Beispiel #1
<!-- lista -->
<div class="widget board">

    while ($item = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
                <td width="5%"><a title="Registro <?php 
        echo $item->id;
" href='/translate/texts/edit/<?php 
        echo $item->id . $filter . '&page=' . $_GET['page'];
                <td width="70%"><?php 
        if ($item->pendiente == 1) {
            echo '* ';
        echo $item->text;
Beispiel #2
$level = (int) $this['level'] ?: 3;

<div class="project-updates"> 
    <!-- una entrada -->
    <?php if ($action == 'post') : ?>
    <div class="post widget">
        <?php echo new View('view/blog/post.html.php', array('post' => $post->id, 'show' => 'post', 'url' => '/project/'.$project->id.'/updates/')); ?>
    <?php echo new View('view/blog/comments.html.php', array('post' => $post->id, 'owner' => $project->owner)); ?>
    <?php echo new View('view/blog/sendComment.html.php', array('post' => $post->id, 'project' => $project->id)); ?>
    <?php endif ?>
    <!-- Lista de entradas -->
    <?php if ($action == 'list') : ?>
        <?php if (!empty($posts)) : ?>
            <?php while ($post = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) :
                    $share_title = $post->title;
                    $share_url = SITE_URL . '/project/'.$project->id.'/updates/' . $post->id;
                    $facebook_url = '' . rawurlencode($share_url) . '&t=' . rawurlencode($share_title);
                    $twitter_url = '' . rawurlencode($share_title . ': ' . $share_url . ' #Goteo');
                <div class="widget post">
                    <?php echo new View('view/blog/post.html.php', array('post' => $post->id, 'show' => 'list', 'url' => '/project/'.$project->id.'/updates/')); ?>
					<ul class="share-goteo">
						<?/*<li class="sharetext"><?php echo Text::get('regular-share_this'); ?></li>*/?>
						<li class="twitter"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($twitter_url) ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo Text::get('regular-twitter'); ?></a></li>
						<li class="facebook"><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($facebook_url) ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo Text::get('regular-facebook'); ?></a></li>
					<div class="comments-num"><a href="/project/<?php echo $project->id; ?>/updates/<?php echo $post->id; ?>"><?php echo $post->num_comments > 0 ? $post->num_comments . ' ' .Text::get('blog-comments') : Text::get('blog-no_comments'); ?></a></div>
Beispiel #3
} elseif (!empty($this['sended'])) {
                    <th width="5%"><!-- Si no ves --></th>
                    <th width="45%">Destinatario</th>
                    <th width="35%">Plantilla</th>
                    <th width="15%">Fecha</th>
                    <th><!-- reenviar --></th>
    while ($send = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
        $link = SITE_URL . '/mail/' . base64_encode(md5(uniqid()) . '¬' . $send->email . '¬' . $send->id) . '/?email=' . urlencode($send->email);
                        <td><a href="<?php 
        echo $link;
" target="_blank">[Enlace]</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/admin/users/?name=<?php 
        echo urlencode($send->email);
        echo $send->email;
Beispiel #4
$pagedResults = new \Paginated($investors, 20, isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1);

<div class="widget project-supporters">
    <h<?php echo $level ?> class="title"><?php echo Text::get('project-menu-supporters'); ?></h<?php echo $level ?>>
    <dl class="summary">
        <dt class="supporters"><?php echo Text::get('project-menu-supporters'); ?></dt>
        <dd class="supporters"><?php echo $supporters ?>人</dd>
        <dt class="reached"><?php echo Text::get('project-invest-total'); ?></dt>
        <dd class="reached"><?php echo $reached ?> <span>円</span></dd>
    <div class="supporters">
        <?php while ($investor = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) : ?>
            <li><?php echo new View('view/user/widget/supporter.html.php', array('user' => $investor, 'worthcracy' => $worthcracy)) ?></li>
        <?php endwhile ?>

    <ul id="pagination">
        <?php   $pagedResults->setLayout(new DoubleBarLayout());
                echo $pagedResults->fetchPagedNavigation(); ?>

Beispiel #5
} elseif (empty($this['projects'])) {
    <p>No se han encontrado registros</p>
} else {
    <p><strong>OJO!</strong> Resultado limitado a 999 registros como máximo.</p>

if (!empty($this['projects'])) {
    while ($project = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
<div class="widget board">
                <th style="width: 250px;">Proyecto</th> <!-- edit -->
                <th style="min-width: 150px;">Creador</th> <!-- mailto -->
                <th style="min-width: 75px;">Recibido</th> <!-- enviado a revision -->
                <th style="min-width: 80px;">Estado</th>
                <th style="min-width: 50px;">Nodo</th>
                <th style="min-width: 50px;">M&iacute;nimo</th>
                <th style="min-width: 50px;">&Oacute;ptimo</th>
Beispiel #6
                <th>Alias</th> <!-- view profile -->

    while ($user = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
        $adminNode = $user->admin ? $user->admin_node : null;
                <td><a href="/user/profile/<?php 
        echo $user->id;
" target="_blank" <?php 
        echo $adminNode != 'goteo' ? 'style="color: green;" title="Admin nodo ' . $adminNode . '"' : 'title="Ver perfil público"';
        echo substr($user->name, 0, 20);
        echo substr($user->id, 0, 20);
Beispiel #7
        <hr />
$i = 1;
<div class="row">
    <div class="twelve columns">
echo $pagedResults->fetchPagedNavigation();
<div class="row">
while ($personagem = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
    include 'personagem-tmpl.php';
    if ($i == 4) {
    </div><div class="row">
        $i = 0;
Beispiel #8
<!-- End style formatting -->


//create an array of names in alphabetic order. A database call could have retrieved these items
//$names = array("Andrew", "Bernard", "Castello", "Dennis", "Ernie", "Frank", "Greg", "Henry", "Isac", "Jax", "Kester", "Leonard", "Matthew", "Nigel", "Oscar");
$handle = fopen('manual', 'r');
$contents = fread($handle, filesize('manual'));
$result = explode('-^-^-', $contents);
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
//constructor takes three parameters
//1. array to be paged
//2. number of results per page (optional parameter. Default is 10)
//3. the current page (optional parameter. Default  is 1)
$pagedResults = new Paginated($result, 1, $page);
while ($row = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
    //when $row is false loop terminates
    echo "{$row}";
echo "<br />";
//important to set the strategy to be used before a call to fetchPagedNavigation
$pagedResults->setLayout(new DoubleBarLayout());
echo $pagedResults->fetchPagedNavigation();
Beispiel #9
$pagedResults = new \Paginated($news, 7, isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1);
include 'view/prologue.html.php';
include 'view/header.html.php';
<div id="sub-header-secondary">
    <div class="clearfix">
        <h2>GOTEO<span class="red">NEWS</span></h2>
echo new View('view/header/share.html.php');
<div id="main" class="threecols">
    <div id="news-content">
while ($content = $pagedResults->fetchPagedRow()) {
            <div class="widget news-content-module">
                <a name="news<?php 
    echo $content->id;
" />
    echo $content->title;
    echo $content->description;
                <a href="<?php