  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function destroy($id)
     $user = User::find($id);
     $profile = Profile::find($user->profile_id);
     if ($user->domain_id == NULL) {
         $domain = Domain::whereUserId($id)->first();
         if ($domain) {
             $subuser = User::whereDomainId($domain->id)->first();
     Event::fire('logger', array(array('account_remove', array('id' => $id, 'username' => $user->username), 2)));
     $path = Request::segment(4) ? 'domain/users/' . Request::segment(4) : 'users';
     $path = $user->domain_id ? $path : "managers";
     return Output::push(array('path' => $path, 'messages' => array('success' => _('User has been deleted'))));
  * Remove the specified resource from storage.
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function getDelete($id)
     $domain = Domain::find($id);
     $user = User::whereDomainId($id)->first();
     if ($user) {
         $phone_number = PhoneNumber::whereUserId($user->id)->first();
         Event::fire('logger', array(array('phone_number_remove', array('id' => $phone_number->id, 'extension' => $phone_number->extension), 2)));
     Event::fire('logger', array(array('domain_remove', array('id' => $id, 'domain_name' => $domain->domain), 2)));
     return Output::push(array('path' => 'domain', 'messages' => array('success' => _('Domain has been deleted'))));
 public function getFilter()
     $status = Auth::user()->status;
     if ($status == 2) {
         $call_detail_report = Cdr::all();
         $condq = "created is not null";
     } elseif ($status == 3) {
         $domain = Domain::whereUserId(Auth::user()->id)->get(array('sip_server'));
         $sip_server = array();
         foreach ($domain as $row) {
             $sip_server[] = $row['sip_server'];
         if ($sip_server) {
             $call_detail_report = $this->_orWhereIn('caller_domain', 'callee_domain', $sip_server);
         } else {
             $call_detail_report = [];
         $condq = $this->_orGenerator('caller_domain', 'callee_domain', $sip_server);
     } else {
         $sip_server = Domain::find(Cookie::get('domain_hash'))->whereDomain(Request::getHttpHost())->get(array('sip_server'));
         $domainc = array();
         foreach ($sip_server as $row) {
             $domainc[] = $row['sip_server'];
         $extension_arr = PhoneNumber::whereUserId(Auth::user()->id)->get(array('extension'));
         $extension = array();
         foreach ($extension_arr as $row) {
             $extension[] = $row['extension'];
         $call_detail_report = $this->_orWhereInAnd('src_uri', 'dst_uri', $extension, 'caller_domain', 'callee_domain', $domainc);
         $condq = $this->_orGeneratorAnd('src_uri', 'dst_uri', $extension, 'caller_domain', 'callee_domain', $domainc);
     $input = Input::only(array('datefilter', 'datefrom', 'dateto', 'timefilter', 'timefrom', 'timeto', 'durationparam', 'durationfilter', 'duration', 'fromfilter', 'from', 'tofilter', 'to'));
     $rules = array('datefrom' => 'required_with:datefilter', 'timefrom' => 'required_with:timefilter', 'duration' => 'required_with:durationfilter');
     $v = Validator::make($input, $rules);
     if ($v->fails()) {
         return Output::push(array('path' => 'call_detail_reports', 'errors' => $v, 'input' => TRUE));
     $bulan_ayeuna = "AND YEAR(call_start_time) = YEAR(curdate()) AND MONTH(call_start_time) = MONTH(curdate()) ";
     if ($input['datefilter'] || $input['timefilter'] || $input['durationfilter'] || $input['fromfilter'] || $input['tofilter']) {
         $q = "select * from opensips.cdrs where ";
         $q = $q . "(" . $condq . ") ";
         if ($input['datefilter']) {
             if ($input['datefrom'] && $input['dateto']) {
                 $fromdate = $this->_intlDate($input['datefrom']);
                 $todate = $this->_intlDate($input['dateto']);
                 $q = $q . "AND (date(call_start_time) BETWEEN '" . $fromdate . "' AND '" . $todate . "') ";
             } elseif ($input['datefrom'] && !$input['dateto']) {
                 $fromdate = $this->_intlDate($input['datefrom']);
                 $todate = date("Y-m-d");
                 $q = $q . "AND (date(call_start_time) >= '" . $fromdate . "') ";
         } else {
             $q = $q . $bulan_ayeuna;
         if ($input['timefilter']) {
             if ($input['timefrom'] && $input['timeto']) {
                 $q = $q . "AND (time(call_start_time) BETWEEN '" . $input['timefrom'] . "' AND '" . $input['timeto'] . "') ";
             } elseif ($input['timefrom'] && !$input['timeto']) {
                 $q = $q . "AND (time(call_start_time) >= ";
                 $q = $q . "'" . $input['timefrom'] . "') ";
         if ($input['durationfilter']) {
             $duration = $this->_getDuration($input['duration']);
             $q = $q . "AND (duration " . $input['durationparam'] . " " . $duration . ") ";
         if ($input['fromfilter']) {
             $fromarr = explode("@", $input['from']);
             if (!isset($fromarr[1])) {
                 $fromarr[1] = null;
             if ($fromarr[1] == null) {
                 $q = $q . "AND (src_uri = '" . $input['from'] . "') ";
             } else {
                 $q = $q . "AND (src_uri = '" . $fromarr[0] . "' and caller_domain = '" . $fromarr[1] . "') ";
         if ($input['tofilter']) {
             $toarr = explode("@", $input['to']);
             if (!isset($toarr[1])) {
                 $toarr[1] = null;
             if ($toarr[1] == null) {
                 $q = $q . "AND (dst_uri = '" . $input['to'] . "') ";
             } else {
                 $q = $q . "AND (dst_uri = '" . $toarr[0] . "' and callee_domain = '" . $toarr[1] . "') ";
         $q = $q . "order by call_start_time desc";
         $results = [];
         $results = DB::connection('mysql2')->select($q);
         return View::make('call_detail_reports.index')->with('call_detail_reports', $results);
     } else {
         return View::make('call_detail_reports.index')->with('call_detail_reports', $call_detail_report);