public function importEventsFromSource(PhabricatorUser $viewer, PhabricatorCalendarImport $import, $should_queue)
     $uri_key = PhabricatorCalendarImportICSURITransaction::PARAMKEY_URI;
     $uri = $import->getParameter($uri_key);
     PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorFilesOutboundRequestAction(), 1);
     $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileDownload($uri, array('viewPolicy' => PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE, 'authorPHID' => $import->getAuthorPHID(), 'canCDN' => true));
     $import->newLogMessage(PhabricatorCalendarImportFetchLogType::LOGTYPE, array('file.phid' => $file->getPHID()));
     $data = $file->loadFileData();
     if ($should_queue && $this->shouldQueueDataImport($data)) {
         return $this->queueDataImport($import, $data);
     return $this->importICSData($viewer, $import, $data);
 public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request)
     $show_prototypes = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('');
     if (!$show_prototypes) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Show prototypes is disabled.
       Set `` to `true` to use the image proxy'));
     $viewer = $request->getViewer();
     $img_uri = $request->getStr('uri');
     // Validate the URI before doing anything
     $uri = new PhutilURI($img_uri);
     $proto = $uri->getProtocol();
     if (!in_array($proto, array('http', 'https'))) {
         throw new Exception(pht('The provided image URI must be either http or https'));
     // Check if we already have the specified image URI downloaded
     $cached_request = id(new PhabricatorFileExternalRequest())->loadOneWhere('uriIndex = %s', PhabricatorHash::digestForIndex($img_uri));
     if ($cached_request) {
         return $this->getExternalResponse($cached_request);
     $ttl = PhabricatorTime::getNow() + phutil_units('7 days in seconds');
     $external_request = id(new PhabricatorFileExternalRequest())->setURI($img_uri)->setTTL($ttl);
     $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
     // Cache missed so we'll need to validate and download the image
     try {
         // Rate limit outbound fetches to make this mechanism less useful for
         // scanning networks and ports.
         PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorFilesOutboundRequestAction(), 1);
         $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileDownload($uri, array('viewPolicy' => PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE, 'canCDN' => true));
         if (!$file->isViewableImage()) {
             $mime_type = $file->getMimeType();
             $engine = new PhabricatorDestructionEngine();
             $file = null;
             throw new Exception(pht('The URI "%s" does not correspond to a valid image file, got ' . 'a file with MIME type "%s". You must specify the URI of a ' . 'valid image file.', $uri, $mime_type));
         } else {
         return $this->getExternalResponse($external_request);
     } catch (HTTPFutureHTTPResponseStatus $status) {
         return $this->getExternalResponse($external_request);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         // Not actually saving the request in this case
         return $this->getExternalResponse($external_request);
 public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args)
     $username = $args->getArg('user');
     if (!strlen($username)) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Use %s to choose a user to reset actions for.', '--user'));
     $user = id(new PhabricatorPeopleQuery())->setViewer($this->getViewer())->withUsernames(array($username))->executeOne();
     if (!$user) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('No user exists with username "%s".', $username));
     $all = $args->getArg('all');
     if (!$all) {
         // TODO: Eventually, let users reset specific actions. For now, we
         // require `--all` so that usage won't change when you can reset in a
         // more tailored way.
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Specify %s to reset all action counters.', '--all'));
     $count = PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::resetActions(array($user->getPHID()));
     echo pht('Reset %s action(s).', new PhutilNumber($count)) . "\n";
     return 0;
 private function returnNewAddressResponse(AphrontRequest $request, PhutilURI $uri, $new)
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $viewer = $this->getViewer();
     $e_email = true;
     $email = null;
     $errors = array();
     if ($request->isDialogFormPost()) {
         $email = trim($request->getStr('email'));
         if ($new == 'verify') {
             // The user clicked "Done" from the "an email has been sent" dialog.
             return id(new AphrontReloadResponse())->setURI($uri);
         PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorSettingsAddEmailAction(), 1);
         if (!strlen($email)) {
             $e_email = pht('Required');
             $errors[] = pht('Email is required.');
         } else {
             if (!PhabricatorUserEmail::isValidAddress($email)) {
                 $e_email = pht('Invalid');
                 $errors[] = PhabricatorUserEmail::describeValidAddresses();
             } else {
                 if (!PhabricatorUserEmail::isAllowedAddress($email)) {
                     $e_email = pht('Disallowed');
                     $errors[] = PhabricatorUserEmail::describeAllowedAddresses();
         if ($e_email === true) {
             $application_email = id(new PhabricatorMetaMTAApplicationEmailQuery())->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser())->withAddresses(array($email))->executeOne();
             if ($application_email) {
                 $e_email = pht('In Use');
                 $errors[] = $application_email->getInUseMessage();
         if (!$errors) {
             $object = id(new PhabricatorUserEmail())->setAddress($email)->setIsVerified(0);
             // If an administrator is editing a mailing list, automatically verify
             // the address.
             if ($viewer->getPHID() != $user->getPHID()) {
                 if ($viewer->getIsAdmin()) {
             try {
                 id(new PhabricatorUserEditor())->setActor($viewer)->addEmail($user, $object);
                 if ($object->getIsVerified()) {
                     // If we autoverified the address, just reload the page.
                     return id(new AphrontReloadResponse())->setURI($uri);
                 $dialog = id(new AphrontDialogView())->setUser($user)->addHiddenInput('new', 'verify')->setTitle(pht('Verification Email Sent'))->appendChild(phutil_tag('p', array(), pht('A verification email has been sent. Click the link in the ' . 'email to verify your address.')))->setSubmitURI($uri)->addSubmitButton(pht('Done'));
                 return id(new AphrontDialogResponse())->setDialog($dialog);
             } catch (AphrontDuplicateKeyQueryException $ex) {
                 $e_email = pht('Duplicate');
                 $errors[] = pht('Another user already has this email.');
     if ($errors) {
         $errors = id(new PHUIInfoView())->setErrors($errors);
     $form = id(new PHUIFormLayoutView())->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextControl())->setLabel(pht('Email'))->setName('email')->setValue($email)->setCaption(PhabricatorUserEmail::describeAllowedAddresses())->setError($e_email));
     $dialog = id(new AphrontDialogView())->setUser($viewer)->addHiddenInput('new', 'true')->setTitle(pht('New Address'))->appendChild($errors)->appendChild($form)->addSubmitButton(pht('Save'))->addCancelButton($uri);
     return id(new AphrontDialogResponse())->setDialog($dialog);
  * Require high security, or prompt the user to enter high security.
  * If the user's session is in high security, this method will return a
  * token. Otherwise, it will throw an exception which will eventually
  * be converted into a multi-factor authentication workflow.
  * @param PhabricatorUser User whose session needs to be in high security.
  * @param AphrontReqeust  Current request.
  * @param string          URI to return the user to if they cancel.
  * @param bool            True to jump partial sessions directly into high
  *                        security instead of just upgrading them to full
  *                        sessions.
  * @return PhabricatorAuthHighSecurityToken Security token.
  * @task hisec
 public function requireHighSecuritySession(PhabricatorUser $viewer, AphrontRequest $request, $cancel_uri, $jump_into_hisec = false)
     if (!$viewer->hasSession()) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Requiring a high-security session from a user with no session!'));
     $session = $viewer->getSession();
     // Check if the session is already in high security mode.
     $token = $this->issueHighSecurityToken($session);
     if ($token) {
         return $token;
     // Load the multi-factor auth sources attached to this account.
     $factors = id(new PhabricatorAuthFactorConfig())->loadAllWhere('userPHID = %s', $viewer->getPHID());
     // If the account has no associated multi-factor auth, just issue a token
     // without putting the session into high security mode. This is generally
     // easier for users. A minor but desirable side effect is that when a user
     // adds an auth factor, existing sessions won't get a free pass into hisec,
     // since they never actually got marked as hisec.
     if (!$factors) {
         return $this->issueHighSecurityToken($session, true);
     // Check for a rate limit without awarding points, so the user doesn't
     // get partway through the workflow only to get blocked.
     PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorAuthTryFactorAction(), 0);
     $validation_results = array();
     if ($request->isHTTPPost()) {
         if ($request->getExists(AphrontRequest::TYPE_HISEC)) {
             // Limit factor verification rates to prevent brute force attacks.
             PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorAuthTryFactorAction(), 1);
             $ok = true;
             foreach ($factors as $factor) {
                 $id = $factor->getID();
                 $impl = $factor->requireImplementation();
                 $validation_results[$id] = $impl->processValidateFactorForm($factor, $viewer, $request);
                 if (!$impl->isFactorValid($factor, $validation_results[$id])) {
                     $ok = false;
             if ($ok) {
                 // Give the user a credit back for a successful factor verification.
                 PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorAuthTryFactorAction(), -1);
                 if ($session->getIsPartial() && !$jump_into_hisec) {
                     // If we have a partial session and are not jumping directly into
                     // hisec, just issue a token without putting it in high security
                     // mode.
                     return $this->issueHighSecurityToken($session, true);
                 $until = time() + phutil_units('15 minutes in seconds');
                 queryfx($session->establishConnection('w'), 'UPDATE %T SET highSecurityUntil = %d WHERE id = %d', $session->getTableName(), $until, $session->getID());
                 $log = PhabricatorUserLog::initializeNewLog($viewer, $viewer->getPHID(), PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_ENTER_HISEC);
             } else {
                 $log = PhabricatorUserLog::initializeNewLog($viewer, $viewer->getPHID(), PhabricatorUserLog::ACTION_FAIL_HISEC);
     $token = $this->issueHighSecurityToken($session);
     if ($token) {
         return $token;
     throw id(new PhabricatorAuthHighSecurityRequiredException())->setCancelURI($cancel_uri)->setFactors($factors)->setFactorValidationResults($validation_results);
 private function shouldRateLimitMail(array $all_recipients)
     try {
         PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction($all_recipients, new PhabricatorMetaMTAErrorMailAction(), 1);
         return false;
     } catch (PhabricatorSystemActionRateLimitException $ex) {
         return true;
 public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request)
     $viewer = $request->getViewer();
     $id = $request->getURIData('id');
     if ($id) {
         $macro = id(new PhabricatorMacroQuery())->setViewer($viewer)->withIDs(array($id))->needFiles(true)->executeOne();
         if (!$macro) {
             return new Aphront404Response();
     } else {
         $macro = new PhabricatorFileImageMacro();
     $errors = array();
     $e_name = true;
     $e_file = null;
     $file = null;
     if ($request->isFormPost()) {
         $original = clone $macro;
         $new_name = null;
         if ($request->getBool('name_form') || !$macro->getID()) {
             $new_name = $request->getStr('name');
             if (!strlen($macro->getName())) {
                 $errors[] = pht('Macro name is required.');
                 $e_name = pht('Required');
             } else {
                 if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9:_-]{3,}\\z/', $macro->getName())) {
                     $errors[] = pht('Macro must be at least three characters long and contain only ' . 'lowercase letters, digits, hyphens, colons and underscores.');
                     $e_name = pht('Invalid');
                 } else {
                     $e_name = null;
         $uri = $request->getStr('url');
         $engine = new PhabricatorDestructionEngine();
         $file = null;
         if ($request->getFileExists('file')) {
             $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromPHPUpload($_FILES['file'], array('name' => $request->getStr('name'), 'authorPHID' => $viewer->getPHID(), 'isExplicitUpload' => true, 'canCDN' => true));
         } else {
             if ($uri) {
                 try {
                     // Rate limit outbound fetches to make this mechanism less useful for
                     // scanning networks and ports.
                     PhabricatorSystemActionEngine::willTakeAction(array($viewer->getPHID()), new PhabricatorFilesOutboundRequestAction(), 1);
                     $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileDownload($uri, array('name' => $request->getStr('name'), 'viewPolicy' => PhabricatorPolicies::POLICY_NOONE, 'isExplicitUpload' => true, 'canCDN' => true));
                     if (!$file->isViewableInBrowser()) {
                         $mime_type = $file->getMimeType();
                         $file = null;
                         throw new Exception(pht('The URI "%s" does not correspond to a valid image file, got ' . 'a file with MIME type "%s". You must specify the URI of a ' . 'valid image file.', $uri, $mime_type));
                     } else {
                 } catch (HTTPFutureHTTPResponseStatus $status) {
                     $errors[] = pht('The URI "%s" could not be loaded, got %s error.', $uri, $status->getStatusCode());
                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
                     $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
             } else {
                 if ($request->getStr('phid')) {
                     $file = id(new PhabricatorFileQuery())->setViewer($viewer)->withPHIDs(array($request->getStr('phid')))->executeOne();
         if ($file) {
             if (!$file->isViewableInBrowser()) {
                 $errors[] = pht('You must upload an image.');
                 $e_file = pht('Invalid');
             } else {
                 $e_file = null;
         if (!$macro->getID() && !$file) {
             $errors[] = pht('You must upload an image to create a macro.');
             $e_file = pht('Required');
         if (!$errors) {
             try {
                 $xactions = array();
                 if ($new_name !== null) {
                     $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorMacroTransaction())->setTransactionType(PhabricatorMacroTransaction::TYPE_NAME)->setNewValue($new_name);
                 if ($file) {
                     $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorMacroTransaction())->setTransactionType(PhabricatorMacroTransaction::TYPE_FILE)->setNewValue($file->getPHID());
                 $editor = id(new PhabricatorMacroEditor())->setActor($viewer)->setContinueOnNoEffect(true)->setContentSourceFromRequest($request);
                 $xactions = $editor->applyTransactions($original, $xactions);
                 $view_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('/view/' . $original->getID() . '/');
                 return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($view_uri);
             } catch (AphrontDuplicateKeyQueryException $ex) {
                 throw $ex;
                 $errors[] = pht('Macro name is not unique!');
                 $e_name = pht('Duplicate');
     $current_file = null;
     if ($macro->getFilePHID()) {
         $current_file = $macro->getFile();
     $form = new AphrontFormView();
     $form->addHiddenInput('name_form', 1);
     $form->setEncType('multipart/form-data')->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextControl())->setLabel(pht('Name'))->setName('name')->setValue($macro->getName())->setCaption(pht('This word or phrase will be replaced with the image.'))->setError($e_name));
     if (!$macro->getID()) {
         if ($current_file) {
             $current_file_view = id(new PhabricatorFileLinkView())->setFilePHID($current_file->getPHID())->setFileName($current_file->getName())->setFileViewable(true)->setFileViewURI($current_file->getBestURI())->render();
             $form->addHiddenInput('phid', $current_file->getPHID());
             $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormMarkupControl())->setLabel(pht('Selected File'))->setValue($current_file_view));
             $other_label = pht('Change File');
         } else {
             $other_label = pht('File');
         $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextControl())->setLabel(pht('URL'))->setName('url')->setValue($request->getStr('url'))->setError($request->getFileExists('file') ? false : $e_file));
         $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormFileControl())->setLabel($other_label)->setName('file')->setError($request->getStr('url') ? false : $e_file));
     $view_uri = $this->getApplicationURI('/view/' . $macro->getID() . '/');
     if ($macro->getID()) {
         $cancel_uri = $view_uri;
     } else {
         $cancel_uri = $this->getApplicationURI();
     $form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue(pht('Save Image Macro'))->addCancelButton($cancel_uri));
     $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs();
     if ($macro->getID()) {
         $title = pht('Edit Image Macro');
         $crumb = pht('Edit Macro');
         $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Macro "%s"', $macro->getName()), $view_uri);
     } else {
         $title = pht('Create Image Macro');
         $crumb = pht('Create Macro');
     $crumbs->addTextCrumb($crumb, $request->getRequestURI());
     $upload = null;
     if ($macro->getID()) {
         $upload_form = id(new AphrontFormView())->setEncType('multipart/form-data')->setUser($request->getUser());
         $upload_form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextControl())->setLabel(pht('URL'))->setName('url')->setValue($request->getStr('url')));
         $upload_form->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormFileControl())->setLabel(pht('File'))->setName('file'))->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl())->setValue(pht('Upload File')));
         $upload = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())->setHeaderText(pht('Upload New File'))->setForm($upload_form);
     $form_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())->setHeaderText($title)->setFormErrors($errors)->setForm($form);
     return $this->buildApplicationPage(array($crumbs, $form_box, $upload), array('title' => $title));