public function add($aVals) { $sVarName = strtolower(preg_replace('/ +/', '_', preg_replace('/[^0-9a-zA-Z ]+/', '', trim($aVals['var_name'])))); $iId = $this->database()->insert($this->_sTable, array('group_id' => $sVarName, 'module_id' => $aVals['module_id'], 'product_id' => $aVals['product_id'], 'version_id' => Phpfox::getId(), 'var_name' => 'setting_group_' . $sVarName)); $sPhrase = Phpfox::getService('language.phrase.process')->add(array('var_name' => 'setting_group_' . $sVarName, 'product_id' => $aVals['product_id'], 'module' => $aVals['module_id'] . '|' . $aVals['module_id'], 'text' => array('en' => '<title>' . $aVals['var_name'] . '</title><info>' . $aVals['info'] . '</info>'))); return $sVarName; }
/** * Gets any data we plan to place within the HTML tags <head></head>. * This method also groups the data to give the template a nice clean look. * * @return string|array $sData Returns the HTML data to be placed within <head></head> */ public function getHeader($bReturnArray = false) { if (Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { $this->setHeader(array('custom.css' => 'style_css')); } if ($this->delayedHeaders) { foreach ($this->delayedHeaders as $header) { $this->setHeader('cache', $header); } } // $this->setHeader('<link rel="stylesheet" href="">'); Core\Event::trigger('lib_phpfox_template_getheader', $this); foreach ((new Core\App())->all() as $App) { if ($App->head && is_array($App->head)) { foreach ($App->head as $head) { $this->setHeader($head); } } if ($App->settings) { $Setting = new Core\Setting(); foreach ($App->settings as $key => $setting) { if (isset($setting->js_variable)) { $this->setHeader('<script>var ' . $key . ' = "' . $Setting->get($key) . '";</script>'); } } } } $aArrayData = array(); $sData = ''; $sJs = ''; $iVersion = $this->getStaticVersion(); $oUrl = Phpfox_Url::instance(); $aUrl = $oUrl->getParams(); if (!defined('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND')) { define('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND', false); } if (!PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE) { ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oCore = {'core.is_admincp': " . (Phpfox::isAdminPanel() ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.section_module': '" . Phpfox_Module::instance()->getModuleName() . "', 'profile.is_user_profile': " . (defined('PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE') && PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'log.security_token': '" . Phpfox::getService('log.session')->getToken() . "', 'core.url_rewrite': '" . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') . "', 'core.country_iso': '" . (Phpfox::isUser() ? Phpfox::getUserBy('country_iso') : '') . "', 'core.can_move_on_a_y_and_x_axis' : " . (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.can_move_on_a_y_and_x_axis') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.default_currency': '" . (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') ? 'USD' : Phpfox::getService('core.currency')->getDefault()) . "', 'core.enabled_edit_area': " . (Phpfox::getParam('core.enabled_edit_area') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.disable_hash_bang_support': " . (Phpfox::getParam('core.disable_hash_bang_support') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.site_wide_ajax_browsing': " . (!defined('PHPFOX_IN_DESIGN_MODE') && Phpfox::getParam('core.site_wide_ajax_browsing') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel() && Phpfox::isUser() ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'profile.user_id': " . (defined('PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE') && PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE ? Profile_Service_Profile::instance()->getProfileUserId() : 0) . "};\n"; // You are filtering out the controllers which should not load 'content' ajaxly, finding a way for pages.view/1/info and like that $sProgressCssFile = $this->getStyle('css', 'progress.css'); $sStylePath = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', str_replace('progress.css', '', $sProgressCssFile)); $aJsVars = array('sJsHome' => Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), 'sJsHostname' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'sSiteName' => Phpfox::getParam('core.site_title'), 'sJsStatic' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC, 'sJsStaticImage' => Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_image'), 'sImagePath' => $this->getStyle('image'), 'sStylePath' => $this->getStyle('css'), 'sVersion' => Phpfox::getId(), 'sJsAjax' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC . 'ajax.php', 'sStaticVersion' => $iVersion, 'sGetMethod' => PHPFOX_GET_METHOD, 'sDateFormat' => defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') ? '' : Phpfox::getParam('core.date_field_order'), 'sEgiftStyle' => $this->getStyle('css', 'display.css', 'egift'), 'sGlobalTokenName' => Phpfox::getTokenName(), 'sController' => Phpfox_Module::instance()->getFullControllerName(), 'bJsIsMobile' => Phpfox::isMobile() ? true : false, 'sProgressCssFile' => $sProgressCssFile, 'sHostedVersionId' => defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_VERSION') ? PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_VERSION : ''); if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $aJsVars['bWysiwyg'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.wysiwyg') != 'default' && Phpfox::getParam('core.allow_html') ? true : false; $aJsVars['sEditor'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.wysiwyg'); $aJsVars['sJsCookiePath'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.cookie_path'); $aJsVars['sJsCookieDomain'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.cookie_domain'); $aJsVars['sJsCookiePrefix'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.session_prefix'); $aJsVars['bPhotoTheaterMode'] = Phpfox::isModule('photo') ? Phpfox::getParam('photo.view_photos_in_theater_mode') : false; $aJsVars['bUseHTML5Video'] = false; // ((Phpfox::isModule('video') && Phpfox::getParam('video.upload_for_html5')) ? true : false); if (Phpfox::isAdmin()) { $aJsVars['sAdminCPLocation'] = Phpfox::getParam('admincp.admin_cp'); } else { $aJsVars['sAdminCPLocation'] = ''; } if (Phpfox::isModule('notification')) { $aJsVars['notification.notify_ajax_refresh'] = Phpfox::getParam('notification.notify_ajax_refresh'); } $sLocalDatepicker = PHPFOX_STATIC . 'jscript/jquery/locale/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . strtolower(Phpfox_Locale::instance()->getLangId()) . '.js'; if (file_exists($sLocalDatepicker)) { $sFile = str_replace(PHPFOX_STATIC . 'jscript/', '', $sLocalDatepicker); $this->setHeader(array($sFile => 'static_script')); } /* Only in a few cases will we want to add the visitor's IP */ if (Phpfox::getParam('core.google_api_key') != '' && Phpfox::getParam('core.ip_infodb_api_key')) { // $aJsVars['sIP'] = Phpfox_Request::instance()->getIp(); } $aJsVars['bEnableMicroblogSite'] = Phpfox::isModule('microblog') ? Phpfox::getParam('microblog.enable_microblog_site') : false; } ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader_setting')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false; if (Phpfox::isModule('input') && false) { $this->setHeader('cache', array('browse.css' => 'style_css')); } $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oParams = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aJsVars as $sVar => $sValue) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } if (is_bool($sValue)) { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . ($sValue ? 'true' : 'false'); } elseif (is_numeric($sValue)) { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . $sValue; } else { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sValue) . "'"; } } $sJs .= "};\n"; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $aLocaleVars = array('core.are_you_sure', 'core.yes', '', '', 'core.cancel', 'core.go_advanced', 'core.processing', 'emoticon.emoticons', 'attachment.attach_files', 'core.close', 'core.language_packages', 'core.move_this_block', 'core.uploading', 'language.loading', 'core.saving', 'core.loading_text_editor', 'core.quote', 'core.loading'); if (Phpfox::isModule('im') && Phpfox::getParam('im.enable_im_in_footer_bar')) { $aLocaleVars[] = 'im.find_your_friends'; } ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader_language')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oTranslations = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aLocaleVars as $sValue) { $aParts = explode('.', $sValue); if ($aParts[0] != 'core' && !Phpfox::isModule($aParts[0])) { continue; } $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sValue}': '" . html_entity_decode(str_replace("'", "\\'", Phpfox::getPhrase($sValue)), null, 'UTF-8') . "'"; } $sJs .= "};\n"; $aModules = Phpfox_Module::instance()->getModules(); $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oModules = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aModules as $sModule => $iModuleId) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sModule}': true"; } $sJs .= "};\n"; } if (count($this->_aImages)) { $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oJsImages = {"; foreach ($this->_aImages as $sKey => $sImage) { $sJs .= $sKey . ': \'' . $sImage . '\','; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ','); $sJs .= "};\n"; } /* if (count($this->_aEditor) && isset($this->_aEditor['active']) && $this->_aEditor['active']) { */ $aEditorButtons = Phpfox::getLib('editor')->getButtons(); $iCnt = 0; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oEditor = {"; if (count($this->_aEditor) && isset($this->_aEditor['active']) && $this->_aEditor['active']) { foreach ($this->_aEditor as $sVar => $mValue) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . (is_bool($mValue) ? $mValue === true ? 'true' : 'false' : "'{$mValue}'") . ""; } $sJs .= ", "; } $sJs .= "images:["; foreach ($aEditorButtons as $mEditorButtonKey => $aEditorButton) { $sJs .= "{"; foreach ($aEditorButton as $sEditorButtonKey => $sEditorButtonValue) { $sJs .= "" . $sEditorButtonKey . ": '" . $sEditorButtonValue . "',"; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',') . "},"; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',') . "]"; $sJs .= "};\n"; // } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.load_jquery_from_google_cdn')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.jquery_google_cdn_version') . '/jquery.min.js"></script>' . "\n"; } } if (PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE) { $this->_aCacheHeaders = array(); } $bIsHttpsPage = false; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.force_https_secure_pages')) { if (in_array(str_replace('mobile.', '', Phpfox_Module::instance()->getFullControllerName()), Phpfox::getService('core')->getSecurePages()) && (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) { $bIsHttpsPage = true; } } $aSubCache = array(); $sStyleCacheData = ''; $sJsCacheData = ''; $aCacheJs = array(); $aCacheCSS = array(); $this->_sFooter = ''; $sJs .= "\t\t\t" . 'var $Behavior = {}, $Ready = $Ready = function(callback) {$Behavior[callback.toString().length] = callback;}, $Events = {}, $Event = function(callback) {$Events[callback.toString().length] = callback;};' . "\n"; $sJs .= "\t\t\t" . 'var $Core = {};' . "\n"; $aCustomCssFile = array(); foreach ($this->_aHeaders as $aHeaders) { if (!is_array($aHeaders)) { $aHeaders = array($aHeaders); } foreach ($aHeaders as $mKey => $mValue) { $sQmark = strpos($mKey, '?') ? '&' : '?'; if (is_numeric($mKey)) { if ($mValue === null) { continue; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $mValue; } else { if (is_string($mValue) && (strpos($mValue, '.js') !== false || strpos($mValue, 'javascript') !== false)) { if (strpos($mValue, 'RecaptchaOptions')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . $mValue . "\n"; } else { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . $mValue; } } else { if (is_string($mValue)) { $sData .= "\t\t" . $mValue . "\n"; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . implode($mValue) . "\n"; } } } } else { if ($mKey == 'master') { $aMaster = array('css' => array(), 'jscript' => array()); foreach ($mValue as $sValKey => $sValVal) { if (strpos($sValKey, '.css') !== false) { if ($sValVal == 'style_css') { $aMaster['css'][] = 'theme' . PHPFOX_DS . 'frontend' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->getThemeFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . 'style' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->getStyleFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . 'css' . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } else { if (strpos($sValVal, 'module_') !== false) { $aMaster['css'][] = 'module' . PHPFOX_DS . str_replace('module_', '', $sValVal) . PHPFOX_DS . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'css' . PHFPFOX_DS . $this->getThemeFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . $this->getStyleFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } } } else { if (strpos($sValKey, '.js') !== false) { if ($sValVal == 'static_script') { $aMaster['jscript'][] = 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } else { if (strpos($sValVal, 'module_') !== false) { $aMaster['jscript'][] = 'module' . PHPFOX_DS . str_replace('module_', '', $sValVal) . PHPFOX_DS . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } } } } } unset($this->_aHeaders[$mKey]); // just to avoid confusions $this->_aHeaders['master'] = $aMaster; } else { $bToHead = false; // This happens when the developer needs something to go to <head> if (is_array($mValue)) { $aKeyHead = array_keys($mValue); $aKeyValue = array_values($mValue); $bToHead = $mKey == 'head'; $mKey = array_pop($aKeyHead); $mValue = array_pop($aKeyValue); } switch ($mValue) { case 'style_script': if (isset($aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue])) { continue; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey); } else { //$sJsCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)) . ','; if ($bToHead == 'head') { $aCacheCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)); } else { $aCacheJs[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)); } } break; case 'style_css': $bCustomStyle = false; if ($bCustomStyle === false) { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('css', $mKey); } else { $aCacheCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey)); } } else { if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $bLoadCustomThemeOverwrite = true; } else { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { // $sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . ','; $aCustomCssFile[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . ''; } else { if ($bIsHttpsPage) { //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_secure_' . $mKey . '?v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; $aCustomCssFile[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_secure_' . $mKey; } else { //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . '?v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; $aCustomCssFile[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey; } } } } } break; case 'static_script': if (isset($aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue])) { continue; } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.load_jquery_from_google_cdn')) { if ($mKey == 'jquery/ui.js' || $mKey == 'jquery/jquery.js') { if ($mKey == 'jquery/ui.js') { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.jquery_ui_google_cdn_version') . '/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>' . "\n"; } continue; } } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_script') . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { // $sJsCacheData .= $mKey . ','; if ($bToHead == 'head') { $aCacheCSS[] = 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $mKey; } else { $aCacheJs[] = 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $mKey; } } else { //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_script') . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; if ($bToHead == 'head') { $aCacheCSS[] = 'static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { $aCacheJs[] = 'static/jscript/' . $mKey; } } } break; default: if (preg_match('/module/i', $mValue)) { $aParts = explode('_', $mValue); if (isset($aParts[1]) && Phpfox::isModule($aParts[1])) { if (substr($mKey, -3) == '.js') { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { //$sJsCacheData .= 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . ','; $aCacheJs[] = 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { /* if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getCdnPath() . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } else { */ //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; $aCacheJs[] = 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; // } } } } elseif (substr($mKey, -4) == '.css') { $aCacheCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])); $bCustomStyle = false; if ($bCustomStyle === false) { if ($bReturnArray) { //$aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1]); $aCachesCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])); } else { /* if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), Phpfox::getCdnPath(), $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])) . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } else { */ $aCachesCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])); // } } } else { //$sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey . ','; $aCachesCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey; } } } } break; } $aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue] = true; } } } } $sCacheData = ''; $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $sCacheData .= $sJs; $sCacheData .= "\t\t</script>"; if (!empty($sStyleCacheData)) { $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static') . 'gzip.php?t=css&s=' . $sStylePath . '&f=' . rtrim($sStyleCacheData, ',') . '&v=' . $iVersion . '" />'; } if (!empty($sJsCacheData)) { $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static') . 'gzip.php?t=js&f=' . rtrim($sJsCacheData, ',') . '&v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>'; } if (!empty($sCacheData)) { $sData = preg_replace('/<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image\\/x-icon" href="(.*?)" \\/>/i', '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="\\1" />' . $sCacheData, $sData); } if ($bReturnArray) { $sData = ''; } $aCacheJs = array_unique($aCacheJs); $aSubCacheCheck = array(); foreach ($aCacheCSS as $sFile) { if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } else { if (isset($aSubCacheCheck[$sFile])) { continue; } $aSubCacheCheck[$sFile] = true; $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } } foreach ($aCacheJs as $sFile) { if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="../' . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } else { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript"> $Core.init(); </script>' . "\n"; } if (count($this->_aPhrases)) { $sData .= "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t"; foreach ($this->_aPhrases as $sVar => $sPhrase) { $sPhrase = html_entity_decode($sPhrase, null, 'UTF-8'); $sData .= "\t\t\toTranslations['{$sVar}'] = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sPhrase) . "';\n"; } $sData .= "\t\t</script>\n"; } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { $Request = \Phpfox_Request::instance(); if ($Request->segment(1) == 'theme' && $Request->segment(2) == 'demo') { $sData .= '<link href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'theme/default/flavor/default.css?v=' . Phpfox::internalVersion() . '" rel="stylesheet">'; } else { $Theme = $this->_theme->get(); $sData .= '<link href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'themes/' . $Theme->folder . '/flavor/' . $Theme->flavor_folder . '.css?v=' . Phpfox::internalVersion() . '" rel="stylesheet">'; } } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $Apps = new Core\App(); foreach ($Apps->all() as $App) { $assets = $App->path . 'assets/'; if (file_exists($assets . 'autoload.js')) { $url = str_replace(PHPFOX_DIR_SITE, Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), $assets) . 'autoload.js'; $this->_sFooter .= '<script src="' . $url . '?v=' . Phpfox::internalVersion() . '"></script>'; } if (file_exists($assets . 'autoload.css')) { $url = str_replace(PHPFOX_DIR_SITE, Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), $assets) . 'autoload.css'; $sData .= '<link href="' . $url . '?v=' . Phpfox::internalVersion() . '" rel="stylesheet">'; } } if (!Phpfox::isAdminPanel() && is_object($this->_theme)) { $asset = $this->_theme->get()->getPath() . 'assets/autoload.js'; if (file_exists($asset)) { $url = str_replace([PHPFOX_DIR_SITE, PHPFOX_DIR], Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), $asset); $this->_sFooter .= '<script src="' . $url . '?v=' . Phpfox::internalVersion() . '"></script>'; } } } if (isset($this->_meta['head'])) { $sData .= $this->_meta['head']; if (Phpfox::isAdmin()) { $this->_sFooter .= '<script>var page_editor_meta = ' . json_encode(['head' => $this->_meta['head']]) . ';</script>'; } } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $sData; return $aArrayData; } // Convert meta data $bHasNoDescription = false; if (count($this->_aMeta) && !PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE && !defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $oPhpfoxParseOutput = Phpfox::getLib('parse.output'); $aFind = array('<', '>', '$'); $aReplace = array('<', '>', '&36;'); foreach ($this->_aMeta as $sMeta => $sMetaValue) { $sMetaValue = str_replace($aFind, $aReplace, $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = strip_tags($sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $sMetaValue); $bIsCustomMeta = false; switch ($sMeta) { case 'keywords': if (isset($this->_meta['keywords'])) { $sMetaValue = $this->_meta['keywords']; continue; } $sKeywordSearch = Phpfox::getParam('core.words_remove_in_keywords'); if (!empty($sKeywordSearch)) { $aKeywordsSearch = array_map('trim', explode(',', $sKeywordSearch)); } $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_keyword_limit')); $sMetaValue = trim(rtrim(trim($sMetaValue), ',')); $aParts = explode(',', $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = ''; $aKeywordCache = array(); foreach ($aParts as $sPart) { $sPart = trim($sPart); if (isset($aKeywordCache[$sPart])) { continue; } if (isset($aKeywordsSearch) && in_array(strtolower($sPart), array_map('strtolower', $aKeywordsSearch))) { continue; } $sMetaValue .= $sPart . ', '; $aKeywordCache[$sPart] = true; } $sMetaValue = rtrim(trim($sMetaValue), ','); break; case 'description': if (isset($this->_meta['description'])) { $sMetaValue = $this->_meta['description']; continue; } $bHasNoDescription = true; $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_description_limit')); break; case 'robots': $bIsCustomMeta = false; break; default: $bIsCustomMeta = true; break; } $sMetaValue = str_replace('"', '\\"', $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = Phpfox_Locale::instance()->convert($sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = html_entity_decode($sMetaValue, null, 'UTF-8'); $sMetaValue = str_replace(array('<', '>'), '', $sMetaValue); if ($bIsCustomMeta) { if ($sMeta == 'og:description') { $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_description_limit')); } switch ($sMeta) { case 'canonical': $sCanonical = $sMetaValue; $sCanonical = preg_replace('/\\/when\\_([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\\//i', '/', $sCanonical); $sCanonical = preg_replace('/\\/show\\_([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\\//i', '/', $sCanonical); $sCanonical = preg_replace('/\\/view\\_\\//i', '/', $sCanonical); if (Phpfox::isMobile()) { if (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '1') { $sCanonical = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'mobile/', Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), $sMetaValue); } elseif (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '2') { $sCanonical = str_replace('?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/mobile/', '?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/', $sMetaValue); } } $sData .= "\t\t<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"{$sCanonical}\" />\n"; if (!Phpfox::isMobile()) { $sMobileReplace = ''; if (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '1') { $sMobileReplace = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'mobile/', $sCanonical); } elseif (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '2') { $sMobileReplace = str_replace('?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/', '?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/mobile/', $sCanonical); } $sData .= "\t\t<link rel=\"alternate\" media=\"only screen and (max-width: 640px)\" href=\"{$sMobileReplace}\" />\n"; } break; default: $sData .= "\t\t<meta property=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"{$sMetaValue}\" />\n"; break; } } else { if (strpos($sData, 'meta name="' . $sMeta . '"') !== false) { $sData = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"(.*?)\" \\/>\n\t/i", "<meta" . ($sMeta == 'description' ? ' property="og:description" ' : '') . " name=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"" . $sMetaValue . "\" />\n\t", $sData); } else { $sData = preg_replace('/<meta/', '<meta name="' . $sMeta . '" content="' . $sMetaValue . '" />' . "\n\t\t" . '<meta', $sData, 1); } } } if (!$bHasNoDescription) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<meta name="description" content="' . Phpfox::getLib('parse.output')->clean(Phpfox_Locale::instance()->convert(Phpfox::getParam('core.description'))) . '" />' . "\n"; } } // Clear from memory $this->_aHeaders = array(); $this->_aMeta = array(); return $sData; }
$aRows = $this->_db()->select('p.*')->from($this->_getOldT('pages'), 'p')->execute('getRows'); foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { $iPageId = $this->_db()->insert(Phpfox::getT('page'), array('user_id' => '0', 'module_id' => 'core', 'product_id' => 'phpfox', 'is_active' => '1', 'is_phrase' => '0', 'parse_php' => $aRow['allow_php'], 'has_bookmark' => '0', 'add_view' => '0', 'full_size' => '1', 'title' => Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->clean($aRow['title_head']), 'title_url' => $aRow['title_url'], 'disallow_access' => null, 'added' => PHPFOX_TIME, 'total_view' => '0', 'total_attachment' => '0', 'total_tag' => '0')); $this->_db()->insert(Phpfox::getT('page_text'), array('page_id' => $iPageId, 'text' => Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->clean($aRow['content']), 'text_parsed' => Phpfox::getLib('parse.input')->prepare($aRow['content']), 'keyword' => $aRow['meta'], 'description' => null)); if (!empty($aRow['title_menu'])) { $aMenu = $this->_db()->select('*')->from($this->_getOldT('menu'))->where('parent = ' . $aRow['page_id'])->execute('getRow'); if (isset($aMenu['menu_id'])) { $sVarName = 'core_' . Phpfox::getService('language.phrase.process')->prepare($aMenu['title_menu']); $sVarName = 'menu_' . $sVarName; $sConnection = 'main'; if ($aMenu['location'] == '1') { $sConnection = 'main_right'; } elseif ($aMenu['location'] == '2') { $sConnection = 'footer'; } $this->_db()->insert(Phpfox::getT('menu'), array('parent_id' => '0', 'page_id' => $iPageId, 'm_connection' => $sConnection, 'module_id' => 'core', 'product_id' => 'phpfox', 'var_name' => $sVarName, 'is_active' => '1', 'url_value' => str_replace('-', '.', $aMenu['url']), 'disallow_access' => null, 'version_id' => Phpfox::getId())); Phpfox::getService('language.phrase.process')->add(array('var_name' => $sVarName, 'module' => 'core|core', 'product_id' => 'phpfox', 'text' => array('en' => $aMenu['title_menu']))); } } } $sMessage = 'importing of custom pages completed.'; $sAction = 'import-setting'; $iPage = 0; break; case 'import-user-background-photo': // Limit how many items to import per round $iLimit = 200; $iCnt = $this->_db()->select('COUNT(*)')->from($this->_getOldT('template'))->execute('getField'); $aRows = $this->_db()->select('m.*, unew.user_id AS new_user_id')->from($this->_getOldT('template'), 'm')->join($this->_getOldT('user'), 'u', 'u.user = m.user')->join(Phpfox::getT('user'), 'unew', 'unew.upgrade_user_id =')->where('m.bg_img = \'image\'')->limit($this->_sPage, $iLimit, $iCnt)->execute('getRows'); foreach ($aRows as $aRow) { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'pic' . PHPFOX_DS . 'user_bg' . PHPFOX_DS . $aRow['user'] . '.jpg')) {
/** * Gets any data we plan to place within the HTML tags <head></head>. * This method also groups the data to give the template a nice clean look. * * @return string $sData Returns the HTML data to be placed within <head></head> */ public function getHeader($bReturnArray = false) { if (Phpfox::isMobile()) { $this->setHeader(array('mobile.css' => 'style_css')); } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $this->setHeader(array('custom.css' => 'style_css')); $aLocale = Phpfox::getLib('locale')->getLang(); if ($aLocale['direction'] == 'rtl') { $this->setHeader(array('rtl.css' => 'style_css')); } $sCustomCss = ''; $aThemeCache = $this->getThemeCache(); if (isset($aThemeCache['l_width']) && $aThemeCache['l_width'] > 0) { $sCustomCss .= '#left { width:' . (int) $aThemeCache['l_width'] . 'px; }'; $sCustomCss .= '#main_content { margin-left:' . (int) $aThemeCache['l_width'] . 'px; }'; } if (isset($aThemeCache['c_width']) && $aThemeCache['c_width'] > 0) { $sCustomCss .= '.content3, .item_view .js_feed_comment_border, .item_view .item_tag_holder, .item_view .attachment_holder_view { width:' . (int) $aThemeCache['c_width'] . 'px; }'; } if (isset($aThemeCache['r_width']) && $aThemeCache['r_width'] > 0) { $sCustomCss .= '#right { width:' . (int) $aThemeCache['r_width'] . 'px; }'; $sCustomCss .= '.content4 { width:' . (960 - (int) $aThemeCache['r_width']) . 'px; }'; } if (!empty($sCustomCss)) { $this->setHeader('<style type="text/css">' . $sCustomCss . '</style>'); } } $aArrayData = array(); $sData = ''; $sCss = ''; $sJs = ''; $iVersion = $this->getStaticVersion(); $oUrl = Phpfox::getLib('url'); if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $oCache = Phpfox::getLib('cache'); } else { $oCache = Phpfox::getLib('cache', array('storage' => 'file', 'free' => true)); } $aUrl = $oUrl->getParams(); if (Phpfox::getUserParam('core.can_design_dnd') && Phpfox::getService('theme')->isInDnDMode() && (!isset($aUrl['req2']) || $aUrl['req2'] != 'designer')) { if (!defined('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND')) { define('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND', true); } /* . * Tells if the user is Design mode with Drag and Drop support. * Its important to note the difference in the purpose of this * constant as it does Not tell if the user CAN enter DesignDND * mode but instead it tells if the user IS already in this * mode * . */ $this->_aHeaders[] = array('designdnd.js' => 'module_theme'); } else { if (!defined('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND')) { define('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND', false); } } if (!PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE) { if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { if (!Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { $oDb = Phpfox::getLib('database'); $oFileCache = Phpfox::getLib('cache'); $sFileThemeCssId = $oFileCache->set(array('theme', 'theme_css' . $iVersion)); $aCacheStyles = array(); if (!($aCacheStyles = $oFileCache->get($sFileThemeCssId))) { $aSavedStyles = $oDb->select('tc.module_id, tc.file_name')->from(Phpfox::getT('theme_css'), 'tc')->where('style_id = ' . (int) $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '')->execute('getRows'); foreach ($aSavedStyles as $aSavedStyle) { $aCacheStyles[$aSavedStyle['module_id'] ? $aSavedStyle['module_id'] : null][$aSavedStyle['file_name']] = true; } $oFileCache->save($sFileThemeCssId, $aCacheStyles); } } } ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oCore = {'core.is_admincp': " . (Phpfox::isAdminPanel() ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.section_module': '" . Phpfox::getLib('module')->getModuleName() . "', 'profile.is_user_profile': " . (defined('PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE') && PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'log.security_token': '" . Phpfox::getService('log.session')->getToken() . "', 'core.url_rewrite': '" . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') . "', 'core.country_iso': '" . (Phpfox::isUser() ? Phpfox::getUserBy('country_iso') : '') . "', 'core.can_move_on_a_y_and_x_axis' : " . (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.can_move_on_a_y_and_x_axis') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.default_currency': '" . (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') ? 'USD' : Phpfox::getService('core.currency')->getDefault()) . "', 'core.enabled_edit_area': " . (Phpfox::getParam('core.enabled_edit_area') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.disable_hash_bang_support': " . (Phpfox::getParam('core.disable_hash_bang_support') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.site_wide_ajax_browsing': " . (!defined('PHPFOX_IN_DESIGN_MODE') && Phpfox::getParam('core.site_wide_ajax_browsing') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel() && Phpfox::isUser() ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'profile.user_id': " . (defined('PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE') && PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE ? Phpfox::getService('profile')->getProfileUserId() : 0) . "};\n"; // You are filtering out the controllers which should not load 'content' ajaxly, finding a way for pages.view/1/info and like that $sProgressCssFile = $this->getStyle('css', 'progress.css'); $sStylePath = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', str_replace('progress.css', '', $sProgressCssFile)); $aJsVars = array('sJsHome' => Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), 'sJsHostname' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'sSiteName' => Phpfox::getParam('core.site_title'), 'sJsStatic' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC, 'sJsStaticImage' => Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_image'), 'sImagePath' => $this->getStyle('image'), 'sStylePath' => $this->getStyle('css'), 'sVersion' => Phpfox::getId(), 'sJsAjax' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC . 'ajax.php', 'sStaticVersion' => $iVersion, 'sGetMethod' => PHPFOX_GET_METHOD, 'sDateFormat' => defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') ? '' : Phpfox::getParam('core.date_field_order'), 'sJsAjax' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC . 'ajax.php', 'sEgiftStyle' => $this->getStyle('css', 'display.css', 'egift'), 'sGlobalTokenName' => Phpfox::getTokenName(), 'sController' => Phpfox::getLib('module')->getFullControllerName(), 'bJsIsMobile' => Phpfox::isMobile() ? true : false, 'sProgressCssFile' => $sProgressCssFile, 'sHostedVersionId' => defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_VERSION') ? PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_VERSION : ''); if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $aJsVars['bWysiwyg'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.wysiwyg') != 'default' && Phpfox::getParam('core.allow_html') ? true : false; $aJsVars['sEditor'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.wysiwyg'); $aJsVars['sJsCookiePath'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.cookie_path'); $aJsVars['sJsCookieDomain'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.cookie_domain'); $aJsVars['sJsCookiePrefix'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.session_prefix'); $aJsVars['bPhotoTheaterMode'] = Phpfox::isModule('photo') ? Phpfox::getParam('photo.view_photos_in_theater_mode') : false; $aJsVars['bUseHTML5Video'] = Phpfox::getParam('video.upload_for_html5') ? true : false; if (Phpfox::isAdmin()) { $aJsVars['sAdminCPLocation'] = Phpfox::getParam('admincp.admin_cp'); } else { $aJsVars['sAdminCPLocation'] = ''; } if (Phpfox::isModule('notification')) { $aJsVars['notification.notify_ajax_refresh'] = Phpfox::getParam('notification.notify_ajax_refresh'); } if (Phpfox::isModule('im')) { if (Phpfox::isUser()) { $aJsVars['im_beep'] = Phpfox::getUserBy('im_beep'); } $this->setHeader(array('player/' . Phpfox::getParam('core.default_music_player') . '/core.js' => 'static_script')); $aJsVars['im_interval_for_update'] = Phpfox::getParam('im.js_interval_value'); if (Phpfox::getParam('im.server_for_ajax_calls') != '') { $aJsVars['im_server'] = Phpfox::getParam('im.server_for_ajax_calls'); } } elseif (Phpfox::isModule('video')) { $this->setHeader(array('player/' . Phpfox::getParam('core.default_music_player') . '/core.js' => 'static_script')); } $sLocalDatepicker = PHPFOX_STATIC . 'jscript/jquery/locale/jquery.ui.datepicker-' . strtolower(Phpfox::getLib('locale')->getLangId()) . '.js'; if (file_exists($sLocalDatepicker)) { $sFile = str_replace(PHPFOX_STATIC . 'jscript/', '', $sLocalDatepicker); $this->setHeader(array($sFile => 'static_script')); } /* Only in a few cases will we want to add the visitor's IP */ if (Phpfox::getParam('core.google_api_key') != '' && Phpfox::getParam('core.ip_infodb_api_key')) { // $aJsVars['sIP'] = Phpfox::getLib('request')->getIp(); } $aJsVars['bEnableMicroblogSite'] = Phpfox::isModule('microblog') ? Phpfox::getParam('microblog.enable_microblog_site') : false; } ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader_setting')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false; if (Phpfox::isModule('input') && false) { $this->setHeader('cache', array('browse.css' => 'style_css')); } $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oParams = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aJsVars as $sVar => $sValue) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } if (is_bool($sValue)) { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . ($sValue ? 'true' : 'false'); } elseif (is_numeric($sValue)) { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . $sValue; } else { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sValue) . "'"; } } $sJs .= "};\n"; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $aLocaleVars = array('core.are_you_sure', 'core.yes', '', '', 'core.cancel', 'core.go_advanced', 'core.processing', 'emoticon.emoticons', 'attachment.attach_files', 'core.close', 'core.language_packages', 'core.move_this_block', 'core.uploading', 'language.loading', 'core.saving', 'core.loading_text_editor', 'core.quote', 'core.loading'); if (Phpfox::isModule('im') && Phpfox::getParam('im.enable_im_in_footer_bar')) { $aLocaleVars[] = 'im.find_your_friends'; } ($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader_language')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oTranslations = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aLocaleVars as $sValue) { $aParts = explode('.', $sValue); if ($aParts[0] != 'core' && !Phpfox::isModule($aParts[0])) { continue; } $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sValue}': '" . html_entity_decode(str_replace("'", "\\'", Phpfox::getPhrase($sValue)), null, 'UTF-8') . "'"; } $sJs .= "};\n"; $aModules = Phpfox::getLib('module')->getModules(); $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oModules = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aModules as $sModule => $iModuleId) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sModule}': true"; } $sJs .= "};\n"; } if (count($this->_aImages)) { $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oJsImages = {"; foreach ($this->_aImages as $sKey => $sImage) { $sJs .= $sKey . ': \'' . $sImage . '\','; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ','); $sJs .= "};\n"; } /* if (count($this->_aEditor) && isset($this->_aEditor['active']) && $this->_aEditor['active']) { */ $aEditorButtons = Phpfox::getLib('editor')->getButtons(); $iCnt = 0; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oEditor = {"; if (count($this->_aEditor) && isset($this->_aEditor['active']) && $this->_aEditor['active']) { foreach ($this->_aEditor as $sVar => $mValue) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . (is_bool($mValue) ? $mValue === true ? 'true' : 'false' : "'{$mValue}'") . ""; } $sJs .= ", "; } $sJs .= "images:["; foreach ($aEditorButtons as $mEditorButtonKey => $aEditorButton) { $sJs .= "{"; foreach ($aEditorButton as $sEditorButtonKey => $sEditorButtonValue) { $sJs .= "" . $sEditorButtonKey . ": '" . $sEditorButtonValue . "',"; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',') . "},"; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',') . "]"; $sJs .= "};\n"; // } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.load_jquery_from_google_cdn')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.jquery_google_cdn_version') . '/jquery.min.js"></script>' . "\n"; } } if (PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE) { $this->_aCacheHeaders = array(); } $bIsHttpsPage = false; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.force_https_secure_pages')) { if (in_array(str_replace('mobile.', '', Phpfox::getLib('module')->getFullControllerName()), Phpfox::getService('core')->getSecurePages()) && (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) { $bIsHttpsPage = true; } } $aSubCache = array(); $sStyleCacheData = ''; $sJsCacheData = ''; $aUrl = Phpfox::getLib('url')->getParams(); // These two arrays hold the files to be combined+minified and put in CDN (if available) $aCacheJs = array(); $aCacheCSS = array(); $this->_sFooter = ''; $sJs .= "\t\t\t" . 'var $Behavior = {};' . "\n"; $sJs .= "\t\t\t" . 'var $Core = {};' . "\n"; if (Phpfox::getParam('core.defer_loading_user_images') || Phpfox::getParam('core.defer_loading_images')) { $this->setHeader('cache', array('defer_image.js' => 'module_core')); } if (Phpfox::getParam('core.include_master_files')) { $aMasterJS = array(); $aMasterCSS = array(); } $aCustomCssFile = array(); foreach ($this->_aHeaders as $aHeaders) { if (!is_array($aHeaders)) { $aHeaders = array($aHeaders); } foreach ($aHeaders as $mKey => $mValue) { $sQmark = strpos($mKey, '?') ? '&' : '?'; if (is_numeric($mKey)) { if ($mValue === null) { continue; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $mValue; } else { if (is_string($mValue) && (strpos($mValue, '.js') !== false || strpos($mValue, 'javascript') !== false)) { if (strpos($mValue, 'RecaptchaOptions')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . $mValue . "\n"; } else { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . $mValue; } } else { if (is_string($mValue)) { $sData .= "\t\t" . $mValue . "\n"; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . implode($mValue) . "\n"; } } } } else { if ($mKey == 'master') { $aMaster = array('css' => array(), 'jscript' => array()); foreach ($mValue as $sValKey => $sValVal) { if (strpos($sValKey, '.css') !== false) { if ($sValVal == 'style_css') { $aMaster['css'][] = 'theme' . PHPFOX_DS . 'frontend' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->getThemeFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . 'style' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->getStyleFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . 'css' . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } else { if (strpos($sValVal, 'module_') !== false) { $aMaster['css'][] = 'module' . PHPFOX_DS . str_replace('module_', '', $sValVal) . PHPFOX_DS . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'css' . PHFPFOX_DS . $this->getThemeFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . $this->getStyleFolder() . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } } } else { if (strpos($sValKey, '.js') !== false) { if ($sValVal == 'static_script') { $aMaster['jscript'][] = 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } else { if (strpos($sValVal, 'module_') !== false) { $aMaster['jscript'][] = 'module' . PHPFOX_DS . str_replace('module_', '', $sValVal) . PHPFOX_DS . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $sValKey; } } } } } unset($this->_aHeaders[$mKey]); // just to avoid confusions $this->_aHeaders['master'] = $aMaster; } else { $bToHead = false; // This happens when the developer needs something to go to <head> if (is_array($mValue)) { $aKeyHead = array_keys($mValue); $aKeyValue = array_values($mValue); $bToHead = $mKey == 'head'; $mKey = array_pop($aKeyHead); $mValue = array_pop($aKeyValue); } switch ($mValue) { case 'style_script': if (isset($aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue])) { continue; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey); } else { //$sJsCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)) . ','; if ($bToHead == 'head') { $aCacheCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)); } else { $aCacheJs[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)); } } break; case 'style_css': $bCustomStyle = false; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { if (isset($aCacheStyles[null][$mKey])) { if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $sCssCustomCacheId = $oCache->set($this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_custom_css_file'); } else { if ($bIsHttpsPage) { $sCssCustomCacheId = $oCache->set(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_secure_' . $mKey); } else { $sCssCustomCacheId = $oCache->set(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey); } } if (!($aCss = defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT') ? $oCache->get($sCssCustomCacheId) : $oCache->isCached($sCssCustomCacheId))) { $oDb = Phpfox::getLib('database'); $aCss = $oDb->select('tc.css_id, tc.css_data, tc.css_data_original')->from(Phpfox::getT('theme_css'), 'tc')->where('style_id = ' . (int) $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . ' AND file_name = \'' . $oDb->escape($mKey) . '\'')->execute('getRow'); if (isset($aCss['css_id'])) { $oCache->save($sCssCustomCacheId, defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT') ? $aCss : Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->css($aCss['css_data'])); $bCustomStyle = true; } } else { if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT') && isset($aCss['css_id'])) { $bCustomStyle = true; } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } if ($bCustomStyle === false) { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('css', $mKey); } else { $aCacheCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey)); } } else { if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $bLoadCustomThemeOverwrite = true; } else { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { // $sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . ','; $aCustomCssFile[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . ''; } else { if ($bIsHttpsPage) { //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_secure_' . $mKey . '?v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; $aCustomCssFile[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_secure_' . $mKey; } else { //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . '?v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; $aCustomCssFile[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey; } } } } } break; case 'static_script': if (isset($aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue])) { continue; } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.load_jquery_from_google_cdn')) { if ($mKey == 'jquery/ui.js' || $mKey == 'jquery/jquery.js') { if ($mKey == 'jquery/ui.js') { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.jquery_ui_google_cdn_version') . '/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>' . "\n"; } continue; } } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_script') . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { // $sJsCacheData .= $mKey . ','; if ($bToHead == 'head') { $aCacheCSS[] = 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $mKey; } else { $aCacheJs[] = 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . 'jscript' . PHPFOX_DS . $mKey; } } else { //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_script') . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; if ($bToHead == 'head') { $aCacheCSS[] = 'static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { $aCacheJs[] = 'static/jscript/' . $mKey; } } } break; default: if (preg_match('/module/i', $mValue)) { $aParts = explode('_', $mValue); if (isset($aParts[1]) && Phpfox::isModule($aParts[1])) { if (substr($mKey, -3) == '.js') { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { //$sJsCacheData .= 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . ','; $aCacheJs[] = 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { /* if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getCdnPath() . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } else { */ //$sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; $aCacheJs[] = 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; // } } } } elseif (substr($mKey, -4) == '.css') { $aCacheCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])); $bCustomStyle = false; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { if (isset($aCacheStyles[$aParts[1]][$mKey])) { $sCssCustomCacheId = $oCache->set(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey); if (!$oCache->isCached($sCssCustomCacheId)) { $oDb = Phpfox::getLib('database'); $aCss = $oDb->select('tc.css_id, tc.css_data')->from(Phpfox::getT('theme_css'), 'tc')->where('module_id = \'' . $oDb->escape($aParts[1]) . '\' AND style_id = ' . (int) $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . ' AND file_name = \'' . $oDb->escape($mKey) . '\'')->execute('getRow'); if (isset($aCss['css_id'])) { $oCache->save($sCssCustomCacheId, Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->css($aCss['css_data'])); $bCustomStyle = true; } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } if ($bCustomStyle === false) { if ($bReturnArray) { //$aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1]); $aCachesCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])); } else { /* if (defined('PHPFOX_IS_HOSTED_SCRIPT')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), Phpfox::getCdnPath(), $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])) . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } else { */ $aCachesCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])); // } } } else { //$sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey . ','; $aCachesCSS[] = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey; } } } } break; } $aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue] = true; } } } } $sCacheData = ''; $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $sCacheData .= $sJs; $sCacheData .= "\t\t</script>"; if (!empty($sStyleCacheData)) { $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static') . 'gzip.php?t=css&s=' . $sStylePath . '&f=' . rtrim($sStyleCacheData, ',') . '&v=' . $iVersion . '" />'; } if (!empty($sJsCacheData)) { $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static') . 'gzip.php?t=js&f=' . rtrim($sJsCacheData, ',') . '&v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>'; } if (Phpfox::getParam('core.include_master_files') && Phpfox::isAdminPanel() != true && isset($this->_aHeaders['master'])) { // $this->_aHeaders[master] is created in the foreach above and it takes the files listed in Phpfox::getMasterFiles $aMasterFiles = $this->_aHeaders['master']; require_once PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'jsmin/jsmin2.class.php'; // if the file doesnt exist load the default ones if ($this->_sThemeFolder != 'default' || $this->_sStyleFolder != 'default') { foreach ($aMasterFiles['css'] as $iKey => $sFile) { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR . $sFile) != true) { // include the default master file $sFile = str_replace($this->getThemeFolder(), 'default', $sFile); $sFile = str_replace($this->getStyleFolder(), 'default', $sFile); $aMasterFiles['css'][$iKey] = $sFile; } } } $sMasterCSSUrl = Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->minify($aMasterFiles['css'], $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion, false); $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- CSS Master --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sMasterCSSUrl . '" />'; $sMasterJSUrl = Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->minify($aMasterFiles['jscript'], $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion, true); $this->_sFooter .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- JS Master --> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sMasterJSUrl . '"></script>'; } if (!empty($sCacheData)) { $sData = preg_replace('/<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image\\/x-icon" href="(.*?)" \\/>/i', '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="\\1" />' . $sCacheData, $sData); } if ($bReturnArray) { $sData = ''; } $aCacheJs = array_unique($aCacheJs); if (Phpfox::getParam('core.cache_js_css')) { $aJqueryPlugins = array(); foreach ($aCacheJs as $iKey => $sFile) { // if ( (strpos($sFile, 'jquery') !== false) && (strpos($sFile, 'plugin') !== false) ) if (strpos($sFile, 'jquery') !== false) { // We minify JQuery plug-ins in their own file $aJqueryPlugins[] = $sFile; unset($aCacheJs[$iKey]); } if ($sFile == 'static/jscript/wysiwyg/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js') { $this->_sFooter .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- TinyMCE --> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . $sFile . '?v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . ""; unset($aCacheJs[$iKey]); } } require_once PHPFOX_DIR_LIB . 'jsmin/jsmin2.class.php'; if (!empty($aJqueryPlugins)) { $sPluginsUrl = Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->minify($aJqueryPlugins, $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion, true); $this->_sFooter .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- JQuery Plugins --> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sPluginsUrl . '"></script>' . ""; } if (!empty($aCacheJs)) { $aCacheJs = array_unique($aCacheJs); $sJsUrl = Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->minify($aCacheJs, $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion, true, true); $this->_sFooter .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- Minified --> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . $sJsUrl . '"></script>' . ""; } if (!empty($aCacheCSS)) { $sCSSUrl = Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->minify($aCacheCSS, $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion, false); $sData .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- Minified --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sCSSUrl . '" />' . ""; } if (!empty($aCustomCssFile)) { foreach ($aCustomCssFile as $sCustomCssFile) { $sData .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- Custom --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sCustomCssFile . '" />' . ""; } } } else { $aSubCacheCheck = array(); foreach ($aCacheCSS as $sFile) { if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } else { if (isset($aSubCacheCheck[$sFile])) { continue; } $aSubCacheCheck[$sFile] = true; $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } } if (!empty($aCustomCssFile)) { foreach ($aCustomCssFile as $sCustomCssFile) { $sData .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- Custom --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sCustomCssFile . '" />' . ""; } } if (Phpfox::getParam('core.defer_loading_js')) { } else { foreach ($aCacheJs as $sFile) { if (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="../' . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } else { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . $sFile . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } } } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $this->_sFooter .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript"> $Core.init(); </script>' . "\n"; } } if (defined('PHPFOX_TEMPLATE_CSS_FILE')) { //$this->setHeader(PHPFOX_TEMPLATE_CSS_FILE); $sData .= PHPFOX_TEMPLATE_CSS_FILE; } // And in its own file custom.css maybe check if its not empty like when using the default theme /* $sCustomFile = 'theme/' . (Phpfox::isAdminPanel() ? 'adminpanel' : (Phpfox::isMobile() ? 'mobile' : 'frontend')) . '/' . $this->getThemeFolder() . '/style/' . $this->getStyleFolder() . '/css/custom.css'; if (Phpfox::getParam('core.cache_js_css') && file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR . $sCustomFile) && filesize(PHPFOX_DIR . $sCustomFile) > 0) { $sCustomUrl = Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->minify($sCustomFile, $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion, false); $sData .= "\n\t\t" . '<!-- Custom --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $sCustomUrl .'" />'; } */ if (count($this->_aPhrases)) { $sData .= "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t"; foreach ($this->_aPhrases as $sVar => $sPhrase) { $sPhrase = html_entity_decode($sPhrase, null, 'UTF-8'); $sData .= "\t\t\toTranslations['{$sVar}'] = '" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $sPhrase) . "';\n"; } $sData .= "\t\t</script>\n"; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $sData; return $aArrayData; } // Convert meta data $bHasNoDescription = false; if (count($this->_aMeta) && !PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE && !defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $oPhpfoxParseOutput = Phpfox::getLib('parse.output'); $aFind = array('<', '>', '$'); $aReplace = array('<', '>', '&36;'); foreach ($this->_aMeta as $sMeta => $sMetaValue) { $sMetaValue = str_replace($aFind, $aReplace, $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = strip_tags($sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $sMetaValue); $bIsCustomMeta = false; switch ($sMeta) { case 'keywords': $sKeywordSearch = Phpfox::getParam('core.words_remove_in_keywords'); if (!empty($sKeywordSearch)) { $aKeywordsSearch = array_map('trim', explode(',', $sKeywordSearch)); } $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_keyword_limit')); $sMetaValue = trim(rtrim(trim($sMetaValue), ',')); $aParts = explode(',', $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = ''; $aKeywordCache = array(); foreach ($aParts as $sPart) { $sPart = trim($sPart); if (isset($aKeywordCache[$sPart])) { continue; } if (isset($aKeywordsSearch) && in_array(strtolower($sPart), array_map('strtolower', $aKeywordsSearch))) { continue; } $sMetaValue .= $sPart . ', '; $aKeywordCache[$sPart] = true; } $sMetaValue = rtrim(trim($sMetaValue), ','); break; case 'description': $bHasNoDescription = true; $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_description_limit')); break; case 'robots': $bIsCustomMeta = false; break; default: $bIsCustomMeta = true; break; } $sMetaValue = str_replace('"', '\\"', $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = Phpfox::getLib('locale')->convert($sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = html_entity_decode($sMetaValue, null, 'UTF-8'); $sMetaValue = str_replace(array('<', '>'), '', $sMetaValue); if ($bIsCustomMeta) { if ($sMeta == 'og:description') { $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_description_limit')); } switch ($sMeta) { case 'canonical': $sCanonical = $sMetaValue; $sCanonical = preg_replace('/\\/when\\_([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\\//i', '/', $sCanonical); $sCanonical = preg_replace('/\\/show\\_([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+)\\//i', '/', $sCanonical); $sCanonical = preg_replace('/\\/view\\_\\//i', '/', $sCanonical); if (Phpfox::isMobile()) { if (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '1') { $sCanonical = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'mobile/', Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), $sMetaValue); } elseif (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '2') { $sCanonical = str_replace('?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/mobile/', '?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/', $sMetaValue); } } $sData .= "\t\t<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"{$sCanonical}\" />\n"; if (!Phpfox::isMobile()) { $sMobileReplace = ''; if (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '1') { $sMobileReplace = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'mobile/', $sCanonical); } elseif (Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') == '2') { $sMobileReplace = str_replace('?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/', '?' . PHPFOX_GET_METHOD . '=/mobile/', $sCanonical); } $sData .= "\t\t<link rel=\"alternate\" media=\"only screen and (max-width: 640px)\" href=\"{$sMobileReplace}\" />\n"; } break; default: $sData .= "\t\t<meta property=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"{$sMetaValue}\" />\n"; break; } } else { if (strpos($sData, 'meta name="' . $sMeta . '"') !== false) { $sData = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"(.*?)\" \\/>\n\t/i", "<meta" . ($sMeta == 'description' ? ' property="og:description" ' : '') . " name=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"" . $sMetaValue . "\" />\n\t", $sData); } else { $sData = preg_replace('/<meta/', '<meta name="' . $sMeta . '" content="' . $sMetaValue . '" />' . "\n\t\t" . '<meta', $sData, 1); } } } if (!$bHasNoDescription) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<meta name="description" content="' . Phpfox::getLib('parse.output')->clean(Phpfox::getLib('locale')->convert(Phpfox::getParam('core.description'))) . '" />' . "\n"; } } // Clear from memory $this->_aHeaders = array(); $this->_aMeta = array(); if (isset($bLoadCustomThemeOverwrite)) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.rackspace_url') . 'file/static/' . $aCss['css_data_original'] . '" />' . "\n"; } return $sData; }
public function addHook($aVals) { if ($this->database()->select('COUNT(*)')->from(Phpfox::getT('plugin_hook'))->where('call_name = \'' . $this->database()->escape($aVals['call_name']) . '\'')->execute('getField')) { return Phpfox_Error::set(Phpfox::getPhrase('admincp.hook_already_exists')); } $this->database()->insert(Phpfox::getT('plugin_hook'), array('hook_type' => $aVals['hook_type'], 'module_id' => empty($aVals['module_id']) ? null : $aVals['module_id'], 'product_id' => $aVals['product_id'], 'call_name' => $aVals['call_name'], 'added' => PHPFOX_TIME, 'version_id' => Phpfox::getId(), 'is_active' => (int) $aVals['is_active'])); $this->cache()->remove(); return true; }
/** * Gets any data we plan to place within the HTML tags <head></head>. * This method also groups the data to give the template a nice clean look. * * @return string $sData Returns the HTML data to be placed within <head></head> */ public function getHeader($bReturnArray = false) { if (Phpfox::isMobile()) { $this->setHeader(array( 'mobile.css' => 'style_css' ) ); } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $this->setHeader(array( 'custom.css' => 'style_css' ) ); if (defined('PHPFOX_TEMPLATE_CSS_FILE')) { $this->setHeader(PHPFOX_TEMPLATE_CSS_FILE); } $sCustomCss = ''; $aThemeCache = $this->getThemeCache(); if (isset($aThemeCache['l_width']) && $aThemeCache['l_width'] > 0) { $sCustomCss .= '#left { width:' . (int) $aThemeCache['l_width'] . 'px; }'; $sCustomCss .= '#main_content { margin-left:' . (int) $aThemeCache['l_width'] . 'px; }'; } if (isset($aThemeCache['c_width']) && $aThemeCache['c_width'] > 0) { $sCustomCss .= '.content3, .item_view .js_feed_comment_border, .item_view .item_tag_holder, .item_view .attachment_holder_view { width:' . (int) $aThemeCache['c_width'] . 'px; }'; } if (isset($aThemeCache['r_width']) && $aThemeCache['r_width'] > 0) { $sCustomCss .= '#right { width:' . (int) $aThemeCache['r_width'] . 'px; }'; $sCustomCss .= '.content4 { width:' . (960 - (int) $aThemeCache['r_width']) . 'px; }'; } if (!empty($sCustomCss)) { $this->setHeader('<style type="text/css">' . $sCustomCss . '</style>'); } } $aArrayData = array(); $sData = ''; $sCss = ''; $sJs = ''; $iVersion = $this->getStaticVersion(); $oUrl = Phpfox::getLib('url'); $oCache = Phpfox::getLib('cache', array( 'storage' => 'file', 'free' => true ) ); $aUrl = $oUrl->getParams(); if (Phpfox::getUserParam('core.can_design_dnd') && Phpfox::getService('theme')->isInDnDMode() && (!isset($aUrl['req2']) || $aUrl['req2'] != 'designer')) { define('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND', true); /* . * Tells if the user is Design mode with Drag and Drop support. * Its important to note the difference in the purpose of this * constant as it does Not tell if the user CAN enter DesignDND * mode but instead it tells if the user IS already in this * mode * . */ $this->_aHeaders[] = array('designdnd.js' => 'module_theme'); } else { if (!defined('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND')) { define('PHPFOX_DESIGN_DND', false); } } if (!PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE) { if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { if (!Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { $oDb = Phpfox::getLib('database'); $oFileCache = Phpfox::getLib('cache'); $sFileThemeCssId = $oFileCache->set(array('theme', 'theme_css' . $iVersion)); $aCacheStyles = array(); if (!($aCacheStyles = $oFileCache->get($sFileThemeCssId))) { $aSavedStyles = $oDb->select('tc.module_id, tc.file_name') ->from(Phpfox::getT('theme_css'), 'tc') ->where('style_id = ' . (int) $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '') ->execute('getRows'); foreach ($aSavedStyles as $aSavedStyle) { $aCacheStyles[($aSavedStyle['module_id'] ? $aSavedStyle['module_id'] : null)][$aSavedStyle['file_name']] = true; } $oFileCache->save($sFileThemeCssId, $aCacheStyles); } } } (($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false); $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oCore = {'core.is_admincp': " . (Phpfox::isAdminPanel() ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.section_module': '" . Phpfox::getLib('module')->getModuleName() . "', 'profile.is_user_profile': " . (defined('PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE') && PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'log.security_token': '" . Phpfox::getService('log.session')->getToken() . "', 'core.url_rewrite': '" . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_rewrite') . "', 'core.country_iso': '" . (Phpfox::isUser() ? Phpfox::getUserBy('country_iso') : '') . "', 'core.can_move_on_a_y_and_x_axis' : " . ((!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.can_move_on_a_y_and_x_axis')) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.default_currency': '" . (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') ? 'USD' : Phpfox::getService('core.currency')->getDefault()) . "', 'core.enabled_edit_area': " . (Phpfox::getParam('core.enabled_edit_area') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.disable_hash_bang_support': " . (Phpfox::getParam('core.disable_hash_bang_support') ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'core.site_wide_ajax_browsing': " . ((!defined('PHPFOX_IN_DESIGN_MODE') && Phpfox::getParam('core.site_wide_ajax_browsing') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel() && Phpfox::isUser()) ? 'true' : 'false') . ", 'profile.user_id': " . (defined('PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE') && PHPFOX_IS_USER_PROFILE ? Phpfox::getService('profile')->getProfileUserId() : 0) . "};\n"; $sProgressCssFile = $this->getStyle('css', 'progress.css'); $sStylePath = str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', str_replace('progress.css', '', $sProgressCssFile)); $aJsVars = array( 'sJsHome' => Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), 'sJsHostname' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'sJsStatic' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC, 'sJsStaticImage' => Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_image'), 'sImagePath' => $this->getStyle('image'), 'sStylePath' => $this->getStyle('css'), 'sVersion' => Phpfox::getId(), 'sJsAjax' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC . 'ajax.php', 'sStaticVersion' => $iVersion, 'sGetMethod' => PHPFOX_GET_METHOD, 'sDateFormat' => (defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') ? '' : Phpfox::getParam('core.date_field_order')), 'sJsAjax' => $oUrl->getDomain() . PHPFOX_STATIC . 'ajax.php', 'sEgiftStyle' => $this->getStyle('css','display.css','egift'), 'sGlobalTokenName' => Phpfox::getTokenName(), 'sController' => Phpfox::getLib('module')->getFullControllerName(), 'bJsIsMobile' => (Phpfox::isMobile() ? true : false), 'sProgressCssFile' => $sProgressCssFile ); if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $aJsVars['bWysiwyg'] = ((Phpfox::getParam('core.wysiwyg') != 'default' && Phpfox::getParam('core.allow_html')) ? true : false); $aJsVars['sEditor'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.wysiwyg'); $aJsVars['sJsCookiePath'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.cookie_path'); $aJsVars['sJsCookieDomain'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.cookie_domain'); $aJsVars['sJsCookiePrefix'] = Phpfox::getParam('core.session_prefix'); $aJsVars['bPhotoTheaterMode'] = (Phpfox::isModule('photo') ? Phpfox::getParam('photo.view_photos_in_theater_mode') : false); if (Phpfox::isAdmin()) { $aJsVars['sAdminCPLocation'] = Phpfox::getParam('admincp.admin_cp'); } else { $aJsVars['sAdminCPLocation'] = ''; } if (Phpfox::isModule('notification')) { $aJsVars['notification.notify_ajax_refresh'] = Phpfox::getParam('notification.notify_ajax_refresh'); } if (Phpfox::isModule('im')) { $aJsVars['im_interval_for_update'] = Phpfox::getParam('im.js_interval_value'); if (Phpfox::getParam('im.server_for_ajax_calls') != '') { $aJsVars['im_server'] = Phpfox::getParam('im.server_for_ajax_calls'); } } } (($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader_setting')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false); $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oParams = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aJsVars as $sVar => $sValue) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } if (is_bool($sValue)) { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . ($sValue ? 'true' : 'false'); } elseif (is_numeric($sValue)) { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . $sValue; } else { $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': '{$sValue}'"; } } $sJs .= "};\n"; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $aLocaleVars = array( 'core.are_you_sure', 'core.yes', '', '', 'core.cancel', 'core.go_advanced', 'core.processing', 'emoticon.emoticons', 'attachment.attach_files', 'core.close', // 'core.toggle_fullscreen', 'core.language_packages', 'core.move_this_block', 'core.uploading', 'language.loading', 'core.saving', 'core.loading_text_editor', 'core.quote' ); if (Phpfox::isModule('im') && Phpfox::getParam('im.enable_im_in_footer_bar')) { $aLocaleVars[] = 'im.find_your_friends'; } (($sPlugin = Phpfox_Plugin::get('template_getheader_language')) ? eval($sPlugin) : false); $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oTranslations = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aLocaleVars as $sValue) { $aParts = explode('.', $sValue); if ($aParts[0] != 'core' && !Phpfox::isModule($aParts[0])) { continue; } $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sValue}': '" . html_entity_decode(str_replace("'", "\'", Phpfox::getPhrase($sValue)), null, 'UTF-8') . "'"; } $sJs .= "};\n"; $aModules = Phpfox::getLib('module')->getModules(); $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oModules = {"; $iCnt = 0; foreach ($aModules as $sModule => $iModuleId) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sModule}': true"; } $sJs .= "};\n"; } if (count($this->_aImages)) { $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oJsImages = {"; foreach ($this->_aImages as $sKey => $sImage) { $sJs .= $sKey . ': \'' . $sImage. '\','; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ','); $sJs .= "};\n"; } /* if (count($this->_aEditor) && isset($this->_aEditor['active']) && $this->_aEditor['active']) { */ $aEditorButtons = Phpfox::getLib('editor')->getButtons(); $iCnt = 0; $sJs .= "\t\t\tvar oEditor = {"; if (count($this->_aEditor) && isset($this->_aEditor['active']) && $this->_aEditor['active']) { foreach ($this->_aEditor as $sVar => $mValue) { $iCnt++; if ($iCnt != 1) { $sJs .= ","; } $sJs .= "'{$sVar}': " . (is_bool($mValue) ? ($mValue === true ? 'true' : 'false') : "'{$mValue}'") . ""; } $sJs .= ", "; } $sJs .= "images:["; foreach ($aEditorButtons as $mEditorButtonKey => $aEditorButton) { $sJs .= "{"; foreach ($aEditorButton as $sEditorButtonKey => $sEditorButtonValue) { $sJs .= "" . $sEditorButtonKey . ": '" . $sEditorButtonValue . "',"; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',') . "},"; } $sJs = rtrim($sJs, ',') . "]"; $sJs .= "};\n"; // } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.load_jquery_from_google_cdn')) { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.jquery_google_cdn_version') . '/jquery.min.js"></script>' . "\n"; } } if (PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE) { $this->_aCacheHeaders = array(); } $aSubCache = array(); $sStyleCacheData = ''; $sJsCacheData = ''; $aUrl = Phpfox::getLib('url')->getParams(); foreach ($this->_aHeaders as $aHeaders) { if (!is_array($aHeaders)) { $aHeaders = array($aHeaders); } foreach ($aHeaders as $mKey => $mValue) { $sQmark = (strpos($mKey, '?') ? '&' : '?'); if (is_numeric($mKey)) { if ($mValue === null) { continue; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $mValue; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . $mValue . "\n"; } } else { switch ($mValue) { case 'style_script': if (isset($aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue])) { continue; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey); } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sJsCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey)) . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $this->getStyle('jscript', $mKey) . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } } break; case 'style_css': $bCustomStyle = false; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { if (isset($aCacheStyles[null][$mKey])) { $sCssCustomCacheId = $oCache->set(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey); if (!($oCache->isCached($sCssCustomCacheId))) { $oDb = Phpfox::getLib('database'); $aCss = $oDb->select('tc.css_id, tc.css_data') ->from(Phpfox::getT('theme_css'), 'tc') ->where('style_id = ' . (int) $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . ' AND file_name = \'' . $oDb->escape($mKey) . '\'') ->execute('getRow'); if (isset($aCss['css_id'])) { $aCss['css_data'] = str_replace('../image/layout/', $this->getStyle('image') . 'layout/', $aCss['css_data']); $oCache->save($sCssCustomCacheId, Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->css($aCss['css_data'])); $bCustomStyle = true; } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } if ($bCustomStyle === false) { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('css', $mKey); } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sStyleCacheData .= (Phpfox::isAdminPanel() ? str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey)) : $mKey) . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->getStyle('css', $mKey) . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } } } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $mKey . '?v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } } break; case 'static_script': if (isset($aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue])) { continue; } if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && Phpfox::getParam('core.load_jquery_from_google_cdn')) { if ($mKey == 'jquery/ui.js' || $mKey == 'jquery/jquery.js') { if ($mKey == 'jquery/ui.js') { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.jquery_ui_google_cdn_version') . '/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>' . "\n"; } continue; } } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_script') . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sJsCacheData .= $mKey . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static_script') . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } } break; default: if (preg_match('/module/i', $mValue)) { $aParts = explode('_', $mValue); if (isset($aParts[1]) && Phpfox::isModule($aParts[1])) { if (substr($mKey, -3) == '.js') { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey; } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sJsCacheData .= 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.path') . 'module/' . $aParts[1] . '/static/jscript/' . $mKey . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>' . "\n"; } } } elseif (substr($mKey, -4) == '.css') { $bCustomStyle = false; if (!defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER') && !Phpfox::isAdminPanel()) { if (isset($aCacheStyles[$aParts[1]][$mKey])) { $sCssCustomCacheId = $oCache->set(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey); if (!($oCache->isCached($sCssCustomCacheId))) { $oDb = Phpfox::getLib('database'); $aCss = $oDb->select('tc.css_id, tc.css_data') ->from(Phpfox::getT('theme_css'), 'tc') ->where('module_id = \'' . $oDb->escape($aParts[1]) . '\' AND style_id = ' . (int) $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . ' AND file_name = \'' . $oDb->escape($mKey) . '\'') ->execute('getRow'); if (isset($aCss['css_id'])) { $oCache->save($sCssCustomCacheId, Phpfox::getLib('file.minimize')->css($aCss['css_data'])); $bCustomStyle = true; } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } else { if (file_exists(PHPFOX_DIR_FILE . 'static' . PHPFOX_DS . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey)) { $bCustomStyle = true; } } } if ($bCustomStyle === false) { if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1]); } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1])) . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->getStyle('css', $mKey, $aParts[1]) . $sQmark . 'v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } } } else { if (isset($this->_aCacheHeaders[$mKey])) { $sStyleCacheData .= str_replace(Phpfox::getParam('core.path'), '', Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file')) . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey . ','; } else { $sData .= "\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_file') . 'static/' . $this->_aTheme['style_id'] . '_' . $aParts[1] . '_' . $mKey . '?v=' . $iVersion . '" />' . "\n"; } } } } } break; } $aSubCache[$mKey][$mValue] = true; } } } $sCacheData = ''; $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; $sCacheData .= $sJs; $sCacheData .= "\t\t</script>"; if (!empty($sStyleCacheData)) { $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static') . 'gzip.php?t=css&s=' . $sStylePath . '&f=' . rtrim($sStyleCacheData, ',') . '&v=' . $iVersion . '" />'; } if (!empty($sJsCacheData)) { $sCacheData .= "\n\t\t" . '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . Phpfox::getParam('core.url_static') . 'gzip.php?t=js&f=' . rtrim($sJsCacheData, ',') . '&v=' . $iVersion . '"></script>'; } if (!empty($sCacheData)) { $sData = preg_replace('/<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image\/x-icon" href="(.*?)" \/>/i', '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="\\1" />' . $sCacheData, $sData); } if ($bReturnArray) { $sData = ''; } if (count($this->_aPhrases)) { $sData .= "\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t<!--\n"; foreach ($this->_aPhrases as $sVar => $sPhrase) { $sData .= "\t\t\toTranslations['{$sVar}'] = '" . str_replace("'", "\'", $sPhrase) . "';\n"; } $sData .= "\t\t-->\n\t\t</script>\n"; } if ($bReturnArray) { $aArrayData[] = $sData; return $aArrayData; } // Convert meta data if (count($this->_aMeta) && !PHPFOX_IS_AJAX_PAGE && !defined('PHPFOX_INSTALLER')) { $oPhpfoxParseOutput = Phpfox::getLib('parse.output'); $aFind = array( '<', '>', '$' ); $aReplace = array( '<', '>', '&36;' ); foreach ($this->_aMeta as $sMeta => $sMetaValue) { $sMetaValue = str_replace($aFind, $aReplace, $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = strip_tags($sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), "", $sMetaValue); $bIsCustomMeta = false; switch ($sMeta) { case 'keywords': $sKeywordSearch = Phpfox::getParam('core.words_remove_in_keywords'); if (!empty($sKeywordSearch)) { $aKeywordsSearch = array_map('trim', explode(',', $sKeywordSearch)); } $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_keyword_limit')); $sMetaValue = trim(rtrim(trim($sMetaValue), ',')); $aParts = explode(',', $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = ''; $aKeywordCache = array(); foreach ($aParts as $sPart) { $sPart = trim($sPart); if (isset($aKeywordCache[$sPart])) { continue; } if (isset($aKeywordsSearch) && in_array(strtolower($sPart), array_map('strtolower', $aKeywordsSearch))) { continue; } $sMetaValue .= $sPart . ', '; $aKeywordCache[$sPart] = true; } $sMetaValue = rtrim(trim($sMetaValue), ','); break; case 'description': $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_description_limit')); break; default: $bIsCustomMeta = true; break; } $sMetaValue = str_replace('"', '\"', $sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = Phpfox::getLib('locale')->convert($sMetaValue); $sMetaValue = html_entity_decode($sMetaValue, null, 'UTF-8'); $sMetaValue = str_replace(array('<', '>'), '', $sMetaValue); if ($bIsCustomMeta) { if ($sMeta == 'og:description') { $sMetaValue = $oPhpfoxParseOutput->shorten($oPhpfoxParseOutput->clean($sMetaValue), Phpfox::getParam('core.meta_description_limit')); } $sData .= "\t\t<meta property=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"{$sMetaValue}\" />\n"; } else { $sData = preg_replace("/<meta name=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"(.*?)\" \/>\n\t/i", "<meta name=\"{$sMeta}\" content=\"" . $sMetaValue . "\" />\n\t", $sData); } } } // Clear from memory $this->_aHeaders = array(); $this->_aMeta = array(); return $sData; }