/** * Upload documents * @param $uploadType * @param bool $withoutMessage * @return int */ public static function uploadDocuments($uploadType, $withoutMessage = false) { if(isset($_SESSION[$uploadType]) && count($_SESSION[$uploadType]) > 0) { $settings = UsersSettings::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'User_ID' => Yii::app()->user->userID, )); //get default bank account $condition = new CDbCriteria(); $condition->condition = "users_project_list.User_ID = '" . Yii::app()->user->userID . "'"; $condition->addCondition("users_project_list.Client_ID = '" . Yii::app()->user->clientID . "'"); $condition->addCondition("t.Account_Num_ID = '" . $settings->Default_Bank_Acct . "'"); $condition->join = "LEFT JOIN projects ON projects.Project_ID = t.Project_ID LEFT JOIN users_project_list ON users_project_list.Project_ID = t.Project_ID"; $bankAcct = BankAcctNums::model()->with('client.company', 'project')->find($condition); $defaultBankAcct = 0; if ($bankAcct) { $defaultBankAcct = $settings->Default_Bank_Acct; } //get user to send email $person_to_email = false; if (Yii::app()->user->id != 'user' && Yii::app()->user->id != 'single_user') { $person_to_email = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->userID); } else { $condition = new CDbCriteria(); $condition->join = "LEFT JOIN users_client_list ON users_client_list.User_ID = t.User_ID"; $condition->addInCondition('users_client_list.User_Type', array(UsersClientList::APPROVER, UsersClientList::PROCESSOR, UsersClientList::CLIENT_ADMIN)); $condition->addInCondition('t.User_Type', array(Users::ADMIN, Users::DB_ADMIN, Users::DATA_ENTRY_CLERK), "OR"); $condition->addCondition("users_client_list.Client_ID = '" . Yii::app()->user->clientID . "'"); $person_to_email = Users::model()->with('person')->find($condition); } foreach ($_SESSION[$uploadType] as $key => $current_upload_file) { // check fed id if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::W9) { if (!preg_match('/^(\d{2}\-\d{7})|(\d{3}\-\d{2}\-\d{4})|(IN[-]\d{6})|(T0[-]\d{7})$/', $current_upload_file['fed_id'])) { return 2; } } } // insert documents into DB foreach ($_SESSION[$uploadType] as $key => $current_upload_file) { if (file_exists($current_upload_file['filepath'])) { // create document $document = new Documents(); $document->Document_Type = $current_upload_file['doctype']; $document->User_ID = Yii::app()->user->userID; $document->Client_ID = Yii::app()->user->clientID; $document->Project_ID = Yii::app()->user->projectID; $document->Created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $document->save(); $new_doc_id=$document->Document_ID; Audits::LogAction($document->Document_ID ,Audits::ACTION_UPLOAD); // insert image $image = new Images(); $imageData = addslashes(fread(fopen($current_upload_file['filepath'],"rb"),filesize($current_upload_file['filepath']))); //$imageData = FileModification::ImageToPdfByFilePath($current_upload_file['filepath']); $image->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $image->Img = $imageData; $image->File_Name = $current_upload_file['name']; $image->Mime_Type = $current_upload_file['mimetype']; $image->File_Hash = sha1_file($current_upload_file['filepath']); $image->File_Size = intval(filesize($current_upload_file['filepath'])); $image->Pages_Count = FileModification::calculatePagesByPath($current_upload_file['filepath']); $image->save(); $infile = @file_get_contents($current_upload_file['filepath'], FILE_BINARY); if (($current_upload_file['mimetype'] == 'application/pdf' && $image->findPdfText($infile) == '') || $current_upload_file['mimetype'] != 'application/pdf') { Documents::crateDocumentThumbnail($current_upload_file['filepath'], 'thumbs', $current_upload_file['mimetype'], $document->Document_ID, 80); } // delete file from temporary catalog and from cache table //unlink($current_upload_file['filepath']); FileCache::deleteBothFromCacheById($current_upload_file['file_id']); if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::W9) { // if document is W9 // get additional fields $fedId = trim($current_upload_file['fed_id']); $newCompanyName = trim($current_upload_file['company_name']); // get company info $company = Companies::model()->with('client')->findByAttributes(array( 'Company_Fed_ID' => $fedId, )); // create w9 $W9 = new W9(); $W9->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $W9->W9_Owner_ID = Yii::app()->user->clientID; $W9->Creator_ID = Yii::app()->user->userID; $W9->Business_Name = trim($current_upload_file['bus_name']); $W9->Tax_Class = trim($current_upload_file['tax_name']); // get user info $user = Users::model()->with('person')->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->userID); if ($company) { // if company exisits $client = $company->client; //fill created company with dataentry values from session Companies::fillWithSessionDataEntry($company,$current_upload_file); $existingW9 = W9::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID, 'W9_Owner_ID' => Yii::app()->user->clientID, )); if ($existingW9) { $W9->Revision_ID = -1; } else { $W9->Revision_ID = 0; } $vendor = Vendors::model()->findByAttributes(array( 'Client_Client_ID' => Yii::app()->user->clientID, 'Vendor_Client_ID' => $client->Client_ID, )); if (isset($vendor->Active_Relationship) && $vendor->Active_Relationship == Vendors::NOT_ACTIVE_RELATIONSHIP) { $vendor->Active_Relationship = Vendors::ACTIVE_RELATIONSHIP; $vendor->save(); } else if (!$vendor && Yii::app()->user->clientID != 0 && Yii::app()->user->clientID != $client->Client_ID) { $vendor = new Vendors(); $vendor->Vendor_ID_Shortcut = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Client_ID = $client->Client_ID; $vendor->Client_Client_ID = Yii::app()->user->clientID; $vendor->Vendor_Name_Checkprint = ''; $vendor->Vendor_1099 = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Default_GL = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Default_GL_Note = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Note_General = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Contact = trim($current_upload_file['contact']); $vendor->Vendor_Phone = trim($current_upload_file['phone']); $vendor->save(); } } else { //if company does not exists, create new company $client = Companies::createEmptyCompany($fedId, $newCompanyName); $company_model = Companies::model()->findByPk($client->Company_ID); //fill created company with dataentry values from session Companies::fillWithSessionDataEntry($company_model,$current_upload_file); if (Yii::app()->user->clientID != 0) { $vendor = new Vendors(); $vendor->Vendor_ID_Shortcut = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Client_ID = $client->Client_ID; $vendor->Client_Client_ID = Yii::app()->user->clientID; $vendor->Vendor_Name_Checkprint = ''; $vendor->Vendor_1099 = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Default_GL = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Default_GL_Note = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Note_General = ''; $vendor->Vendor_Contact = trim($current_upload_file['contact']); $vendor->Vendor_Phone = trim($current_upload_file['phone']); $vendor->save(); } $W9->Revision_ID = 0; } // save w9 $W9->Client_ID = $client->Client_ID; $W9->save(); if ($person_to_email) { Mail::sendNewW9ForDataEntry($person_to_email->person->Email, $person_to_email->person->First_Name, $person_to_email->person->Last_Name); } } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::AP) { //create aps $aps = new Aps(); $aps->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $aps->Vendor_ID = 0; $aps->PO_ID = 0; $aps->AP_Approval_Value = Aps::NOT_READY_FOR_APPROVAL; $aps->Invoice_Number = 0; $aps->save(); } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::PM) { //create payment $payment = new Payments(); $payment->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $payment->Vendor_ID = 0; $payment->Payment_Check_Number = 0; $payment->Payment_Amount = 0; if ($defaultBankAcct != 0) { $payment->Account_Num_ID = $defaultBankAcct; } else { $payment->Account_Num_ID = 0; } $payment->save(); } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::PO) { //create pos $po = new Pos(); $po->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $po->Vendor_ID = 0; $po->PO_Number = Pos::getNewPoNumber(); $po->PO_Date = date('Y-m-d'); $po->PO_Backup_Document_ID = 0; $po->save(); } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::PR) { $payroll = new Payrolls(); $payroll->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $payroll->save(); } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::JE) { $je = new Journals(); $je->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $je->save(); } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::PC) { $pc = new Pcs(); $pc->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $pc->save(); } else if ($current_upload_file['doctype'] == self::AR) { $ar = new Ars(); $ar->Document_ID = $document->Document_ID; $ar->save(); } } $arr[$current_upload_file['name']]['string']= Images::getAjaxStringForLastUploadSection($new_doc_id); $arr[$current_upload_file['name']]['key']=$key; } $_SESSION[$uploadType] = array(); if (!$withoutMessage) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', "Documents have been uploaded!"); } return json_encode($arr); } else { $answer['empty']=1; return json_encode($answer); } }
public function actionCreate() { if ($_GET["select"] == 1) { //print_r($_POST); if (!Trucks::checkPlate($_POST["plate"])) { $truck = new Trucks(); // print_r($_POST); $truck->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); /* if (strlen($data[1]) > 4) {$truck->is_conctract = 1; $truck->contract_number = $data[1];} else {$truck->is_conctract = 0; $truck->contract_number = "";} if (strlen($data[7]) > 4) {$truck->is_act = 1; $truck->act_number = $data[7];} else {$truck->is_act = 0; $truck->act_number = "";}*/ $truck->balance_license_fee = (int) $_POST["amount_fee_license"]; $truck->daily_license_fee = $_POST["weight"]; $truck->comment = $_POST["comment"]; $truck->fio = $_POST["fio"]; if (!$truck->save()) { print_r($truck->getErrors()); } } $payment = new Payments(); $payment->plate = MYChtml::check_num($_POST["plate"]); if ($_POST["amount_installation"] > 0) { $payment->amount_installation = (int) $_POST["amount_installation"]; } if ($_POST["amount_fee_license"] > 0) { $payment->amount_fee_license = (int) $_POST["amount_fee_license"]; } $payment->date = $_POST["date"]; $payment->comment = $_POST["comment"]; if (!$payment->save()) { print_r($payment->getErrors()); } } $this->render('create'); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Payments(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Payments'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Payments']; if ($model->save()) { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public static function addBalanceAndInstatllFee($amountBalanceFee, $amountInstallFee, $plate, $date = false) { $payment = new Payments(); $payment->plate = $plate; $payment->amount_fee_license = $amountBalanceFee; $payment->amount_installation = $amountInstallFee; if ($date) { $payment->date = $date; } else { $payment->date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); } if ($payment->save()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Payments(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_POST['Payments'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Payments']; $member = Members::model()->findByPk($model->member_id); $transaction = $member->dbConnection->beginTransaction(); if ($model->save()) { $member->next_payment_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('1 month')); if ($member->save()) { $transaction->commit(); $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } else { $transaction->rollback(); } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function postSavepayments() { $user_id = Session::get('user_id'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Payments::$rules); if ($validator->passes()) { $payments = new Payments(); $payments->agency_id = Input::get('agency_id'); $payments->client_id = Input::get('client_id'); $payments->bill_id = Input::get('bill_id'); $payments->amount = Input::get('amount'); $payments->tds = Input::get('tds'); $payments->payment_date = Input::get('payment_date'); $payments->payment_mode = Input::get('payment_mode'); $payments->instrument_number = Input::get('instrument_number'); $payments->remarks = Input::get('remarks'); $payments->instrument_date = Input::get('instrument_date'); $payments->user_id = $user_id; $payments->save(); } else { return 0; } return Response::json($payments); }
/** * Creates a new model. * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. */ public function actionCreate() { $model = new Payments(); // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed // $this->performAjaxValidation($model); if (isset($_GET['byorder']) and is_numeric($_GET['byorder'])) { $model->order_id = (int) $_GET['byorder']; $model->client_id = $model->order->client_id; } if (isset($_POST['Payments'])) { $model->attributes = $_POST['Payments']; if ($model->save()) { $msg = 'Платёж #' . $model->id . ' для Заказа #' . $model->order_id . ' ' . $model->order->name . ' создан'; Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $msg); Yii::app()->logger->write($msg); if (isset($model->order_id)) { $this->redirect(array('orders/view', 'id' => $model->order_id)); } else { $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id)); } } } $this->render('create', array('model' => $model)); }
public function actionCallback() { $model = new Payments(); /* $model->hole_id = 6; $model->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $model->transaction_id = 122121; $model->status = 21212; $model->amount =12323; $model->save(); */ if (isset($_POST)) { $model->description = $_POST['description']; //$model->hole_id = $_POST['order_id']; $model->transaction_id = $_POST['transaction_id']; $model->status = $_POST['status']; $model->amount = $_POST['amount']; $model->save(); } $file = fopen("dump.txt", a); $data = $_POST; file_put_contents('dump.txt', print_r($data, true), FILE_APPEND); fclose($file); }
public function getSave() { $id = Input::get('id'); $year = date('Y'); $month = date('m'); $date = date('d'); $now = date('Y-m-d'); if ($id) { // print_r($_POST); $employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); if ($employee_id) { $employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); } else { $employee_id = NULL; } $bs = BookingServices::where('booking_id', $id); $bs->delete(); $br = BookingRooms::where('booking_id', $id); $br->delete(); $bookings = Bookings::find($id); $service_id = Input::get('service_id'); $TOTAL = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($service_id); $i++) { $cek_bs = BookingServices::where('service_id', '=', $service_id[$i])->first(); if (empty($cek_bs)) { $booking_service = new BookingServices(); $d_service = Services::find($service_id[$i]); $booking_service->booking_id = $id; $booking_service->service_id = $service_id[$i]; $booking_service->price = $d_service->price; $TOTAL += $d_service->price; $booking_service->save(); } } $room_id = Input::get('room_id'); for ($j = 0; $j < count($room_id); $j++) { $cek_r = BookingRooms::where('room_id', '=', $room_id[$j])->first(); if (empty($cek_r)) { $booking_room = new BookingRooms(); $d_room = Room::find($room_id[$j]); $d_room->booked = 1; $booking_room->booking_id = $id; $booking_room->room_id = $room_id[$j]; $booking_room->price = $d_room->type->price; $booking_room->save(); $d_room->save(); $TOTAL += $d_room->type->price; } } $bookings->guest_id = Input::get('guest_id'); $bookings->employee_id = $employee_id; $bookings->number_of_days = Input::get('number_of_days'); $bookings->date_booking = Input::get('date_booking'); $bookings->date_booking_from = Input::get('date_booking'); $bookings->date_booking_to = Input::get('date_booking_to'); $bookings->save(); $holiday = date('D'); if ($holiday == 'Sat' || $holiday == 'Sun') { $disc = 0.05; } else { $disc = 0; } $TOTAL = $TOTAL * $bookings->number_of_days; $discount = $TOTAL * $disc; $grand_total = $TOTAL - $discount; $py = Payments::where('booking_id', '=', $id)->first(); $payment = Payments::find($py->id); $payment->subtotal = $TOTAL; $payment->disc = $disc; $payment->grand_total = $grand_total; $payment->cashed = 0; $payment->save(); Session::flash('message', 'The records are updated successfully'); return Redirect::to('bookings/show/' . $id); } else { $data = Bookings::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); if (isset($data->id)) { $index = $data->id + 1; } else { $index = 1; } $x = strlen($index); $y = null; for ($i = 4; $i > $x; $i--) { $y .= '0'; } $y .= $index; $booking_code = $year . '' . $month . '' . $date . '' . $y; $employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); if ($employee_id) { $employee_id = Input::get('employee_id'); } else { $employee_id = NULL; } $bookings = new Bookings(); $bookings->booking_code = $booking_code; $bookings->guest_id = Input::get('guest_id'); $bookings->employee_id = $employee_id; $bookings->number_of_days = Input::get('number_of_days'); $bookings->date_booking = Input::get('date_booking'); $bookings->date_booking_from = Input::get('date_booking'); $bookings->date_booking_to = Input::get('date_booking_to'); $bookings->save(); $last = Bookings::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $last_id = $last->id; $service_id = Input::get('service_id'); $TOTAL = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($service_id); $i++) { $cek_bs = BookingServices::where('service_id', '=', $service_id[$i])->first(); if (empty($cek_bs)) { $booking_service = new BookingServices(); $d_service = Services::find($service_id[$i]); $booking_service->booking_id = $last_id; $booking_service->service_id = $service_id[$i]; $booking_service->price = $d_service->price; $booking_service->save(); $TOTAL += $d_service->price; } } $room_id = Input::get('room_id'); for ($j = 0; $j < count($room_id); $j++) { $cek_r = BookingRooms::where('room_id', '=', $room_id[$j])->first(); if (empty($cek_r)) { $booking_room = new BookingRooms(); $d_room = Room::find($room_id[$j]); $d_room->booked = 1; $booking_room->booking_id = $last_id; $booking_room->room_id = $room_id[$j]; $booking_room->price = $d_room->type->price; $booking_room->save(); $d_room->save(); $TOTAL += $d_room->type->price; } } $TOTAL = $TOTAL * $bookings->number_of_days; $holiday = date('D'); if ($holiday == 'Sat' || $holiday == 'Sun') { $disc = 0.05; } else { $disc = 0; } $discount = $TOTAL * $disc; $grand_total = $TOTAL - $discount; $payment = new Payments(); $payment->booking_id = $last_id; $payment->subtotal = $TOTAL; $payment->disc = $disc; $payment->grand_total = $grand_total; $payment->cashed = 0; $payment->save(); Session::flash('message', 'The records are inserted successfully'); return Redirect::to('bookings/show/' . $last_id); } }
$truck->daily_license_fee = 10; $truck->comment = $data[0] . " "; $truck->fio = $data[3]; if (!$truck->save()) { print_r($truck->getErrors()); echo "<hr>"; echo "Строка:" . $i; die; } } $payment = new Payments(); $payment->amount_fee_license = 0; $payment->amount_installation = (int) $data[4]; $payment->date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($data[2])); $payment->plate = MYChtml::check_num($data[8]); if (!$payment->save()) { print_r($payment->getErrors()); echo "Строка:" . $i; die; echo "<hr>"; } } ob_start(); echo "Строка " . $i . "<br>"; ob_end_flush(); } ?> </div><!-- panel --> <br />
public function actionIndex() { if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { throw404(); } $this->setActiveMenu('my_payments'); $request = Yii::app()->request; $ad_id = $request->getParam('id', 0); $paid_id = $request->getParam('paid_id'); $isFancy = $request->getParam('isFancy', 0); $paySubmit = $request->getParam('pay_submit'); $tariffId = $request->getParam('tariffid', 0); if ($paySubmit) { $optionId = $request->getParam('option_id'); $paySystemId = $request->getParam('pay_id'); $amount = $request->getParam('amount', 0); $error = 0; // Если это поплнение баланса if ($paid_id == PaidServices::ID_ADD_FUNDS && $amount <= 0) { $this->setActiveMenu('my_balance'); Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tc('Please specify the amount of the payment')); $error = 1; } Yii::app()->getModule('payment'); $paysystem = Paysystem::model()->findByPk($paySystemId); if (!$paysystem) { throw404(); } # покупка тарифного плана if ($tariffId && issetModule('tariffPlans')) { $tariffPlanInfo = TariffPlans::getFullTariffInfoById($tariffId); $paidOption = new PaidOptions(); $paidOption->id = 0; if (!$tariffPlanInfo || $tariffPlanInfo['active'] == TariffPlans::STATUS_INACTIVE) { throw404(); } if ($tariffPlanInfo['price'] && $tariffPlanInfo['price'] > 0) { // Если оплата тарифа с баланса пользователя if ($paySystemId == Paysystem::ID_BALANCE) { $user = User::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id); if ($user->balance < $tariffPlanInfo['price']) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tc('Please refill the balance')); $error = 2; $this->redirect(array('/tariffPlans/main/index')); } } } else { # бесплатный тариф Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tt('Selected tariff plan is free. Please contact the site administrator for transit to this tariff.', 'tariffPlans')); $error = 2; $this->redirect(array('/tariffPlans/main/index')); } } else { if ($paid_id != PaidServices::ID_ADD_FUNDS) { $ad = Apartment::model()->findByPk($ad_id); $paidOption = PaidOptions::model()->findByPk($optionId); if (!$ad || !$paidOption || !isset($paidOption->paidService)) { throw404(); } // Если оплата платной услуги с баланса пользователя if ($paySystemId == Paysystem::ID_BALANCE) { $user = User::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id); if ($user->id != $ad->owner_id || $ad->deleted) { throw404(); } if ($user->balance < $paidOption->price) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tc('Please refill the balance')); $error = 2; } } } } $paysystem->createPayModel(); if ($paysystem->payModel === null) { throw404(); } if ($error == 0) { // Создаем платеж и ставим ему статус "Ожидает оплаты" $payment = new Payments(); $payment->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id; $payment->paid_id = $paid_id; if ($paid_id != PaidServices::ID_ADD_FUNDS) { $payment->paid_option_id = $paidOption->id; } $payment->apartment_id = $ad_id; $payment->tariff_id = $tariffId; if ($tariffId && issetModule('tariffPlans')) { $payment->amount = $tariffPlanInfo['price']; } else { $payment->amount = $paid_id == PaidServices::ID_ADD_FUNDS ? $amount : $paidOption->price; } $payment->currency_charcode = Currency::getDefaultCurrencyModel()->char_code; $payment->status = Payments::STATUS_WAITPAYMENT; $payment->paysystem_id = $paysystem->id; $payment->save(); /*echo '<pre>'; print_r($payment->getErrors()); echo '</pre>'; exit;*/ // Передаем платеж на обработку в модель платежки. // Приложение либо звершается (происходит редирект по нужному адресу), // либо выдает сообщение, которое будет отображено пользователю $return = $paysystem->payModel->processPayment($payment); switch ($return['status']) { case Paysystem::RESULT_OK: Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $return['message']); $this->redirect(array('/usercpanel/main/payments')); break; case Paysystem::RESULT_NOTICE: Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', $return['message']); $this->redirect(array('/userads/main/update', 'id' => $payment->apartment_id)); break; case Paysystem::RESULT_ERROR: Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', $return['message']); $this->redirect(array('/userads/main/update', 'id' => $payment->apartment_id)); break; default: $this->render('result', array('payment' => $payment, 'paysystem' => $paysystem, 'message' => $return['message'])); } echo 'Loading ... '; exit; } } if ($paid_id != PaidServices::ID_ADD_FUNDS) { $apartment = Apartment::model()->findByPk($ad_id); if ($apartment->active != Apartment::STATUS_ACTIVE || $apartment->owner_active != 1) { echo '<h2>' . tt('To apply a paid service for the listing, it should be active.', 'paidservices') . '</h2>'; exit; } } $paidService = PaidServices::model()->findByPk($paid_id); if (!$paidService || !$paidService->active) { throw404(); } if ($paid_id == PaidServices::ID_ADD_IN_SLIDER) { $img = Images::getMainImageData(null, $apartment->id); if (!$img) { Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', tt('Error! You must upload the image for the ad.', 'paidservices')); if (!$isFancy) { $this->redirect(array('/userads/main/update', 'id' => $ad_id)); } else { echo tt('Error! You must upload the image for the ad.', 'paidservices'); } Yii::app()->end(); } } if (!isset($user)) { $user = User::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id); } if ($isFancy || Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { $this->excludeJs(); if ($tariffId && issetModule('tariffPlans')) { $this->redirect(array('/tariffPlans/main/index')); } else { $this->renderPartial('paidform', array('paidService' => $paidService, 'user' => $user, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'isFancy' => true), false, true); } } else { if ($tariffId && issetModule('tariffPlans')) { $this->redirect(array('/tariffPlans/main/index')); } else { $this->render('paidform', array('paidService' => $paidService, 'user' => $user, 'ad_id' => $ad_id, 'isFancy' => false)); } } }