpid'] = $value = $crp->getID(); $corps = config::get('cfg_corpid'); $corps[] = intval($value); config::set('cfg_pilotid', $corps); $html = '<input type="text" id="option_cfg_corpid"' . ' name="option_cfg_corpid" value="" size="40"' . ' maxlength="64" />'; } else { if ($set == 'a') { $all = Alliance::add('Unknown'); $_POST['option_cfg_allianceid'] = $value = $all->getID(); $alliances = config::get('option_cfg_allianceid'); $alliances[] = intval($value); config::set('option_cfg_allianceid', $alliances); $html = '<input type="text" id="option_cfg_allianceid"' . ' name="option_cfg_allianceid" value="" size="40"' . ' maxlength="64" />'; } } } return $html; } else { return $html; } }
/** * Show the overall statistics for this alliance. */ function stats() { $this->summary->generate(); if ($this->pilot->getExternalID()) { $apiInfo = new API_CharacterInfo(); $apiInfo->setID($this->pilot->getExternalID()); $result .= $apiInfo->fetchXML(); // Update the name if it has changed. if ($result == "") { $data = $apiInfo->getData(); $this->alliance = Alliance::add($data['alliance'], $data['allianceID']); $this->corp = Corporation::add($data['corporation'], $this->alliance, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['corporationID']); $this->pilot = Pilot::add($data['characterName'], $this->corp, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['characterID']); } } global $smarty; $smarty->assign('portrait_URL', $this->pilot->getPortraitURL(128)); $smarty->assign('corp_id', $this->corp->getID()); $smarty->assign('corp_name', $this->corp->getName()); $smarty->assign('all_name', $this->alliance->getName()); $smarty->assign('all_id', $this->alliance->getID()); $smarty->assign('klist_count', $this->summary->getTotalKills()); $smarty->assign('klist_real_count', $this->summary->getTotalRealKills()); //$this->klist->getRealCount()); $smarty->assign('llist_count', $this->summary->getTotalLosses()); $smarty->assign('klist_isk_B', round($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() / 1000000000, 2)); $smarty->assign('llist_isk_B', round($this->summary->getTotalLossISK() / 1000000000, 2)); //Pilot Efficiency Mod Begin (K Austin) if ($this->summary->getTotalKills() == 0) { $pilot_survival = 100; $pilot_efficiency = 0; } else { if ($this->summary->getTotalKills() + $this->summary->getTotalLosses()) { $pilot_survival = round($this->summary->getTotalLosses() / ($this->summary->getTotalKills() + $this->summary->getTotalLosses()) * 100, 2); } else { $pilot_survival = 0; } if ($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->summary->getTotalLossISK()) { $pilot_efficiency = round($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() / ($this->summary->getTotalKillISK() + $this->summary->getTotalLossISK()) * 100, 2); } else { $pilot_efficiency = 0; } } $smarty->assign('pilot_survival', $pilot_survival); $smarty->assign('pilot_efficiency', $pilot_efficiency); $smarty->assign('akey', session::isAdmin() ? session::makeKey() : false); $this->lpoints = $this->summary->getTotalLossPoints(); $this->points = $this->summary->getTotalKillPoints(); return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('pilot_detail_stats')); }
/** * Adds an object to the instance pool. * * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved * from the database. In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*() * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*() * and retrieveByPK*() calls. * * @param Pilot $value A Pilot object. * @param string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally). */ public static function addInstanceToPool(Pilot $obj, $key = null) { if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) { if ($key === null) { $key = (string) $obj->getId(); } // if key === null self::$instances[$key] = $obj; } }
/** * Fetch the pilot name from CCP using the stored external ID. * * Corporation will be set to Unknown. */ private function fetchPilot() { if (!$this->externalid) { return false; } $apiInfo = new API_CharacterInfo(); $apiInfo->setID($this->externalid); $result .= $apiInfo->fetchXML(); if ($result == "") { $data = $apiInfo->getData(); $this->alliance = Alliance::add($data['alliance'], $data['allianceID']); $this->corp = Corporation::add($data['corporation'], $this->alliance, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['corporationID']); $this->name = $data['characterName']; Pilot::add($data['characterName'], $this->corp, $apiInfo->getCurrentTime(), $data['characterID']); } else { return false; } }
// corp $box = imagettfbbox(10, 0, MPATH . 'GUNSHIP2.TTF', $corp->getName()); $width = $box[4]; imagettftext($im, 10, 0, 319 - $width, 71, $black, MPATH . 'GUNSHIP2.TTF', $corp->getName()); imagettftext($im, 10, 0, 318 - $width, 70, $red, MPATH . 'GUNSHIP2.TTF', $corp->getName()); // player $box = imagettfbbox(16, 0, MPATH . 'GUNSHIP2.TTF', $name); $width = $box[4]; imagettftext($im, 16, 0, 319 - $width, 91, $black, MPATH . 'GUNSHIP2.TTF', $name); imagettftext($im, 16, 0, 318 - $width, 90, $red, MPATH . 'GUNSHIP2.TTF', $name); // time, victim, victim corp and ship killed imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 39, 16, $black, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getTimeStamp()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 38, 15, $white, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getTimeStamp()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 39, 26, $black, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getVictimName()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 38, 25, $white, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getVictimName()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 39, 36, $black, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getVictimCorpName()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 38, 35, $white, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getVictimCorpName()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 6, 46, $black, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getVictimShipName()); imagettftext($im, 11, 0, 5, 45, $white, MPATH . 'spaceage.ttf', $kill->getVictimShipName()); // ship $sid = $kill->getVictimShipExternalID(); $img = shipImage::get($sid); imagecopyresampled($im, $img, 5, 5, 0, 0, 30, 30, 64, 64); // player portrait if (!$pid) { $pid = 0; } $img = imagecreatefromjpeg(Pilot::getPortraitPath(256, $pid)); imagefilledrectangle($im, 318, 18, 392, 92, $greyred_trans); imagecopyresampled($im, $img, 320, 20, 0, 0, 70, 70, 256, 256); imagedestroy($img);
$pilot = Cacheable::factory('Pilot', $plt_id); } else { $plt_ext_id = (int) edkURI::getArg('ext'); if ($plt_ext_id) { $pilot = new Pilot(0, $plt_id); $plt_id = $pilot->getID(); } else { $plt_id = edkURI::getArg('id'); if (!$plt_id) { errorPic('No pilot id specified.'); $pilot = new Pilot(); } else { if ($plt_id < 1000000) { $pilot = Cacheable::factory('Pilot', $plt_id); } else { $pilot = new Pilot(0, $plt_id); $plt_id = $pilot->getID(); } } } } if (!$plt_ext_id) { $plt_ext_id = $pilot->getExternalID(); } // If we still don't have an external ID then just use the internal for names. if (!$plt_ext_id) { $plt_ext_id = $plt_id; } if (!$pilot->exists()) { errorPic('That pilot doesnt exist.'); }
/** * Return the raw killmail for this kill. * * @return string */ function getRawMail() { if (!is_null($this->mail)) { return $this->mail; } if (config::get('km_cache_enabled') && file_exists(KB_PAGECACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt")) { $this->mail = file_get_contents(KB_PAGECACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt"); return $this->mail; } if (!$this->timestamp) { $this->execQuery(); } if (!$this->valid) { return "The specified kill ID is not valid."; } if ($this->isClassified()) { return 'Killmail not yet available, try again in ' . round($this->getClassifiedTime() / 3600, 2) . ' hrs.'; } static $locations; if (!isset($locations)) { $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(); $qry->execute("SELECT itl_id, itl_location FROM kb3_item_locations"); while ($row = $qry->getRow()) { $locations[$row['itl_id']] = $row['itl_location']; } } $ship = $this->getVictimShip(); $shipclass = $ship->getClass(); if (!$this->getVictimCorpName()) { $corp = new Corporation($this->victimcorpid); $this->victimcorpname = $corp->getName(); } if (!$this->getVictimAllianceName()) { $all = new Alliance($this->victimallianceid); $this->victimalliancename = $all->getName(); } if (!$this->getVictimName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, victim name blank", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$this->getVictimCorpName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, victim corporation blank", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$this->getVictimAllianceName() && !$this->getVictimFactionName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, victim alliance blank", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$ship->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, ship blank", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$this->getSystem()->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, system blank", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } } } } } $mail = substr(str_replace('-', '.', $this->getTimeStamp()), 0, 16) . "\r\n\r\n"; // Starbase (so this is a POS mail) if (in_array($shipclass->getID(), array(35, 36, 37, 38))) { $mail .= "Corp: " . $this->getVictimCorpName() . "\r\n"; if ($this->getIsVictimFaction()) { $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n"; } else { $mail .= "Alliance: " . $this->getVictimAllianceName() . "\r\n"; } $mail .= "Faction: " . $this->getVictimFactionName() . "\r\n"; //$ship = $this->getVictimShip(); $mail .= "Destroyed: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n"; if ($this->getVictimName() == $this->getSystem()->getName()) { $mail .= "Moon: Unknown\r\n"; } else { $mail .= "Moon: " . $this->getVictimName() . "\r\n"; } $mail .= "System: " . $this->getSystem()->getName() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Security: " . $this->getSystem()->getSecurity(true) . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Damage Taken: " . $this->dmgtaken . "\r\n\r\n"; $mail .= "Involved parties:\r\n\r\n"; } else { $mail .= "Victim: " . $this->getVictimName() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Corp: " . $this->getVictimCorpName() . "\r\n"; if ($this->getIsVictimFaction()) { $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n"; } else { $mail .= "Alliance: " . $this->getVictimAllianceName() . "\r\n"; } $mail .= "Faction: " . $this->getVictimFactionName() . "\r\n"; //$ship = $this->getVictimShip(); $mail .= "Destroyed: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n"; $system = $this->getSystem(); $mail .= "System: " . $system->getName() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Security: " . $system->getSecurity(true) . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Damage Taken: " . $this->dmgtaken . "\r\n\r\n"; $mail .= "Involved parties:\r\n\r\n"; } foreach ($this->involvedparties_ as $inv) { /* @var $inv InvolvedParty */ $pilot = new Pilot($inv->getPilotID()); $corp = new Corporation($inv->getCorpID()); $alliance = new Alliance($inv->getAllianceID()); $weapon = $inv->getWeapon(); $ship = $inv->getShip(); // Split these into multiple ifs so the error tells us where the // problem was. if (!$pilot->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved pilot", E_USER_ERROR); var_dump($pilot); return ""; } else { if (!$corp->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved corporation", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$alliance->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved alliance", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$weapon->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved weapon", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } else { if (!$ship->getName()) { trigger_error("Invalid mail, invalid involved ship", E_USER_ERROR); return ""; } } } } } if ($pilot->getName() == $weapon->getName()) { $name = $pilot->getName() . " / " . $corp->getName(); } else { $name = $pilot->getName(); } $mail .= "Name: " . $name; if ($pilot->getID() == $this->getFBPilotID()) { $mail .= " (laid the final blow)"; } $mail .= "\r\n"; if ($pilot->getName() != $weapon->getName()) { $mail .= "Security: " . $inv->getSecStatus() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Corp: " . $corp->getName() . "\r\n"; if ($alliance->isFaction()) { $mail .= "Alliance: None\r\n"; $mail .= "Faction: " . $alliance->getName() . "\r\n"; } else { $mail .= "Alliance: " . $alliance->getName() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Faction: None\r\n"; } $mail .= "Ship: " . $ship->getName() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Weapon: " . $weapon->getName() . "\r\n"; $mail .= "Damage Done: " . $inv->getDamageDone() . "\r\n"; } else { $mail .= "Damage Done: " . $inv->getDamageDone() . "\r\n"; } $mail .= "\r\n"; } if (count($this->destroyeditems_) > 0) { $mail .= "\r\nDestroyed items:\r\n\r\n"; foreach ($this->destroyeditems_ as $destroyed) { $item = $destroyed->getItem(); $mail .= $item->getName(); if ($destroyed->getQuantity() > 1) { $mail .= ", Qty: " . $destroyed->getQuantity(); } if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == 5) { $mail .= " (Cargo)"; } else { if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == 87) { $mail .= " (Drone Bay)"; } else { if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == 89) { $mail .= " (Implant)"; } else { if ($destroyed->getLocationID() == -1) { $mail .= " (Copy)"; } } } } $mail .= "\r\n"; } } if (count($this->droppeditems_) > 0) { $mail .= "\r\nDropped items:\r\n\r\n"; foreach ($this->droppeditems_ as $dropped) { $item = $dropped->getItem(); $mail .= $item->getName(); if ($dropped->getQuantity() > 1) { $mail .= ", Qty: " . $dropped->getQuantity(); } if ($dropped->getLocationID() == 5) { $mail .= " (Cargo)"; } else { if ($dropped->getLocationID() == 87) { $mail .= " (Drone Bay)"; } else { if ($dropped->getLocationID() == 89) { $mail .= " (Implant)"; } else { if ($dropped->getLocationID() == -1) { $mail .= " (Copy) (Cargo)"; } } } } $mail .= "\r\n"; } } if ($this->id && config::get('km_cache_enabled')) { file_put_contents(KB_MAILCACHEDIR . "/" . $this->getID() . ".txt", $mail); } $this->mail = $mail; return $mail; }
/** * * @param KillList $killList * @return string KillList as XML */ public static function killListToXML($killList) { global $idfeedversion; $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery(); $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n\t\t<eveapi version='2' edkapi='" . $idfeedversion . "'>\n\t\t</eveapi>"; $sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); // Let's start making the xml. $sxe->addChild('currentTime', $date); $result = $sxe->addChild('result'); $kills = $result->addChild('rowset'); $kills->addAttribute('name', 'kills'); $kills->addAttribute('key', 'killID'); $kills->addAttribute('columns', 'killID,solarSystemID,killTime,moonID,hash,trust'); $count = 0; $timing = ''; while ($kill = $killList->getKill()) { if (config::get('km_cache_enabled') && CacheHandler::exists($kill->getID() . ".xml", 'mails')) { $cachedRow = new SimpleXMLElement(CacheHandler::get($kill->getID() . ".xml", 'mails')); IDFeed::addXMLElement($kills, $cachedRow); continue; } $count++; if ($kill->isClassified()) { continue; } //$kill = Kill::getByID($kill->getID()); $row = $kills->addChild('row'); $row->addAttribute('killID', intval($kill->getExternalID())); $row->addAttribute('killInternalID', intval($kill->getID())); $row->addAttribute('solarSystemID', $kill->getSystem()->getExternalID()); $row->addAttribute('killTime', $kill->getTimeStamp()); $row->addAttribute('moonID', '0'); $row->addAttribute('hash', bin2hex(IDFeed::getHash($kill, true))); $row->addAttribute('trust', 3); $victim = Pilot::getByID($kill->getVictimID()); $victimCorp = Corporation::getByID($kill->getVictimCorpID()); $victimAlliance = Alliance::getByID($kill->getVictimAllianceID()); $victimrow = $row->addChild('victim'); if ($victim->getName() == $kill->getVictimShipName()) { $victimrow->addAttribute('characterID', "0"); $victimrow->addAttribute('characterName', ""); } else { $victimrow->addAttribute('characterID', $victim->getExternalID()); $victimrow->addAttribute('characterName', $victim->getName()); } $victimrow->addAttribute('corporationID', $victimCorp->getExternalID()); $victimrow->addAttribute('corporationName', $victimCorp->getName()); if ($victimAlliance->isFaction()) { $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceID', 0); $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceName', ''); $victimrow->addAttribute('factionID', $victimAlliance->getFactionID()); $victimrow->addAttribute('factionName', $victimAlliance->getName()); } else { $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceID', $victimAlliance->getExternalID()); $victimrow->addAttribute('allianceName', $victimAlliance->getName()); $victimrow->addAttribute('factionID', 0); $victimrow->addAttribute('factionName', ''); } $victimrow->addAttribute('damageTaken', $kill->getDamageTaken()); $victimrow->addAttribute('shipTypeID', $kill->getVictimShipExternalID()); $involved = $row->addChild('rowset'); $involved->addAttribute('name', 'attackers'); $involved->addAttribute('columns', 'characterID,characterName,corporationID,corporationName,allianceID,allianceName,factionID,factionName,securityStatus,damageDone,finalBlow,weaponTypeID,shipTypeID'); $sql = "SELECT ind_sec_status, ind_all_id, ind_crp_id,\n\t\t\t\tind_shp_id, ind_wep_id, ind_order, ind_dmgdone, plt_id, plt_name,\n\t\t\t\tplt_externalid, crp_name, crp_external_id,\n\t\t\t\twtype.typeName AS wep_name FROM kb3_inv_detail\n\t\t\t\tJOIN kb3_pilots ON (plt_id = ind_plt_id)\n\t\t\t\tJOIN kb3_corps ON (crp_id = ind_crp_id)\n\t\t\t\tJOIN kb3_invtypes wtype ON (ind_wep_id = wtype.typeID)\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ind_kll_id = " . $kill->getID() . " ORDER BY ind_order ASC"; $qry->execute($sql); while ($inv = $qry->getRow()) { $invrow = $involved->addChild('row'); if (strpos($inv['plt_name'], '- ') !== false) { $inv['plt_name'] = substr($inv['plt_name'], strpos($inv['plt_name'], '- ') + 2); } else { if (strpos($inv['plt_name'], '#') !== false) { $name = explode("#", $inv['plt_name']); $inv['plt_name'] = $name[3]; } } if ($inv['plt_name'] == $inv['wep_name']) { $invrow->addAttribute('characterID', 0); $invrow->addAttribute('characterName', ""); $invrow->addAttribute('weaponTypeID', 0); $invrow->addAttribute('shipTypeID', $inv['ind_wep_id']); } else { $invrow->addAttribute('characterID', $inv['plt_externalid']); $invrow->addAttribute('characterName', $inv['plt_name']); $invrow->addAttribute('weaponTypeID', $inv['ind_wep_id']); $invrow->addAttribute('shipTypeID', $inv['ind_shp_id']); } $invrow->addAttribute('corporationID', $inv['crp_external_id']); $invrow->addAttribute('corporationName', $inv['crp_name']); $invAlliance = Alliance::getByID($inv['ind_all_id']); if ($invAlliance->isFaction()) { $invrow->addAttribute('allianceID', 0); $invrow->addAttribute('allianceName', ''); $invrow->addAttribute('factionID', $invAlliance->getFactionID()); $invrow->addAttribute('factionName', $invAlliance->getName()); } else { if (strcasecmp($invAlliance->getName(), "None") == 0) { $invrow->addAttribute('allianceID', 0); $invrow->addAttribute('allianceName', ""); } else { $invrow->addAttribute('allianceID', $invAlliance->getExternalID()); $invrow->addAttribute('allianceName', $invAlliance->getName()); } $invrow->addAttribute('factionID', 0); $invrow->addAttribute('factionName', ''); } $invrow->addAttribute('securityStatus', number_format($inv['ind_sec_status'], 1)); $invrow->addAttribute('damageDone', $inv['ind_dmgdone']); if ($inv['plt_id'] == $kill->getFBPilotID()) { $final = 1; } else { $final = 0; } $invrow->addAttribute('finalBlow', $final); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM kb3_items_destroyed WHERE itd_kll_id = " . $kill->getID(); $qry->execute($sql); $qry2 = DBFactory::getDBQuery(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM kb3_items_dropped WHERE itd_kll_id = " . $kill->getID(); $qry2->execute($sql); if ($qry->recordCount() || $qry2->recordCount()) { $items = $row->addChild('rowset'); $items->addAttribute('name', 'items'); $items->addAttribute('columns', 'typeID,flag,qtyDropped,qtyDestroyed, singleton'); while ($iRow = $qry->getRow()) { $itemRow = $items->addChild('row'); $itemRow->addAttribute('typeID', $iRow['itd_itm_id']); $itemRow->addAttribute('flag', $iRow['itd_itl_id']); if ($iRow['itd_itl_id'] == -1) { $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 2); } else { $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 0); } $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDropped', 0); $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDestroyed', $iRow['itd_quantity']); } while ($iRow = $qry2->getRow()) { $itemRow = $items->addChild('row'); $itemRow->addAttribute('typeID', $iRow['itd_itm_id']); $itemRow->addAttribute('flag', $iRow['itd_itl_id']); if ($iRow['itd_itl_id'] == -1) { $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 2); } else { $itemRow->addAttribute('singleton', 0); } $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDropped', $iRow['itd_quantity']); $itemRow->addAttribute('qtyDestroyed', 0); } } if (config::get('km_cache_enabled')) { CacheHandler::put($kill->getID() . ".xml", $row->asXML(), 'mails'); } $timing .= $kill->getID() . ": " . (microtime(true) - $starttime) . "<br />"; } $sxe->addChild('cachedUntil', $date); return $sxe->asXML(); }
public static function GenerateRow($pods = false, $header = true) { global $smarty; $klist = new KillList(); $klist->setOrdered(true); $klist->setOrderBy("kll_isk_loss DESC"); if ($pods == false) { $klist->setPodsNoobShips(false); } else { $klist->addVictimShipClass(2); } $klist->setLimit(self::NUM_DISPLAYED); if (isset($_GET["w"])) { self::$week = intval($_GET["w"]); } if (isset($_GET["m"])) { self::$month = intval($_GET["m"]); } if (isset($_GET["y"])) { self::$year = intval($_GET["y"]); } self::setTime(self::$week, self::$year, self::$month); $view = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/', '', $_GET['view']); if (config::get('show_monthly')) { $start = makeStartDate(0, self::$year, self::$month); $end = makeEndDate(0, self::$year, self::$month); $klist->setStartDate(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i', $start)); $klist->setEndDate(gmdate('Y-m-d H:i', $end)); $smarty->assign("displaylist", date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, self::$month, 1, self::$year)) . ", " . self::$year); } else { $klist->setWeek(self::$week); $klist->setYear(self::$year); $plist->setWeek(self::$week); $plist->setYear(self::$year); $smarty->assign("displaylist", "Week " . self::$week . ", " . self::$year); } if (config::get("exp_incloss")) { $smarty->assign("displaytype", "Kills and Losses"); involved::load($klist, "combined"); } else { $smarty->assign("displaytype", "Kills"); involved::load($klist, "kill"); } $kills = array(); while ($kill = $klist->getKill()) { $kll = array(); $plt = new Pilot($kill->getVictimID()); if ($kill->isClassified() && !Session::isAdmin()) { $kll['systemsecurity'] = "-"; $kll['system'] = Language::get("classified"); } else { $kll['systemsecurity'] = $kill->getSolarSystemSecurity(); $kll['system'] = $kill->getSolarSystemName(); } $kll["id"] = $kill->getID(); $kll["victim"] = $kill->getVictimName(); $kll["victimid"] = $kill->getVictimID(); $kll["victimship"] = $kill->getVictimShipName(); $kll["victimshipid"] = $kill->getVictimShipExternalID(); $kll["victimshipclass"] = $kill->getVictimShipClassName(); $kll["victimcorp"] = $kill->getVictimCorpName(); $kll["victimcorpid"] = $kill->getVictimCorpID(); $alliance = Alliance::getByID($kill->getVictimAllianceID()); if ($pods == false) { $kll["victimimageurl"] = $kill->getVictimShipImage(128); } else { $kll["victimimageurl"] = $plt->getPortraitURL(128); } $kll["victimallimage"] = $alliance->getPortraitURL(32); $kll["victimallname"] = $alliance->getName(); if ((int) number_format($kill->getISKLoss(), 0, "", "") > 1000000000) { $kll["isklost"] = number_format($kill->getISKLoss() / 1000000000, 2, ".", "") . " Billion"; } elseif ((int) number_format($kill->getISKLoss(), 0, "", "") > 1000000) { $kll["isklost"] = number_format($kill->getISKLoss() / 1000000, 2, ".", "") . " Million"; } else { $kll["isklost"] = number_format($kill->getISKLoss(), 0, ".", ","); } if (config::get('cfg_allianceid') && in_array($kill->getVictimAllianceID(), config::get('cfg_allianceid'))) { $kll["class"] = "kl-loss"; $kll["classlink"] = '<font color="#AA0000">•</font>'; } elseif (config::get('cfg_corpid') && in_array($kill->getVictimCorpID(), config::get('cfg_corpid'))) { $kll["class"] = "kl-loss"; $kll["classlink"] = '<font color=\\"#AA0000\\">•</font>'; } elseif (config::get('cfg_pilotid') && in_array($kill->getVictimID(), config::get('cfg_pilotid'))) { $kll["class"] = "kl-loss"; $kll["classlink"] = '<font color="#AA0000">•</font>'; } else { $kll["class"] = "kl-kill"; $kll["classlink"] = '<font color="#00AA00">•</font>'; } $kills[] = $kll; } if ($header == true) { $smarty->assign("header", true); } else { $smarty->assign("header", false); } $smarty->assign("killlist", $kills); $smarty->assign("width", 100 / self::NUM_DISPLAYED); return $smarty->fetch(get_tpl('most_expensive_summary')); }
/** * Generates the menu for the user * @return string */ public static function menu() { $box = new Box('User'); $box->setIcon('menu-item.gif'); if (!user::loggedin()) { $box->addOption('link', 'Login', edkURI::build(array('a', 'login', true))); $box->addOption('link', 'Register', edkURI::build(array('a', 'register', true))); } else { if (user::get('usr_pilot_id')) { $plt = Pilot::getByID((int) user::get('usr_pilot_id')); $box->addOption('link', $plt->getName(), edkURI::build(array('a', 'pilot_detail', true), array('plt_id', $plt->getID(), true))); } $box->addOption('link', 'Logout', edkURI::build(array('a', 'logout', true))); } event::call('user_menu_create', $box); return $box->generate(); }
protected function processStep3Check(sfWebRequest $request) { $default_airport = AirportPeer::getByIdent(sfConfig::get('app_default_airport_ident')); $this->forward404Unless($default_airport); $app = $this->application_temp; $person = $this->person; if (!$person instanceof Person) { $person = new Person(); } /* @var $app ApplicationTemp */ /* @var $person Person */ // Person $tmp_arr = $app->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $tmp_arr['evening_phone'] = $tmp_arr['eve_phone']; $tmp_arr['evening_comment'] = $tmp_arr['eve_comment']; unset($tmp_arr['id']); $person->fromArray($tmp_arr, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $person->save(); // Member $member = MemberPeer::getByPersonId($person->getId()); if (!$member instanceof Member) { $member = new Member(); } // Generate external id using last member is and external id $c = new Criteria(); $c->add(MemberPeer::EXTERNAL_ID, NULL, Criteria::ISNOTNULL); $c->addDescendingOrderByColumn(MemberPeer::ID); $external_member = MemberPeer::doSelectOne($c); $external_id = $external_member->getExternalId(); $currentExternalId = $external_id + 1; //print_r($external_id); //print_r($currentExternalId); $member->setActive(1); $member->setCoPilot($app->getApplicantCopilot()); $member->setContact('By Email'); $member->setDateOfBirth($app->getDateOfBirth()); $member->setDriversLicenseState($app->getDriversLicenseState()); $member->setDriversLicenseNumber($app->getDriversLicenseNumber()); $member->setEmergencyContactName($app->getEmergencyContactName()); $member->setEmergencyContactPhone($app->getEmergencyContactPhone()); $member->setFlightStatus($app->getApplicantPilot() ? 'Verify Orientation' : 'Non-pilot'); $member->setJoinDate(time()); $member->setLanguages($app->getLanguagesSpoken()); //$member->setMasterMemberId($app->getMasterMemberId()); $member->setMemberClassId($app->getMemberClassId()); $member->setPersonId($person->getId()); $member->setRenewedDate(time()); $member->setRenewalDate(strtotime('+1 year')); $member->setSpouseName($app->getSpouseFirstName() . ' ' . $app->getSpouseLastName()); //external_id generate $member->setExternalId($currentExternalId); $member->setWingId($app->getWingId()); $member->save(); // Pilot if ($app->getApplicantPilot()) { $pilot = new Pilot(); $pilot->setMemberId($member->getId()); $airport = AirportPeer::getByIdent($app->getHomeBase()); if (!$airport instanceof Airport) { $airport = $default_airport; } $pilot->setPrimaryAirportId($airport->getId()); $pilot->setTotalHours($app->getTotalHours()); $pilot->setLicenseType('Private'); foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_license_types') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($app->getRatings(), $key) !== false) { $pilot->setLicenseType($key); } } $pilot->setIfr(stripos($app->getRatings(), 'ifr') !== false ? 1 : 0); $pilot->setMultiEngine(stripos($app->getRatings(), 'multi') !== false ? 1 : 0); $pilot->setSeInstructor('No'); // @see ApplicationForm foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_se_instructor') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($app->getRatings(), $key) !== false) { $pilot->setSeInstructor($key); } } $pilot->setMeInstructor($pilot->getSeInstructor()); $pilot->save(); // Availability $availability = new Availability(); $availability->setMemberId($member->getId()); $availability->setNotAvailable(0); $availability->setNoWeekday($app->getAvailabilityWeekdays() == 0); $availability->setNoNight($app->getAvailabilityWeeknights() == 0); $availability->setLastMinute($app->getAvailabilityLastMinute()); $availability->setAsMissionMssistant($app->getAvailabilityCopilot()); $availability->setNoWeekend($app->getAvailabilityWeekends() == 0); try { $availability->save(); } catch (Exception $e) { } // Primary aircraft if ($app->getAircraftPrimaryId() && ($aircraft = AircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getAircraftPrimaryId()))) { $pilot_aircraft = new PilotAircraft(); $pilot_aircraft->setMemberId($member->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setAircraftId($aircraft->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setNNumber($app->getAircraftPrimaryNNumber()); $pilot_aircraft->setOwn($app->getAircraftPrimaryOwn()); $pilot_aircraft->setSeats($app->getAircraftPrimarySeats()); $pilot_aircraft->setKnownIce($app->getAircraftPrimaryIce()); $pilot_aircraft->save(); } // Secondary aircraft if ($app->getAircraftSecondaryId() && ($aircraft = AircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getAircraftSecondaryId()))) { $pilot_aircraft = new PilotAircraft(); $pilot_aircraft->setMemberId($member->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setAircraftId($aircraft->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setNNumber($app->getAircraftSecondaryNNumber()); $pilot_aircraft->setOwn($app->getAircraftSecondaryOwn()); $pilot_aircraft->setSeats($app->getAircraftSecondarySeats()); $pilot_aircraft->setKnownIce($app->getAircraftSecondaryIce()); $pilot_aircraft->save(); } // Third aircraft if ($app->getAircraftThirdId() && ($aircraft = AircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getAircraftThirdId()))) { $pilot_aircraft = new PilotAircraft(); $pilot_aircraft->setMemberId($member->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setAircraftId($aircraft->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setNNumber($app->getAircraftThirdNNumber()); $pilot_aircraft->setOwn($app->getAircraftThirdOwn()); $pilot_aircraft->setSeats($app->getAircraftThirdSeats()); $pilot_aircraft->setKnownIce($app->getAircraftThirdIce()); $pilot_aircraft->save(); } } // Application_temp $app->setPersonId($person->getId()); $app->setMemberId($member->getId()); $app->setProcessedDate(time()); $app->save(); // Application $tmp_arr = $app->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $tmp_arr['date'] = $tmp_arr['application_date']; $tmp_arr['company'] = $tmp_arr['company_name']; foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_license_types') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], $key) !== false) { $tmp_arr['license_type'] = $key; } } $tmp_arr['ifr'] = stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], 'ifr') !== false ? 1 : 0; $tmp_arr['multi_engine'] = stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], 'multi') !== false ? 1 : 0; $tmp_arr['se_instructor'] = 'No'; // @see ApplicationForm foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_se_instructor') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], $key) !== false) { $tmp_arr['se_instructor'] = $key; } } $tmp_arr['me_instructor'] = $tmp_arr['se_instructor']; $tmp_arr['other_ratings'] = $tmp_arr['ratings']; $tmp_arr['fbo'] = $tmp_arr['fbo_name']; $tmp_arr['member_meetings'] = 0; $tmp_arr['executive_board'] = 0; $tmp_arr['dues_amount_paid'] = $tmp_arr['dues_amount_paid'] ? $tmp_arr['dues_amount_paid'] : 0; unset($tmp_arr['id']); $application = new Application(); $application->fromArray($tmp_arr, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $application->save(); $where = $request->getParameter('step3_redirect'); //Ziyed save default role for new member $appTemp = $this->application_temp; if ($appTemp->getPersonId()) { $person_role = new PersonRole(); $person_role->setPersonId($appTemp->getPersonId()); if ($appTemp->getApplicantPilot() == 1) { $person_role->setRoleId(27); } else { $person_role->setRoleId(31); } $person_role->save(); } //Ziyed end save if ($where == 1) { $this->redirect('@member_view?id=' . $member->getId()); } else { /* if ($application->getEmail()) { # send email failure to payment $this->getComponent('mail', 'memberApplicationProcessed', array('email' => $application->getEmail(),'member_id'=>$member->getId(), 'name' => $application->getFirstName() . ' ' . $application->getLastName())); }*/ $this->redirect('pending_member/processComplete?id=' . $member->getId()); } }
/** * Declares an association between this object and a Pilot object. * * @param Pilot $v * @return MissionLegChange The current object (for fluent API support) * @throws PropelException */ public function setPilot(Pilot $v = null) { if ($v === null) { $this->setPilotId(NULL); } else { $this->setPilotId($v->getId()); } $this->aPilot = $v; // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship. // If this object has already been added to the Pilot object, it will not be re-added. if ($v !== null) { $v->addMissionLegChange($this); } return $this; }
/** * @return integer */ function getPilotID() { return $this->pilot_->getID(); }
protected function processStep3Check(sfWebRequest $request) { $default_airport = AirportPeer::getByIdent(sfConfig::get('app_default_airport_ident')); $this->forward404Unless($default_airport); $app = $this->application_temp; $person = $this->person; if (!$person instanceof Person) { $person = new Person(); } /* @var $app ApplicationTemp */ /* @var $person Person */ // Person $tmp_arr = $app->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $tmp_arr['evening_phone'] = $tmp_arr['eve_phone']; $tmp_arr['evening_comment'] = $tmp_arr['eve_comment']; unset($tmp_arr['id']); $person->fromArray($tmp_arr, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $person->save(); // Member $member = MemberPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getMemberId()); if (!$member instanceof Member) { $member = new Member(); } $member->setActive(1); $member->setCoPilot($app->getApplicantCopilot()); $member->setContact('By Email'); $member->setDateOfBirth($app->getDateOfBirth()); $member->setDriversLicenseState($app->getDriversLicenseState()); $member->setDriversLicenseNumber($app->getDriversLicenseNumber()); $member->setEmergencyContactName($app->getEmergencyContactName()); $member->setEmergencyContactPhone($app->getEmergencyContactPhone()); $member->setFlightStatus($app->getApplicantPilot() ? 'Verify Orientation' : 'Non-pilot'); //$member->setJoinDate(time()); $member->setLanguages($app->getLanguagesSpoken()); //Farazi //$member->setMasterMemberId($app->getMasterMemberId()); // Get Last renewal date $this->member = MemberPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getMemberId()); $lastRenewalDate = strtotime($this->member->getRenewalDate()); $member->setMemberClassId($app->getMemberClassId()); $member->setPersonId($person->getId()); $member->setRenewedDate(time()); ///Farazi Renewal Date From Memberclass if ($app->getMemberClassId()) { $memclass = MemberClassPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getMemberClassId()); $renewal_period = $memclass->getRenewalPeriod(); $renewalTime = strtotime('+' . $renewal_period . ' month', $lastRenewalDate); //echo $renewalTime; $member->setRenewalDate($renewalTime); //$member->setRenewalDate(strtotime('+'.$renewal_period.' month')); } // Farazi End //$member->setRenewalDate(strtotime('+1 year')); $member->setSpouseName($app->getSpouseFirstName() . ' ' . $app->getSpouseLastName()); $member->setWeight($app->getWeight()); $member->setWingId($app->getWingId()); $member->save(); // Pilot if ($app->getApplicantPilot()) { $pilot = $member->getPilot(); if (!$pilot instanceof Pilot) { $pilot = new Pilot(); } if ($pilot->isNew()) { // remove aircrafts foreach ($member->getPilotAircrafts() as $p_a) { PilotAircraftPeer::doDelete($p_a); } } $pilot->setMemberId($member->getId()); $airport = AirportPeer::getByIdent($app->getHomeBase()); if (!$airport instanceof Airport) { $airport = $default_airport; } $pilot->setPrimaryAirportId($airport->getId()); $pilot->setTotalHours($app->getTotalHours()); $pilot->setLicenseType('Private'); foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_license_types') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($app->getRatings(), $key) !== false) { $pilot->setLicenseType($key); } } $pilot->setIfr(stripos($app->getRatings(), 'ifr') !== false ? 1 : 0); $pilot->setMultiEngine(stripos($app->getRatings(), 'multi') !== false ? 1 : 0); $pilot->setSeInstructor('No'); // @see ApplicationForm foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_se_instructor') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($app->getRatings(), $key) !== false) { $pilot->setSeInstructor($key); } } $pilot->setMeInstructor($pilot->getSeInstructor()); $pilot->save(); // Availability $availability = $member->getAvailability(); if (!$availability instanceof Availability) { $availability = new Availability(); } $availability->setMemberId($member->getId()); $availability->setNotAvailable(0); $availability->setNoWeekday($app->getAvailabilityWeekdays() == 0); $availability->setNoNight($app->getAvailabilityWeeknights() == 0); $availability->setLastMinute($app->getAvailabilityLastMinute()); $availability->setAsMissionMssistant($app->getAvailabilityCopilot()); $availability->setNoWeekend($app->getAvailabilityWeekends() == 0); $availability->save(); //Farazi //Delete all aircrafts $pilot_aircrafts = PilotAircraftPeer::getByMemberId($member->getId()); foreach ($pilot_aircrafts as $pilot_aircraft) { $pilot_aircraft->delete(); } // Primary aircraft if ($app->getAircraftPrimaryId() && ($aircraft = AircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getAircraftPrimaryId()))) { $pilot_aircraft = new PilotAircraft(); $pilot_aircraft->setMemberId($member->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setAircraftId($aircraft->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setNNumber($app->getAircraftPrimaryNNumber()); $pilot_aircraft->setOwn($app->getAircraftPrimaryOwn()); $pilot_aircraft->setSeats($app->getAircraftPrimarySeats()); $pilot_aircraft->setKnownIce($app->getAircraftPrimaryIce()); $pilot_aircraft->save(); } // Secondary aircraft if ($app->getAircraftSecondaryId() && ($aircraft = AircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getAircraftSecondaryId()))) { $pilot_aircraft = new PilotAircraft(); $pilot_aircraft->setMemberId($member->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setAircraftId($aircraft->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setNNumber($app->getAircraftSecondaryNNumber()); $pilot_aircraft->setOwn($app->getAircraftSecondaryOwn()); $pilot_aircraft->setSeats($app->getAircraftSecondarySeats()); $pilot_aircraft->setKnownIce($app->getAircraftSecondaryIce()); $pilot_aircraft->save(); } // Third aircraft if ($app->getAircraftThirdId() && ($aircraft = AircraftPeer::retrieveByPK($app->getAircraftThirdId()))) { $pilot_aircraft = new PilotAircraft(); $pilot_aircraft->setMemberId($member->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setAircraftId($aircraft->getId()); $pilot_aircraft->setNNumber($app->getAircraftThirdNNumber()); $pilot_aircraft->setOwn($app->getAircraftThirdOwn()); $pilot_aircraft->setSeats($app->getAircraftThirdSeats()); $pilot_aircraft->setKnownIce($app->getAircraftThirdIce()); $pilot_aircraft->save(); } } // Application_temp $app->setPersonId($person->getId()); $app->setMemberId($member->getId()); $app->setProcessedDate(time()); $app->save(); // Application $tmp_arr = $app->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $tmp_arr['date'] = $tmp_arr['application_date']; $tmp_arr['company'] = $tmp_arr['company_name']; foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_license_types') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], $key) !== false) { $tmp_arr['license_type'] = $key; } } $tmp_arr['ifr'] = stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], 'ifr') !== false ? 1 : 0; $tmp_arr['multi_engine'] = stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], 'multi') !== false ? 1 : 0; $tmp_arr['se_instructor'] = 'No'; // @see ApplicationForm foreach (sfConfig::get('app_pilot_se_instructor') as $key => $val) { if (stripos($tmp_arr['ratings'], $key) !== false) { $tmp_arr['se_instructor'] = $key; } } $tmp_arr['me_instructor'] = $tmp_arr['se_instructor']; $tmp_arr['other_ratings'] = $tmp_arr['ratings']; $tmp_arr['fbo'] = $tmp_arr['fbo_name']; $tmp_arr['member_meetings'] = 0; $tmp_arr['executive_board'] = 0; $tmp_arr['dues_amount_paid'] = $tmp_arr['dues_amount_paid'] ? $tmp_arr['dues_amount_paid'] : 0; $tmp_arr['donation_amount_paid'] = $tmp_arr['donation_amount_paid'] ? $tmp_arr['donation_amount_paid'] : 0; unset($tmp_arr['id']); $application = new Application(); $application->fromArray($tmp_arr, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME); $application->save(); $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'Membership renewal completed successfully.'); //$this->redirect('renewal/processComplete?id='.$member->getId()); $this->redirect('renewal/processStep3?id=' . $this->application_temp->getId()); //$this->redirect('renewal/index?id='.$member->getId()); }
<?php /** * @package EDK */ /** * Made by Agustino and HyperBeanie * If you use and like these tools, please donate some isk! */ $plt_id = $_GET['plt_id']; // Make the pilot $pilot = new Pilot($plt_id); $page = new Page('Administration - Killmail export - ' . $pilot->getName()); $page->setAdmin(); $corp = $pilot->getCorp(); $alliance = $corp->getAlliance(); // Do the check if (!$pilot->exists()) { $html = "That pilot doesn't exist."; $page->generate($html); exit; } $html .= "<form><textarea class=killmail id=killmail name=killmail cols=\"55\" rows=\"35\" readonly=readonly>"; // Setup the lists $klist = new KillList(); $klist->setOrdered(true); $klist->addInvolvedPilot($pilot); $klist->rewind(); while ($kll_id = $klist->getKill()) { $kill = new Kill($kll_id->getID()); $html .= "\"";
/** * Declares an association between this object and a Pilot object. * * @param Pilot $v * @return Pilot The current object (for fluent API support) * @throws PropelException */ public function setPilotRelatedByMopOrientedMemberId(Pilot $v = null) { if ($v === null) { $this->setMopOrientedMemberId(NULL); } else { $this->setMopOrientedMemberId($v->getId()); } $this->aPilotRelatedByMopOrientedMemberId = $v; // Add binding for other direction of this n:n relationship. // If this object has already been added to the Pilot object, it will not be re-added. if ($v !== null) { $v->addPilotRelatedByMopOrientedMemberId($this); } return $this; }
config::set('post_permission', implode(',', $conf)); } asort($permissions['a']); asort($permissions['c']); asort($permissions['p']); $permt = array(); foreach ($permissions as $typ => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $id) { if ($typ == 'a') { $alliance = new Alliance($id); $text = $alliance->getName(); $link = KB_HOST . '/?a=admin_postperm&del=' . $typ . $id . '&akey=' . session::makeKey(); $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link); } if ($typ == 'p') { $pilot = new Pilot($id); $text = $pilot->getName(); $link = KB_HOST . '/?a=admin_postperm&del=' . $typ . $id . '&akey=' . session::makeKey(); $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link); } if ($typ == 'c') { $corp = new Corporation($id); $text = $corp->getName(); $link = KB_HOST . '/?a=admin_postperm&del=' . $typ . $id . '&akey=' . session::makeKey(); $permt[$typ][] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link); } } } $perm = array(); if ($permt['a']) { $perm[] = array('name' => 'Alliances', 'list' => $permt['a']);
<?php /** * @package EDK */ $page = new Page('Signature Listing'); $signatures = array(); $dir = opendir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/signatures'); while ($line = readdir($dir)) { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/signatures/' . $line . '/' . $line . '.php')) { $signatures[] = $line; } } $smarty->assign('signatures', $signatures); $smarty->assign('kb_host', KB_HOST); if (intval($_GET['ext'])) { $pilot = new Pilot(0, $_GET['ext']); $smarty->assign('pilot', intval($pilot->getID())); } else { $smarty->assign('pilot', intval($_GET['i'])); } $page->setContent($smarty->fetch('file:' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/sig_list.tpl')); $page->generate();