Beispiel #1

 * This class contains methods that return plugin data wrapped in HTML.
 * Each method implements filters that allow the theme developer to modify the returned data contextually.
 * @package PlacesterBlueprint
 * @since 0.0.1
class PLS_Partials
    // Links in all the hooks and includes
    public static function init()
        // All the includes
        include_once trailingslashit(PLS_PAR_DIR) . 'custom-property-details.php';
        include_once trailingslashit(PLS_PAR_DIR) . 'get-listings-ajax.php';
        include_once trailingslashit(PLS_PAR_DIR) . 'get-listings-search-form.php';
        include_once trailingslashit(PLS_PAR_DIR) . 'get-listings.php';
        // This hook allows for listing/property detail pages to be rendered correctly across themes
        add_filter('the_content', array(__CLASS__, 'custom_property_details_html_filter'), 11);
    // Wrapper for calling get listings directly
    public static function get_listings($args = array())
        return PLS_Partial_Get_Listings::init($args);
    // Wrapper for listings search for content
    public static function get_listings_search_form($args)