} function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); // remove whitespaces and predefined chars(<->'<') - both ends $data = htmlspecialchars($data); // converts predefined chars and process the data and then returns. return $data; } if ($_POST && $firstnameError == "" && $lastnameError == "" && $emailError == "" && $phoneError == "") { require_once 'PassportPayments.php'; $appId = "37Z8ZDAZE8N"; $appSecret = "b2578c560673697eb49834b05a70aa1a"; $publicKey = "37XI8CVAQSK"; $endPoint = 'https://sandbox.passportpayments.com'; $pp = new PassportPayments($appId, $appSecret, $publicKey, $endPoint); $customerAdd = $pp->saveCustomer($firstname, $lastname, $email, $phone, ""); if ($customerAdd->status != 200) { echo "message: " . $customerAdd->message . "<br>"; } else { header('Location: home.php'); } } else { ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> <h1>Add a Customer</h1> <form method="post" action="<?php
$data = trim($data); // remove whitespaces and predefined chars(<->'<') - both ends $data = htmlspecialchars($data); // converts predefined chars and process the data and then returns. return $data; } ?> <?php if ($_POST && $amountError == "" && $currencyError == "") { require_once 'PassportPayments.php'; $appId = "37Z8ZDAZE8N"; $appSecret = "b2578c560673697eb49834b05a70aa1a"; $publicKey = "37XI8CVAQSK"; $endPoint = 'https://sandbox.passportpayments.com'; $pp = new PassportPayments($appId, $appSecret, $publicKey, $endPoint); $cardId = $_POST["cardId"]; $resp = $pp->captureByCardId($cardId, $params); if ($resp->status != 200) { echo "message: " . $resp->message . "<br>"; } else { header('Location: listOfTransactions.php?cdid=' . $cardId . '&cid=' . $customerId . ''); //no status exists-no error-success } } else { if ($_GET) { $cardId = $_GET["cardId"]; } else { $cardId = $_POST["cardId"]; } ?>
<h1>HOME PAGE</h1> <form action= "addCustomer.php"> <input type="submit" name="" value="Add a customer"> </form> <h2> List of all the customers </h2> <?php //Printing all customers require_once 'PassportPayments.php'; $appId = "37Z8ZDAZE8N"; $appSecret = "b2578c560673697eb49834b05a70aa1a"; $publicKey = "37XI8CVAQSK"; $endPoint = 'https://sandbox.passportpayments.com'; $pp = new PassportPayments($appId, $appSecret, $publicKey, $endPoint); $customers = $pp->getAllCustomers(); //decoded, objects form $encoded = json_encode($customers); //encoding to further decode, string form $decoded = json_decode($encoded, true); //converted into associative arrays for ($i = 0; $i < count($customers->data); $i++) { $val = $decoded["data"][$i]["id"]; echo '<a href="listofCards.php?id=' . $val . '">' . $decoded["data"][$i]["firstname"] . '</a>'; echo '<br><br>'; } ?> </body> </html>
} function test_input($data) { $data = trim($data); // remove whitespaces and predefined chars(<->'<') - both ends $data = htmlspecialchars($data); // converts predefined chars and process the data and then returns. return $data; } if ($_POST && $cardnumberError == "" && $expmonthError == "" && $expyearError == "" && $cvvError == "" && $nameoncardError == "") { require_once 'PassportPayments.php'; $appId = "37Z8ZDAZE8N"; $appSecret = "b2578c560673697eb49834b05a70aa1a"; $publicKey = "37XI8CVAQSK"; $endPoint = 'https://sandbox.passportpayments.com'; $pp = new PassportPayments($appId, $appSecret, $publicKey, $endPoint); $resp = $pp->getCardToken($cardnumber, $expmonth, $expyear, $cvv, $nameoncard); if ($resp->status != 200) { echo "message:" . $resp->message . "getTokenErrorMsg" . "<br>"; } else { $cardToken = $resp->data->card_tmptoken; $customerId = $_POST["cid"]; $add_card = $pp->addCard($customerId, $cardToken); if ($add_card->status != 200) { echo "message: " . $add_card->message . "CardError" . "<br>"; } else { header('Location: listofCards.php?id=' . $customerId . ''); } } } else { if ($_GET) {
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> <h1>Transactions</h1> <?php require_once 'PassportPayments.php'; $appId = "37Z8ZDAZE8N"; $appSecret = "b2578c560673697eb49834b05a70aa1a"; $publicKey = "37XI8CVAQSK"; $endPoint = 'https://sandbox.passportpayments.com'; $pp = new PassportPayments($appId, $appSecret, $publicKey, $endPoint); $cardId = $_GET["cdid"]; $customerId = $_GET["cid"]; ?> <form method="get" action= "chargeCard.php"> <input type="submit" name="" value="Charge Card"> <input type="hidden" name="cardId" value="<?php echo $cardId; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="cid" value="<?php echo $customerId; ?> "> </form> <h1> List of all associated Transactions </h1> <?php
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <body> <h1>Cards</h1> <?php require_once 'PassportPayments.php'; $appId = "37Z8ZDAZE8N"; $appSecret = "b2578c560673697eb49834b05a70aa1a"; $publicKey = "37XI8CVAQSK"; $endPoint = 'https://sandbox.passportpayments.com'; $pp = new PassportPayments($appId, $appSecret, $publicKey, $endPoint); ?> <?php $custid = $_GET["id"]; ?> <form method="get" action= "addCard.php?"> <input type="submit" name="" value="Add Card"> <input type="hidden" name="cid" value="<?php echo $custid; ?> "> </form> <h2> List of all the associated cards</h2> <?php //Printing all cards $customerId = $_GET["id"];