private function executeHgDiscoverCommit(PhabricatorRepository $repository, $commit)
     $discover = array($commit);
     $insert = array($commit);
     $seen_parent = array();
     $stream = new PhabricatorMercurialGraphStream($repository);
     // For all the new commits at the branch heads, walk backward until we
     // find only commits we've aleady seen.
     while ($discover) {
         $target = array_pop($discover);
         $parents = $stream->getParents($target);
         foreach ($parents as $parent) {
             if (isset($seen_parent[$parent])) {
             $seen_parent[$parent] = true;
             if (!$this->isKnownCommit($repository, $parent)) {
                 $discover[] = $parent;
                 $insert[] = $parent;
     foreach ($insert as $target) {
         $epoch = $stream->getCommitDate($target);
         $this->recordCommit($repository, $target, $epoch);
 private function rebuildRepository(PhabricatorRepository $repo)
     $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole();
     $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Rebuilding "%s"...', $repo->getMonogram()));
     $refs = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryRefCursorQuery())->setViewer($this->getViewer())->withRefTypes(array(PhabricatorRepositoryRefCursor::TYPE_BRANCH))->withRepositoryPHIDs(array($repo->getPHID()))->execute();
     $graph = array();
     foreach ($refs as $ref) {
         if (!$repo->shouldTrackBranch($ref->getRefName())) {
         $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Rebuilding branch "%s"...', $ref->getRefName()));
         $commit = $ref->getCommitIdentifier();
         if ($repo->isGit()) {
             $stream = new PhabricatorGitGraphStream($repo, $commit);
         } else {
             $stream = new PhabricatorMercurialGraphStream($repo, $commit);
         $discover = array($commit);
         while ($discover) {
             $target = array_pop($discover);
             if (isset($graph[$target])) {
             $graph[$target] = $stream->getParents($target);
             foreach ($graph[$target] as $parent) {
                 $discover[] = $parent;
     $console->writeOut("%s\n", pht('Found %s total commit(s); updating...', phutil_count($graph)));
     $commit_table = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit());
     $commit_table_name = $commit_table->getTableName();
     $conn_w = $commit_table->establishConnection('w');
     $bar = id(new PhutilConsoleProgressBar())->setTotal(count($graph));
     $need = array();
     foreach ($graph as $child => $parents) {
         foreach ($parents as $parent) {
             $need[$parent] = $parent;
         $need[$child] = $child;
     $map = array();
     foreach (array_chunk($need, 2048) as $chunk) {
         $rows = queryfx_all($conn_w, 'SELECT id, commitIdentifier FROM %T
       WHERE commitIdentifier IN (%Ls) AND repositoryID = %d', $commit_table_name, $chunk, $repo->getID());
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $map[$row['commitIdentifier']] = $row['id'];
     $insert_sql = array();
     $delete_sql = array();
     foreach ($graph as $child => $parents) {
         $names = $parents;
         $names[] = $child;
         foreach ($names as $name) {
             if (empty($map[$name])) {
                 throw new Exception(pht('Unknown commit "%s"!', $name));
         if (!$parents) {
             // Write an explicit 0 to indicate "no parents" instead of "no data".
             $insert_sql[] = qsprintf($conn_w, '(%d, 0)', $map[$child]);
         } else {
             foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                 $insert_sql[] = qsprintf($conn_w, '(%d, %d)', $map[$child], $map[$parent]);
         $delete_sql[] = $map[$child];
     foreach (PhabricatorLiskDAO::chunkSQL($delete_sql) as $chunk) {
         queryfx($conn_w, 'DELETE FROM %T WHERE childCommitID IN (%Q)', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_PARENTS, $chunk);
     foreach (PhabricatorLiskDAO::chunkSQL($insert_sql) as $chunk) {
         queryfx($conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (childCommitID, parentCommitID) VALUES %Q', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_PARENTS, $chunk);