Beispiel #1

require_once "../initialize.php";
// find all user roles, pages
// foreach role:
// foreach page:
// if not already exists: insert rec
$roles = User_rol::findAll();
$pages = Pag::findAll();
foreach ($roles as $role_id => $role) {
    foreach ($pages as $page_id => $page) {
        if (!User_roles__pag::findByCondition("user_roles_id={$role_id} and pages_id = {$page_id}")) {
            $rec = new User_roles__pag();
            $rec->user_roles_id->val = $role_id;
            $rec->pages_id->val = $page_id;
Beispiel #2
$pages = $db->findBySql("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE parent_id IS NULL OR parent_id = 0 ORDER BY position");
// parent pages only
$reqUri = preg_replace("/^\\/nvdFramework\\//", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$currentPageTitle = $db->gfv("title", "pages", "url LIKE '%" . $reqUri . "%'");
// pr($pages);
// prlq();
if (!$currentPageTitle) {
    // ** The following determines on which page we currently are:
    // $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] gives (e.g.): '/ses/index.php'
    // preg_match() expects any no. of characters (except whitespace or /) between '/' and '.'
    preg_match("/\\/[^ \t\r\n\\/]*\\./", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $matches);
    // $matches[0]: /index.
    // So we remove / and . by substr()
    $requested_Page = substr($matches[0], 1, -1);
    // returns file name like index, users
    // if page_id is supplied in query string
    if (isset($_GET['page_id'])) {
        $currentPageTitle = $db->gfv("title", "pages", "id=" . $_GET['page_id']);
    } elseif ($currentPageTitle = $db->gfv("title", "pages", "url LIKE '%" . $requested_Page . "%'")) {
    } else {
        $currentPageTitle = ucfirst($requested_Page);
// the page we're on:
$curPage = new Pag();
$curPage = Pag::findOneByCondition("title='" . $currentPageTitle . "'");
if ($curPage) {
    $curPage->name = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $currentPageTitle));
// shet();