Beispiel #1
 * Ticker that scrolls its contents with various speeds and pauses
 * @param $fields
 *  An associative array of fields, possibly including:
 * "content_fbml" => string
 *  The FBML content of the ticker. The first top-level element
 *  should contain sub-elements, and their sizes determine where
 *  the ticker would pause between automatically scrolling.
 *  The ticker animates by scrolling its inner contents.
 * "vertical" => bool
 *  Defaults to true. If false, the ticker scrolls horizontally. 
 * "speed" => bool
 *  The scrolling speed. 
 *  This is the number of items that would scroll by in 1 second,
 *  if there were no pauses.
 *  When the speed is positive, vertical tickers scroll down, and
 *  horizontal tickers scroll to the right. New content seems to come in
 *  from the bottom (for vertical tickers) or right (for horizontal tickers)
 *  as the ticker scrolls. The element inside the ticker will start out
 *  aligned with the top side of the ticker (for vertical tickers),
 *  or the left side of the ticker (for horizontal tickers).
 *  When the speed is negative, all this faces the other way.
 * "pause_ms" => int
 *  Defaults to 2000. This is the number of milliseconds to wait
 *  after each second-level element of $content_fbml is automatically
 *  scrolled completely into view.
 * "pause_ms_min" => int
 *  If set, then the number of milliseconds to pause is a random
 *  integer between $pause_ms_min and $pause_ms.
 * "scrollbars" => bool
 *  Defaults to true. If true, shows scrollbars, otherwise doesn't.
 *  (Note: this will let the user know how much content is left,
 *   and be able to see it before it would automatically scroll into view.)
 * "scrollbars_pause_ms" => int
 *  Defaults to 500. The ticker pauses its automatic scrolling when the user
 *  starts using the scrollbars. This is the number of milliseconds to wait
 *  until resuming the automatic scrolling. 
 * "anim_ms" => int
 *  Defaults to 100. This is the number of milliseconds between calls to 
 *  autoScroll.
 * "initial_scroll_mode" => int
 *  Defaults to 'auto'. This is the mode that scrolling starts out in.
 *  Possible values are 'auto' and 'paused'.
 * "ease" => string
 *  Optional. If set, specifies the name of the ease function
function pie_tool_ticker($fields = array())
    $defaults = array('vertical' => true, 'speed' => 1, 'pause_ms' => 2000, 'scrollbars' => true, 'scrollbars_pause_ms' => 500, 'anim_ms' => 100);
    $fields2 = array_merge($defaults, $fields);
    if (!isset($fields2['pause_ms_min'])) {
        $fields2['pause_ms_min'] = $fields2['pause_ms'];
    if (!isset($fields2['content_fbml'])) {
        $li_array = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; ++$i) {
            $li_array[] = "<li>Missing \$content_fbml parameter. This is just example {$i}...</li>";
        $default_content = implode("\n", $li_array);
        if ($fields2['vertical']) {
            $fields2['content_fbml'] = "<ul class='error'>{$default_content}</ul>";
        } else {
            $fields2['content_fbml'] = "<ul class='error'>{$default_content}</ul>";
    // TODO: develop one for just HTML,
    // and then check for FBML environment, instead of assuming it.
    $direction_class = $fields2['vertical'] ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';
    $scrollbars_class = $fields2['scrollbars'] ? 'scrollbars' : '';
    return Pie_Html::tag('div', array('id' => 'ticker', 'class' => "ticker {$direction_class} {$scrollbars_class}"), $fields2['content_fbml']);
Beispiel #2
  * Returns the HTML markup for referencing all the stylesheets added so far
  * @param string $between
  *  Optional text to insert between the <link> elements.
  * @param string $slot_name
  *  Optional. If provided, returns only the stylesheets added while filling this slot.
  * @return string the HTML markup for referencing all the stylesheets added so far 
 static function stylesheets($between = '', $slot_name = null)
     $stylesheets = self::stylesheetsArray($slot_name);
     if (empty($stylesheets)) {
         return '';
     $tags = array();
     foreach (self::$stylesheets as $stylesheet) {
         $href = '';
         $media = 'screen, print';
         $type = 'text/css';
         extract($stylesheet, EXTR_IF_EXISTS);
         //$return .= "<style type='$type' media='$media'>@import '$href';</style>\n";
         $tags[] = Pie_Html::tag('link', array('rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => $type, 'href' => $href, 'media' => $media));
     return implode($between, $tags);