public function __construct($language, $term_language = null) { // build the object from all properties stored as an array if (empty($term_language)) { foreach ($language as $prop => $value) { $this->{$prop} = $value; } } else { foreach ($language as $prop => $value) { $this->{$prop} = in_array($prop, array('term_id', 'term_taxonomy_id', 'count')) ? (int) $language->{$prop} : $language->{$prop}; } // although it would be convenient here, don't assume the term is shared between taxonomies as it may not be the case in future // $this->tl_term_id = (int) $term_language->term_id; $this->tl_term_taxonomy_id = (int) $term_language->term_taxonomy_id; $this->tl_count = (int) $term_language->count; $description = maybe_unserialize($language->description); $this->locale = $description['locale']; $this->is_rtl = $description['rtl']; $this->description =& $this->locale; // backward compatibility with Polylang < 1.2 $this->mo_id = PLL_MO::get_id($this); $this->set_flag(); } }
/** * Upgrades if the previous version is < 2.1 * Moves strings translations from polylang_mo post_content to post meta _pll_strings_translations * * @since 2.0.8 */ protected function upgrade_2_1() { foreach (get_terms('language', array('hide_empty' => 0)) as $lang) { $mo_id = PLL_MO::get_id($lang); $meta = get_post_meta($mo_id, '_pll_strings_translations', true); if (empty($meta)) { $post = get_post($mo_id, OBJECT); $strings = unserialize($post->post_content); if (is_array($strings)) { update_post_meta($mo_id, '_pll_strings_translations', $strings); } } } }