// load PAN-Configurator library
require_once "../lib/panconfigurator.php";
// input and output files
$origfile = "sample-configs/panorama-example.xml";
$outputfile = "output.xml";
$targetDG = 'Perimeter-FWs';
$targetProfile = 'Shared Production Profile';
// We're going to load a PANConf object (PANConf is for PANOS Firewall,
//	PanoramaConf is obviously for Panorama which is covered in another example)
$panc = new PanoramaConf();
// Did we find VSYS1 ?
$dg = $panc->findDeviceGroup($targetDG);
if (is_null($dg)) {
    derr("DeviceGroup {$targetDV} was not found ? Exit\n");
print "\n***********************************************\n\n";
// Going after each pre-Security rules to add a profile
foreach ($dg->securityRules->rules() as $rule) {
    print "Rule '" . $rule->name() . "' modified\n";
print "\n***********************************************\n";
//display some statistics
//more debugging infos
                    if ($newOcounter > 0) {
                        $newOName .= '-' . $newOcounter;
                    $newO = $store->find($newOName);
                    if ($newO !== null) {
                        if ($newO->value() == $oValue) {
                        } else {
                            $newO = null;
                    } else {
                        $newO = $store->newAddress($newOName, 'ip-range', $oValue, '', false);
                        if ($newO === null) {
                            derr('object creation error ???');
                print " --> " . $newO->name() . "\n";
                $groupToProcess->add($newO, false);
    print "\n  ** Total Ranges dynamically needed for group '" . $groupToProcess->name() . "' : " . count($finalInclMapping) . "\n";
    print "\n*    done    *\n\n";
    $adjacencyPositionReference = $rulePosition;
    print "       - Now merging with the following " . count($matchingHashTable) . " rules:\n";
    foreach ($matchingHashTable as $ruleToCompare) {
        if ($mergeAdjacentOnly) {
            $ruleToComparePosition = $rulesArrayIndex[$ruleToCompare->indexPosition];
            $adjacencyPositionDiff = $ruleToComparePosition - $adjacencyPositionReference;
            if ($adjacencyPositionDiff < 1) {
                derr('an unexpected event occured');
            if ($adjacencyPositionDiff > 1) {
                print "    - ignored because of option 'mergeAdjacentOnly'\n";
            //print "    - adjacencyDiff={$adjacencyPositionDiff}\n";
            $adjacencyPositionReference = $ruleToComparePosition;
        mergeRules($rule, $ruleToCompare, $method);
    print "    - Rule after merge:\n";
print "\n*** MERGING DONE : {$mergedRulesCount} rules merged over " . count($rulesToProcess) . " in total (" . (count($rulesToProcess) - $mergedRulesCount) . " remaining) ***\n";
// save our work !!!
if ($configOutput !== null) {
    print " - saving final config to {$configOutput}... ";
    $pan->save_to_file($configOutput, false);
    print "OK!\n";
Beispiel #4
            $doAction->padding = '      ';
            print "\n";
    print "* objects processed in DG/Vsys '{$store->owner->name()}' : {$subObjectsProcessed} filtered over {$store->count()} available\n\n";
print "\n";
// </editor-fold>
if (isset(PH::$args['stats'])) {
    print "\n";
    foreach ($rulesToProcess as &$record) {
        if (get_class($record['store']->owner) != 'PanoramaConf' && get_class($record['store']->owner) != 'PANConf') {
            print "\n";
$totalObjectsOfSelectedStores = 0;
foreach ($rulesToProcess as &$record) {
    $totalObjectsOfSelectedStores += $record['store']->count();
print "\n **** PROCESSING OF {$totalObjectsProcessed} OBJECTS PROCESSED over {$totalObjectsOfSelectedStores} available **** \n\n";
// save our work !!!
if ($configOutput !== null) {
print "\n\n************ END OF RULE-EDIT UTILITY ************\n";
print "**************************************************\n";
print "\n\n";
// But we need to filter these references to extract SecurityRule only
$list = $incoming->findAssociatedSecurityRules();
// how many references left after filtering?
$countref = count($list);
print "Tag named '" . $incoming->name() . "' is used in {$countref} SecurityRules\n";
// Now we need to look at each rule and change it's source and destination zones
foreach ($list as $rule) {
    // print rulename for debug, comment them if you want
    print "     Rule named '" . $rule->name() . "' from DeviceGroup '" . $rule->owner->name() . "' with tag '" . $incoming->name() . "' has the following Zones:\n";
    print "        From: " . $rule->from->toString_inline() . "\n";
    print "        To:   " . $rule->to->toString_inline() . "\n";
    // now we check if each rule has internal in source zone and external in destination zone
    if (!$rule->from->hasZone($external)) {
        print "          This rule needs needs source zone to be added\n";
        print "          Updated From: " . $rule->from->toString_inline() . "\n";
    if (!$rule->to->hasZone($internal)) {
        print "          This rule needs needs destination zone to be added\n";
        print "          Updated To: " . $rule->to->toString_inline() . "\n";
    print "\n";
print "We have edited a total of {$total} SecurityRules\n\n";
// save resulting configuration file to output.xml
// display some statiscs for debug and exit program!
print "\n\n***********************************************\n";