Beispiel #1
 public function doCategory()
     $table = $this->tableManager->getTable('Phpsx\\Website\\Table\\Blog');
     $category = $this->getUriFragment('category');
     $totalResults = $table->getCount(new Condition(['category', 'LIKE', '%' . $category . '%']));
     if ($totalResults > 0) {
         $selfUrl = $this->reverseRouter->getUrl(__METHOD__, ['category' => $category]);
         $startIndex = $this->getStartIndex();
         $this->setBody(['totalResults' => $totalResults, 'startIndex' => $startIndex, 'entry' => $table->getEntriesByCategory($category, $startIndex), 'links' => $this->getLinks($selfUrl, $startIndex, $totalResults)]);
     } else {
         throw new StatusCode\NotFoundException('Category does not exist');
Beispiel #2
 public function doIndex()
     $this->setBody(['motd' => 'Welcome, PSX is a framework written in PHP to create REST APIs', 'links' => [['rel' => 'self', 'href' => $this->reverseRouter->getUrl(__CLASS__)], ['rel' => 'download', 'href' => $this->reverseRouter->getUrl('Phpsx\\Website\\Application\\Download::doIndex')], ['rel' => 'documentation', 'href' => $this->reverseRouter->getUrl('Phpsx\\Website\\Application\\Documentation::doIndex')], ['rel' => 'blog', 'href' => $this->reverseRouter->getUrl('Phpsx\\Website\\Application\\Blog::doIndex')]]]);
 public function doIndex()
     $this->setBody(['links' => [['rel' => 'manual', 'title' => 'Manual', 'href' => '', 'description' => 'The official manual of PSX'], ['rel' => 'api', 'title' => 'API', 'href' => $this->reverseRouter->getBasePath() . '/api', 'description' => 'The official API of PSX'], ['rel' => 'coverage', 'title' => 'Test coverage', 'href' => $this->reverseRouter->getBasePath() . '/coverage', 'description' => 'Shows how many code is covered by tests'], ['rel' => 'sample', 'title' => 'Example', 'href' => '', 'description' => 'Example REST API and documentation'], ['rel' => 'source', 'title' => 'Github', 'href' => '', 'description' => 'The repository of PSX']]]);