Beispiel #1
    // create a photoset?
    print 'Create a photoset [y/N] ';
    if ('y' == substr(trim(fgets(STDIN)), 0, 1)) {
        $setName = basename($dir);
        print "Photos will be added to a new photoset named '{$setName}'.\n\n";
    } else {
        $setName = null;
        print "No photoset will be created.\n\n";
    return $setName;
$api = getApi();
// the idea of this regular expression is that the camera file name
// starts with 3 or 4 characters, followed by 4 or 5 digits. if i've
// renamed it it would have a space, underscore or hyphen (that we'll
// ignore) and then any number of characters before ending with a period
// and then 3 character file extension.
$pattern = '/\\S{3,4}\\d{4,5}[ _-]?(.*)\\.\\S{3}/';
// the idea of this one is a two digit number, _ or - and then
// the name.jpg
#$pattern = '/\d{1,2}[ _-]?(.*)\.\S{3}/';
$dir = getDir();
// ... let the user know what we've figured out
$user = new Phlickr_AuthedUser($api);
$userName = $user->getName();
print "Uploading all the photos in '{$dir}' to {$userName}'s stream\n\n";
$batcher = new CommandlineBatchUploader($dir, $pattern, getSetName($dir));
$uploader = new Phlickr_Uploader($api);
$uploader->uploadBatch($batcher, new Phlickr_TextUi_UploaderListener());