Beispiel #1
 $changed = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'changed', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
 // Permissions
 $user_permission = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'userpermission', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
 $restricted_users = 'all' == $user_permission ? -1 : PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'restricted_users', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
 $group_permission = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'grouppermission', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
 $restricted_groups = 'all' == $group_permission ? -1 : PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_POST, 'restricted_groups', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
 if (isset($submit['submit'][1]) && !is_null($question) && !is_null($categories['rubrik'])) {
     // new entry
     $logging = new PMF_Logging();
     $logging->logAdmin($user, 'Beitragcreatesave');
     printf("<h2>%s</h2>\n", $PMF_LANG['ad_entry_aor']);
     $recordData = array('id' => null, 'lang' => $record_lang, 'active' => $active, 'sticky' => !is_null($sticky) ? 1 : 0, 'thema' => html_entity_decode($question), 'content' => html_entity_decode($content), 'keywords' => $keywords, 'author' => $author, 'email' => $email, 'comment' => !is_null($comment) ? 'y' : 'n', 'date' => date('YmdHis'), 'dateStart' => empty($dateStart) ? '00000000000000' : str_replace('-', '', $dateStart) . '000000', 'dateEnd' => empty($dateEnd) ? '99991231235959' : str_replace('-', '', $dateEnd) . '235959', 'linkState' => '', 'linkDateCheck' => 0);
     // Add new record and get that ID
     $faqRecord = new PMF_Faq_Record();
     $faqChangelog = new PMF_Faq_Changelog();
     if ($faqRecord->create($recordData)) {
         $recordId = $faqRecord->getRecordId();
         // Create ChangeLog entry
         $changelogData = array('record_id' => $recordId, 'record_lang' => $recordData['lang'], 'revision_id' => 0, 'user_id' => $user->getUserId(), 'date' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'], 'changelog' => nl2br($changed));
         // Create the visit entry
         $visits = PMF_Visits::getInstance();
         $visits->add($recordId, $recordData['lang']);
         // Insert the new category relations
         $categoryRelations = new PMF_Category_Relations();
         // Insert the tags
         if ($tags != '') {
             $tagging = new PMF_Tags();
             $tagging->saveTags($recordId, explode(',', $tags));
         // Set record permissions
Beispiel #2
 $newData = array('lang' => $isTranslation == true ? $newLanguage : $LANGCODE, 'thema' => $thema, 'active' => FAQ_SQL_ACTIVE_NO, 'sticky' => 0, 'content' => $content, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'author' => $username, 'email' => $usermail, 'comment' => FAQ_SQL_YES, 'date' => date('YmdHis'), 'dateStart' => '00000000000000', 'dateEnd' => '99991231235959', 'linkState' => '', 'linkDateCheck' => 0);
 $categoryNode = new PMF_Category_Node();
 $categoryRelation = new PMF_Category_Relations();
 $faqRecord = new PMF_Faq_Record();
 if ($isNew) {
     $newData['id'] = null;
     $categories = $categoryNode->fetchAll($categories['rubrik']);
 } else {
     $newData['id'] = $faqid;
     foreach ($categoryRelation->fetchAll() as $relation) {
         if ($relation->record_id == $newData['id']) {
             $categories[] = $relation;
 $recordId = $faqRecord->getSolutionId();
 foreach ($categories as $category) {
     $categoryData = array('category_id' => $category->category_id, 'category_lang' => $newData['lang'], 'record_id' => $recordId, 'record_lang' => $newData['lang']);
     // save the category relations
 $sent = array();
 // Let the PMF Administrator and the Category Owner to be informed by email of this new entry
 foreach ($categories as $category) {
     $userId = $category->user_id;
     // Avoid to send multiple emails to the same owner
     if (!isset($sent[$userId])) {
         // TODO: Move this code to Category.php
         $oUser = new PMF_User();