Beispiel #1
  * Cleans up columns titles
  * @param string $key
  * @param null $title
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
 public function sort($key, $title = null, $options = array())
     if (!empty($this->request->params['admin'])) {
         if (empty($title)) {
             $title = $key;
             $title = __d('admin', Inflector::humanize(preg_replace('/_id$/', '', $title)));
     return parent::sort($key, $title, $options);
  * Adds and 'asc' or 'desc' class to the sort links
  * @see /cake/libs/view/helpers/PaginatorHelper#sort($title, $key, $options)
 public function sort($key, $title = null, $options = array())
     // get current sort key & direction
     $sortKey = $this->sortKey();
     $sortDir = $this->sortDir();
     // add $sortDir class if current column is sort column
     if ($sortKey == $key && $key !== null) {
         $options['class'] = $sortDir;
     return parent::sort($key, $title, $options);
Beispiel #3
  * Prepara e retorna/imprime os controles de navegação
  * O primeiro parâmetro corresponde a uma referência a classe PaginatorHelper
  * instanciada pelo controlador, enquanto o segundo parâmetro é um array com as opções
  * de saída.
  * @param PaginatorHelper $paginator
  * @param array $options Possui dois índices reconhecidos:
  *  - 'return' do tipo bool, se true faz o método retornar o resultado ao invés de imprimir.
  *  Valor padrão é false
  *  - 'filters' do tipo array que contém as condições para a paginação, acrescido de todos
  *  os parâmetros passados via url
 public function controls(&$paginator, $options = array())
     $this->_paginator =& $paginator;
     if (!empty($options['filters']) && is_array($options['filters'])) {
         $filters['url'] = array_merge($options['filters'], $this->params['pass']);
     } else {
         $filters['url'] = $this->params['pass'];
     $options = Set::merge($filters, $this->_paginator->options);
     $out = $this->_paginator->first('<< ' . __d('r_search', 'first', true), array(), null, array('class' => 'disabled')) . $this->_paginator->prev(__d('r_search', 'previous', true), array(), null, array('class' => 'disabled')) . $this->_paginator->numbers(array('separator' => '')) . $this->_paginator->next(__d('r_search', 'next', true), array(), null, array('class' => 'disabled')) . $this->_paginator->last(__d('r_search', 'last', true) . ' >>', array(), null, array('class' => 'disabled'));
     if (isset($options['return']) && $options['return'] === true) {
         return $out;
     } else {
         echo $out;
Beispiel #4
  * Adds and 'asc' or 'desc' class to the sort links
  * @see /cake/libs/view/helpers/PaginatorHelper#sort($title, $key, $options)
 function sort($title, $key = null, $options = array())
     // get current sort key & direction
     $sortKey = $this->sortKey();
     $sortDir = $this->sortDir();
     // multiple mode stuffs
     if (isset($key)) {
         // add $sortDir class if current column is sort column
         if ($sortKey == $key) {
             $options['class'] = $sortDir;
         } else {
             $options['class'] = "sortable";
     return parent::sort($title, $key, $options);
 public function last($last = 'last >>', $options = array())
     $options = $this->_defaultOptions($options);
     return parent::last($last, $options);
 public function last($last = 'last >>', $options = array())
     $options['escape'] = isset($options['escape']) ? $options['escape'] : true;
     $options = $this->_defaultOptions($options);
     return parent::last($last, $options);
Beispiel #7
  * Returns a set of numbers for the paged result set - Different Defaults
  * @see /cake/libs/view/helpers/PaginatorHelper#numbers($options = array())
 function numbers($options = array())
     $defaults = array('tag' => 'span', 'before' => null, 'after' => null, 'model' => $this->defaultModel(), 'modulus' => '8', 'separator' => '', 'first' => null, 'last' => null);
     $options += $defaults;
     return parent::numbers($options);
  * Taken from Cake PaginatorHelper, extended to apply active class automatically
  * Generates a plain or Ajax link with pagination parameters
  * ### Options
  * - `update` The Id of the DOM element you wish to update. Creates Ajax enabled links
  *    with the AjaxHelper.
  * - `escape` Whether you want the contents html entity encoded, defaults to true
  * - `model` The model to use, defaults to PaginatorHelper::defaultModel()
  * @param string $title Title for the link.
  * @param string|array $url Url for the action. See Router::url()
  * @param array $options Options for the link. See #options for list of keys.
  * @return string A link with pagination parameters.
  * @link
 public function link($title, $url = array(), $options = array())
     $named = $this->params['named'];
     unset($named['sort'], $named['direction'], $named['page']);
     if (count($url)) {
         //add a null value to named array if it does not exists and is null in url
         foreach ($url as $key => $value) {
             if (is_null($value) && !isset($named[$key])) {
                 $named[$key] = $url[$key];
         //check if the url array is contained entirely within the named array
         $match = count($url) == count(array_intersect_assoc($url, $named));
         if ($match) {
             if (isset($options['class']) && !empty($options['class'])) {
                 $options['class'] .= ' active btn-success';
             } else {
                 $options['class'] = 'active btn-success';
     return parent::link($title, $url, $options);
  * test that mock classes injected into paginatorHelper are called when using link()
  * @expectedException CakeException
  * @return void
 public function testMockAjaxProviderClassInjection()
     $mock = $this->getMock('PaginatorHelper', array(), array($this->View), 'PaginatorMockJsHelper');
     $Paginator = new PaginatorHelper($this->View, array('ajax' => 'PaginatorMockJs'));
     $Paginator->request->params['paging'] = array('Article' => array('current' => 9, 'count' => 62, 'prevPage' => false, 'nextPage' => true, 'pageCount' => 7, 'defaults' => array(), 'options' => array(), 'paramType' => 'named'));
     $Paginator->PaginatorMockJs = $mock;
     $Paginator->link('Page 2', array('page' => 2), array('update' => '#content'));
     new PaginatorHelper($this->View, array('ajax' => 'Form'));
  * Get a complete pagination with counter, all navigation button and number.
  * This is a wrapper around all other individual option with some defaults params.
  * Inspired by Paginator::counter() function.
  * @param $options Options for pagination.
  * Extra options:
  *  - counterOptions: Counter options array to override defaults one. (default: empty array)
  *  - firstTitle: First button title. (default: "<<")
  *  - firstOptions: First button options array to override defaults one.
  *  - prevTitle: Prev button title. (default: "<")
  *  - prevOptions: Prev button options array to override defaults one.
  *  - numbersOptions: Numbers buttons options array to override defaults one.
  *  - nextTitle: Next button title. (default: ">")
  *  - nextOptions: Next button options array to override defaults one.
  *  - lastTitle: Last button title. (default: ">>")
  *  - lastOptions: Last button options array to override defaults one.
  *  - wrapOpen: Wrapper opening tag. (default: "<div class="pagination">")
  *  - wrapClose: Wrapper closing tag. (default: "</div>")
  *  - type: How we display buttons. In list or plain. values: list, plain  (default: list). This options has precedent on format option.
  *  - format: String that give control on what to display and the order to display element.
  *      Default: "{:wrapOpen} {:counter} {:ulOpen} {:first} {:prev} {:numbers} {:next} {:last} {:ulClose} {:wrapClose}"
  *      Options:
  *       - {:wrapOpen} Display wrap open tag. Use with {:wrapClose}.
  *       - {:counter} Display counter.
  *       - {:ulOpen} Display ul open tag. Use with {:ulClose}.
  *       - {:first} Display first button.
  *       - {:prev} Display prev button.
  *       - {:numbers} Display numbers button.
  *       - {:next} Display next button.
  *       - {:last} Display last button.
  *       - {:ulClose} Display ul close tag. User with {:ulOpen}.
  *       - {:wrapClose} Display wrap close tag. Use with {:wrapOpen}.
 public function pagination($options = [])
     $default = ['counterOptions' => [], 'firstTitle' => '<<', 'firstOptions' => [], 'prevTitle' => '<', 'prevOptions' => [], 'prevDisabledTitle' => '<', 'prevDisabledOptions' => [], 'numbersOptions' => [], 'nextTitle' => '>', 'nextOptions' => [], 'nextDisabledTitle' => '>', 'nextDisabledOptions' => [], 'lastTitle' => '>>', 'lastOptions' => [], 'wrapOpen' => '<div class="' . GA_PAGINATION . '">', 'wrapClose' => '</div>', 'type' => 'list', 'format' => '{:wrapOpen} {:counter} {:ulOpen} {:first} {:prev} {:numbers} {:next} {:last} {:ulClose} {:wrapClose}'];
     $options = array_merge($default, $options);
     if ($options['type'] === 'plain') {
         $substitutions = ['{:ulOpen}' => '', '{:ulClose}' => ''];
         $options['format'] = str_replace(array_keys($substitutions), array_values($substitutions), $options['format']);
         $options['numbersOptions']['tag'] = '';
         $options['firstOptions']['tag'] = '';
         $options['prevOptions']['tag'] = '';
         $options['nextOptions']['tag'] = '';
         $options['lastOptions']['tag'] = '';
     $map = ['{:wrapOpen}' => $options['wrapOpen'], '{:counter}' => parent::counter($counterOptions), '{:ulOpen}' => $this->Html->tag('ul'), '{:first}' => $this->first($firstTitle, $firstOptions), '{:prev}' => $this->prev($prevTitle, $prevOptions, $prevDisabledTitle, $prevDisabledOptions), '{:numbers}' => $this->numbers($numbersOptions), '{:next}' => $this->next($nextTitle, $nextOptions, $nextDisabledTitle, $nextDisabledOptions), '{:last}' => $this->last($lastTitle, $lastOptions), '{:ulClose}' => $this->Html->useTag('tagend', 'ul'), '{:wrapClose}' => $options['wrapClose']];
     return str_replace(array_keys($map), array_values($map), $options['format']);
  * Get pagination link list.
  * @param $options Options for link element
  * Extra options:
  *  - size small/normal/large (default normal)
 public function numbers($options = array())
     $default = array('tag' => 'li', 'currentTag' => 'a', 'separator' => '', 'currentClass' => 'active', 'disabledTag' => 'a', 'size' => 'normal');
     $options = array_merge($default, $options);
     $size = $options['size'];
     $class = 'pagination';
     if (isset($options['ulClass'])) {
         $class .= ' ' . $options['ulClass'];
     switch ($size) {
         case 'small':
             $class .= ' pagination-sm';
         case 'large':
             $class .= ' pagination-lg';
     $options['before'] = '<ul class="' . $class . '">';
     $options['after'] = '</ul>';
     if (isset($options['prev'])) {
         $options['before'] .= $this->prev($options['prev']);
     if (isset($options['next'])) {
         $options['after'] = $this->next($options['next']) . $options['after'];
     return parent::numbers($options);
 public function last($last = '»', $options = [])
     $defaults = ['class' => 'last', 'tag' => 'li'];
     $options = Hash::merge($defaults, $options);
     return parent::last($last, $options);
  * 次へリンク
  * @param PaginatorHelper $paginator
  * @return string
 private static function getPaginatorLinkNext(PaginatorHelper $paginator)
     $title = __('次へ') . ' >';
     $options = array();
     $disabledTitle = null;
     $disabledOptions = array('class' => 'next disabled');
     return $paginator->next($title, $options, $disabledTitle, $disabledOptions);
Beispiel #14
  * url method
  * Change applied to "if (is_array($url['order'])) {" block
  * It trips the alias if sorting by OtherModel.field
  * I.e.
  * /index/page:1/
  * links to
  * I.e. /index/page:2/sort:name/direction:asc
  * @TODO ticket, test case, patch, delete
  * @param array $options array()
  * @param bool $asArray false
  * @param mixed $model null
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function url($options = array(), $asArray = false, $model = null)
     $paging = $this->params($model);
     $url = array_merge(array_filter(Set::diff(array_merge($paging['defaults'], $paging['options']), $paging['defaults'])), $options);
     if (isset($url['order'])) {
         $sort = $direction = null;
         if (is_array($url['order'])) {
             // @TODO list($sort, $direction) = array($this->sortKey($model, $url), current($url['order']));
             $direction = current($url['order']);
             $sort = current(array_keys($url['order']));
         $url = array_merge($url, compact('sort', 'direction'));
     if ($asArray) {
         return $url;
     return parent::url($url);
 public function last($title = null, $options = array())
     $default = array('title' => '>>', 'tag' => 'li', 'after' => null, 'model' => $this->defaultModel(), 'separator' => null, 'ellipsis' => null, 'class' => null);
     $options += $default;
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = $options['title'];
     $params = (array) $this->params($options['model']);
     return parent::last($title, $options) ? parent::last($title, $options) : $this->Html->tag($options['tag'], $this->link($title, array(), $options), array('class' => 'disabled'));
 public function last($last = 'last >>', $options = array())
     $options = array_merge(array('tag' => 'li'), $options);
     return parent::last($last, $options);
  * @param array $options
  * @return string
 public function counter($options = array())
     if (!isset($options['format'])) {
         $options['format'] = __('Page {:page} of {:pages}, showing {:current} of {:count} total.');
     return parent::counter($options);
 function next($title = 'Next »', $options = array(), $disabledTitle = null, $disabledOptions = array())
     $disabledOptions = array_merge($options, $disabledOptions);
     return parent::next($title, $options, $disabledTitle, $disabledOptions);
  * Merges passed URL options with current pagination state to generate a pagination URL.
  * @param array $options Pagination/URL options array
  * @param boolean $asArray Return the url as an array, or a URI string
  * @param string $model Which model to paginate on
  * @return mixed By default, returns a full pagination URL string for use in non-standard contexts (i.e. JavaScript)
  * @link
 public function url($options = array(), $asArray = false, $model = null)
     $paging = $this->params($model);
     $url = array_merge(array_filter($paging['options']), $options);
     if (isset($url['order'])) {
         $sort = $direction = null;
         if (is_array($url['order'])) {
             list($sort, $direction) = array($this->sortKey($model, $url), current($url['order']));
         $url = array_merge($url, compact('sort', 'direction'));
     $url = $this->_convertUrlKeys($url, $paging['paramType']);
     if ($asArray) {
         return $url;
     return parent::url($url);