Beispiel #1
 function preSave()
     if ($this->isNew() and $this->getEnableReleaseAccruals() == TRUE) {
         //Create PS amendment releasing all accruals
         UserGenericStatusFactory::queueGenericStatus($this->getUserObject()->getFullName(TRUE) . ' - ' . TTi18n::gettext('Pay Stub Amendment'), 30, TTi18n::gettext('Releasing all employee accruals'), NULL);
         PayStubAmendmentFactory::releaseAllAccruals($this->getUser(), $this->getLastDate());
     //Start these off as zero, until we can save this row, and re-calc them after
     //the final pay stub has been generated.
     if ($this->getInsurableHours() == '') {
     if ($this->getInsurableEarnings() == '') {
     return TRUE;
 static function CalcDifferences($pay_stub_id1, $pay_stub_id2, $ps_amendment_date = NULL)
     //PayStub 1 is new.
     //PayStub 2 is old.
     if ($pay_stub_id1 == '') {
         return FALSE;
     if ($pay_stub_id2 == '') {
         return FALSE;
     if ($pay_stub_id1 == $pay_stub_id2) {
         return FALSE;
     Debug::Text('Calculating the differences between Pay Stub: ' . $pay_stub_id1 . ' And: ' . $pay_stub_id2, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $pslf = new PayStubListFactory();
     if ($pslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $pay_stub1_obj = $pslf->getCurrent();
     } else {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stub1 does not exist: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         return FALSE;
     if ($pslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $pay_stub2_obj = $pslf->getCurrent();
     } else {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stub2 does not exist: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         return FALSE;
     if ($pay_stub1_obj->getUser() != $pay_stub2_obj->getUser()) {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stubs are from different users!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         return FALSE;
     if ($ps_amendment_date == NULL or $ps_amendment_date == '') {
         Debug::Text('PS Amendment Date not set, trying to figure it out!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         //Take a guess at the end of the newest open pay period.
         $ppslf = new PayPeriodScheduleListFactory();
         if ($ppslf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
             Debug::Text('Found Pay Period Schedule', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
             $pplf->getByPayPeriodScheduleIdAndTransactionDate($ppslf->getCurrent()->getId(), time());
             if ($pplf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 Debug::Text('Using Pay Period End Date.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 $ps_amendment_date = TTDate::getBeginDayEpoch($pplf->getCurrent()->getEndDate());
         } else {
             Debug::Text('Using Today.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $ps_amendment_date = time();
     Debug::Text('Using Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $ps_amendment_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     //Only do Earnings for now.
     //Get all earnings, EE/ER deduction PS entries.
     $pay_stub1_entry_ids = NULL;
     $pay_stub1_entries = new PayStubEntryListFactory();
     $pay_stub1_entries->getByPayStubIdAndType($pay_stub1_obj->getId(), array(10, 20, 30));
     if ($pay_stub1_entries->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stub1 Entries DO exist: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         foreach ($pay_stub1_entries as $pay_stub1_entry_obj) {
             $pay_stub1_entry_ids[] = $pay_stub1_entry_obj->getPayStubEntryNameId();
     } else {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stub1 Entries does not exist: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         return FALSE;
     Debug::Arr($pay_stub1_entry_ids, 'Pay Stub1 Entry IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $pay_stub2_entry_ids = NULL;
     $pay_stub2_entries = new PayStubEntryListFactory();
     $pay_stub2_entries->getByPayStubIdAndType($pay_stub2_obj->getId(), array(10, 20, 30));
     if ($pay_stub2_entries->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stub2 Entries DO exist: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         foreach ($pay_stub2_entries as $pay_stub2_entry_obj) {
             $pay_stub2_entry_ids[] = $pay_stub2_entry_obj->getPayStubEntryNameId();
     } else {
         Debug::Text('Pay Stub2 Entries does not exist: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
         return FALSE;
     Debug::Arr($pay_stub1_entry_ids, 'Pay Stub2 Entry IDs: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $pay_stub_entry_ids = array_unique(array_merge($pay_stub1_entry_ids, $pay_stub2_entry_ids));
     Debug::Arr($pay_stub_entry_ids, 'Pay Stub Entry Differences: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $pself = new PayStubEntryListFactory();
     if (count($pay_stub_entry_ids) > 0) {
         foreach ($pay_stub_entry_ids as $pay_stub_entry_id) {
             Debug::Text('Entry ID: ' . $pay_stub_entry_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             $pay_stub1_entry_arr = $pself->getSumByPayStubIdAndEntryNameIdAndNotPSAmendment($pay_stub1_obj->getId(), $pay_stub_entry_id);
             $pay_stub2_entry_arr = $pself->getSumByPayStubIdAndEntryNameIdAndNotPSAmendment($pay_stub2_obj->getId(), $pay_stub_entry_id);
             Debug::Text('Pay Stub1 Amount: ' . $pay_stub1_entry_arr['amount'] . ' Pay Stub2 Amount: ' . $pay_stub2_entry_arr['amount'], __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             if ($pay_stub1_entry_arr['amount'] != $pay_stub2_entry_arr['amount']) {
                 $amount_diff = bcsub($pay_stub1_entry_arr['amount'], $pay_stub2_entry_arr['amount'], 2);
                 $units_diff = abs(bcsub($pay_stub1_entry_arr['units'], $pay_stub2_entry_arr['units'], 2));
                 Debug::Text('FOUND DIFFERENCE of: Amount: ' . $amount_diff . ' Units: ' . $units_diff, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 //Generate PS Amendment.
                 $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
                 if ($units_diff > 0) {
                     //Re-calculate amount when units are involved, due to rounding issues.
                     $unit_rate = Misc::MoneyFormat(bcdiv($amount_diff, $units_diff));
                     $amount_diff = Misc::MoneyFormat(bcmul($unit_rate, $units_diff));
                     Debug::Text('bFOUND DIFFERENCE of: Amount: ' . $amount_diff . ' Units: ' . $units_diff . ' Unit Rate: ' . $unit_rate, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 } else {
                 $psaf->setDescription('Adjustment from Pay Period Ending: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $pay_stub2_obj->getEndDate()));
                 if ($psaf->isValid()) {
                 unset($amount_diff, $units_diff, $unit_rate);
             } else {
                 Debug::Text('No DIFFERENCE!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return TRUE;
 static function releaseAllAccruals($user_id, $effective_date = NULL)
     Debug::Text('Release 100% of all accruals!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if ($user_id == '') {
         return FALSE;
     if ($effective_date == '') {
         $effective_date = TTDate::getTime();
     Debug::Text('Effective Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE+TIME', $effective_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $ulf = new UserListFactory();
     if ($ulf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         $user_obj = $ulf->getCurrent();
     } else {
         return FALSE;
     //Get all PSE acccount accruals
     $psealf = new PayStubEntryAccountListFactory();
     $psealf->getByCompanyIdAndStatusIdAndTypeId($user_obj->getCompany(), 10, 50);
     if ($psealf->getRecordCount() > 0) {
         foreach ($psealf as $psea_obj) {
             //Get PSE account that affects this accrual.
             $psealf_tmp = new PayStubEntryAccountListFactory();
             $psealf_tmp->getByCompanyIdAndAccrualId($user_obj->getCompany(), $psea_obj->getId());
             if ($psealf_tmp->getRecordCount() > 0) {
                 $release_account_id = $psealf_tmp->getCurrent()->getId();
                 $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
                 $psaf->setDescription('Release Accrual Balance');
                 if ($psaf->isValid()) {
                     Debug::Text('Release Accrual Is Valid!!: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             } else {
                 Debug::Text('No Release Account for this Accrual!!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     } else {
         Debug::Text('No Accruals to release...', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return FALSE;
 function addPayStubAmendments()
     //Regular FIXED PS amendment
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Bonus'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test Fixed PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //Regular percent PS amendment
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Other'));
     $psaf->setPercentAmountEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test Percent PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //Vacation Accrual Release percent PS amendment
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Vacation Accrual Release'));
     //50% - Leave some balance to check against.
     $psaf->setPercentAmountEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 50, 'Vacation Accrual'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test Vacation Release Percent PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //YTD Adjustment FIXED PS amendment
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Premium 2'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test YTD PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //YTD Adjustment FIXED PS amendment
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Other'));
     //$psaf->setAmount( 0.09 );
     //Increase this so Union Dues are closer to the maximum earnings and are calculated to be less.
     $psaf->setDescription('Test YTD (2) PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //YTD Adjustment FIXED PS amendment for testing Maximum EI contribution
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 20, 'EI'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test EI YTD PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //YTD Adjustment FIXED PS amendment for testing Maximum CPP contribution
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 20, 'CPP'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test CPP YTD PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //YTD Adjustment FIXED PS amendment for testing Vacation Accrual totaling issues.
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 50, 'Vacation Accrual'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test Vacation Accrual YTD PS Amendment');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     // Add EARNING PS amendments for a pay period that has no Punch hours.
     // Include a regular time adjustment so we can test Wage Base amounts for some tax/deductions.
     //Regular FIXED PS amendment as regular time.
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Regular Time'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test Fixed PS Amendment (1)');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     //Regular FIXED PS amendment as Bonus
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $psaf->setPayStubEntryNameId(CompanyDeductionFactory::getPayStubEntryAccountByCompanyIDAndTypeAndFuzzyName($this->company_id, 10, 'Bonus'));
     $psaf->setDescription('Test Fixed PS Amendment (2)');
     if ($psaf->isValid()) {
     return TRUE;
 function createPayStubAmendments($epoch = NULL)
     //Get all recurring pay stub amendments and generate single pay stub amendments if appropriate.
     if ($epoch == '') {
         $epoch = TTDate::getTime();
     $ulf = new UserListFactory();
     Debug::text('Recurring PS Amendment ID: ' . $this->getId() . ' Frequency: ' . $this->getFrequency(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     $tmp_user_ids = $this->getUser();
     if ($tmp_user_ids[0] == -1) {
         $ulf->getByCompanyIdAndStatus($this->getCompany(), 10);
         foreach ($ulf as $user_obj) {
             $user_ids[] = $user_obj->getId();
     } else {
         $user_ids = $this->getUser();
     Debug::text('Total User IDs: ' . count($user_ids), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     if (is_array($user_ids) and count($user_ids) > 0) {
         //Make the PS amendment duplicate check start/end date separate
         //Make the PS amendment effective date separate.
         switch ($this->getFrequency()) {
             case 10:
                 //Get all open pay periods
                 $pplf = new PayPeriodListFactory();
                 //FIXME: Get all non-closed pay periods AFTER the start date.
                 $pplf->getByUserIdListAndNotStatusAndStartDateAndEndDate($user_ids, 20, $this->getStartDate(), $this->getEndDate());
                 //All non-closed pay periods
                 Debug::text('Found Open Pay Periods: ' . $pplf->getRecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 foreach ($pplf as $pay_period_obj) {
                     Debug::text('Working on Pay Period: ' . $pay_period_obj->getId(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     //If near the end of a pay period, or a pay period is already ended, add PS amendment if
                     //it does not already exist.
                     if ($epoch >= $pay_period_obj->getEndDate() and $this->checkTimeFrame($epoch)) {
                         Debug::text('After end of pay period.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         $psalf = new PayStubAmendmentListFactory();
                         //Loop through each user of this Pay Period Schedule adding PS amendments if they don't already exist.
                         $pay_period_schedule_users = $pay_period_obj->getPayPeriodScheduleObject()->getUser();
                         Debug::text(' Pay Period Schedule Users: ' . count($pay_period_schedule_users), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         foreach ($pay_period_schedule_users as $user_id) {
                             //Make sure schedule user is in the PS amendment user list and user is active.
                             Debug::text(' Pay Period Schedule User: '******' Recurring PS Amendment Selected Users: ', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
                             if ($ulf->getById($user_id)->getCurrent()->getStatus() == 10 and in_array($user_id, $user_ids)) {
                                 //Check to see if the amendment was added already.
                                 if ($psalf->getByUserIdAndRecurringPayStubAmendmentIdAndStartDateAndEndDate($user_id, $this->getId(), $pay_period_obj->getStartDate(), $pay_period_obj->getEndDate())->getRecordCount() == 0) {
                                     //No amendment, good to insert one
                                     Debug::text('Inserting Recurring PS Amendment for User: '******'Recurring PS Amendment already inserted for User: '******'Skipping User because they are INACTIVE or are not on the Recurring PS Amendment User List - ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     } else {
                         Debug::text('Not in TimeFrame, not inserting amendments: Epoch: ' . $epoch . ' Pay Period End Date: ' . $pay_period_obj->getEndDate(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
             case 30:
             case 40:
             case 70:
                 switch ($this->getFrequency()) {
                     case 30:
                         $trigger_date = TTDate::getDateOfNextDayOfWeek(TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch($epoch), $this->getStartDate());
                         $start_date = TTDate::getBeginWeekEpoch($epoch);
                         $end_date = TTDate::getEndWeekEpoch($epoch);
                     case 40:
                         $trigger_date = TTDate::getDateOfNextDayOfMonth(TTDate::getBeginMonthEpoch($epoch), $this->getStartDate());
                         //$monthly_date = TTDate::getDateOfNextDayOfMonth( TTDate::getBeginMonthEpoch($epoch), $this->getStartDate() );
                         $start_date = TTDate::getBeginMonthEpoch($epoch);
                         $end_date = TTDate::getEndMonthEpoch($epoch);
                     case 70:
                         $trigger_date = TTDate::getDateOfNextYear($this->getStartDate());
                         $start_date = TTDate::getBeginYearEpoch($epoch);
                         $end_date = TTDate::getEndYearEpoch($epoch);
                 Debug::text('Trigger Date: ' . TTDate::getDate('DATE', $trigger_date), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                 if ($epoch >= $trigger_date and $this->checkTimeFrame($epoch)) {
                     Debug::text('After end of pay period.', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                     foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) {
                         //Make sure schedule user is in the PS amendment user list and user is active.
                         if ($ulf->getById($user_id)->getCurrent()->getStatus() != 10 and !in_array($user_id, $user_ids)) {
                             Debug::text('Skipping User because they are INACTIVE or are not on the Recurring PS Amendment User List - ID: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
                         $psalf = new PayStubAmendmentListFactory();
                         if ($psalf->getByUserIdAndRecurringPayStubAmendmentIdAndStartDateAndEndDate($user_id, $this->getId(), $start_date, $end_date)->getRecordCount() == 0) {
                             //No amendment, good to insert one
                             Debug::text('Inserting Recurring PS Amendment for User: '******'Recurring PS Amendment already inserted for User: ' . $user_id, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
     return TRUE;
    function getAPIReportByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($company_id, $filter_data, $limit = NULL, $page = NULL, $where = NULL, $order = NULL)
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if (!is_array($order)) {
            //Use Filter Data ordering if its set.
            if (isset($filter_data['sort_column']) and $filter_data['sort_order']) {
                $order = array(Misc::trimSortPrefix($filter_data['sort_column']) => $filter_data['sort_order']);
        $additional_order_fields = array('default_branch', 'default_department', 'group', 'title', 'currency', 'pay_period_transaction_date', 'pay_stub_transaction_date', 'user_id');
        if ($order == NULL) {
            $order = array('b.user_id' => 'asc');
            $strict = FALSE;
        } else {
            $strict = TRUE;
        //Debug::Arr($order,'Order Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        //Debug::Arr($filter_data,'Filter Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $ppf = new PayPeriodFactory();
        $bf = new BranchFactory();
        $df = new DepartmentFactory();
        $ugf = new UserGroupFactory();
        $utf = new UserTitleFactory();
        $psf = new PayStubFactory();
        $uf = new UserFactory();
        $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
        $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id);
        $query = '
					select 	a.*,
							b.user_id as user_id,
							b.pay_period_id as pay_period_id,
							ppf.start_date as pay_period_start_date,
							ppf.end_date as pay_period_end_date,
							ppf.transaction_date as pay_period_transaction_date,

							b.start_date as pay_stub_start_date,
							b.end_date as pay_stub_end_date,
							b.transaction_date as pay_stub_transaction_date,
							b.currency_id as currency_id,
							b.currency_rate as currency_rate,
							a.pay_stub_entry_name_id as pay_stub_entry_name_id,
							a.rate as rate,
							a.units as units,
							a.amount as amount,
							a.ytd_amount as ytd_amount
					from 	(
							select aa.pay_stub_id as pay_stub_id,
								aa.pay_stub_entry_name_id as pay_stub_entry_name_id,
								avg(aa.rate) as rate,
								sum(aa.units) as units,
								sum(aa.amount) as amount,
								max(aa.ytd_amount) as ytd_amount
							from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as aa
							LEFT JOIN ' . $psaf->getTable() . ' as hh ON aa.pay_stub_amendment_id =
							LEFT JOIN ' . $psf->getTable() . ' as bb ON aa.pay_stub_id =
							LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as cc ON bb.user_id =
							LEFT JOIN ' . $bf->getTable() . ' as dd ON cc.default_branch_id =
							LEFT JOIN ' . $df->getTable() . ' as ee ON cc.default_department_id =
							LEFT JOIN ' . $ugf->getTable() . ' as ff ON cc.group_id =
							LEFT JOIN ' . $utf->getTable() . ' as gg ON cc.title_id =

							where cc.company_id = ? ';
        $query .= isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['permission_children_ids'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['user_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['user_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['include_user_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['include_user_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['exclude_user_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('', $filter_data['exclude_user_id'], 'not_numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['status_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('cc.status_id', $filter_data['status_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        if (isset($filter_data['exclude_ytd_adjustment']) and (bool) $filter_data['exclude_ytd_adjustment'] == TRUE) {
            $query .= ' AND ( hh.ytd_adjustment is NULL OR hh.ytd_adjustment = 0 )';
        if (isset($filter_data['include_subgroups']) and (bool) $filter_data['include_subgroups'] == TRUE) {
            $uglf = new UserGroupListFactory();
            $filter_data['group_id'] = $uglf->getByCompanyIdAndGroupIdAndSubGroupsArray($company_id, $filter_data['group_id'], TRUE);
        $query .= isset($filter_data['group_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('cc.group_id', $filter_data['group_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['default_branch_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('cc.default_branch_id', $filter_data['default_branch_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['default_department_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('cc.default_department_id', $filter_data['default_department_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['title_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('cc.title_id', $filter_data['title_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['sex_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('cc.sex_id', $filter_data['sex_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['currency_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('bb.currency_id', $filter_data['currency_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['pay_period_id']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL('bb.pay_period_id', $filter_data['pay_period_id'], 'numeric_list', $ph) : NULL;
        //$query .= ( isset($filter_data['tag']) ) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL( '', array( 'company_id' => $company_id, 'object_type_id' => 200, 'tag' => $filter_data['tag'] ), 'tag', $ph ) : NULL;
        if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and trim($filter_data['start_date']) != '') {
            $ph[] = $this->db->BindTimeStamp(strtolower(trim($filter_data['start_date'])));
            $query .= ' AND bb.transaction_date >= ?';
        if (isset($filter_data['end_date']) and trim($filter_data['end_date']) != '') {
            $ph[] = $this->db->BindTimeStamp(strtolower(trim($filter_data['end_date'])));
            $query .= ' AND bb.transaction_date <= ?';
        if ( isset($filter_data['transaction_date']) AND trim($filter_data['transaction_date']) != '' ) {
        	$ph[] = $this->db->BindTimeStamp( strtolower(trim($filter_data['transaction_date'])) );
        	$query  .=	' AND bb.transaction_date = ?';
        $query .= '
								AND (aa.deleted = 0 AND bb.deleted = 0 AND cc.deleted=0)
							group by aa.pay_stub_id,aa.pay_stub_entry_name_id
							) a
						LEFT JOIN ' . $psf->getTable() . ' as b ON a.pay_stub_id =
						LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as c ON b.user_id =
						LEFT JOIN ' . $ppf->getTable() . ' as ppf ON b.pay_period_id =
					where	1=1
        $query .= '
						AND (c.deleted=0)
        $query .= $this->getWhereSQL($where);
        $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, $strict, $additional_order_fields);
        //Debug::Arr($ph, 'Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph, $limit, $page);
        return $this;
             echo "  Sample Pay Stub: {$i}\n";
             foreach ($mapped_row as $column => $value) {
                 echo "    {$column}: {$value}\n";
     unset($import_arr, $mapped_row, $column, $value, $tmp_import_arr, $i);
 //Import all data
 $import_arr = Misc::parseCSV($import_csv_file, TRUE, FALSE, ",", 9216, 0);
 if (!is_array($import_arr)) {
     echo "Parsing CSV file failed!\n";
 } else {
     echo "Importing Pay Stub...\n";
     $psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
     $commit_trans = TRUE;
     $i = 1;
     $e = 0;
     foreach ($import_arr as $tmp_import_arr) {
         $mapped_row = Misc::importApplyColumnMap($filtered_import_map, $tmp_import_arr);
         if (isset($mapped_row['user_name'])) {
             $user_identifer = $mapped_row['user_name'];
         } else {
             $user_identifer = $mapped_row['user_id'];
         echo "  Importing Pay Stub for: " . str_pad($user_identifer, 30, '.', STR_PAD_RIGHT) . "...";
         $ulf = new UserListFactory();
         if (isset($mapped_row['user_id']) and $mapped_row['user_id'] != '') {
if (!$permission->Check('pay_stub_amendment', 'enabled') or !($permission->Check('pay_stub_amendment', 'edit') or $permission->Check('pay_stub_amendment', 'edit_own'))) {
$smarty->assign('title', TTi18n::gettext($title = 'Edit Pay Stub Amendment'));
// See index.php
 * Get FORM variables
extract(FormVariables::GetVariables(array('action', 'id', 'user_id', 'pay_stub_amendment_data')));
if (isset($pay_stub_amendment_data)) {
    if ($pay_stub_amendment_data['effective_date'] != '') {
        $pay_stub_amendment_data['effective_date'] = TTDate::parseDateTime($pay_stub_amendment_data['effective_date']);
$psaf = new PayStubAmendmentFactory();
$action = Misc::findSubmitButton();
$action = strtolower($action);
switch ($action) {
    case 'submit':
        //Debug::setVerbosity( 11 );
        Debug::Text('Submit!', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__, 10);
        $fail_transaction = FALSE;
        foreach ($pay_stub_amendment_data['filter_user_id'] as $user_id) {
            if ($pay_stub_amendment_data['type_id'] == 10) {