public static function palestrantes()
     $texto = new Texto();
     $palestrante = new Palestrante();
     $palestrantes = $palestrante->listar(null, 'nome');
     self::$corpo = "palestrantes";
     self::$variaveis = array('texto' => $texto, 'palestrantes' => $palestrantes);
 public static function excluir()
     $palestrante = new Palestrante();
  * API Method inserts a new Palestrante record and render response as JSON
 public function Create()
     try {
         $json = json_decode(RequestUtil::GetBody());
         if (!$json) {
             throw new Exception('The request body does not contain valid JSON');
         $palestrante = new Palestrante($this->Phreezer);
         // TODO: any fields that should not be inserted by the user should be commented out
         // this is an auto-increment.  uncomment if updating is allowed
         // $palestrante->IdPalestrante = $this->SafeGetVal($json, 'idPalestrante');
         $palestrante->Nome = $this->SafeGetVal($json, 'nome');
         $palestrante->Email = $this->SafeGetVal($json, 'email');
         $palestrante->Cpf = $this->SafeGetVal($json, 'cpf');
         $palestrante->Cargo = $this->SafeGetVal($json, 'cargo');
         $palestrante->ImagemAssinatura = $this->SafeGetVal($json, 'imagemAssinatura');
         $errors = $palestrante->GetValidationErrors();
         if (count($errors) > 0) {
             $this->RenderErrorJSON('Verifique erros no preenchimento do formulário', $errors);
         } else {
             $this->RenderJSON($palestrante, $this->JSONPCallback(), true, $this->SimpleObjectParams());
     } catch (Exception $ex) {