protected function execute(ConduitAPIRequest $request)
     $query = new PhabricatorAuditQuery();
     $auditor_phids = $request->getValue('auditorPHIDs', array());
     if ($auditor_phids) {
     $commit_phids = $request->getValue('commitPHIDs', array());
     if ($commit_phids) {
     $status = $request->getValue('status', PhabricatorAuditQuery::STATUS_ANY);
     $query->setOffset($request->getValue('offset', 0));
     $query->setLimit($request->getValue('limit', 100));
     $requests = $query->execute();
     $results = array();
     foreach ($requests as $request) {
         $results[] = array('id' => $request->getID(), 'commitPHID' => $request->getCommitPHID(), 'auditorPHID' => $request->getAuditorPHID(), 'reasons' => $request->getAuditReasons(), 'status' => $request->getAuditStatus());
     return $results;
 public function processRequest()
     $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $user = $request->getUser();
     $callsign = $drequest->getRepository()->getCallsign();
     $content = array();
     $content[] = $this->buildCrumbs(array('commit' => true));
     $repository = $drequest->getRepository();
     $commit = $drequest->loadCommit();
     if (!$commit) {
         // TODO: Make more user-friendly.
         throw new Exception('This commit has not parsed yet.');
     $commit_data = $drequest->loadCommitData();
     $is_foreign = $commit_data->getCommitDetail('foreign-svn-stub');
     if ($is_foreign) {
         $subpath = $commit_data->getCommitDetail('svn-subpath');
         $error_panel = new AphrontErrorView();
         $error_panel->setTitle('Commit Not Tracked');
         $error_panel->appendChild("This Diffusion repository is configured to track only one " . "subdirectory of the entire Subversion repository, and this commit " . "didn't affect the tracked subdirectory ('" . phutil_escape_html($subpath) . "'), so no information is available.");
         $content[] = $error_panel;
     } else {
         $engine = PhabricatorMarkupEngine::newDifferentialMarkupEngine();
         $parent_query = DiffusionCommitParentsQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest);
         $headsup_panel = new AphrontHeadsupView();
         $headsup_panel->setHeader('Commit Detail');
         $headsup_panel->setProperties($this->getCommitProperties($commit, $commit_data, $parent_query->loadParents()));
         $headsup_panel->appendChild('<div class="diffusion-commit-message phabricator-remarkup">' . $engine->markupText($commit_data->getCommitMessage()) . '</div>');
         $content[] = $headsup_panel;
     $query = new PhabricatorAuditQuery();
     $audit_requests = $query->execute();
     $this->auditAuthorityPHIDs = PhabricatorAuditCommentEditor::loadAuditPHIDsForUser($user);
     $content[] = $this->buildAuditTable($commit, $audit_requests);
     $content[] = $this->buildComments($commit);
     $change_query = DiffusionPathChangeQuery::newFromDiffusionRequest($drequest);
     $changes = $change_query->loadChanges();
     $content[] = $this->buildMergesTable($commit);
     $original_changes_count = count($changes);
     if ($request->getStr('show_all') !== 'true' && $original_changes_count > self::CHANGES_LIMIT) {
         $changes = array_slice($changes, 0, self::CHANGES_LIMIT);
     $change_table = new DiffusionCommitChangeTableView();
     $count = count($changes);
     $bad_commit = null;
     if ($count == 0) {
         $bad_commit = queryfx_one(id(new PhabricatorRepository())->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE fullCommitName = %s', PhabricatorRepository::TABLE_BADCOMMIT, 'r' . $callsign . $commit->getCommitIdentifier());
     if ($bad_commit) {
         $error_panel = new AphrontErrorView();
         $error_panel->setTitle('Bad Commit');
         $content[] = $error_panel;
     } else {
         if ($is_foreign) {
             // Don't render anything else.
         } else {
             if (!count($changes)) {
                 $no_changes = new AphrontErrorView();
                 $no_changes->setTitle('Not Yet Parsed');
                 // TODO: This can also happen with weird SVN changes that don't do
                 // anything (or only alter properties?), although the real no-changes case
                 // is extremely rare and might be impossible to produce organically. We
                 // should probably write some kind of "Nothing Happened!" change into the
                 // DB once we parse these changes so we can distinguish between
                 // "not parsed yet" and "no changes".
                 $no_changes->appendChild("This commit hasn't been fully parsed yet (or doesn't affect any " . "paths).");
                 $content[] = $no_changes;
             } else {
                 $change_panel = new AphrontPanelView();
                 $change_panel->setHeader("Changes (" . number_format($count) . ")");
                 if ($count !== $original_changes_count) {
                     $show_all_button = phutil_render_tag('a', array('class' => 'button green', 'href' => '?show_all=true'), phutil_escape_html('Show All Changes'));
                     $warning_view = id(new AphrontErrorView())->setSeverity(AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_WARNING)->setTitle(sprintf("Showing only the first %d changes out of %s!", self::CHANGES_LIMIT, number_format($original_changes_count)));
                 $content[] = $change_panel;
                 $changesets = DiffusionPathChange::convertToDifferentialChangesets($changes);
                 $vcs = $repository->getVersionControlSystem();
                 switch ($vcs) {
                     case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_SVN:
                         $vcs_supports_directory_changes = true;
                     case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_GIT:
                     case PhabricatorRepositoryType::REPOSITORY_TYPE_MERCURIAL:
                         $vcs_supports_directory_changes = false;
                         throw new Exception("Unknown VCS.");
                 $references = array();
                 foreach ($changesets as $key => $changeset) {
                     $file_type = $changeset->getFileType();
                     if ($file_type == DifferentialChangeType::FILE_DIRECTORY) {
                         if (!$vcs_supports_directory_changes) {
                     $references[$key] = $drequest->generateURI(array('action' => 'rendering-ref', 'path' => $changeset->getFilename()));
                 // TODO: Some parts of the views still rely on properties of the
                 // DifferentialChangeset. Make the objects ephemeral to make sure we don't
                 // accidentally save them, and then set their ID to the appropriate ID for
                 // this application (the path IDs).
                 $pquery = new DiffusionPathIDQuery(mpull($changesets, 'getFilename'));
                 $path_ids = $pquery->loadPathIDs();
                 foreach ($changesets as $changeset) {
                 $change_list = new DifferentialChangesetListView();
                 $change_list->setRenderURI('/diffusion/' . $callsign . '/diff/');
                 $change_list->setStandaloneURI('/diffusion/' . $callsign . '/diff/');
                 $change_list->setRawFileURIs(null, '/diffusion/' . $callsign . '/diff/?view=r');
                 $change_list->setInlineCommentControllerURI('/diffusion/inline/' . phutil_escape_uri($commit->getPHID()) . '/');
                 // TODO: This is pretty awkward, unify the CSS between Diffusion and
                 // Differential better.
                 $change_list = '<div class="differential-primary-pane">' . $change_list->render() . '</div>';
                 $content[] = $change_list;
     $content[] = $this->buildAddCommentView($commit, $audit_requests);
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($content, array('title' => 'r' . $callsign . $commit->getCommitIdentifier()));